I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 120

"The top students shouldn't stay at home and review on Saturday, can't they? You can't run over and swing by yourself." Another short-haired girl said with a mocking smile.

Li Yan turned around and looked at them quietly, wondering if it was because of his own eyes that were a little scary. For the little girl who was not afraid of adults at all, they noticed the strange youth standing next to Tsurumi Rumi looking at them. They paused, reducing further movement slightly.

"Forget it, don't disturb Tsuru, let's continue ours."

A little girl who seemed to have a tougher personality jokingly told the group of friends behind her.

"it is good."

The little girls responded one after another, joking and laughing without fear, and continued to walk into the depths of the residential area.

Li Yan didn't plan to ask any more, he guessed that his students probably met this group of acquaintances while reading.

"...The primary school students now... terrible." Li Yan said to Tsurumi Rumi looking at the back of the four little girls with a sad face.

"... I read social books in the bookstore, which may have caused their dissatisfaction. They think I am bluffing again. I really am a group of idiots. They will always impose their own realm on others and make others do the same. Thing."

Tsurumi Rumi said with a blank expression looking at one of the four who pushed her classmate from behind after she went out.

"Is this the tone of a genius?" Li Yan looked at the little girl in surprise and thought.

"Teacher, please... keep it secret. If I go home, I will say that I fell while walking. I can handle my affairs. This has nothing to do with the teacher. Maybe it will bring the teacher's work. Trouble, so..."

Tsurumi Liumi looked at Li Yan and said.

Li Yan took off his coat and said, "Of course I will help you keep it secret. Children should resolve the relationship between children. People like us with the minds of adults should not take the initiative to intervene, but I, as you The teacher my father paid for will still teach you some knowledge."

Tsurumi Liumi was taken aback for a moment, looking at the new tutor.

"The so-called interpersonal relationship, you can choose many ways, no matter what it is, you should not give up the opportunity to find a real friend, but you do not need to be afraid of being alone. The current situation is temporary, and the teacher has also experienced it. After such a thing, and some friends I know now, we have all experienced such a lonely time, but slowly, as long as we stick to our beliefs and truly be ourselves, if we don’t make the wrong path, someone will appreciate it sooner or later. For your strengths, don’t think that everyone can be friends with you. Friends are not that cheap. In a lifetime, it’s good to have two or three true friends..."

Li Yan introduced his views on friends to Tsurumi Liumei, and Tsurumi Liumei gradually showed an expression of distress.

By the way, the other party is still a primary school student, no matter how smart, he doesn't understand everything.

"Don't understand?" Li Yan asked with a wry smile.

"...Yes, but understand a little bit, Teacher Li did not have friends when you were a kid."

Tsurumi Liumei's casual sentence deeply stabbed Li Yan's heart.

"Little devil, you know very well." Li Yan covered his heart and squinted his eyes.

"Okay, change your coat. If you continue to catch a cold, I'm going to be reprimanded by your parents. Wearing wet clothes on a snowy day will catch a cold 100%."

Li Yan handed his coat to Tsurumi Liumi and said.


Tsurumi hesitated to stay in the United States, and said nothing, but when he looked at Li Yan again, he saw Li Yan's eyes, quiet, but invisibly there was a sense of oppression that was different from ordinary people (after a long battle "Dyeing"), this elementary school girl couldn't help the chill. She felt a little confessed, took off her coat, gave it to Li Yan, and put on Li Yan's somewhat thin white coat.

However, Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't quite understand why Tsurumi Liumei suddenly obeyed.

"I'll send your clothes to the laundry for dry cleaning. It should be available soon." Li Yan took Tsurumi Rumi's clothes and said with a smile.

"...Well, my pocket money for laundry..." Tsurumi Liumi searched her pocket and said.

"This time it's a free benefit for the organization. Next time you have to clean up the mess yourself." Li Yan took a glance at her, folded the dress, and said.

In any case, it is extremely embarrassing to let the child pay for the laundry by himself.What's more, this is his student, and he should pay to the student.


Tsurumi Rumi felt the warmth on this dress. I don’t know why. Although he was taught by four or five teachers, it was the first time that a teacher was willing to cover her like this and dare to take care of the nosy that no teacher dared to touch...

After all, tutors are social people who take money to do things.

"Teacher, you didn't have friends when you were a kid... Did you finally find your own friends?"

Tsurumi Liumei was a little confused, looked at Li Yan cautiously, and asked.

This person, no matter how you look at it, feels that the personality is not like hers. He is sunny and gentle. Apart from the somewhat fierce look in his eyes, he seems to have good grades and should have many friends.

"...There are indeed none at all. It feels worse than your situation, but now, I have a few friends."

Li Yan thought for a while, thinking of Natsume, Gabriel, and others, and said in his mind.

"...Why did you have no friends when you were a teacher?"

Tsurumi Liumi was not convinced, and asked, those suspicious eyes looked at this young teacher in high school.

Perhaps, it is really closer to her age. Compared to the 30 or 40-year-old tutors, she is not so curious and can hardly speak, but this teacher is similar to her, but lives very much. Same confidence.

"...Well, I can’t remember what happened when I was a kid, but on the whole, I was just like you. I was ostracized by my classmates, and even threatened by violence. Because my parents were not around, even if I resisted the bullying of my classmates, I would fight. If I win, I will be called by five or six parents together. I even remember that my grandfather was called to the teacher's office. I was so scared to hide in a place and dare not come out to see his old man..."

Li Yan told Tsurumi Liumei about his past. It should be said that he did not want to deceive himself as a student. According to such a strong personality as Liumei, since she will be stable, it proves that as a child, she still hopes that someone can understand her. And at this moment, he began to trust him a little bit, he could not lie to his students.

He took Tsurumi Liumei to a traffic light intersection. Two people stood in front of the street. When asked by this elementary school student how bad it was, the kind of fight and hiding, obviously the one who was bullied, after the fight was won The injustice that had to be found by the other's families...In the end, I didn't get happiness, and my friend's affairs were also experienced after crossing...

Suddenly, he felt that he was really qualified to teach Tsurumi Liumei in this respect...

"So, teacher...how did you end up?"

Tsurumi Liumei don't overdo it, hesitated for a long time, and asked in a low voice.

Li Yan also thought about it for a while, showing a gentle smile like sunshine, and said: "No need to say, I kept going, and finally got admitted to my ideal university. Now there are a group of people who can understand me and join me. Friends who smile bitterly and share bitterness, so, Tsurumi, bear with me, it’s not good for a teacher like me to directly intervene in the relationship between children. Give yourself some time to find a way. Sooner or later, you will find it too. The second friend's?"

"the second?"

Tsurumi Liumi heard the ending of the story, as if he heard that the hero finally lived a happy life, he was relieved, but he was still a little curious about what Li Yan’s second friend said. After a slight daze, he realized something. Asked with disgust.

Li Yan looked at Liu Mei's expression in cold sweat, and asked awkwardly: "...Can't the teacher be your first friend?"

"...No way." Tsurumi Liumi said directly.

"At least the teacher shouldn't make claims without authorization." Tsurumi Liumi smiled bitterly, raised his head and looked at Li Yan and said.

The green light is on.

In the sky, there are a lot of snow falling in the relatively empty streets of Chiba, so peaceful.

Seeing that the green light in Tsurumi Liumei's heart was slightly turned on, as expected, his decision was correct.

At least, for children, at the end of the story, the hero is of course to survive the danger, and finally return to his hometown to spend his life happily. This is the hero's home...

At least his students should live like this. Li Yan carried out his ideas with this mentality.

Li Yan's face also lightened a little, and with a smile on his face, he took this slightly happier child to walk the zebra crossing.

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