I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 125

"So, what you just mentioned let me support my sister..."

Xuexiaxue Nai hesitated, looked at Li Yan and asked.

"You are her relatives and the person she trusts most. Missy may not be aware of the danger now. I am not daring to make a conclusion easily when investigating here. There are many potential possibilities for the suspect. Maybe it is a friend of Missy's side. , An acquaintance, or a stranger, no matter what the outcome, you are the person who can protect your sister most at this time. Watching her behind your back, also protect yourself. Don’t be suspicious. This is me. Mentioned support."

Li Yan leaned back in the chair, looked at Yukino with a calm expression, and said.

"...I see, thank you for your reminder."

Xuexia Xuena nodded, knowing everything in her heart, and said to Li Yan.

She may understand better that the help her sister got from all over Tokyo is not really just to make up for the debts of the previous car accident.


At this moment, on the sidewalk opposite the restaurant, when a little girl who was taken out by her mother to go shopping passed the western restaurant, she inadvertently saw someone she was familiar with and sat in the restaurant.


The small body shook slightly, she was a little surprised to see Li Yan here, and then her eyes quickly noticed the beautiful female high school student opposite Li Yan.

That girl almost felt like a beauty from the world in the painting.

"Hey, what's the matter... Isn't that teacher Li? It seems to be eating with a girl. Liu Meijiang, do you want to go over there and say hello?"

The mother who studied in the United States smiled at Tsurumi Liumei and asked.

"...Don't do it, Mom, we just disturbed them in the past."

Tsurumi Rumi shook his head slightly, clenched his two small hands behind his back unconsciously, and said blankly.

"That's also... Such a beautiful girl, maybe it's Teacher Li's girlfriend. That's great. I just remembered the time with your father at that time. Okay, stay in the United States. We are going to buy groceries. Tonight Make a good meal for your dad, come on."

Tsurumi Liumi's mother smiled with emotion and said to Liumi who was standing there quietly.


Tsurumi Liumi's eyes quietly looked at the distant window again, and Li Yan was still talking intently. He quickly closed his eyes and continued walking with his mother.


On Monday, in the afternoon, all schools are closed.

The streets of Chiba Prefecture are still covered with white and snowy scenery. In front of the bus station, Li Yan, a tutor, was waiting on the platform on time.

"Sure enough, it's cold."

Li Yan narrowed his eyes and thought.

At this moment, his whole body was shaking slightly, sitting on the seat of the bus stop, waiting for his students to arrive.

The temperature has been falling recently. The coldest time of the year is finally ushered in the end of January. If it hadn’t been for the heating of the house provided by Yukoshita Yangnai, he might have been playing in his residence in Tokyo. It's a Frozen.

Now, as a family teacher, he came to this agreed bus stop on time and waited for Tsurumi Liumei to come over for tuition. After the last lesson, he told Liumei that he would personally pick her up and go through it. A section of the area where the classmates live to prevent being bullied again in the United States.

Regarding the threat letter, Li Yan investigated the recent economic activities of the Xuexia family, and sure enough, he has a clue. A batch of new government projects have been started in the sea part of Chiba Prefecture, which is undoubtedly new to the real estate industry A round of competition began. As a result, in that bidding campaign, the Xuexia family had an absolute advantage with its strong funds and connections. This naturally caused great interest challenges to construction companies in other places.

However, neither the bidding process nor the preliminary results have been made public. The clues are broken here. It is not known which competitor the Xuexia family offended...

However, on the other hand, Li Yan also knows clearly that if he does not go back to Tokyo tomorrow, the day after tomorrow's Waseda University's last exam opportunity will be in vain, and he really can only choose to leave Japan.

At this moment, there was a sudden heat wave with fuel smell in the cold windy street. A bus stopped on the platform on time. When the door opened, he was wearing thick, mature clothes. Rumi Tsurumi, wearing a pink round cap, came down from the back door.As if because of being taken care of by her father's colleagues, she quietly bowed to the driver's direction, and then the pair of beautiful eyes with slightly melancholy looked at Li Yan.

"Hello teacher."

Tsurumi Rumi whispered.

"Stay in the US, the time to come is just right, OK, let's go." Li Yan said with a smile.

Tsurumi Liumei hesitated slightly, then nodded, followed Li Yan, and walked quietly.

In the afternoon, stepping on the white and quiet streets, just like before, Tsurumi Liumi secretly glanced at the Li Yan next to him, who finally changed his suit to work today, and suddenly said : "Teacher, I saw you last night."

"Huh? Where did you see me last night?" Li Yan was taken aback and asked.

"In a western restaurant called Sweet Sunshine." Tsurumi Rumi said.

"...Studying in the United States, have you learned so many English words? You actually translated them directly." Li Yan looked at his students in astonishment, always feeling that his students might have a bright future.

"Is that beautiful high school student's sister a friend of the teacher?" Tsurumi Rumi looked at it again, his eyes a little concerned, and asked.

"You said, it should be Yukino under Xuexia...Not a friend of the teacher for the time being. She is the sister of the president of the training organization. I have something to discuss with her. Are you interested in her?" Li Yan Looking at Liu Mei with a smile, asked.

After all, Li Yan always felt that the temperament and image of studying in the United States was the same as Yukino when he was a child, and it is quite normal to attract each other.

"...I don't have much interest, but it's the first time I saw such a beautiful girl. I wish I could be like her in the future." Tsurumi Rumi was silent for a while, and said casually.

In her memory, she fell back into the snow scene again, looking at that beautiful and unparalleled girl...


Li Yan looked at this little ghost and big Tsurumi who was studying in the United States. This time he chose a reasonable goal. Yukino under Yukino does have many advantages that can attract other mature-minded girls to imitate, but he is still only a primary school student. There is such a growth idea...

In the quiet downtown area of ​​Chiba County, two people talked and walked, and they walked to the intersection and waited for the green light.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yan decided to tell his own judgment to Tsurumi Liumi, and said: "Still in the United States, although the teacher also agrees that you should learn the advantages of the better people around you, we still have to insist on believing in ourselves. It will be better. Whether you are studying in the United States now or in the future, the teacher thinks that you will be quite good, and you should grow into an excellent girl who is no less than that high school girl, so just believe in yourself. Up."

The cold wind blew, and suddenly the atmosphere calmed down.

Li Yan was waiting for Tsurumi Liumei's reaction, and finally watched the little girl quietly looking at him without saying a word.


Tsurumi Liumi looked at Li Yan blankly at first, then couldn't help but laugh, raised his head and looked at Li Yan helplessly, and said: "Teacher who has always been clumsy, you can say good things occasionally. I was a little scared."


Li Yan really didn't understand whether this sentence was complimenting him or mocking him.

At this time, the street lights turned green, Tsurumi Liumei seemed to be in a better mood, and he just walked to the zebra crossing with a smile.

Li Yan followed behind and walked up. Snowflakes were flying around him. When he took the first step, Li Yan suddenly felt something wrong in his mind. Suddenly, there was a roar from the highway. With the sound of the car accelerating, a black ordinary Toyota sedan suddenly accelerated and rushed up in the direction of Tsurumi Rumi.


Tsurumi Rumi was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't even understand what was going on. In a blink of an eye, the lights of that car hit her body and slammed into it.

"Stay in America!!"

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