<Infinite Dendrogram>

Eighth Episode Records

□[Unconfirmed Flight Fortress Laputa]

Shortly before Xuanyu's opposition to the lion face at the clinic, Elizabeth and Tsang Rong, who separated from her and returned to Laputa, were talking to Eileen at a salon on the life block.

Due to her preparation, she could not speak much at the mayor's house, so it was like that again.

“I heard that Laputa is called Embrio, but there are rooms like this.”

“Yes, but this block was built in collaboration with the architectural master.”

Tsang Loong added that Eileen was impressed by the luxurious living space.

Did you build it?

"It seems that the Raputa itself is buried in the foundations, not in this castle." You covered it with soil and plants to make this island, and you built a castle. "

It's a basic Laputa skill called "Cover Structure."

In the early days, it was only a skill to wrap around the clouds, but over time it became possible to consolidate minerals, plants, and structures, and even connect functions to form a coat of arms.

It is the ability to cover the main unit with other objects...... [Unconfirmed (...) Flight Fortress] 's name.

It is said that the Laputa completely exposed the main body of the battle only in the past.

It's architecture, but it's not the Yellow River... it's the Kingdom.

Hmmm. That's what I thought too, Fushigi.

Well, there are a lot of people in Master .

It was the Yellow River masters who built the object, but it was not in the Oriental style.

Sometimes there was no request from the owner, Gray, and work proceeded under the common understanding that "the castle in the sky (Raputa) is designed in the West".

I didn't know what to say to Tian.

While chatting like that, the three of them enjoyed a snack and tea.

Sometimes I was late for lunch.

It was prepared by Elizabeth and Tsang Rong's servants.

Some of Eileen's servants who completed the checks also helped, but many of them had designated rooms to accommodate Eileen and their guests. One elderly maid and one young maid came to the salon.

(... oh?)

However, Tsang Rong noticed a strange thing in it.

That's because Eileen wore white gloves during her meal.

(I was talking about the customs of the Rogue family...)

After I was told I was going to anchor in Winter Orb, it was written in a document about the city that I checked to make sure there was no rudeness.

Without exception, the direct members of the Rogue family usually fit their gloves.

It was a bit strange until the meal, and it seems to be a violation of manners originally, but it seems to be a custom from the first principal who built the winter orb.

(There are two other strange things about any country that becomes a royal family.)

In the Yellow River, Tsang Rong himself...... [Dragon Emperor] and the Ancient Dragon Man hit it.

In the kingdom, the [Original Saint Sword] and the [Holy Sword Princess] would be there.

Therefore, I decided not to pursue the Rogue family's gloves deeply.

Tsang Rong had made a similar judgment as Xuanyu before, at least if there was no hostility.

While Tsang Rong was thinking about it, Elizabeth was listening to Eileen talking about Winter Orbs.

It was not about history or culture, but about mining of rare ore, which was the main industry.

That's probably what attracted Elizabeth's interest, not her business conversation.

This time, I couldn't escape or explore the city due to my schedule. However, Tsang Rong and Xuanyu also noticed that they were looking at the ore that was being bought and sold at the market on the way to the mayor's residence.

Cycles are so much fun?

"That's right. With the spread of mining methods that combine land attribute magic, natural collapse can be prevented, and wind attribute magic reduces the risk of gas leakage." However, the biggest danger, the problem of monsters, will not disappear as long as we continue to mine them. ”

There are various dangers in mining ore, even from Infinite Dendrogram.

It's not just about the same risks as the Earth, such as collapse and gas leaks.

Sometimes I encountered monsters that constantly eat minerals, and I dug up monsters that changed the minerals themselves.

Especially, the elemental monster called [Explode Rock] is feared because it causes a collapse accident that causes a large explosion due to impact.

It was this monster that caused Winter Orb's medical problems.

A monster that was lost somewhere raged around the tunnel, exploding [Explode Rock] in the surrounding area and causing a major accident.

"I guess it's Tai Hen..."

“Yes, but the Winter Orbs have always made a living of it. The materials that can be mined in that city are useful in many countries, including the Yellow River. I'm proud of that.”

Eileen smiles, but speaks with her chest open.

“To put it bluntly, I think it's a job that connects the future of the world.”


Thank you very much.

Eileen smiled with joy.

But are you still confused about being able to break up a hometown like this?

"... that's right."

Asked by Elizabeth, Eileen closed her eyes.

And after a little rebuke in my heart, I answered Elizabeth's question.

“It's okay, I'm going to the Yellow River to connect the future.”

The words and expression showed great determination.

Eileen is serious, and she's got yuki, isn't she?

Together, they leave the country where they were born and grew up to go to the Yellow River, while still having children.

Elizabeth felt the sympathy, was impressed by Eileen's philosophy and purpose, and had a slight sense of respect.

"Ryugaku will be for years." In the meantime, I want to be friends with Eileen. "

"Yes, I would be honored to be your friend, Your Highness."

Ugh! Me too!

Eileen then takes off her gloves and offers to shake her hand.

And Elizabeth nodded, and took his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Eileen's gaze turned not towards Elizabeth...... but towards Tsang Rong, who was next to her.

The slightly open eyelids showed some surprise, but the expression remained with a smile to cover it.

Tsang Rong questioned it and said, "What's the matter? I tried to call out...... but the action was blocked by a suddenly ringing siren.

What is it!?

After a low rumbling sound reaches the entire laptop, the siren switches to the gray voice, which is the main part of the Embrio.

"Emergency call. Terrorist attack on Winter Orb." For the sake of safety, the laputa will carry forward and launch. Escort masters, everybody stay alert...... Todo. "

Words while forgetting the word endings that I imposed on myself.

That's why I can't help but be impatient.

And as Gray's words suggest, the view outside the window moves. I didn't feel inertia due to the function of the laputa, but I realized that I had started to move due to the change in the landscape.


In a sudden turn of events, Elizabeth looked worriedly at Eileen.

Gray's announcement of a terrorist attack on a Winter Orb. From Eileen's point of view, I didn't think it would bother me.

In fact, Eileen's hands seemed to be trembling.



The look on Eileen's face was not terrified by the sudden situation, but by biting her lips... she was ready for something (...).


North □■End City Winter Orb

A mayor's residence in the heart of the Winter Orb. In the office, the Mayor of Rogue sent his only daughter...... sitting in a chair, thinking deeply.


Dark fatigue appears in his eyes, his skin is thirsty, and his body is thin.

However, I still see a strong will in my eyes.

Mayor Rogue gazes at his own hand covered in black gloves as he thinks.

(After all, the aim is not only the Empire and Gran Baloa... Together with the information obtained in advance, it was also guided by the Yellow River in the east.... there was no doubt that I was willing to use the Yellow River Royal Family itself. His tricks are always the same. Chain the tragedy, like a domino knockout. Like the disturbances that are fuelling the beads around here, like the assassination of the Third Prince of the Empire.

What he thought of has far too great a significance.

The Third Prince of the Empire. It was the father of the current emperor, Claudia, and the first person to lead the First and Second Crown Princes into a dark fight.

Sometimes the previous emperor stirred up a struggle, but above all, the suspicion of "the opponent killed his brother" and "they may also be killed" escalated the situation.

In turn, even the current war between the Kingdom and the Empire is an extension of that.

It would be absurd to call it conspiracy theory, such as the mastermind who plotted so many great tragedies is the chairman of Cardina, who controls other countries.

However, the Rogue mayor had every reason to be convinced.

That is why he has made preparations.

(...... we don't just wait for our turn to fall)

He took his only daughter, Eileen, on a laputa and sent her to the Yellow River.

(I told Eileen everything she needed to know. If I could meet the Silver Dragon Prince alive and pass on the information...... it would still be in time)

Mayor Rogue keeps thinking.

It's not about getting lost, but about how to get the best hands on it.

No, but... how can I avoid breaking the rules?

(We also dealt with it as much as we could with the information we could see. We're ready to fight here.)

As Rascal surmised before he was imprisoned in Winter Orb's cell, the Winter Orb guards, without exception, use the equipment of earlier civilizations.

The source was found by Mayor Rogue himself and placed under his control (...) Ruins.

It used to be a Powered Suit production plant.

The late period of ancient civilizations. Equipment to mobilize humans who have fallen into a shortage of combatants, except for those who are talented as warriors.

External stats, magic batteries using natural magic, and magic firearms.

If you wear a Powered Suit with them in it, you will be able to use it as a battle force, even if it is level 0.

However, since you don't have artificial intelligence, you need to wear a human in battle.

In a nutshell, it is the precursor to the Brilliant Jade Plant in Kalcellatan, in the Kingdom.

It's still a piece of equipment that humans wore when they were ready (...).

If the creature is thrown in as a developmental form, it will lead to a brilliant jade soldier that moves as a battery, but the power suit will be more useful for Tian, considering the end of the process.

Mayor Rogue's Ruins allowed him to gather the strength of his guards.

Pre-civilization weapons that can be mass-produced and are not dangerous are extremely valuable and useful.

Best of all, thanks to this equipment, I was able to delete the combatant's job (...).

"But his power will outweigh ours."

Mayor Rogue's enemies will be in trouble right now, but he didn't launch a direct assault on the city... because it doesn't have a cause.

It is possible to annihilate the Winter Orbs of the City Nation, but if you do so, the whole world will be in danger.

That's why I use my tricky hands.

Lure a monster that doesn't originally live in a mining site, causing a major accident.

Assassinate the [Priest] who was rushed to heal, pretending to be in an accident.

Turn your hands around the breath-taking city and block support.

Still, the personnel of the city who provided support will be eliminated during the intercity journey.

All of this was done by Mayor Rogue's adversaries.

To sharpen the Winter Orbs, which would be a nuisance to the adversary's objectives.

(Still, we are not broken yet.... so he'll be able to use his powers. At least, if we could move it, it could be a countermeasure.)

Mayor Rogue remembers the massive wreckage he found in the depths of the Ruins he set foot in.

A weapon that destroyed both the artificial intelligence and the power core, as if it were (...) amputated by an axe.

Important parts that are the backbone remain untouched, but are gradually regaining their appearance... the figure of a mechanical giant.

(Neither the equipment of the ruins nor some of our advanced technology were able to move it.... if only we could at least entrust it to his adversary...)

When the mayor thought about how much he could do by the time limit (...), he contacted the magic communication machine in the office.

It was called "The clinic was raided and the beads were taken."

"... it seems that the time limit has arrived."

If you're an adversary, you're going to have a chain of tragedies from here on out.

Without a doubt, the Winter Orbs... they (...) were swallowed up by the vortex.

"But we do not choose the path of destruction." There's a way to resist. "

Mayor Rogue opens the office curtains and looks down at the city, where chaos is gradually spread by two phantoms running through the city.

In the streets, he grumbles at that point.

It wasn't the escaping lion face or the chasing swift feathers.

The one he stared at was... a church that was now deserted.

This religious institution is also known as Job or Crystal.

Even if the other person is the mechanism (system) of this world.

It was as if it was the culprit.

To be continued

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