I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 121

When walking through the zebra crossing of this dark and unpopulated street, a cold wind blows from the mouth of the dark two-lane alley. Suddenly, a person walking in the opposite direction passes by Li Yan. It was pitch black, exuding dimness and resentment. For a moment, Li Yan saw his face inadvertently, almost exactly the same as him.


Li Yan was shocked suddenly, he looked back, only to find that the back was empty, and no such people passed by.

"What's the matter?" Tsurumi Rumi asked.

"Nothing, dizzy." Li Yan returned to his senses, smiled, and said.


Li Yan was silent for a while and ignored him. He stretched out his hand slightly, grabbed Tsurumi Liumei's sleeve, and walked in the direction of the organization.

In the vast dim urban street, overlooking this quiet urban street, Li Yan turned his back to the dark youth who remained in the middle of the crossroads, so he took his students with ease and didn’t know if it was. Fantasy feels that the dark shadow runs in the opposite direction...


Although in the daytime, he vowed to brag about his final success with Tsurumi Liumei, but at night, when he opened the line software, a message made Li Yan deeply understand that he couldn't just set up certain flags. .

Li Yan snapped into his seat, staring at the message on his mobile phone.

——Amakusa Shino: All the results of the entrance examination for Waseda University have come out, and I have checked it again and again for senior sister.It's a pity, Jun Li, you didn't enter Waseda University.

Chapter 85 The Perfect Girl In Crisis

Chiba Prefecture, 7:50 in the morning.

When the sky was still bright, after a night of falling snow, the streets were re-covered with a layer of soft white, and the scenery was beautiful and beautiful in the cold.

Today is Sunday. As a tutor, Saturdays and Sundays will be a bit busier than usual. As one of them, Li Yan has only one student, but he can’t specialize. He also sat in his post early. ,prepare to work.

However, today's Li Yan seemed to lack sleep, with dark circles in his eyes, sitting on the seat looking listless.

"Li Jun, when there are no students here, you can also take a good rest, don't force it."

When Xuexia Yangnai, who was holding a thick pile of documents, passed by Li Yan's desk, he leaned down and looked at him closely, reminding him with a smile.


Li Yan returned to his senses, and quickly raised his head to look at Yang Nai, feeling a little too close, and responded with embarrassment.


Yukino Yono nodded with a smile, and returned to the office with the documents.

Li Yan looked at the back of Xuexia Yangnai. In his mind, this Yangnai, who was only a college student, had taken over the pressure of the family early and had to rush to school for a while, and the rest of the time. It was spent on work and review. Under the high-intensity life, she still had a relaxed smile on her face. She was really a rich second-generation lady with outstanding ability.

Li Yan sighed slightly, he looked at the window next to his desk, at the white street under the gray sky.

Right now, things were a little out of his control...

At 11 o’clock last night, after preparing for the next day’s counseling plan, Li Yan, who planned to go to bed and rest, received a message from Amakusa Sasa. He didn’t think about it until the entrance exam was mentioned in the message. It seems that from the end of the exam to this period of time, candidates will be able to know the final results of the first batch of university independent exams, but these have been forgotten by Li Yan, and they have a great time in Chiba. .

As a result, unexpectedly, Li Yan thought he was most likely to be admitted to the university, but he was the first to be eliminated.

Next, Li Yan searched the university websites about all his grades. As a result, not only did Waseda University fail the third round of exams, but also Lian Keying private school sent an email today suggesting that he participate in the February The news of the second entrance exam was obviously eliminated.

At this moment, three of the five universities that were registered for the exam were destined to miss.

In fact, Li Yan’s ability cannot be blamed for this. Economics has always been one of the most popular subjects in Japan, and it is also the "hardest hit area" for those with excellent grades. Among them, Keio Private School and Waseda University The deviation value of such a well-known university ranks first and third among hundreds of private colleges in Japan. Popular majors are selected from popular colleges, and those who have excellent test scores and do not know interview skills It is relatively easy for foreign students with household registration to be eliminated first in the last link.

This is also a secret rule.

"This is really embarrassing. When I applied for a volunteer, I always felt that I could get into one of the five more difficult universities with my hard work. I also believed that Waseda University can guarantee the bottom, but the result is this look. ...Unexpectedly, all were laid off during the interview."

Li Yan looked sadly at the street scenery, feeling a sense of loss in his heart that he had never experienced, almost tearing his heart apart, making him clenched his fist, thinking secretly.

Although hope has not been extinguished, the danger is imminent. After all, Tokyo Institute of Technology and even the University of Tokyo are just trying their luck to take the exam. The competition for domestic and foreign talents there is fiercer, and the hope of admission is even thinner.


Suddenly, when Li Yan was sitting quietly in the office area looking at the snowy scenery outside the window, suddenly, a slightly deserted little girl's voice came from beside him, making Li Yan startled and looked over.

The little girl's eyes were cold, her expression still slightly depressed, her beautiful long hair draped over her black coat, but her eyes were slightly brighter than yesterday. Tsurumi Rumi looked at Li quietly. Yan, said again: "Mr. Li, I'm here to report."

"Tsurumi, are you here? Sorry... I forgot to pick you up at the door."

Li Yan immediately picked up the phone and checked the time. It turned out to be 8:15. When thinking, time passed hurriedly. Li Yan originally planned to bring in Tsurumi Liumei at the door every day, in case the kids do it again. Harassed her, but this time forgot the time.After he reacted, he said to the little girl with a hint of apology.

"It's okay, after all, it's early today, sir, what are you thinking about?" Tsurumi Rumi asked.

"...It's nothing, just some trivial things." Li Yan barely showed a gentle smile and said to his students.

"By the way, Teacher Li, after I went back yesterday, I told my parents that you are a college student from a prestigious university. My parents are very curious about the name of your university. Can you tell me where the teacher is? Do you study in a school?"

Tsurumi Liumei held his hands behind him, looked at Li Yan and said.


Li Yan was stunned. It was obviously cold, but the tension in his body still made Li Yan sweat.Sure enough, as a member of the training industry, academic qualifications can best prove the comprehensive strength of a tutor. Tsurumi and his wife seem to have been concerned about Li Yan's academic qualifications.

"This rotten country that pays attention to academic qualifications..." Li Yan thought coldly.

As if inheriting the story from yesterday, watching Tsurumi Liumei, she herself was a little curious about how happy the hero was, making Li Yan feel very tangled in her heart.

"Of course it is a quite famous university, but because the notice has not come, it is not convenient to disclose it, so Tsurumi, as long as you don't give up..."

Li Yan hesitated for a while, and finally rendered the hero’s life more colorful and colorful again, as if he was a writer of light novels. He was thinking and persuading Tsurumi to Liumi. However, when he said “Don’t give up "At that moment, his heart suddenly felt unexplained bitterness, and he didn't say any more, his face darkened slightly.

Tsurumi Rumi noticed something, and he was a little concerned, but quickly said, "If it is not convenient to say, I can tell my parents this way. After all, it is not very polite to ask..."


Li Yan was stunned for a moment. He realized that his students were really smart enough to be aware of his mind all at once. The loneliness in his heart was gradually hidden. Sure enough, he himself was not only an examinee, but at the same time. I am also a teacher, but I can't let the child's heroic dreams die.

After thinking about it, Li Yan shook his head, showing a mild but bitter smile, and then said: "Ah, it's really not convenient for the time being, and teacher, I did encounter some setbacks, but I haven't finished what I mean. As a teacher, sometimes what I teach you is not only written knowledge, but also a belief in life. Tsurumi, as long as you don’t give up, you can fight for everything. Although you are still young, the teacher will do well. To be an example to you, the teacher is not just talking out of thin air."

Tsurumi Rumi was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't quite understand, he always felt that the teacher who was able to speak like this was quite bright, with a slight smile, and said, "Well, I will wait and see."

Li Yan opened the zipper of his white coat slightly, his face full of embarrassment. When he said this just now, he struggled with heat all over his body. Perhaps sometimes, he grew up for others...this feeling It's peculiar, because on the contrary, all his achievements were made for his own life.

Tsurumi Liumei's cheeks had a hint of redness. She looked at Li Yan quietly. This morning's class was still math and Chinese character practice.

"Tsurumi, after I get the notice, I will..."

Li Yan took out the elementary school textbooks and materials from the file bag, put them out, and said to Tsurumi Rumi.

"Liumei." Tsurumi Liumei said suddenly.

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