<Infinite Dendrogram>

That idiot is now...

□■Mid-April 2045

"Merger of commercial clans?"

It was just after Eldridge and the others had returned from the death penalty for the Eltrum incident.

When I was consulting about buying and selling loot, which was a promise made to Manigord, such a topic was cut out through correspondence.

Yes, we are currently moving to bring together multiple commercial clans.

"I can't read the situation. Talk to me in order. What does it have to do with us?"

It all started with the death of the mayor of Cortana.

It's irrelevant to Eldridge, but it's the case he was involved in...... centered around Hugo Receps and Emily Killingston.

The mayor of Cortana struck out at the beads of the UBM, which resulted in the release of the UBM in the city center and the death of many people, including the mayor.

The mayor was the original target of several commercial clans

The clans were not necessarily just for the Master, nor were they just for the battle personnel.

There are also useful points in managing personnel, and many Tian commercial organizations have registered as clans.

A group (clan) of merchants, not a merchant guild that issues job quests.

Mayor Douglas Coin was originally a big merchant. After becoming the head of Cardina's biggest city, he took control of many commercial clans in a bad way.

"With his sudden death, many of the crimes involved came to light. It's about your clan."

Most of the members were merchants who were not involved in the Mayor's plot, but the owners and cadres of each clan had a black connection.

Currently, arrests continue to be made on a number of counts that came to light after the mayor's death.

It's a clan that lost its cadre, but it can't keep up. The company sends talented people to the chair from the side and replaces them with an organization under the chairmanship of Mayor Cortana. There is almost no objection because the employment conditions of the members have improved. "

That's quite a story, isn't it?

"Oh, and as the chairman's subordinate, we decided to merge several clans." That's easier to manage. It seems that the mayor, who was a former ally, dared to disperse due to the leap of secrecy. "

At first glance, it would have been easier to handle if you didn't know you were at the pinnacle.

If you disperse it, you can truncate it clans by clan, depending on the situation.


But if we merge, we'll probably be in the rankings.

“Yeah, that's what I think.”

Since the number of quests a member completes determines the ranking of a clan, there are few cases where a commercial clan is placed on the leaderboard alone. The exception was the Wellkin Alliance.

However, if you merge multiple commercial clans in one of Cardina's largest cities, you are likely to fall into the lower ranks.

But even if you put a complete non-combatant clan on the leaderboard, it would be a waste of time, right?

"Such as the right to penetrate an area during the war." If you're a weapon development clan like the Imperial Triangle, you're still not as good as a full commercial clan. "

That's where we're supposed to host the battle department close to the Free...... of the Imperial Empire.

There are already combat clans for those with close ties to Cardina.

It was the third most powerful clan in its class, Cephiroto, and Major Arcana.

This time, it is not a direct report's battle force, but a reception destination for recruiting battle forces every time. A clan that gathers mercenaries, to put it mildly.

In addition to emergency recruiting in times of war, it is also a sector that is prepared for the needs of each commercial clan to be merged.

"Finally, I can read the story." How about we belong there, too? "


With Manigord's affirmation, Eldridge exhaled... a little irritated.

"... hmm. I understand the reason. The battle on that ship - unwilling to do so because of our defeat - we must have been able to achieve more or less satisfactory results with you. And the loot that was the reward for the cooperation will be taken back to the clan... if the clan is a commercial clan of multiple industries...... the complex company (conglomerate) can make up for it. It would also be possible to maximize profits. Cardina has gained strength in the field, and we have earned an income. It's a win-win relationship, isn't it?"

That's what Eldridge said.


- I completely refused.

"We're not going to lower the clan sign and follow you."

The man who refused the invitation again this time.

For him, the clan Goblin Street is an inalienable part of the clan.

In response to his response, Manigord said,

Yeah, you don't have to put down the sign.

Eldridge's words were unexpected.


"Enroll the personnel of each commercial clan in the [Goblin Street].

In other words, you are the owner of the mixed-company clan. "


Far from understanding the offer, he often froze his mind.

And after thinking for a few dozen seconds...

"... no way"

It was only natural that I finally squeezed it out.

"We, Goblin Street, are bandit clans."

'I know, and the terms from Cardina are' to become Cardina's 'and' to exclude from the target any merchants or guides who have registered with Cardina in the future. 'There are some items that can distinguish the right opponent, so I will send them to you soon. "

"Wanted in the Kingdom."

"There is no point in asking for appointments from one or two countries. In conjunction with the Empire's largest commercial clan, the owner, Franklin, is under the nomination of the kingdom. '

"...... Are you convinced that the personnel of the commercial clan will suddenly follow us?"

"Those who are left now are shocked by the fact that they were unknowingly involved in bad things. On top of that, they decided to change their position without escaping. Once the battle clan is in the starting position, it will accept it as one of the monitoring from the chairman."

Eldridge lists the problems of his own prosperity (...), but in all of them, Manigord answers immediately as if he had prepared the answers in advance.

In fact, Manigord has already received a list of questions and answers (...) from the chairman first.

"...... One last thing."


"I don't remember being bought that much." From your point of view, I'm a remnant who kept losing to each other. "

Once defeated by Zekus, he fell from the most powerful PK in the Kingdom. The clan itself was driven to pieces by Ray Ray. He himself was defeated by Kubu, and after that, he lost to many [super].

Eldridge didn't know why Caldina appreciated her.

Well, I don't know about that. I don't think that losing to Super is any negative factor. In the first place, [Super (we)] was cheating.]

"Besides, superjobs have different foundations of strength. A body with no level limit and an anomaly of the wrong order of magnitude. The digits of the energy itself are different. That's why it's so strong and natural."

Sixth and seventh, senior and superior positions.

The disparity between the two is too great.

But you... you're in the Kingdom now, and you're in second place in the former Granbarroa Duel.


Eldridge saw it as an acquaintance, both real and personal.

Superjobs and super envios were strong before they even increased. A powerful cultivator who was defeated by his skill and brains, but with the general power of a senior ranking and advanced Embrio. You're [usurper king] now, too, but it's probably because you've demonstrated your prowess before taking up the job. "

The super-job transfer quota of [usurper] is naturally demanded by the nature of the job.

However, Eldridge was only recently appointed to target Tian.

Therefore, Eldridge holds the position of [usurper king] as a testament to his victory in the battle against many opponents...... since his senior career.

Besides, I have also led a large number of people as an owner. Cefirot is the clan that gathered to represent Cardina's fighting power, but if you are the kind of clan that leads the many Mercenaries divisions of the Combined Company and fights for them, then you are better suited. That's what I think about it. "

"... me too (...)?"

The words caught Eldridge's attention.

Combined with the phrase "about this", the words that sought to place Eldridge at the top of the composite company clan up to that point came from someone else.

Yeah. If you confess, the chairman will be the one to answer this question.

"The chairman of Cardina? La plus fantasma?"

Eldridge and Goblin Street were named by the female monster who runs this great country and controls Cephiroto as a direct power.

Eldridge is finally lost.

If Manigord fought face-to-face, why would the chairman, who was only supposed to know about it in the legend...?

It's a common thing in Cardina. This time, I was lucky... I thought I'd get my reward. This must be a cloth stone, too. "

"What do you mean?"

If you're also working in Cardina, you'll soon find out. Now, what do we do?

"... let me think for a moment."

Eldridge thought for a moment, turning off the communication.

This talk is too good to be true.

The owner of a ranked mixed company clan. The divisions will be dispatched by the personnel directly under the chairman, but it seems that the mercenary division that will increase the number of personnel in the future will be left to Eldridge.

In addition, Cardina hands over identification items to you in the Banditry business.

A state-approved private looting force, like a fleet of pirates in Gran Baloa. No matter how many bandits you carry out, you no longer run the risk of being nominated by the state.

The loot you get is sold by the commercial divisions in your clan, so you won't have any trouble selling it.

In the first place, it seems that there are many ways to earn more than bandits if you have that position.

I can assure you, even if you aim for a resurgence in the future, there will never be any better conditions than this after putting up the signs for [Goblin Street].


That's why I'm suspicious.

It is called Win-Win, but the balance is not balanced.

But since it was Cardina who offered it, there must be a way for Cardina to gain more than Eldridge.

But Eldridge doesn't see the benefit. I don't know.

There is a shortage of thought materials, but this opportunity will leave while we wait for the materials to fill up. "The Goddess of Fortune has only the forelock," I used to say.

(What to do.....)

That's why Eldridge's worried...

Owner! I borrowed the inn's kitchen to make snacks!

"Faye, let's knock."

Faye and Nialla, the clan members, entered the room he was renting.

"... oh, thank you."

The gear Eldridge saw was poor compared to their level.

The original Faye equipment was damaged when Emily slashed it, and even the main weapon sniper gun, such as Nialla, was crushed by [Imperial Glory].

There was money given by Hugo, but there was almost no cash left because Nialla's Siemorg needed money to replenish.

We don't have the money to upgrade the equipment in the current level band, we just have to get the boat's spoils.

... if I refuse this offer, will I lose my loot?

"Haha! The one who fried the ears of excess bread and covered them with sugar!" Even if it's real, it's well made! "

"The innkeeper provided it for me. It's low because it only costs sugar and oil.”

"............ I see"

Eldridge turned to Faye's snack and decided to accept the offer.


A large number of commercial clans have merged into Goblin Street.

It was also ranked 28th in the ranking update a few days later, as anticipated in advance.

By the way, is the name of the mixed-company clan okay?

Isn't that okay? It sounds like Wall Street. "

Ah! That's true!


Eldridge didn't mention it, but one of the origins of the clan's name in the first place is the city of Wall Street.

I didn't tell any of the members, but his real life story is that of an American banker. A familiar name, with a goblin nuance.

I didn't expect that to be the name of the composite company clan.

In any case, the Goblin Street that was destroyed in the Kingdom was not so much a reincarnation as a rebirth in Cardina.


And a few weeks inside of the merger.

Even when the ancient kingdom was noisy at peace talks and "tournaments," the management of Goblin Street was good.

That was largely due to Eldridge's genius.

It was just the nominal owner and the mercenary division, but in my position, the information comes up because it is the original crackdown of each division.

It was okay to leave it to me, but I checked it with Mame because of her innate nature.

During the check, Eldridge identified areas of improvement for each division, and also developed ideas for more efficient commerce in collaboration with other divisions.

Those were mainly ideas based on real-life examples of companies he had learned or been involved with, but if I tried it, the effect was positive.

I didn't do the big bank sergeant realistically on Date.

As a result, we are now in the process of consulting with other departments.

In addition, the Mercenary Division was assigned to quests that were suitable for its members with their analytical skills, and they had a high success rate.

From his practical abilities, it was even obvious that he would be much more profitable to deal with commerce and mercenaries nowadays than if he were only making profits from banditry.

Due to the visible results, both the Master and the Merchant have increased the number of clan members in the short time since the reorganization, and it is said that the next ranking update will ensure a medium clan entry.


"... why am I working in Infinite Dendrogram?"

Triple the time. I was supposed to be looking for a triple vacation < Infinite Dendrogram >, but now I'm wondering if my work is triple... Eldridge is questioning himself now.

That's why we can't throw out the clan because of his human nature.

(Well, the three of us have new equipment, and we've got enough money to spend Nialla's Siegmorg almost unlimited in the future. Cortana, whose land price had fallen, was also home. but....)

I don't hate to make a profit in itself, but my arm was throbbing because of all the desk work.

In addition, Faye and Nialla are going to each other as actual workers in the mercenary industry. They also said, "I want to go with the owner! Of course, bandits are fine!" If you get a clue, I'd like to move with the three of you for the first time in a long time. "

(The current clan is expanding, but the busy period immediately after the reorganization has passed. It's time to take a vacation.... no, the game itself is meant to be a [bone break].

If Faye were to speak up, she would say, "Just the skeletons! 'He might have said so, but he didn't talk to himself that much, and Faye was away.

"... nh?"

Suddenly, the ringtone rings.

There was a call from someone on the communication magic device that I had been using for a long time.

(I think it's connected to Manigord or someone I knew from the kingdom...)

Eldridge said, "Is it around Chelsea? 'Connect the communication.


It's been a long time, Eldridge.

"... is that you?"

The voice of the communication partner was familiar to me.

The voice of the owner of the PK clan that once stood alongside the Goblin Street in the Kingdom.

Congratulations on the resurgence of the clan in Cardina.

"It looks like your clan has also leaped forward."... what can I do for you? "

Like Cashmere, Eldridge was a defeated opponent, and even though he had connections, he was not close enough to be a friend.

Not to mention, she is no longer a member of the PK clan. Once a factor in the fall of Goblin Street... a member of the clan with a ray.

At the same time that Goblin Street was ranked, I know that her current Death Period came second in the kingdom.

Lower the sign to join the Death Period. Eldridge doesn't know what she thinks when she chooses a different path.

This time, I had a consultation with you.

"... about the war?"

That's a good idea.

I know that the Kingdom is preparing for war with the Empire by replenishing its strength, such as tournaments.

Benefit armor may be an attractive prize, but it is irrespective of Eldridge, who has been nominated in the Kingdom, and he decided that it is not something he will get until he abandons his clan in Cardina.

But even if you don't go through the tournament and you don't belong to the Kingdom... there's a way to get involved in the war.

Your clan is now in 28th place.


Eldridge also understands Beasley's words.

During a war, only Rankers can enter the theatre of war.

However, it is not limited to the ranker of the country concerned.

Even a ranker from a third country, Caldina, can break in.

In fact, in the previous war, Cephiroto used its mechanism to move.

I'll ask you first. How does Cardina move?

"I haven't heard anything." No instructions. That's it. "

There is no lie in Eldridge's words.

Cardina hasn't given us any specific instructions about the upcoming Binational War. The same is true of the struggle against Granvarois.

In other words, banditry (...) may be carried out anywhere.

In a country under war, we will unilaterally target the rankers of either country... even if it is a blatant act of aggression.

Since I am not willing to continue my desk work during thirty times the time of the war, it is not unwilling to participate in itself.

Really? If so, be straightforward. Would you like to join us?

"...... I guess that's the story."

Eldridge inwardly drew attention to the fact that "it is a horribly thick-skinned woman who does not hesitate to summon a man who is wanted in her own country as a fighting force".

... Actually, I had a similar invitation from an old friend I met in real life recently.

"...... I don't want to be hired with money"

Unlike a long time ago, I don't have any financial problems.

In addition, it is contrary to the belief to move without any profit.

So, "What are you going to offer me to borrow?" '"I asked unexpectedly.

"Beasley's response to that was..."

Eldridge, I'm not asking, I'm making a proposal (...)


It was different from Eldridge's expected tone.

Eldridge, how many times have you been defeated?


It's still a scratch on Eldridge, even after the clan regenerated.

Eldridge and Goblin Street are still rumored to be "super-loser" and "kamase dog".

"Such a scar on him and the clan..."

Don't you want a chance to win?

Her words stroked me.

To be continued

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