I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 126

At this moment, a pair of swift and powerful hands directly hugged Tsurumi Liumi's waist, and with a scream, Li Yan had already hugged Tsurumi Liumi in his arms in time, and fell backward, avoiding it in a desperate manner. The crash of a car.

A piece of snow flakes spattered, and the vehicle has moved away.

"Teacher?" Tsurumi Liumei asked blankly, still not reacting to what happened just now.

"...Is it okay, staying in the US?" Li Yan looked at Liu Mei, and he was a little relieved after judging that there is nothing wrong with staying in the US

However, Li Yan's mood could not be calmed down. At the moment just now, he deliberately went to see the license plate number of the vehicle that caused the accident. As a result, the license plate was deliberately taken off. It can be concluded that the other party is deliberate. To create this attack.

It seems that the threatening letter that Yang Nai received is really quite dangerous, even to the point of hurting people around him...

Chapter 88

At 7:05 in the evening.

Winter in late January is the coldest season in Japan. At this moment, the streets are gusting with cold winds, and the branches are condensed with white thin ice, which is swaying slightly with the wind. After the cold winter season, after several consecutive days of snowy weather, Finally ushered in a short clear sky.

The sky after the snow is full of stars.

Under the bright night sky, located in a dense residential area in Chiba Prefecture, the snow on the street left two marks, one large and one small footprint. Li Yan personally sent Tsurumi Liumei back to his doorstep. Even talking and laughing, Li Yan was relieved to realize that the beautiful image of Tsurumi was not left behind by the accident in the afternoon.

As he watched Tsurumi Liumi enter the house alone, the door opened immediately.

Perhaps through the window of the living room, I saw Li Yan taking his children back. Out of courtesy, Tsurumi and his wife went to the door to welcome the children, and by the way entertain this tutor who worked overtime to deliver the children.

"Good evening, Mr. Tsurumi, Mrs. Tsurumi." Li Yan greeted the middle-aged couple walking out the door.

"Good evening, Teacher Li. I really troubled you this time, and I personally sent my stay in the United States home."

Mr. Tsurumi said to Li Yan with an apologetic smile.

"No, it's nothing. After all, studying in the United States is my proud student, who is still relatively young, so I should do this as a teacher."

Li Yan responded with a gentle smile.

However, in fact, under the influence of the unexpected incident in the afternoon, Li Yan did not dare to neglect at all. The speed and orientation of that car was obviously intended to deliberately hurt Tsurumi Liumei, and then corrupt the training of the Xuexia family. Industry, to further threaten the Xuexia family to withdraw from business competition.

He still hesitated whether to tell Tsurumi’s parents about the accident today. Perhaps he said so, the other party would cancel the partnership directly for safety reasons, even without regard to tuition fees. He also really reluctant to give up Tsurumi’s stay in the United States. student.

Mr. Tsurumi smiled with joy and looked at Li Yan and said, "You are too polite, Mr. Li. The transcripts of the spot check exams in the United States have been sent out today, and the results are five places higher than the previous time. The grades have also improved a lot. My child and I are also very happy. If it is true that within this month, my math scores in the United States are ranked in the top five of the class, and I and my child’s mother will also discuss it. , Will invite Teacher Li over to have a good meal as a thank you."


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at Tsurumi Rumi standing in front of the Tsurumi couple with some surprise, wondering why he didn't tell him about the exam.When Tsurumi Liumi noticed Li Yan's curious look, he turned his head slightly quietly, looked at other places, and ignored him.

Maybe this kid is really a genius.

"This... is probably my own effort to stay in the United States. The tutoring work has just begun, and the effect is not so quickly visible..."

With some doubts, Li Yan explained to the Tsurumi couple.

After all, it's not his own credit, and he doesn't want to take more possessions. If the Tsurumi and his wife can pay attention to the talent of this student, it will be more important.

Mr. Tsurumi helped his glasses and smiled and said, "You are so humble. The attitude of studying in the United States suddenly changed. It started after attending the teacher training class that day, and since returning, he has always praised you. The teaching is very simple and easy to understand. I really deserve to be a college student from a prestigious university. I hope she can also be admitted to the ideal university after studying in the United States, and have a bright future. Studying in the United States is everything the fucking me and my children do, so I will ask for more Please, Teacher Li."

"..." Li Yan's face changed slightly.

In the dark night, the cold and the wind were bleak, and the light from the doorway warmly covered the small family of three. After listening to Mr. Tsurumi's words, Li Yan couldn't help feeling a bit inside. Perplexed.

Tsurumi is his student in the United States, which is of course reluctant, but in such a situation, studying in the United States is even more of an irreplaceable child for them. He should have the responsibility to tell the Tsurumi couple what happened today.

"Wait a minute..."

"Teacher, please come on Wednesday's tuition."

After thinking clearly, when Li Yan was about to speak, suddenly, Tsurumi Liumei who was standing in front of him bowed suddenly, interrupting Li Yan's words, Tsurumi Liumei's eyes were very quiet, and he looked directly at him. His eyes, with the reminder of [Next tuition please], this elementary school student naturally did not want Li Yan to tell the accident today.

"...Well, okay." Li Yan replied, and now he was quiet again.

"..." Tsurumi Liumei looked at Li Yan quietly, then bowed slightly to Li Yan, preparing to walk into the house.

"Ms. Li, will you stay here for dinner today?"

Suddenly, Mrs. Tsurumi, who had been smiling gently at the door, remembered something and asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll start cooking later, it's already late, so just have a meal here before leaving." Mr. Tsurumi also invited with a smile.

"No, I just made an appointment here, thank you both for your kindness." Li Yan was surprised immediately, although he thought he had a thicker skin, but eating at a stranger's house, no matter how delicious it is Taste immediately declined the family's invitation.

"Dad, mother, teacher, he has someone else to make an appointment first, and I will invite the teacher next time."

Suddenly, Tsurumi Rumi, who has been silent, said calmly to his parents.

Li Yan heaved a sigh of relief. Tsurumi Liumei is always able to pull him at critical moments. She is a really understanding little girl.

Mrs. Tsurumi quickly remembered the girl in the Soubu High School uniform from yesterday, and immediately recovered, looked at Li Yan with blessings, smiled and said, "Ah, that's the case, so let's next time. ."

Li Yan was baffled by this blessed look, but he could feel the warm breath of the Tsurumi family. After thanking the Tsurumi family again, he began to return to the training center.


Tsurumi Liumei's somewhat slender bangs slightly blocked her eyes with a few suspicious emotions. After her parents entered, at the last moment when she closed the door, she still looked at the back figure that was gradually swallowed by darkness.

Suddenly, she was a little frightened, if the next time, if that figure disappeared, would she be walking on the street alone again.

It doesn't matter what you learn.After all... she can handle such a difficult exam if she is serious.

For her, one person thinks, one person walks, one person laughs, one person cries, one person sad, one person grew up... Such a lonely life finally ushered in a glimmer of expectation.

She thought sadly.

Teacher, can you understand the light she really desires to pursue...


The woods at night are a little lonely and bleak. They are located in a green building in the city. Li Yan hugged his body and endured the cold. In fact, when sending the students back, he wanted to hide himself in his warmth and protection. in.To tell the truth, he really regretted that he didn't take the opportunity to buy a discounted warm coat in the summer, but he regretted it deeply when the winter solstice came. Now the clothes are outrageous and can't afford it.

Under the blowing of the cold wind, the rustling sound of the swaying of the branches gradually spilled the snow on the branches, and the streets were filled with snow and fog.

Li Yan, who was walking on the street, also had a deep confusion in his eyes, like the snow and mist on the street.

The notice from Amakusa-senpai has been sent, and the day after tomorrow will be the time for the last written exam at Waseda University. The last chance in a year is imminent.

However, now that the Yukinoshita sisters and Tsurumi are in such danger to stay in the United States, is it really appropriate for him to go back so hastily...

The future and the comfort of people who know each other, which is important, after all, struck Li Yan's heart deeply.


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