<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode 10: To the Dead

About □■Treasure Beast Beads

The beads of the treasure beast were sealed by successive generations of [Dragon Emperor] Huanglong (Fanlong) and Renwi (Fanlong), and they slept in the Yellow River's vault for a long time.

The reason why they weren't used in the war against the [Overlord] who was alive in the [Dragon Emperor] generation was that if they weren't successful, [UBM] would be defeated and the enemy's combat power would be boosted.

Moreover, when I let the powerful cultivator in my country hold the perk weapon, [Conqueror] was no match for me.

Moreover, the unnamed axe, a weapon that [Reigning King] loved at the time, was a versatile weapon that encompassed all attributes. No matter what kind of perk weapon is used, the attack method is chosen to be more compatible.

Only the [Dragon Emperor] could fight such a [Overlord] with his own martial arts and art.

Benefits of a poor burn blade Rather than using a weapon, only ground power is enough to counter it.

Therefore he preserved the beads of the treasures and beasts which he had gathered.

It was also the result of thinking that my destiny was not longer than the original, but that it should be the basis for the reconstruction of the Yellow River after I (...) confused [Reigning King] with my life.

However... without him being mistaken, the [Overlord] was sealed by the magic of the [Heavenly God], [Earth God], and [Sea God].

For the record, two of the three that had been sealed died, and the only surviving [Tenjin] was stranded for a long time.

Therefore, he could not complete the [Evil God] conquest, which was his destiny (...) during the Western turmoil after the [Reigning King] seal, and entrusted it to one of the shepherds...... [Holy Sword King].

From that remorse, it became a limb while he was unable to move, and the new disciples he raised to frustrate [Evil God] and those who used his power were the organizations called [Tenjin Institution].


Even after the two transcendent beings departed from history, the beads of the treasure beast continued to sleep.

Even the civil war that divided the Yellow River was not used.

The self-restraint that had barely remained in the ancient dragon people, and the disgrace of generations of [Dragon Emperor], did not allow him to use the beads of the treasure beast he bequeathed to them by his own people.

Thereafter, some beads were divided into several tribes, or were not used to a great extent to the extent that they were used limitedly when the state needed them.

It was the will of the emperor who reigned immediately after the civil war, and his aspiring predecessor, [Long Emperor] Honglong (Honglong), became a guardian for hundreds of years.


It was only recently that it was scattered all over the world.

His predecessor, [Dragon Emperor], died, and Azure Dragon (Tsanglong), Ren Yue (Ren Yue) became the contemporary [Dragon Emperor].

So the [Dragon Emperor] as a guardian was interrupted... and the contemporary Emperor opened the treasure trove.

To hide the identity of the [Dragon Emperor] who was going to the Kingdom.

Ten in diplomacy with the kingdom.

And seven stolen bodies.

Of the pearls that remained in the treasury, more than ten percent were lost to the world in these months.

It could be said that it was an inevitable event due to changing circumstances and many thoughts.

However, that is not the only change that will occur over the course of several hundred years.

There was an unavoidable change.

It is a deterioration of information (...).

A generation of [Dragon Emperors] who have directly opposed and sealed numerous [UBM].

As a matter of course, he summarized the characteristics and precautions of each < UBM > in a document.

These documents were kept in a scholar's house attached to the Imperial Palace so that the necessary and useful beads could be sorted each time without unsealing the treasure vault.

In this regard, it can be said that the generations of [Dragon Emperor] were very considerate.

― ― However, it was unexpected that the academy would burn down in the civil war after his death.

Many of the documents that should have covered the information about the beads of the treasure beast were burned down.

In addition, those who actually knew more about individual beads died in successive civil wars.

After the end of the Civil War, the Emperor ordered the restoration of the information... but it was not complete.

There are only a few documents left after burning, and those who know about < UBM > only know what they know.

Some of the information was lost, but only the [Dragon Emperor] himself knew the details. Not UBM, but Luke's obedient taller (dragon eagle) was one of them.

Even so, the Emperor managed to gather information, waited for the growth of his predecessor [Dragon Emperor], discovered the ability of the unknown pearl in his presence, and finally reorganized the document that regrouped the information to some extent.

But... it was still incomplete.

The beads brought into the Winter Orb were also missing information.

It's not a mistake to call it a recovery bead.

Exactly. Serious injuries can be treated without sequelae.

In so doing, it is beneficial to mankind.

However, the information on the precautions and grades (...) left by the previous generation [Dragon Emperor] was missing.


North □■End City Winter Orb

"Shit. What a gift...!"

The lions and Suwa left the clinic, and the guards, who had been informed by Grey, rushed to the clinic.

They fought against the destruction of the clinic... a stack of corpses and unusual guides.

Is it still the chairman's fault that you caught them today?

"...... how much you want to make us suffer!!"

One of the guards shouted angrily.

Neither did the people around him shout, but their expressions were distorted by anger and remorse.

But that's also impossible given their background (...)

”I have to keep doing this... forever”

The words of such a man were mixed with the accents of the southern region rather than the Winter Orbs.

The Winter Orb Guard is not the only one from this city. They came from all over Cardina.

However, there is something in common.

That means everyone is a victim of the chairman's conspiracy (...).

Apart from Winter Orbs, which caused deliberate disasters and medical problems, many others have suffered irreparable damage due to conspiracies like Domino's Knockout.

By any means, Mayor Rogue found them, persuaded them, pulled them into his own ranks, and empowered them with a Powered Suit.

If it wasn't for such reasons and purposes, I wouldn't have appreciated the suicidal conditions in this world, such as "removing the job" offered by the mayor.

So, who's the killer?

It seems that the Yellow River's Suwa clan is tracking us.

"I see... then let's do what we have to do." First of all, let's take their bodies into custody... "

One of the guards tried to get the coffin chest close to the pile of bodies.

Slightly earlier than that,

― ― There was an explosion (...) from the back of the facility.

It was at the same time that the lion face opposite to Kubuwa pushed the switch in.

"!? What happened!"

The guards point the firearm in the direction of the explosion, as the sudden explosion bounces the heartbeat.

The explosion shattered the door, and black smoke leaked from it, and the sound of fire exploding was heard.

However, the change was not only a phenomenon incidental to such an explosion.

From behind the broken door, there was something rolling.


While carefully distancing themselves, the guards point their guns at what was rolling through the back of the door.

It was a clear sphere.

For a moment, the guards imagined that it was a recovery bead stored here.

However, unlike that bead that was in the palm of my hand, it was the size of a bowling.

And it quickly ceased to be a sphere (...).

To be able to solve, or like a children's toy, a clear sphere is shaped with a dividing line.

While leaving a curved surface of sphere origin, he unfolds his head and limbs... and eventually shapes the figure of an animal.

It was a little raccoon.

Glasswork beaver. This is the case if you want to express the presence that rolled out in front of the guards in a way that is easy to understand.

It looks cute, crispy and expensive.

The serene feelings of the guards for a moment disappeared as soon as they saw the name that was written on the raccoon's head.


The sole was inscribed overhead in accordance with the UBM naming convention.

The guards aim with their fingers at the pull of the gun.

At the same time, one of the guards touches a panel that was installed near the clinic wall.

Shortly thereafter, the glass beaver was trapped in a cage of light.

It is also one of the technologies discovered from. It's also used in the cells where Hugo and Rascal are incarcerated.

I couldn't get out what was in the cage, but the attack from the outside reached the inside.

The clinic kept the pearls. Naturally, we are prepared for any eventuality.

…… ……

However, the trapped raccoon is leaning his neck because he doesn't know the situation.

It was also a pet-like technique that was loving somewhere.

He doesn't seem to have noticed that he was being held at gunpoint, or that he was about to be killed.

"This... healing bead?" Didn't they take it away from you? "

"I'm starting. But... it's strangely quiet."

This raccoon is completely blind to the horror and viciousness that the name < UBM > bears.

Compared to wild raccoons, they would be more vigilant in public.

(Because it's a recovery bead...?)

It might not be surprising to think of it as possessing a moderate ability to heal.

(If you're still quiet, should I ask the mayor for instructions?)

The leaders of the guards here began to think that if they could restrain it with the cage of light, because the instant attack could be a snake.

b1edeac4e9 (broken)

Immediately after that, the raccoons started to move.

Slowly walk as you make a sound on the ground with your cuttlefish and hard body.

Just beyond that, there was a lion... whose head was chopped off by the body of a guide.

The range of the light cage was wide, and not only the raccoons, but also his body was inside.


It uttered words that were not voices.

Running the light inside your body and showing your thoughts is a word the guards can't understand.

However, the scene immediately after was a glimpse.

The raccoon emitted a light.

A soft light dips into the body of the guide.

It's the light of healing that the guards have seen so many times.

Receiving the light emitted from the beaver, the wounds of the corpse, which was in disastrous condition, healed.

The amputated neck is tethered and the wound is blocked.

He could not come back to life, but the body returned to a state of beauty that seemed unlikely.

Perhaps because the muscles were relaxed, the fear and stiffness of astonishment disappeared from his expression, and he looked calm.

"After all, the recovery..."

From this action, it was certain that the glass beaver was part of the recovery bead.

And the act of treating the beaver didn't end with the body of the guide.

The bodies of the others, stacked in a terrible stack, shook the whole clinic with its warm light.

The murdered corpses are returning to their restful form.


A UBM with healing power.

Some of the guards were healing beads... and many of these < UBM > healed from fatal injuries.

I hesitated to point my gun at him for his calm looks and abilities.

With this friendly < UBM >, I thought we could even coexist.

However, the idea is a misunderstanding and merely an exuberance.

If it was truly friendly and not dangerous - it wasn't sealed by the beads in the first place.

"If there is no danger, I will instruct the Mayor...?"

When the leader of the guard tried to grab the radio, a change occurred inside the cage of light.

The body of a guide who was healed by the beaver's light.

It stood up slowly (...).

"Carlo!? I'm back... no!"

The guards will soon find out it's not a resuscitation.

It was obvious to me when I looked at my face.

The expressionlessness of the lips tied to the eyes without light.

It looks like you don't have any feelings for your own revival.

It was not their friend anymore.


Where life is poured out, lost souls do not return to the flesh.

But now, the vitality of the body is moving without expression or emotion.

Not a scratch or decay... but it was a moving corpse (zombie) itself.

The human figure may be closer to the Yellow River zombie.

And that change didn't just happen with the body of the guide... but with all the bodies that were touched by the light.

A pile of corpses becomes a pile of undead and begins to reactivate (...).

"Ugh...! It doesn't affect the creature, but if it's a corpse, this is what happens!"

Recovery beads were frequently used in Winter Orbs, but the survivors showed no abnormalities.

The light of healing... The patients who were infused with vitality healed their wounds and saved their lives.

However, it's unlikely that this will happen when you give life to the dead (...).

(... no, there are cases where it was used on patients who seemed too late, but it should not have come back then. What's the difference...?)

The leader had doubts, but before he could deepen his thoughts about it, the Undead approached the guards with no expression.

"Shoot me!"

I was hesitant to destroy my people's bodies, but I can't help myself to this anomaly.

The guards aim the magic firearm at the pile of bodies and start firing.

The bodies of the doctors were crushed by magic bullets, and the bodies of the guards, who were still wearing their power suits, endured some, but were crushed before the barrage.

c8a8bba4 (still)

But when the light shone again, the Undead's wounds were instantly repaired.

"......! Inexhaustible ability to build and recover the undead!"

From the beginning, the tragic body was restored to its original state.

The destruction of the head, which is deadly to the conventional Undead, is only a healable wound as long as there is this light.

As a result, the pawns of the raccoon were aligned.

It's a situation that even sounds like a ritual for this.

However, that meant that the lion side knew the nature that was supposed to be unknown through the pearls.

Even in the country of the Yellow River, the information was lost... where did you get the lion's share?

"This is the leader!" Aim for the main unit! "

However, if you use the corpse as an undead (...), it's not a terrible threat.

If you're a guard wearing a high-powered Powered Suit, you can restore your corpse to life.

We shouldn't be aiming for the corpses of our own people.

The leader of the guards immediately decides and points the gun at the UBM.

Aiming at the [seemingly] fragile body beaver, the guards fired all at once.

Winter Orbs in operation, the Zetas that stole the pearls, and the Yellow River after the Civil Unrest.

There are two things that those who knew the records (...) after the sole was sealed by the pearl did not know.

First of all, the sole has not only the power to give life to others, but also a high level of intelligence (...).

The fact that the sole had never been used to move a corpse since it was sealed by a pearl.

Among the days used for treatment, there were cases where the corpses that were already too late were used with a sense of hope.

Along with the bead technique, it gives vitality as it is used.

Sole pours vitality to heal wounds.

And if there is no life without a soul, the vitality poured out by the sole will function in place of the soul.

Once the corpse is infused with vitality, the corpse becomes a toy that can be moved by the sole.

However, the soloist did not move a single toy that he could move at will.

When the ability to operate was revealed, it was seen as dangerous and it was known that it could be sealed tightly.

Therefore, while hiding his power, he continued to be used obediently and waited for his own liberation.

Sole moves with ethics, common sense, and principles of behavior that are different from humans... but not stupid.

And the second is the meaning of the ability to give life force (...).

I have the power to divide and restore vitality to living beings.

It also has such power, turning it into a moving corpse that can divide the vitality of the dead and manipulate them as it pleases.

Toys... the leader who recovers and manipulates deadly things is also correct.

However, I am mistaken.

Sole manipulates corpses, not dead people.

Are the two the same thing?

No, not at all. Not at all.

--The range (...) is different.

The guards understood the difference by shooting their own guns in the head.

Their Powered Suit (...) moved against the wearer's will and fired towards his head.

I mean, that's what it is.

a8e0bfe1 (toy), a4eab5a2 (happy)

A lifeless weapon (...) is just a toy for Sore.

The sole is a special type of non-living creature-dominated type --- [Miyako Hayaki].

In the words of the Yellow River, it means "Fusanshen"... the king of the artifact.

c8a8bba4 (still). a0bbdaa4 (asaku)

The guards who shot their heads and died instantly were immediately infused with vitality to heal their wounds.

But there is no life for them anymore.

Beautiful corpses, as if they were alive, follow along with their powered suits.

bde8c8a2. d3e2bba4

Then, [Fusan Shen] pulled the guards out of the hole that the lion face had left in the wall and headed toward the city.

"Hey! What the hell..."

The guards who tried to call out to their colleagues in the clinic with the sounds of gunfire and unusual behavior shot themselves in the head just like their colleagues... and join the line.

Guards shoot, kill, and heal civilians who scream at the sight and flee.

Repeat, repeat.

Kill, heal, increase.

The guards mutilate their original lives with the unexpressed and emotionless initial life they were given.

If anyone could see a soul that had fallen from the body after death, they would have seen the guards screaming next to their bodies.

a8e0bfe1 (Toy), bdadb3f1 (Lots)

But he that doeth it knoweth not their grief, and seeeth not, and understandeth not.

In a circle made of lifeless people, [Fusanshen] flashes happily.

No one can stop it.

Without the Job, the Powered Suit-dependent Guard will not be able to fight [Husan Shen].

[Husanshen] Xuyu could attack the main body...... She was out of the city fighting the lion.

For the Winter Orb, [Fusanshen] was a natural enemy.

And the winter orbs overflowing with the power suits of earlier civilizations were an excellent seedbed for [Husanshen].

Ideally enough for this Domino knockout drawing.

And after the tiles fell... more drawings began to be drawn.


"This is an emergency report."

At 13: 00 local time, an armed army beep (...) was confirmed in the northernmost city of Winter Orb.

It seems that many civilians have been killed in the attack by the soldiers.

According to government officials, the mayor of Winter Orb, Spectral Rogue, had suspicions that he had planned the forgery of civilized weapons, internal connections with other countries, and the collapse of the city state coalition.

“The Cardina Defense Department expressed the view that the armed bees were the result of a series of moves, including the unjustified detention of personnel sent by Cardina to investigate just before the armed bees.”

The chairman of Fantasma, who saw the situation seriously, exercised his authority in an emergency. The city and its 200-kilometer radius were designated as hostile state-controlled areas (...), and Cardina citizens were called to evacuate. "

If you live near the border with Winter Orb, please follow the instructions of the government.

To be continued

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