I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 122

"Huh?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at Tsurumi Rumi who was standing beside him.

"Just ask me to stay in the United States, teacher." Tsurumi Liumei quietly looked at Li Yan's face, and said with a somewhat deserted voice.


In the downtown area, the first three-story commercial building located on the street in the commercial district is Xuexiayangnai’s training institution temporarily in charge of the trial operation. It is brightly lit, and the decoration is clean and spacious.It can be seen that the cost of this training institution is quite high.

It was the cold winter season. At noon, heavy snow fell again. When Li Yan sent Tsurumi back to the United States and returned to this institution, there was already a thick layer of white snow on his body, and he was too cold. Sure enough, he was not used to the snowy weather.

"Li Jun, you're back, you just came back just right."

Just when Li Yan took off his white coat and got rid of the remaining trace of snow, Xuexia Yangnai with a smile on his face walked over and said to him.


Li Yan looked at Yang Nai suspiciously, how did she suddenly find him at this busiest time.

However, when he looked over, he saw Yukoshita Yono next to her, and another high school girl who he didn't know stood beside her. This was a cute girl with two braids, a soft appearance. Delicate and beautiful, there is an indescribable sense of easygoing when I laugh.

"Hello, senior." This female high school girl said with a shy smile.

"Hello..." Li Yan was taken aback for a while, looking at this unknown girl, but the editing system still issued a [BEEP] alert, another character in the world of novels.

"That, excuse me... Senior, can you answer this physics question, senior?"

Suddenly, this high school girl put a review book on Li Yan's desk, her face was a little nervous, and asked.

Li Yan looked at the question and immediately understood it, and said, "...This, it should be a basic question. It is about the degree of understanding of the physical laws and formulas."

Step by step, I showed this unknown female high school student how to solve it. This is probably a difficult physics problem. When Li Yan wrote the final answer, the female high school student who was ignorant and understood suddenly Surprised, it is really the standard answer.

"Sister Yang Nai, this senior is very powerful." The girl said with a smile.

"Miss, may I ask..."

Li Yan looked curiously at Xuexia Yangna, who was smiling and silent, and asked.

"This one is my school girl, her name is Cheng Wei Xun, she is now the president of the student council of Zongwu High School." Yukoshita Yangna answered with a smile.

Li Yan was suddenly shocked, and he was another student council president.However, this student who looks more like the president, is always more reliable than the president with a yellow mouth he knew...

"Yes, that, my name is Cheng Yuxun, and I am a younger sister of Yono-senpai. In fact, I am going to be in third grade this year. Although I am the president, my grades are a little difficult... I also plan to retreat from the position of chairman in the third grade. Now I ask Senior Sister Yang Nai to help me find a reliable tutor."

This young girl named Cheng Wei Xun had a cheerful smile, with her hands together, she talked as if she was discussing something with Li Yan.


Li Yan looked at the smiling Xuexia Yangna in silence.

"It seems that you understand. I think the most suitable person must be you. Isn't science your specialty? If it's you, I can rest assured that I will directly entrust my younger sister to you, and also help you earn money. When it’s time to share, remember to invite me to dinner some time."

Xuexiayang happily said to Li Yan.

At this moment, Li Yan didn't have enough time to regain his feeling of losing in the exam. Suddenly, there was another student who was a descendant of Yang Nai.


Until the afternoon, after sending off the very polite city tour, it was almost time to get off work. Perhaps because his energy was devoted to teaching students, Li Yan gradually began to calm down.

He sat in his office seat, looking at the sky, and rethinking how he would deal with his exams next.

Boom boom boom boom...

Suddenly, Li Yan's cell phone rang. He picked up the cell phone and looked at it and found that it was Amakusa Shino's call.Calling at such a moment was naturally for the purpose of entering a higher school. As an exam loser, Li Yan could only answer the call with a heavy heart.

"Hey, Amakusa-senpai."

——Well, I'm still waiting for your response, but I haven't waited for a day, Li, do you have news from other universities now?

Li Yan and Amakusa Xiao explained the information they found.

Amakusa Sasa thought for a while, then exhaled slightly.

——[Well, it’s not to blame you, it’s just that your previous choice was really unreasonable, which caused this problem.Li, there are not many choices before you. In fact, Waseda will have an exam in a few days, which is to give other unrecruited majors a second chance. As a senior, I hope you can give up economics. Class, even for majors such as sciences with a large number of students.There is another option, which is to wait patiently for the notice from the other two universities, but...Senior sister advises you to be safe...After all, everyone just became friends, right?



After talking on the phone, Li Yan lowered his head slightly and sighed slightly. Although there were not many words, the words of Senior Sister Amakusa clearly knew what his next plan was.

If all is not accepted, he plans to leave Japan, go to other countries to study and then take the exam.

However, it also means that he has given up everything here, and everyone who has known each other over the past year cannot be connected as before.

For the choice of future, there are only two days to consider...


In the Japanese education system, private universities generally have the opportunity to take two or even three exams, and make up for some difficult majors, or subjects that have weaknesses in famous universities, so they usually take the first round of exams. A few days later, the second round of exams will be conducted immediately, or even the third round.

Waseda University has two exam opportunities.

Li Yan took the vacation form he wrote and hoped to go back to Waseda University in a week’s time off. The tutoring work of the two students, Tsurumi Liumei and Chengwei Xun, will probably temporarily give up the tutoring opportunities three times a week. He hopes that Yoshinoya Can find a suitable teacher to replace him, after all, the exam is very important, and I can only hope that the three of them will understand.

However, just when I was about to knock on the door, suddenly, at the door of the office, I heard the conversation inside again.

"President Yukinoshita, we have always thanked you for your care and trust in our work, but..."

A middle-aged man said to Yukoshita Yono.

"The threat envelopes we receive are always endless, and the content is becoming more and more extreme. The police have never found any clues to solve this matter. We are also afraid that we will really be retaliated in the future, and we are also very worried when we work. ..."

Another middle-aged woman whispered to Yukoshita Yono.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, the envelope of threat?

What is happening?

Immediately afterwards, another female employee spoke.

"So... we can only do this. I'm really sorry, President Yukinoshita, thank you for your continued care."

This time, it was the female employee who had discussed things with Yang Nai.

"...Well, I understand your choice and respect you. Thank you for your hard work to the organization. I hope I will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future."

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