I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 118

Li Yan looked helplessly at the young girl who took a sip of coffee. It seemed that Yang Nai's sister had misunderstood something, and hurriedly came over to cut off this ill fate.Not to mention that she looked down on her sister. According to reason, he didn't decide this matter.

"Actually, this matter is not what you think. Your sister and I don’t know if even friends are counted, because I owe your sister 400,000 yuan in arrears. After the university entrance examination, I will come and help your sister. For debt repayment, we are the relationship between the labor force and the employer, and we cannot simply judge the development direction of our existence."

Li Yan's eyes were a little serious, and he explained to Xuexia Xuena.

Yukino Yukino put down the steaming coffee, her face was flat, and asked: "So, I probably understand it. However, Mr. Li really thinks that my sister will randomly hire someone with three months of work experience and education. It hasn't been determined yet, and is there a helper from Tokyo?"

"Um?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment.

"Although it is not very clear, but the sister spent so much energy in inviting you from a city, there must be her purpose. There is no doubt about this... However, this is the first time I have seen her Lending her house to others, your status is more than a purpose in her heart, it is beyond the scope of my understanding."

Xuexia Xuena looked at Li Yan and said, "But, please give up. In any case, I don't think you and my sister will have any results. It was even a false proposition at the beginning."

"...What started?"

Li Yan squinted his eyes and thought, always feel that high school girls are always so easily involved in the topic of youth love.

At this moment, the sky is cold, supported by the red and white streets outside the window, monotonous and beautiful, in the unique Japanese style, the girl’s look is serious, straightforward and a little old-fashioned, without any human touch, and her temperament looks oriental The white snow of artistic conception is generally full of clean, quiet and deserted, perfect quality.Li Yan had a vague impression: The Xuexia family is probably still a family with a feudal atmosphere.

Why do you always feel that her character like this is not bad, but like Tsurumi Liumi, such an overly correct character can't make friends.

While Li Yan was judging Xuexiaxuenai, she suddenly proposed a solution to resolve the conflicts and conflicts between Li Yan, Yangnai, and Xuexia that might be hidden in the future.

"In short, if it is for the same reason as the husband said, the decision is indeed not on your side, and I cannot persuade my sister to give up hiring you. Then, I only need to pay you 400,000 yuan and let Mr. Li repay all the debts you owe. Then there is no so-called employment relationship."

Xuexiaxue said solemnly.

This idea immediately moved Li Yan's heart. If he really had the ability to repay his debts immediately, he would be able to get rid of Miss Yang Nai's twenty-four hour control.

However, he was also ruthless and unrighteous in doing this. After all, the other party gave high hopes. Today, he also has his first student. Is it really reasonable to pat your butt and slip?

Li Yan hesitated, found another problem, and asked curiously: "...Ah, that's right, but...I owe you 400,000 yuan?"

"Don't worry, I just treat it as a break-up fee for you. There is no need to repay it. Please don't worry about it."

Yukino Yukino explained calmly.

"...What's going on in this development? How is it like the ethical plot part of the Japanese TV series. By the way, Sister Xuexia, are you the feudal mother of Miss Yang Nai?" Li Yan looked at this person in a complicated mood. The facial expression of the first-year girl in her mind was silent.

"This, I have to think about it..." Li Yan hesitated, looking at Xuexia Xuenai and said.

"Well, too, I won't let you answer me immediately. Since the line is added, I will send the money to you after you decide. Mr. Li, you are not a bad person, I understand it, but... …This is my sister’s business after all. Whether it is nosy or behind-the-scenes, this is what I can do." Xue Nai looked at Li Yan, and at the same time reached out and picked up her schoolbag, as if to get up and leave, said.

Li Yan had different opinions. He raised his head and looked at her quietly, and said, "How is this nosy...You are her sister. You are indeed qualified to intervene in such things. I don't think it is too much, so I just came to see you without any opinion, because you are Miss Yang Nai’s biological sister."

Xuexia Xuena was taken aback for a moment, and the movement of standing up was interrupted. She looked at this person who agreed with her approach somewhat unexpectedly, but it was the person involved.

At this time, Li Yan's cell phone rang suddenly.

"...What kind of weird ringtone is this?" Xuexia Xuenao listened to this ringtone blankly, thinking with mixed feelings in her heart.

——Hello, where are you?

An energetic greeting suddenly almost frightened Li Yan. Even Xue Nai heard the voice on the phone and looked at this side.

Li Yan asked with a pale face: "Miss... You scared me... Suddenly you asked me where I was. Is there anything wrong? For me, I'm probably taking a walk outside, what's wrong?"

——[Really, because I packed some supper for you and found that you were not in the room, just ask me by the way.

"Is that the case, thank you, you just put it on my desk, I'll go back later."

Li Yan said.

Fortunately, he said that he was spreading, and he had long thought about whether this eldest lady came back with the carbine and returned to the apartment lent to him. After all, this girl is a super idler when she is idle. Do something like this.

——[No, because it doesn’t taste good when it’s cold, so...]

Li Yan and Xuenai were both in the dining room, but, for some reason, a figure walked to the window of the street and looked at them with a bit of cold eyes and smiled.

——I personally brought it to you, Li Jun.


Li Yan stared blankly at Yukoshita Yono by the window, smiling and reaching out to say hello to the two of them. He always felt that watching horror movies was not that scary.


In the warm dining room, as soon as the door was opened, there was a cold wind.

Xuexiaxuenai carried her schoolbag, and walked towards the door quietly, while in the doorway, Xuexiayang was standing in the doorway of the cold snow with a smile.

"Xue Naijiang, why did you go back as soon as I walked in, do you want to have a meal with your sister and Li Jun?"

Yukino looked at Yukino who had walked to the door and passed you her shoulders, and asked in surprise.

"no need."

Xuexiaxue Nai said coldly to his sister.

"Then, go back earlier. Don't be alone outside at this late hour. Sister's friend, how can you be fooled by you, right, Xue Nao?"

Suddenly, when he passed by, Xuexiayangna carried a smile, but whispered extremely gloomy words.


Xuexia Xuenai snorted slightly, ignored it, looked a little bit cold, and walked out.

Immediately afterwards, Xuexia Yangna looked at Li Yan who was about to sneak out with Xuena with a smile, pinched the clothes on his shoulder with one hand, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"No, I have packed the food and paid for it, and thought I would go back." Li Yan said to the employer nervously.

"Is that so? Let's go back. This restaurant is also very good, but I have already packed the dishes for you. This time it is Chinese cuisine. In short, I still have to congratulate you on the success of your first order. Many burdens need to be entrusted to you. Sure enough, you are the guy who will not let me down, Li Yan like a monster."

Xuexiayangna cheerfully picked up the lunch box she had packed, showed it to Li Yan, and praised it with a sunny smile.

However, on that night, Yang Nai said nothing to his sister, as if he hadn’t seen his sister there at all. After simply celebrating Li Yan, Yang Nai was there at eight o’clock. gone back.

Looking at the scattered packing boxes on the table, Li Yan wondered curiously, what happened to the Xuexia sisters?


Early in the morning, it happened to be Saturday. This time was the busiest time for training institutions. When Li Yan just went to work, he saw the office area in full swing, the sound of telephone calls, the presence of teachers to receive students, and flying The documents everywhere gave him a sense of urgency.

Work is just that, time is money.

However, when it was nine ten ten, the student Tsurumi Liumei who had made an appointment to meet at eight o'clock did not see him in the United States. The phone call to Mr. Tsurumi was still unavailable, and it looked like it was turned off .


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