I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 127

Li Yan let out a breath. He stood in the middle of the woods, turned his head and quietly looked at the lights of the residential area behind him.

"Let’s check again tomorrow. If there is no problem tomorrow, one day is fine. Go back tomorrow night, skip the review and take the test again the next day, and come back to Chiba County immediately after the test. This should still work... …probably."

Li Yan smiled bitterly, thinking.This inexplicable feeling always feels that I am comforting myself.As the saying goes, people don't die for themselves, and he can't give up his hard work over the past year after all. If they can protect themselves, they might be able to withstand the twenty-hour blank period.

"what time is it now?"

Just after Li Yan thought about the measures, he remembered that in the training institution, Xuexia Yangna was still waiting for him to go back together, but after taking out his mobile phone and looking at it, it was already 7:20 in the night, which was already past. It's time for get off work and dinner.If he walks back now, it will probably take another ten minutes. He is considering letting Miss Yang Nai go back by herself first, so as not to trouble this unfamiliar boss.

[Boom, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong…

Suddenly, just after putting the phone back, the phone rang.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then picked up the phone and saw the screen call. It was the call from [Xuexiayangnai]. He answered with doubts and asked, "Hey, miss, what's wrong?"


Suddenly, Yang Nai's energetic greeting came from the phone, which almost pierced Li Yan's ears.

"...Miss, what the hell is it?"

Li Yan narrowed his eyes and continued to ask.

—— [Haha, are you scared, but I always feel that you haven't been scared, it's really you, the nerves are more rough than the roots of a thousand-year-old tree.Where are you now, Teacher Huhua Envoy, are you close to the company now?

Xuexia Yangna asked with a smile in his voice.

"It will take about ten minutes to go back. Just now I wanted to let the lady go back first. After all, it's so late." Li Yan said. He heard from the phone that Yang Nai was also walking and talking.

—— [That's it, then I have to apologize, now I plan to go to Sou Wu High School to see Xue Nao.You can call back first. Today’s meal and travel expenses will be reimbursed with me.

Xuexia Yangna's voice gradually calmed down, and said to Li Yan.

When Li Yan heard the news on the phone, the face of the delicate girl Yukino Yukino flashed in his mind, a chill came from his heart, and there was a trace of anxiety in his expression, and he immediately asked. : "...Sister, what happened to her?"

——Not sure, although she said that she was a day-time student today, but my mother just called me and said that Xue Nao-chan had not gone home until now. It was the first time to go home so late and the phone was always turned off. This was the first time I encountered this situation, so I went to her school to see if it was still in school.

Although Yukoshita Yangna was a little worried in the words, his tone was still relatively relaxed.After all, the sister she knows knows how to protect herself and will not easily encounter bad people.

In the cold wind, that figure suddenly stopped.

Since this situation is unprecedented, it means that something must have happened.

The atmosphere suddenly became suppressed, and Li Yan hurriedly asked: "Miss, where are you? Don't go alone, take me over now!"

The tension in Li Yan's tone seemed to make the Yuuki Xia Yangnai who was on the other side of the phone slightly uneasy.

--……what happened?

"Remember, stay in the car now. Don't open the window. If a stranger approaches you and avoid it, you know? Anyway, come over to me now and I will send you the location. The sooner the better."

Li Yan's voice became a little more anxious, and he couldn't help but said directly to Yang Nai again.

In the dark night, a little tranquility was broken. Li Yan was standing in a snowy woods. When he just put down the phone, his hand almost crushed the screen of his phone.

If it is a ghost, he is not afraid of it, but he is only afraid of the weird human heart...

Three minutes later, Li Yan waited on the side of the highway. Soon, the black crown car that had hit him stopped on the side of the road. Li Yan followed and got into the car. Soon, the car started driving again. Drive in the direction of Sobu High School.

"...Well, Jun Li, is the threat envelope you mentioned on the phone true?" Xuexia Yangna hesitated and asked with a somewhat nervous look.

"Originally, after sending my students home, I plan to explain this to you so as not to leak it out. After all, such a thing may directly affect the reputation of your family's industry. After discussing with you, I will go to the police together. While filing, but I didn’t expect the other party to reach out to your family..."

Li Yan looked at Xuexia Yangnai and said, "This afternoon, the car that caused the accident did not happen accidentally, but someone deliberately warned us that the authenticity of the threat is already inevitable. ."

"……is it?"

Xuexia Yangnai thought for a while and finally agreed with Li Yan's remarks. Her mistakes did exist. Her busy work forced her to not hurriedly open the content of the threat letter she designed, but she never thought of it. It was so coincidental that the false became true.

"...This is my fault. It's basically the same as you said. The threatening letters that the agency received were indeed planned by me."

Yukoshita Yonoi calmly stated his thoughts, this is a business plan that no one knows except for himself and the hired writer.

"Are you trying to bankrupt the organization in a short time?" Li Yan asked in silence for a while.

"Yeah, you just went in for a few days and you can understand the situation. It's amazing. As you said, the organization was already riddled with problems, expensive rents, saturated industries, and ulterior motives. Employees, as well as choosing to open in the off-season like winter...These are the blind measures of the parent company’s eagerness to expand business and can hardly be cleaned up in a short time. What is more wrong is that my father thinks I can do it. They really put me on I’ve been dumbfounded as a Superman, so, in order not to affect the reputation of the company, and to find a most suitable step down to convince my father and the company, the best way I can think of is the threat letter incident. This is the only way to apply for bankruptcy. , Will not greatly affect the reputation of major companies."

Xuexia Yangnai's expression was a little bit embarrassing, and she explained her purpose to Li Yan, making Li Yan feel that a college student has such courage to decide to destroy an industry by himself, and his ability is truly extraordinary.

"Then... Li Jun, at this time... what do you think I should do, how do you find Xue Nai?"

Xuexia Yangna's voice froze for a few moments, and the language began to become a little unfluent, asked.

Finally, Yukoshita Yono who had been keeping herself calm, her thinking also paused a little, as if she hadn't arranged for a while how to start.

Li Yan also noticed this. He thought about it and said, "Generally, attacks are on streets with less crowds. Miss, do you know which remote streets Xue Na passes through before taking the subway?"


As a result, in a relatively dark one-way street less than 300 meters away from Zongwu High School, one side of this street is still under construction in the separation zone of the building site, and the other is the towering wall of a building. This road is interspersed between the two. Among the main arterial roads, it is also the only snow under Xuexue after school, and the only one to pass through relatively remote roads.

In the dark night, in the corner of the wall under the light of the phone, I found a broken phone.


Xuexia Yangna finally trembled slightly, her face seemed to have turned blue at the moment, her trembling hand stretched out and picked up the mobile phone, gradually becoming a little untenable, and her whole body leaning against the cold wall.

"Don't worry, Yukino probably hasn't been kidnapped yet."

Suddenly, Li Yan said to Xuexia Yangnai. He touched the side of the wall and said, "There are still mobile phone debris stuck to the snow on the wall. The middle side of the footprints on the snow is messy. , Xue Nao should have thrown her phone at someone, gaining time to escape, and took advantage of the night and chaos to escape."

In this dark street, in front of Xuexia Yangna, who was leaning on the wall with some tears in his eyes faintly, Li Yan stood up from the footprints of the snow, turned around and looked at Yangnao, and said: "Your sister is really smart. The place where she can protect your sister the most is where she just walked out. She should have fled there."

Chiba City Sobu High School Park.

Chapter 89-Nowhere to Retreat, Dark Fight

Under the curtain of night, there was silence.

Located in Chiba Prefecture Municipal Sobu Senior High School, the school is quiet and silent inside. The rustle of snow breaking the branches is heard in the dense woods on the campus, which makes the night-filled campus even more Quiet and strange.

A black car parked at the entrance of the campus, and the bright car lights were the only light source in this area.

"I've seen it around, and there are no suspicious people. There are several apartments and houses in this area. It seems that even people in the underworld do not dare to make a fuss outside the school."

After Li Yan walked around alone, he returned to the car and said to Xuexiayangna.

"Well, thank you, then, what do you do next, Jun Li?"

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