I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 119

With a bit of anxiety, Li Yan went to Yang Nai's office again, but when he was about to knock on the door, the voice of speaking came from the door.

"President, I received this letter again." A female employee said to Yukoshita Yono with a trembling voice.

"... Put it away, I'll hand it to the police later, don't let others know." Yang Nai answered.

"...Yes." After hesitating, the employee responded.

Li Yan was a little concerned about what was going on. He always felt like he had received a terrible letter. What was going on, and did he have the right to hear such things?

He knocked on the door, and after Yang Nai agreed, he opened the door and walked in. As a result, he saw a middle-aged woman with her head down and a panic face hurried past him.

"What's wrong?" Li Yan asked.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit of a competitor's actions. Is there anything wrong with Teacher Li?" Xuexia Yangna asked with a smile.

"My students originally planned to come over at eight o'clock, but they haven't arrived yet. I plan to go out to find out and apply to go out." Li Yan said to Yangnai.

"Well, I understand, let you handle it, I'll sign it."

Yang Nai nodded, accepted the application form, and signed the permission to go out again.

When Li Yan watched Yang Nai write his name, he also saw a ring in his slender and beautiful fingers.According to the truth, he heard that the ring he wore on the ring finger of his right hand indicated that he was in love.

His boss is actually in love.

"Well, do you like my ring?" Yang Nai noticed Li Yan's gaze and asked with a smile.

"...The ring is really beautiful, but sometimes you don't wear this ring, so you see it suddenly, just a little curious."

Li Yan recovered and said with a smile.

"Yeah, this ring was given to me by my grandmother. It is quite precious, so I don’t take it out often. After all, this is the only thing in my family that I really like. I originally planned to marry my sister. I gave it to her by the way, hehe, don’t tell Yukino, something like a ring, if you don’t wear it, is not popular, and you won’t be able to give myself a wish to protect the person I want to protect."

Yukoshita Yono said with a smile.

"……I understand."

Li Yan looked at Yang Nai's smile, nodded, and said.

After the application was approved, Li Yan just walked out and received a call from Tsurumi's father.

——Hello, Teacher Li, what's the matter?

"Hey, Mr. Tsurumi, I would like to ask. Why didn't we see you when we met at 8 o'clock before?" Li Yan asked puzzled.

--did not see?I have already sent Liumei to your store. Didn't she go in to find you the teacher?

Li Yan shook slightly, standing on a vast urban street.

Tsurumi’s father turned out to be a bus driver by profession. He also got up early and greedy at work. As early as 6 o’clock, he sent Liu Mei to the door of the training institution and asked Liu Mei to stay in the nearby bookstore for a period of time, until eight o’clock. Going in to find a teacher again, he is also quite helpless for such an approach. After all, his wife is also a nurse and needs to work overtime all the time. The rest is to rely on this precocious Tsurumi Liumi to take care of himself.

Li Yan calmed down Mr. Tsurumi’s anxiety, he himself immediately turned on the system that had been forcibly closed by him. After asking the owner of the bookstore, he decided that Tsurumi Rumi was heading to the east, and he found the past by himself. .

After running for a while, the editing system made a beep when passing through a park.

[Work: "My Youth Love Story really has a problem"

Evaluation: S

Suggestion: Rewrite a daily-oriented novel defined by light novels, and an ideological reading of the year-round sales champion.

This is the first time that Li Yan has seen an S-rated work.

But these are not important. In front of Li Yan, under the lush green woods, there is a children’s play center. Amidst the babbling sounds, a lone Qianqiu is shaking, and the little girl sitting on the swing is sad. Swinging the swing gently, the clothes are all mud, as if in the snow, there are no signs of weeping, but some are deep and dim scars...

Chapter 84

In the morning, under the dim clouds, in the quiet park, the heavy snow melted, and the swing in the children's playground was slightly swaying. Tsurumi Rumi did not notice the rushing figure at first, but when she approached, she woke up slightly. Coming over, he immediately raised his head and looked at the past. The bright and beautiful eyes were a little alarmed, as if they were afraid of being found by anyone.

The person in front of her is a young man who has been running for a long time, with a little dazzling hair, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a beautiful appearance, still wearing his standard white coat, panting slightly, and relaxing from tension with a pair Looking down at her.

She recognized that this young man visited the tutor in her family yesterday.


Li Yan looked at her and read.

Tsurumi Liumei looked at Li Yan blankly, and asked, "You... are you Teacher Li?"

"Great, I finally found it... I have been waiting for you at the agency, but I didn't see you coming, so I found it. Now I call your dad and tell me that I have found it..."

Li Yan heaved a sigh of relief and said to this little girl, but just about to search for her phone, Tsurumi Liumei noticed something, and immediately showed a panic expression, reached out his hand to stop, stepped down from Qianqiu, and said, "Wait, wait a minute. ,teacher……"

Li Yan was slightly startled, not quite understand what Tsurumi Liumei meant to stop him, but when he looked closely at Tsurumi Liumei, he saw that Tsurumi Liumei’s dark warm coat was already wet, and his clothes were stained with mud. And there were some dried mud stains on her smooth cheeks. This little girl was a little uneasy. She turned her head and looked at the ground, she was a little scared.

Li Yan saw in his eyes, as if he could understand what she was worried about, he sighed slightly, indeed, this is a child with a somewhat precocious mental age.

"Hey, Mr. Tsurumi, I'm Teacher Li."

Li Yan picked up his mobile phone and dialed the phone, and soon he talked to Tsurumi's parents.

Tsurumi Liumei watched Li Yan's phone nervously, but like a kid who did something wrong, he didn't dare to say anything, his little hand clutched his clothes tightly.

"...Yes, I didn't run too far. I had forgotten the time when I played with the children in the park. I have taught her not to run around alone... Well, so please rest assured, I will Send the child back, Mr. Tsurumi, you can work with peace of mind."

Li Yan concentrated on the phone, but when he turned off the phone, he didn't mention the terrible situation like Tsurumi Liumei, and put the phone back in his pocket.


Tsurumi Liumei felt a little surprised. He raised his head and looked at Li Yan. The tutor did not choose to use a way of breaking away from responsibility to tell her family about her condition.

"Huh, your mind is not like an elementary school student at all. Even if many high school students don’t have the same mature mentality as you, Tsurumi... tell the teacher what happened. We are now in the same group. We have to reveal some key points. Give me the information, isn't this the partner?"

Li Yan exhaled slightly, looked at the little girl faintly, and asked.

At this moment, drops of water dripped from the corners of Liumei’s clothes, because the weather became slightly warmer, the snow on the street melted, the ice water mixed with muddy water, and the clothes were easily soiled when they fell. However, the situation of Tsurumi Liumei seemed to be affected. The man pushed it and plunged directly into the snowdrift.


Tsurumi Liumei was silent, lowered his head slightly, thinking about whether to really tell Li Yan clearly, but even so, if she involves her own affairs to a strange and unrelated teacher, most of it, she can Not so depressed to find a teacher.

"Hee hee hee."

"Ha ha."

Suddenly, before speaking, there were twos and threes. Elementary school girls about the same age as Tsurumi Liumei passed by the street on the edge of the park, holding a few girly comic books in her hands, as if they were going to a classmate’s house to exchange on Sunday. Like the comic book gathering, there was a mocking expression on his face that would destroy the word [Trinity], and I really laughed.

"Tsurumi, why are you here?" a girl with two pony tails asked.

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