<Infinite Dendrogram>
Episode Twenty-five: Demon VS Magin
□ Around West Gate
Time goes back only slightly.
Dueling city of Gideon West Gate.
It is the entrance and exit that connects the dueling city of Gideon to the field map, one of only four exits to cross the anti-air junction that covers the entire city.
Dozens of < Master > ice statues line its west gate, with battles between [Woman] Luke Holmes and [High-Level Pilot] Hugo Receps.
But that wasn't the only battle going on at the West Gate.
"Xia! The wall samon is broken!
"of reconfiguration, until recast, in… 55 seconds"
Those are the three girls who accompanied Ray and Luke. Battle of the three, Kasumi, Io and Fuji, Rookie's < master >.
Against them - they were monsters like carnivorous dinosaurs.
The name is shown as [PBS (Pre-Palative Brute Saurus)] It progresses to Io, who serves as an avant-garde as he strips out his fangs.
"Tirano, saurus......?
"You look alosaurus in one way or another."
"Not if I'm telling you! This guy is absolutely horrible! He's definitely stronger than the subdragon class! Fuji, do something!
"Roger. I'll stop...... Alma Guest"
A fitted wand of a sphere with a fuzz spinning at the tip located at the rear of the Io - set up an arma guest.
"Triple development of Mad Crap and Star Printer"
Immediately after the proclamation there is one magic formation at the feet of Fuji.
Three magic formations unfold around the magic formations like satellites.
"Startup (click)"
One of the satellite's magic formations can play along with her words.
Immediately after, the cobblestone and soil at the foot of [PBS] move like mucus, grabbing its feet.
[PBS] pulls off that restraint while the momentum he was advancing, but collapses and falls hard.
"Startup, Startup, Startup"
I can also play the two remaining satellite magic formations and the magic formations at my feet.
Then, the surrounding ground where [PBS] collapsed mucused simultaneously in three places, restraining the body of [PBS].
Fuji-no-no, Arma Guest.
TYPE of a cane supplied with a sphere elephant of a star: Arms.
Its ability traits are the magical copy-and-paste it used itself.
You can copy up to three of the magic you used as satellite magic formations and release it at any time.
The downside is that the person cannot take physical movement in the presence of satellite magic formations.
It can also be described as a disadvantage that bears the name of Alma Guest synonymous with Heavenly Animation.
"Mad Crap" used by Fujidan is a subordinate restraint magic of local attributes, but if it overlaps more than one, it can stop the movement of [PBS], an enhanced modified monster of the subdragon class, for about a few seconds.
in the gaps thus made,
"Ok! I'll crack the bee! Golin, Mode [Shredded]!!"
- Io with a big axe that combines a pattern of more than five meters (...) with a huge single blade of whether there will be a few tons raids.
"Get out of the way!!"
Io waves a super-heavy axe down his whole body in the medulla oblongata of [PBS], where he can't move.
Like a medieval executioner or a mythical monster, the axe blade tore the neck of a carnivorous dinosaur, smashing its cervical spine, passing through its throat and destroying the cobblestone floor extensively with less momentum.
Even though it was a minor modified monster, it could not survive being severed from the neck and soon became dust and left a drop item to disappear.
"Yikes! Whoa!"
"Io, on the back......!
"I knew it first!! Mode [grinding] Huh!!"
Io turns his gaze backwards over himself - towards a monster resembling a Pteranodon that flies in the dark at night.
At the same time, Io's clenched weapon - Gorin deforms.
The length of the pattern is one-fifth, instead the chain extends twenty meters from the tip of the pattern, which forms a bearded iron sphere that is far more voluminous than Io himself.
Io's, Golin.
TYPE: Arms, a super-heavy weapon that deforms into multiple forms.
It deforms into a variety of super-heavy super-hard weapons, such as a single-blade axe mode [shattered] and a giant iron ball mode [shattered].
As with Ray's nemesis, the user feels no weight, and is specialized in pure aggression.
The downside is that even if you don't feel the weight because you are a giant weapon, it works slowly and has a low hit rate.
Io swings a deformed Gorin into a giant iron sphere into a Pteranodon-shaped monster approaching himself.
The pteranodon-shaped monster tries to circumvent it, but someone grabbed him abruptly in the air.
That's a balloon giant similar to Marshmallowman.
In < Infinite Dendrogram >, it is a summoning monster called [Balloon Golem].
"Hold me down...... Ballun"
Xia holds the job of [Summoner].
[Summoner] is a job who forms and serves the body of a monster every time he battles with his own magic.
[Balloon Golem] is an integral part of Kasumi's hand and a wall actor with Physical Attack Resistance and Floating Ability.
There is therefore no wonder in itself that the call was made, and the strange thing is… that Ballun abruptly appeared behind Pteranodon.
And that was the power of the Kasumi Tykyokus.
Xia's Embrio, Tykyokuz.
Radar-shaped TYPE exploring the position of: Arms.
The downside is that you do not have any direct combat capability.
But Tykyokus has another inherent ability besides the radar function.
It's the ability to instantaneously move a submissive, or summoning monster, within your own capacity to any point in the map.
The further away you are from yourself, the more MP you consume, but within 50 meters, the less you consume.
Pteranodon, impenetrable by being pushed into Ballun.
There you go.
Io's swinging morningstar struck directly, crushing the skeleton of Pteranodon's entire body and crushing the meat.
The damage caused Pteranodon to die instantly and [PBS] returned to dust by leaving only the item as well.
"This is the fifth one!
Kasumi and Fuji-no focus all their efforts on stopping and restraint, and Io, with advanced class offensive power, critically hits the attack.
In this combination, the three of them were crusading five subdragon-class monsters assembling at the West Gate.
Considering that the subdragon class is the equivalent of six men at a junior level.
In the case of < Master >, the abilities of < Embrio > will be added, so they will not necessarily require six lower ranks for the subdragon class, but their battles will still be significant.
This is because each of the three people is familiar with each other's characteristics and overlaps their strengths while covering their shortcomings.
With exceptions such as Ray and Luke, they are the most versatile rookies out of the Central Arena.
Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to leave the retrofitted monsters of the successive subdragon classes.
"Phew, finally take a breath!
"No... not yet... Mr. Luke... because we're fighting... cover..."
Yes, they were supposed to be on backup at the start of the battle between Luke and Hugo.
But the first monster showed up at the West Gate and has had to respond to you to this day.
"It was -! What's going on!?"
"Somehow he stops and talks. I can't hear you from here."
"Okay! In Atashi mode [Explosion]..."
That's what Io says and tries to deform Gorin into a third form, but two people stop it: Kasumi and Fuji.
"There... meh..."
"Exactly. I saw it as a bad hand to attack now. Let's see how it goes. Xia, how are the other Masters reacting around?
"I don't... And Mr. Ray outside...... not yet...... okay.... and Franklin."
"Okay! I'll pick up the drop items while I can! It's Gappoli because it's subdragon class!
That's what Io said and ran to pick up an item that was falling around.
"Io... something might come again... Caution..."
"Distribution doesn't crack the market sale amount! Oh, boss, I might want some armor out of the box that I could gear up for -! [Barbarian Warrior] So I can't equip much!
"Listen... don't give me... Yikes"
Io is obsessed with picking up items, and Kasumi sees it in tears.
And Fuji was the only one who went to a certain question.
"Drop item......? Wait, how did you get an item in the first place? Tame Monster would be a system (...) that knocks down but doesn't (...) drop items?"
That's a question about what's not supposed to happen.
One of these < Infinite Dendrogram > systematic rules is that monsters that are tasted and under people's control do not drop items when defeated.
"Before that, you should normally be setting it back to Jewel before taking deadly damage. Even if you dare to remove that setting, there is still a reason for the item to drop..."
There is no doubt that that monster was created by Franklin's hand and placed under his control.
That's why he was trying to line up Fujidan, the master of the kingdom.
"If those aren't Tame Monsters, not even orders... imprinted at the creation stage... then what Franklin did... no way, if you do that..."
When the speculation, which is in Fuji's brain, was about to take shape,
The clash sounded like the air was breaking.
To the sound, the three look back: Xia, Io and Fuji.
It's a hell of an ice...... a roar coming from the inside of Hellgate.
The bursting sound of shock moved and swung the blade down at all costs toward Luke.
After the sound, of a beautiful silver-haired boy nowhere in that hell... there was no sign of Luke.
Not only Luke, but also the figure of Babi he was taking with him, and the figure of Marilyn the submissive.
By the defeat of Luke, both the Embrio and the submissive disappeared.
After the three of them think so, they realize.
The voice of the Summer Question flows into a world of silence.
The three shadows of Luke and the others are not there.
Instead - a stranger (...) stood there.
◇ ◇ ◇
'What... is happening?
On this occasion, Hugo had more doubts than anyone.
He rose sharply to the words of hostile Luke and waved the blade down.
But the blade I unleashed on Luke has been taken.
Someone in front of me (...) had a long shot in his right hand, and a blade with extraneous power was being taken.
Someone in front of you - to someone who's not Luke.
Devil's wings on his back.
Dragon scales on the body.
Devil's horn on the head.
Silver assault spear (lance) with three dragon horns tied to your right hand.
That's like that silver-haired pretty boy's face (cover it) after a few years...... strange beautiful sturdy.
"Who... you are!?"
When Hugo did what, Sole smiled thinly... and answered.
Union Jack. Dragon Demon.
Beautiful - that's what the "Dragon Demon" named it, fleshly kicked it in < Maggie >.
It should weigh more than ten tonnes < Magingear >.
Its legs are off the ground and kicked in the rear for a few meters.
Hugo lands to regain his posture from stunning and physical shock.
At the same time, the left hand of the Dragon Demon entering the pocket touched the chest armor.
"Little Flare"
Fire attribute magic fired at zero distance melts the icing armor in the chest and also transmits impact inside the.
"This is... that magic skill that was used by Embrio!
But the power of Little Flare used by the Dragon Demon is a few steps above Babi's.
"Trihorn Upper"
“Dragon Demon" packs the distance again and shakes up the dragon horn spear in his hand.
Hugo also recognized the move.
There is a difference between a corner and a spear, but Marilyn released it to Maggie.
Hugo tries to play with the right blade, but the blade breaks from the middle without withstanding the impact.
'More than this......!
Immediately after, Hugo activates the [Smoke Discharger], which was mounted on his lower back.
In an instant, a smokescreen with the effect of visual inhibition unfolds, slightly blunting the movement of the "Dragon Demon".
"Motor Slash!!"
He fires a blow all over his body with the remaining left blade, but the "Dragon Demon" jumped backwards and dodged as if he knew it was coming.
The way it moves is something Hugo has seen many times in this fight.
"I see... is that what (...)"
Gaining certainty from the "Dragon Demon" movement, Hugo opens his mouth.
'Are you... him? And now it's “fused" with Embrio and monsters. Is that the effect of the last skill you used?
To Hugo's words, “Dragon Demon" - Luke smiled back.
As with Hugo earlier, I don't need to return the details of my skills as "correct" or anything like that because I was quoted.
But it was true that it was the right answer.
This is the skill Babylon acquired in the third form, Union Jack.
< Master > and < Embrio > and the Trinity Fusion Skill of the Obedient Demon (...).
Born because he was influenced by Ray and had a vision of the two of them "fighting together on top of each other", a figure unlike them.
Union Jack sums up the status of the three and creates a single demon with all his skills.
That is, it combines the status of a dragon (Marilyn) with the skills of a demon (Babi), and the wisdom of a person (Luke).
Therefore, the issue is "Dragon Demon".
It is a trump card that the current Luke can exercise.
'So much skill...... something that can be activated without any preparation?
Hugo's question is right.
Fusion and amalgamation skills exist outside of Union Jack.
However, all of them produce a time lag by the time they have the effect that some charge time is required before fusion, or that the merger itself takes time.
That is the drawback of the skills of fusion and amalgamation systems.
"Ready to activate skills? I did, all the time."
Luke dares not smile at Hugo's question, but returns it in words.
In that word, I perceive Hugo's thought in the cockpit of < Magingear > unconsciously trying to be turned to recollection, approaching that gap again and attacking him.
"You can see better than you just did."
Interception blades are exchanged and, conversely, spears are poked at for leg joints.
It has a higher strength than the original, and yet it doesn't break quickly because it is increased in endurance with icing armor.
However, as a result of the status totals by Union Jack, a little bit of icing armor is crushed by Luke, who also gained more power than Marilyn.
"Well, when will it be? How long have I been preparing? Think about it."
With gracious words, “Dragon Demon” Luke launches a fierce attack.
To put it right, Babi had begun charging Luke to use Union Jack since he said "" Royal Hand (Check) "".
And the charge was already complete when Babi said words indicating the end of it.
That was a coder that the two of us had decided beforehand.
Also, my body gradually [froze] and Luke, who didn't have time... why I had Hugo listen to my reasoning for so long.
That's for fact-checking and buying time to activate Union Jack.
In a mock fight with Marie, she was ready for an interval during the mock fight.
How to make that time in action was a concern for Luke... but this time Luke was creating that time with a few measures and talking.
"Well, as you may have noticed... Coquitos' Hell Gate is no longer effective against me"
As Luke said, Luke's left arm, transformed into a "dragon demon," has already been released from the ice curse.
On the contrary, there are no signs of freezing dust.
"I guess my race is not“ human ”right now, nor is it the race I have crusade counts. So Hell Gate can't work either."
As a result of the fusion of “dragons” and “demons”, Luke's race is now a "chimera”.
Luke never defeated “Chimera," and for Luke now the "Hellgate" of Iced Hell is just the background.
Luke escaped the Hellgate ruling by changing his race.
"From here... it's just a power comparison, Hugo Receps"
"Hell Gate" has no meaning, and your power reaches here alone, huh? [M] So compared to the power...... good. Let's Take It, Luke Holmes'
Luke jumps back, takes the distance.
That is not to escape.
In order to gain the distance of aid necessary to activate Marilyn's Assault Ability, which is the most powerful in his current skills for Attack.
Take a stand against Hugo and Coquitos, too.
It is not the Motor Slash or firearms that trigger the attack.
The only direct offensive skill in Coquitos' unique skills.
The MP consumption was intense and use was avoided in order to maintain the boundaries for a long time.
However, it was a priority not to send the enemy to Franklin alive, rather than to maintain the bond.
Yes, Hugo is no longer sure.
He said the person in front of him was too dangerous and should never be sent to Ray's reinforcements or anything.
(... he is dangerous. Not strong or weak. You can't let him meet “that guy” who sees too many people. Here, when I... bury)
The silence to visit.
It's like even the air that propagates the vibrations has frozen.
In a silent icy hell, "Dragon Demon" and < Maggie > remain stationary opposite each other.
Among the countless ice statues standing side by side, they themselves nestle in such a way that they are one of the works of alien art.
Such a strained air - torn by the distant explosion sounds heard from beyond the west gate (...).
Who caused it?
The two of us here now have no reason to know.
But the two of them didn't turn to the sound. I didn't see the West Gate.
I just triggered the air vibration that transmitted the explosion sound - and ran through it.
The "Dragon Demon” holds a silver dragon horn spear and walks cobblestone in a low position rubbing the ground.
Sharpen the progression of Subdragon Marilyn with multiple enhancements due to fusion elevated stats and passive skills of Babi.
It is no longer in the realm of subdragons, but a special spear that also wears pure dragons.
- "Trihorn Grandacher"
rebuild the lost left blade.
But that's not a blade made of the same ice as before.
It's a blade of pure heat that can be shaped by heat distorting air.
Coquitos trump card that converts heat absorbed by Hellgate into attack energy.
- Purgatory Flash.
And the two staggered - the battle of the West Gate was settled.
The three of us were watching that settlement.
Only Xia, Io and Fuji Noodles were present on this occasion and watched the battle between the two.
After staggering, it was... Luke who fell down.
After meeting each other's most powerful skills, the "Dragon Demon" spears reached their limit faster than the "Maggie" cockpit pierced.
Deadly damage solves his transformation into a "Dragon Demon" and Babi and Marilyn lay low on the ground.
Luke himself is full of creativity.
"With power... did you lose the competition"
In a nutshell, Luke had no luck.
Had it not been for Bishmal, the kingdom's strongest inflammatory user, who fed on Hell Gate, the power of Purgatory Flash, which uses heat absorption, would not have jumped that far either.
If that's the case, he may have been overwhelmed with Babi's "Burning Resistance" and “Dragon Demon” sub-dragon status or better.
Yes... Hugo and Coquitos are never intact either.
The ice armor on the front of the fuselage is scattered, and the chest armor of [Marshall II modification] is also heavily distorted and penetrated by wearing to the cockpit.
Hugo himself looked at the tip of a silver spear that jumped into his own sight.
If the destruction is only slightly delayed, there is no doubt that Hugo, who is inside, has reached a death penalty.
However, [Marshall II modification] is still alive.
If Coquitos' medium, Magingear, is still there, Hellgate can continue to expand.
Luke, who is falling back to “human” on that evidence, also [freezes] a little bit more.
"Next... those three"
And Hugo's gaze is directed at the three Kasumitas.
- That slight behavior was the biggest bad hand of Hugo tonight.
- I should have stepped on Luke's head and smashed it before checking the situation.
- Because a boy named Luke,
"If you don't have any health left to defeat directly, I just want you to open the hatch..." Liz ""
- Because we are constantly putting up with a number of plans.
Immediately after Luke's words, [Marshall II revamped] 's hatch opened up with momentum.
"Hey,... ahh!?"
What the stunning Hugo saw was a silver liquid metal that wobbled over the hatch's open and close buttons.
Liz from Miss Lil Arms Slime.
Something hidden from the name at the start of the duel and secretly used to keep Hugo unnoticed even during the fight.
Liz is the silver identity coated on the surface of the dragon horn spear, something that snuck inside the cockpit at the same time the spear wore a hole.
It was supposed to chop up the inner Hugo as it was, but it had evaporated the bulk of the volume with the heat of Purgatory Flash, leaving no power that far behind.
So all Liz could do was press the hatch opening and closing button on...... [Marshall II Modified].
That's all I'm glad about.
If the hatch is empty and there is nothing that separates Hugo from them...
"-" The Seduction of Males "Mail Temptation" "
"-" Little Succubus Temptation ""
[Woman] and the horny demon's true value is demonstrated.
"Royal Hand (Checkmate)"
With that one word, the battle of the West Gate was settled.
To be continued
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