I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 114


Xuexiayangna thought quietly.

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief. This eldest lady finally understood his discomfort. It is not that the better the conditions, the more sincere she is. Sometimes it is necessary to grasp a measure.

Yukoshita Yono said apologetically, "I'm sorry, my mother probably didn't allow me to live in a house with a foreign man right now, but I still can't live here."


"By the way, it's almost time. I should go back. Here are the keys and my door card. I will get down on time at 7:50 tomorrow. I will drive you to the agency. Don't be late."

Yang Nai handed Li Yan the key and the door card, then turned around and walked out the door, and when he closed the door for Li Yan, he smiled and said, "Then, see you tomorrow, teacher."

Standing in this empty house, Li Yan sighed slightly, feeling a little scared, hoping that he was really not caught in a plan of commercial fraud.


As a result, the plan of commercial fraud is impossible.

Li Yan investigated the information of the Yukoshita family in Chiba Prefecture through the Internet. The Yukoshita family is a well-known family in Chiba Prefecture. The family is very wealthy and has a large construction company. The company president also serves as a county councilor. .The company has always been at a profitable level of development, and has clearly begun to acquire some educational institutions in the county, and began to expand its business to the education field.

So, what is the reason to give Li Yan such a general treatment?

In the early morning, the sky was still snowing, and in a snow-white world, Li Yan was waiting quietly at the door of the residential building with his backpack on his back.

However, while he was still thinking about Yang Nao's purpose, he did not find that a young girl just came out on a corner of the street, but quickly took it back.

Very punctual. At 7:45, Xuexiayangna drove to the door and stopped at the door. After Li Yan saw the license plate, there was no other way. He had to go up and see what was going on before responding. .

"Good morning." Xuexiayangna greeted him vigorously.

"Good morning, boss..."

When Li Yan opened the car door, showing his standard social mode smile to greet Yang Nai, he noticed a figure as soon as he closed the car door.

The girl in the black school uniform looked at this side secretly and hid it back for an instant, but her face was quite similar to Yukoshita Yono.

However, I don't know why, the hidden girl's eyes are not friendly...

Chapter 81: The Smiling Chiba Demon Girl

The black suit was probably a self-designed school uniform of a Japanese high school. Some passing students around seemed to be wearing the same school uniform, talking and laughing toward this road.

Li Yan remembered that when he came here at night, there was a subway station on the opposite side of the street in this direction.

However, although the appearance of that beautiful long hair with five blacks was somewhat different, Li Yan felt that the beautiful face was so similar to that of Miss Yang Nai.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Xuexiayangna asked with a curious look.

"...It's okay, shall we go to the training institution now?"

Li Yan shook his head, and immediately moved away from the topic, looking at Xuexia Yangnai and asked.

"Yes, because you will pass by this road to work, so you can take you to and from get off work every day."

Although I always feel that the girl in the high school uniform has something to do with Yang Nao, probably Yang Nao’s younger sister, but he thinks it’s better to talk less and don’t need to worry about excess curiosity .

"Huh? Don't bother so much. I can go to work by myself next time." Li Yan glanced at her in surprise and said.

Yang Nai smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite. I need your help for many days of work. Just take you to work on time."


This sentence immediately made Li Yan shudder, he always felt that he was suddenly weak, and always felt that the meaning of this was completely different.

The car quickly restarted, drove off the main road, and began to drive in the direction of the business district.

After the car left, the beautiful girl hiding in the corner of a house gradually walked out, watching the car drifting away with a serious expression, and exhaling a warm air slightly.

"Sister..." She said silently, disturbedly.

She still remembers that man, but why did she appear in Chiba Prefecture? What's the matter?


In the early morning, the light and fluttering snow fell on the quiet street. At this moment, the sky was dim and the street lights were still on.

Although Li Yan looked at the road earnestly, how many turns there were, and what reference points were there, he wrote them down carefully when he was in the car, so that he could go to work in the future.But after going through a major arterial road, Xuexiayangna drove the car into an ordinary two-lane road, and finally reached a parking lot that seemed to be a commercial pedestrian street full of food, clothing, and bookstores. On the court, this made Li Yan also have a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Here, it's here."

Yukoshita Yono said with a smile.

"...Miss, is the training institution you are in charge of running in the pedestrian street?"

Li Yan got out of the car and asked questioningly.

He looked at the surrounding environment and felt that although this place was crowded and mobile, it was also noisy. The roads were narrow and the location of the store was hard to find. It was not appropriate to open a training institution.

"Organization? What are you talking about, we came here to buy clothes and eat breakfast." Xuexia Yangna was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"Buy clothes and eat?"

Li Yan looked at Yang Nai in surprise and asked.

"Yes, Li Yanjun, after all, you are the friend I invited from Tokyo? So of course, as the host, I have to treat you to a good meal. If I don’t even understand this truth, how can I? Can you help my father take care of the company? This street is also a characteristic tourist attraction, so it should be considered a good place."

Xuexia Yangnai blinked at Li Yan, smiled and introduced Li Yan.

It was indeed reasonable. Li Yan always thought that being asked by Xuexiayang to wait at the door at 7:50 was because he had gone to work early, but he didn't expect to take a while to wash the dust for him.

When the two were talking in the street, the cold wind in the street came after another.

Wearing an off-white coat and wearing a black warm cotton-padded coat, Yukoshita Yono could not help shaking slightly, shrank and showed a sunny smile, and said, "Then, don't talk about it here. , I will take you to a restaurant that I prefer for breakfast. You are a boy and you will be able to eat very well in the morning, right? I think about it and think that is the best restaurant. Let's go now."

"...That cost you money."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, nodded, no longer said much, followed this gorgeous urban girl into this slightly bustling pedestrian street with some interest.

This street is an ancient street modeled in the style of the Edo period. The shops on both sides are made of simple wooden houses. The floor is also made of stone. The snow gradually melts, revealing a wet black ground. On the street, occasionally passing by a bunch of couples hugging each other, in this generally quiet time, it seems that there is really a feeling of crossing back to the Jianghu era.

"The business here is not very popular, but it does not mean that there is no famous food. Anyway, I personally like a Japanese restaurant. Li Yanjun is Chinese. Is he used to Japanese cuisine?"

Xuexiayangna turned back, walked backwards, and asked with a smile of interest.

This kind of feeling and atmosphere also makes people feel like a couple. At least an ordinary childhood sweetheart relationship exists. Unfortunately, the relationship between the two of them is the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim.

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