<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode 76 Imperial War

King Claudia Reinhardt Drive is a high end.

There are many noteworthy points such as universal job aptitude and talent leading to the [God] series, excellent combat technology, mechanical knowledge, and personality modification of oneself, but the essence is the brain.

Especially in the heat, Mr. It's not even Franklin or Fukusaki Moon Night.

The reading of the board was also followed by Cardina Speaker La Plus Fantasma.

Claudia was first convinced of this war.

- It was the first day's defeat.

An ambush to the Labyrinth, Murdoch's struggle, and a duel weapon.

I knew that using them would not be an advantage for the Empire.

I wonder if it could be refined enough to cut some of the Kingdom's power.

Especially with regard to flags that determine victory and defeat, it was also expected that their country's fort would be destroyed.

Build strongholds in other countries than you used to be.It will be discovered and difficult to defend.

We also knew that if we failed to destroy the flag in Operation Tomb Labyrinth, we would be preempted by the Kingdom.

So Claudia threw away the first day for the second day and beyond.

Power Reconnaissance, Sharpening and Preparation.Only these three species were visited by the Empire on its first day.

Needless to say, Mighty Reconnaissance and Sharpening.Check the opponent's strength and sharpen it.

So, what is preparation?

It's... for one Master.

◇ ◆ ◇

□ ■ Empire

Figaro broke through the Labyrinth without any resistance.

More precisely, the spatial separation and even the various traps could not be a resistance against him.

(... oh?)

And it was underground (...) that waited for Figaro to return from subspace to real space.

In the words of the classic RPG, it should be said that it is "in the chair".

The Master of Civil Engineering, who still formed the underground space, survived, and the Imperial Army knows the points that emerge from the Labyrinth.

It would be enough to bury the land there.


--no matter how effective it is.

Figaro, who reused Physical Berserk, crushed a thick stone cabinet with only his own strength, enhanced by his equipment and skills.

Conversion Demon Flare !

But it was also expected by the Imperial Army.

Interception begins with the destruction of the stone cabinet, and a flame that transforms demons falls.

That's not all.


The moment Figaro stood on the ground, a magical formation of three meters radius activated.

It was Pandora's magic team that was able to activate several of them during the first raid and could not be effective.

That means one thing.

Not only the Alias and the Demon Legion, but also the Imperial Masters remain here.

(They're coming.)

Figaro switches one of his gear to a fire shield and flies through the flames, impressing him in a corner of his combat mind.

A ravaging play by Figaro.With that, most of the power, excluding the Devil's Army, disappeared.

We also failed to lock ourselves in the Labyrinth, and with common sense, there is no way to protect the Fort from Figaro.

Then it would be a wise choice to leave the fort immobile in order to preserve its power.

But imperial forces remain.

To fight Figaro.

Is there a secret or is it a matter of pride?

Either way, the Imperial Army is releasing skills against Figaro.

Even if you're behind an army of demons, you're still dying.

Many of them are played by Figaro's stats and equipment.



Figaro realized that he had only one skill on his own when he tried to take down the Master behind him through the Devil's Army enclosure.

Still a magical formation at Figaro's feet.

I can't get out of that range (...).

◇ ◆

Pandora's Box is a box full of misfortunes transmitted by Greek mythology.

Once opened, disaster overflowed the world, but when it was closed along the way, it was said that "hope" remained in the box.

However, it is also said that one way of viewing this myth is that what remains is not "hope," but "determining what kind of disaster will happen in the future."

The Civilian < Embryo > inspired by Pandora's box is also close to this theory.

Only when using the Special Ability "Definite Despair (Pandora)," you can select the effect that activates when you trap Pandora.

This time, Civil chose Restricted Behavior.

Limit the area of action of opponents who step on the territory's magic team to the magic team (...).

But that's all.

As for the abnormal state of the restraint system, the degree of freedom of the affected party is high and cannot be said to be strong.

That's why I put such a weak effect at the risk of "24-hour disabling" of Embryo, the cost of my special skills.

I used Figaro today - it worked.

◇ ◆

"... ahaha"

The Palsen sister, Sister Civil.

She looked at the moment when her Embryo was working.

--Shattered in the aftermath of Figaro's attack from within the territory.

Lightly falling apart, she breathes.

But if she dies, the magic team won't disappear.

(Fifteen minutes left... please, everyone, sister...)

Leave it to your friends, and Silver will be the dust of light.

Figaro's movements were tied up by one person, and the battle continued even when he fell.

There is no obstacle to Figaro's battle, even within the limited radius of Trimetel.

Cut off the imminent demon army, and play the pouring attack skill.

(Do you still want to leave at this stage?)

Or maybe the Imperial Army's aim was to tie Figaro to the spot and leave... and cut off the continuation of The Dance of Life.

However, even if Figaro stays here, the imperial forces are still not retreating.

Even Figaro seemed to continue to strengthen, but there was a slight shift in assumptions here.

Are you still after something?

Figaro tries not to find out what his enemies are after, but the demon army literally becomes a flesh wall blocking Figaro's vision.

For an army of demons like Yunxia, as Figaro, we have no choice but to attack beyond the devil.


Someone 'watched' Figaro over the demon army.

Casey Palsen, the sister of Civile, who has just arrived at Despenalties.

She only opens her left eyelid inside both eyelids that were closed until then.

Turn your gaze toward Figaro, whose position was roughly fixed by her sister.

Even so, only demons can be seen from outside the Wall of the Army of Demons, just like Figaro on the inside.


"..." Heroic vision - Figaro... "

When she murmured, only Figaro was visible to her left eye.

No ground, no walls, no demons, only the silhouettes of Figaro's own flesh.

Along with that - information on several skills comes to mind.

"..." Expansion of Equipment Frame ", no...." Unified King (Complete) ", no. Choosing Wu (Arms Selector) …… No. Burn (Kor), my soul (Leonis)... not yet.

It is Figaro and his heart, Cole Leonis, who have the ability to whisper in an unheard voice.

In her eyes now - not only the skill name but also the effect.

And she checked one by one....

"― Dance of Life (Dance of Animation)

― ― The target was "viewed".

The closed right eyelid also opens.

The Palsen sister, my sister Casey.

Her < Embryo > is a flesh-substituted type.

The name of the prosthetic eye, which was replaced by both eyes, and its special skill...


--Her neck flew just before it was activated.

It's Figaro's chain that was attacking repeatedly with Auto... [Guardian of Guren Chain Prison].

By chance, Casey attacked her when she tried not to use the trump card.

Kurukuru and Casey's neck dance in the air.

(..... ma)

Fatal damage and bleeding quickly led her body to death.

(... ma...)

Still, she had something to do.


Opportunities created by my sister, working with peers who share the same purpose.

I can't let you break up here... I'll squeeze my last breath.

"... Me..."

Your neck turns around in the air, turning to the ground.

For a moment, I caught Figaro inside the Army of Demons.

"... (Medu)... Sleep like a stone... legend (Sa)..."

― ― I activated a Special Ability.

◇ ◆

[Heritage Sealed Medusa].

Needless to say, the motif is known as Medusa, one of the most famous in Greek mythology.

A legendary female monster who petrifies the viewer, but her < Embryo > effects are not petrified.

The effect is to prohibit the observation and use of skills.

It embodies anecdotes placed in its own territory, with many heroes as stone statues.

Special Skills will only last as long as you deactivate… Seal the opponent's skill.

This effect makes the resist more difficult to narrow down the target skill count, and additionally increases output by sealing even your own job skill.

Now, Casey's eyes are on the only skill that has chosen to disable all her skills for 72 hours.

◇ ◆


- The use of "Dance of Life" was sealed for 72 hours.

What has already been strengthened does not disappear.

After this enhancement is interrupted, it cannot be reactivated for three days.

That's why here and now... their future will remain unchanged.

Still, the possibility of another Figaro ravage in this war has disappeared.

"... fu, fu"

Casey's neck vanishes with a faint smile at the end of her narrow words.

The pattern is like Medusa, who created many legends even though he only had a hairline.

In this war, it will be a huge nail trail.

(This is the destiny... I wonder if it's still there.)

Figaro understands what he did.

Still, we will not stop ravaging the demonic army as we judge that there is no problem.

Destroy the fort here.That is the role of Figaro today.

You cannot use Time Proportionality Enhancements after this fight, but there is no problem.

At that time, it was a man named Figaro who pulled out the fight.

(Well, you can't break the fort.)

Figaro is still attacking the flag of the Fort that was installed in this space.

But it's not broken yet.

(I wonder if there is one that grants Indestructibility.However, there must be some kind of tie, like Karl's "Equipment Limited" and the "Defense Below Limit" seen in the literature, and some kind of "Time Limited Invincibility".)

Either way, think there should be someone using the skill < Embryo > and probe for signs.

In the meantime, [Geeganite] came in a herd, but it was crushed with a touch of armor sleeves.

It is no longer a damage source, but a meat wall and blindness.

If I had been able to reinforce Mythical Demon [Zero Over] and summon him here, the story would still have changed.

With Geigenite , the battle is not so one-sided if there are a few Zero Over that can unleash attacks that lead to Figaro today while limiting movement.

But this is the limit. It was the limit of Alias Nos. 2 and 3.

Call Devil Giganite !

Still, foolishly and confused, Alias continued to summon.

Even a legendary demon who is no longer only ravaged, it makes sense to summon him now (...).


While defeating the Epic Demon, Figaro finds signs of something different.

An underground space where the ceiling blows up and the sky is visible.

The middle of the rock wall that serves as its side.There was a witch clinging to the wall and a boy held by her.

Rossi and Harry Tea. Those who use Invincibility in.

(I see. The Auto Chain gives priority to attackers nearby.)

As soon as I climbed the rock wall, my attacks were behind those of the enemies on the ground.

However, I understood that Figaro should also be prioritized as an object of attack at a time when he was doing so little to survive.


While inside the magic formation, there are several ways to attack it.

The ultimate one would be [Gloria α] 's Ultimate.


(I wonder if this is a bedrock.)

You have a limited standing position.Enemies located away from the group.

Figaro perceived some intent in the arrangement.

Therefore, the weapon of choice is not [Gloria α] - [Frozen Spear Yorkle Floyd].

It is an ancient legendary privileged weapon in the form of an iron spear. In the “Tournament” the other day, it was a substitute for freezing and crushing Alberto.

Due to the nature of the weapon, it works best when it is pierced and frozen... but now that it's strengthened to its limits, the story is different.


Figaro, smiling like a demon, pulls the trigger by pointing the spear of an iron-shot horse spear at the rock wall rossies.

Shortly afterwards, like a pure dragon bracelet from the tip of a spear - but a powerful freezing air erupted in the difference of digits.

The demons on the rays freeze instantly and collapse like snow with a burst of frozen air.

The afterwaves of freezing air alone reduce the temperature of the entire subterranean space by dozens of degrees, threatening surrounding life.

Whether it's a defense or not, it deals continuous damage from massive frozen air restrictions and reduced temperatures.Enhanced [York Floyd] is such a weapon.

"... hih!"

While causing great damage to the surroundings in the aftermath, the frozen stream headed for Harriet, who was trying to protect Rossi and him....

"--Did you finally use the command technique?"

--A frozen stream swallowed up the man who jumped into the radiation.

The man's name is Fountain.

Yes, Figaro's hunch was correct.

Secure Figaro's position with Civile Pandora.

Place Rossi and Harry Tea away from others to stabilize the attack.

As a result, I narrowed the trajectory of Figaro's attack... creating room for the Fountain to jump in.

And the Fountain, like the demons, crumbles and scatters in the frozen air, and the Rossi and Harry Tea behind them also crumble into fine ice.

--Shortly afterwards, the frozen air above [York Floyd] whirled at the point where the fountain died.

That's it, Cain.

Counter's < Embryo > that shoots back a deadly attack with seven times more power.

Further enhancement of the limits. A mass of frozen air that exceeds even [Frozen Dragon King] 's Silver String, which shaken fiercely yesterday.

And Cain's counter targeteth him that hath taken the life of the LORD.

─ The Seven Wounds Report (Cain)

--- Released.

It's a frozen death gas that takes away the calories of what you touch in an instant.

A direct hit can be deadly for Figaro today.

It doesn't matter if there is Brooch .

It will [freeze] Figaro's body through the Resistance Gear.

So desperate a frozen temper of vengeance approached Figaro....

"─ Extreme Boundaries

--But it doesn't arrive.

It worked with Figaro's premium weapon, the [Stringent Cloth Closer].

Disruption of space that blocks interference from the outside world.

No matter how much frozen air it is, it does not have the properties of overtaking space.

Therefore, the frozen air does not reach Figaro.

--That's not all.

The range of expansion (...) of the "Extreme Limit" with the limit enhancement is different.

Immediately after it erupted from the surroundings of Figaro, the enclosure exploded.

Rapidly expanding boundaries, as if inflating balloons.

But it will never allow intrusion.

A wall of space that pushes everything.

So what happened first is the end of this battle.

Shifted by boundaries, the overflowing frozen air [freezes] all the underground space.

― ― The expanding "Critical Boundary" crushed them all.

Demon Legion, Imperial Master, Alias, Fort.

Everything became a crystal of fine ice, mixed with air, and disappeared into dust of light.

That was the end of the offensive and defensive battle over the imperial fortress.

◇ ◆

On the first day of the war, the final battle was "Imperial Battle".

Empire, destroy.

[Superfighter] Figaro, survive.

Survivor on the Imperial side, one (...).

To be continued

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