I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 113

The other party seemed to be teasing Li Yan and them.

Although he was very concerned about Li Yan's affairs, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gave the current pleasure to action first. At this moment, Ying Lili sucked the drink, and seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Then what do you think will be going on? It sounds like a certain prospective candidate who just finished the college exam will engage in a certain type of social communication for college expenses?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu opened one eye and closed another, looked at Ying Lili with a smile, and asked.

"...What do you mean? It's impossible. Although he has always been said that he is very popular with women of a certain age, if he is such a person, how could I become friends with him? He probably met him. What's the difficulty? When I have difficulties, I never take the initiative to look for us, he is such a guy."

Ying Riri carelessly supported her chin, her white cheeks were slightly flushed, and she said displeased: "The reason for my anger is that he is always mad alone. In any case, thinking alone is not as good as two or three together Thinking is easier to solve difficulties, and in the end, they may be deported."


The unexpected answer made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu a momentary stun, always feeling that she hadn't tried Ying Lili for a period of time, and suddenly she realized that she had grown up.

If it was in the past, it might still be the same as it was, and it seemed to be more gloomy along with his temper, but now he also began to calmly think about the problem, it was really not easy.

Although the relationship between her and Ying Lili is still in the freezing point, the mindset of getting together and contacting Li Yan is probably the same. They are all concerned about this author of a novel who does his own way but has a profound influence on others.

"If I have time, I'd better go to Uesugi-sensei once to see what is going on..."

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu looked at the street scenery where people walked outside the window, thinking quietly.



In the rest stop of the expressway, the wind was a little loud, and along with the falling snow, this female college student in formal clothes smiled slightly, walking a little like a fairy at night, looking a little cautious, her face Shang did not care about Li Yan's surprised reaction.

Li Yan quickly turned off the call to prevent this BOSS from making more terrifying and misleading remarks.

"Huh? Why did you turn off the call? Did I disturb you chatting with your friends? Sorry, although I remind you that you are also working hours, but you don’t mean to control Li Jun at all. If it’s Li Yanjun, I You can make an exception."

Xuexiayangnai said to Li Yan with a gentle smile.


Li Yan looked helplessly at this young girl who was smiling so delicately. The focus just now was probably not a reminder of working hours, but it was obviously maliciously doing things.

In fact, Xuexiayang’s words are not wrong at all. Those who are engaged in home tutoring work and non-work hours are not delineated at all in training institutions, because training may happen at any time. As a training institution, teachers are either spending time on publicity, looking for customers, or coaching students who come at different times. It can also be said that it is a full-time hard industry.

According to Li Yan’s understanding, the first received salary of four hundred thousand yen is only calculated as the basic salary, and the commission has not been calculated. In total, it basically meets the salary standard for teachers in Tokyo. Therefore, for Yukoshita There is nothing wrong with his words, in terms of emotion and reason, and the fault lies under the snow. Yang does not mean that the working time is not tomorrow, but the calculation starts after getting on the bus.

"No, since it is working hours, it is indeed inconvenient to talk about personal matters. I will wait for the next time to contact my friend."

Li Yan said with a slight bitterness, smiling.

In any case, he did not want to lose this job that had received favors and wages in advance.

"Well, I know that Li Jun is also very serious when he works, and I can understand my thoughts. By the way, who is the one who is calling? Although he is very quiet, I feel that the voice is very cute. It is your girl. Friends?"

Like other girls, Xuexia Yangna was especially concerned about such gossip incidents, and she asked with a smile.

"No, it's my ordinary friend. I just finished all the exams today, so she called and asked."

Li Yan said to Xuexia Yangnai flatly.

Xuexiayangna was a little surprised. He smiled casually and said, "...Eh, it's boring to answer my questions so calmly, hehe, I think it's not something for someone like Li Yanjun to find a girlfriend. It's difficult, youth doesn't wait for anyone. If you see something you like, hurry up to catch up."

"...Ah, I see."

Li Yan felt a little bit that Yang Nai also liked the topic of love. He was a little surprised. He thought that a rich lady like her paid more attention to company and interpersonal matters.

"Have you bought my drink?" Yukoshita Yonoi asked with a smile.

"Bought, here."

"Eh, did you still buy a heated glass drink? You are so careful, thank you."

Xuexia Yangna held this cup of hot drink. After taking a sip, he warmed his body slightly, then smiled, and said, "Okay, let's continue on the road. It looks like it's going to snow again. We have to leave as soon as possible. ."

Li Yan looked at this beautiful woman standing in the wind and snow. She was once the relationship between the person responsible for the accident and the injured, but now she has inadvertently become the relationship between the employer and the employee. It is really unpredictable.

Chiba Prefecture, located on the east side of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, is composed of the Kanto Plain in the north and the Boso Peninsula in the south-central part. Chiba Prefecture, surrounded by the sea on three sides, is warm in winter and cool in summer. It has a warm maritime climate and is a country as Japan One of the earliest and most developed areas.

When the vehicle arrived in the urban area of ​​Chiba Prefecture, it was already close to eight o'clock. At this moment, the street was covered with white snow, and the bright lights of shops inadvertently decorated this dreamlike urban snow scene.

As a result, after the car drove into the parking lot downstairs of a luxurious residence, the two got out of the car.

Li Yan simply saw the decoration at the entrance of this residential building, a European-style aristocratic style, and the parking space was also filled with luxury cars. He knew that this place should be the domain of the rich.

"Here is a property of mine here. It has never been used. It is usually idle, so I'll live with you temporarily."

After Xuexia Yangna opened the door with his house number, he led Li Yan in and said with a smile.


Li Yan was flattered and asked, "...you mean...is this my staff dormitory?"

"Yes, how can I help me work without a good rest? My father is a director of a construction company, but he has been working hard to expand the company's business, so I have recently seen the prospects of training institutions. I’ll help with it temporarily. I don’t know much about how this industry develops, but I saw your resume in the talent market. It turns out that you have been a part-time teacher for half a year. So it’s a coincidence. I believe you must You can come in handy, you are the professional consultant I invited over."

Xuexia Yangna looked at Li Yan, smiling as if his eyes were looking forward to it.

For such flattery, Li Yan really can't flatter him. The first point he noticed early on is that it is probably not a coincidence that this eldest lady knew that he had work experience as a part-time teacher. In the vast talent market I saw his copy in the resume, but it has the background to investigate him.On the second point, he is half a year of part-time experience, which is not expected to have much effect on the business of a new organization.

"I will do my best, boss."

Li Yan smiled and agreed ambiguously.He knew his weight in his heart, but many things could not be exposed face to face.

"Then I beg you, Li Yanjun." Xuexiayangna said happily.

Soon, Li Yan was taken to the door of the house number 1302. The specification here is three houses on one floor. It is conceivable that the space inside is naturally not small. For Li Yan, who has lived for a long time, I can’t help but feel that such a staff dormitory is too luxurious...

Xuexiayangna was too polite to him.

"Ah, don't be in a daze, go in and take a look. After all, you have to live here for a month. If you don't like it, I will think of other ways to help you find another residence."

Xuexiayangna looked at Li Yan thinking with a smile, and said.

After walking in, Li Yan was dumbfounded, with a golden glow. He felt that he was only living in one of the rooms here, and asked, "Are there other teachers living here?"

"Eh, other teachers? What are you talking about, Li Yanjun, this is just your residence alone. Anyway, we have known friends for half a year. How could we arrange a dormitory for you? And the property fee and The cleaning fee has already been prepaid for a year, so you can live here with peace of mind."

Yukoshita Yangna put his hands on his shoulders from behind and said with a smile.

Li Yan swallowed, his heart always has an inexplicable feeling, he feels... as if he was taken care of by this young lady.Because he is not a powerful business elite at all, but he was specially picked up, hired with a high salary, and lived in a mansion for free. There must be fraud.

"Well, Miss, I think it's a waste to live here alone, so..." Li Yan declined and said nervously.

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