I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 128

Under the snow in the car, Yang Nai looked at Li Yan with a look of doubt and anxiety, and asked.

Li Yan took off his suit, turned around and looked at the shadow layer of the school building that resembles the "castle in the dark", his eyes were cold, and he said, "Of course I went in. I don't know now. Have the underworld people chased in? Although the school has security guards and teachers, I am worried that they are not opponents of that group of guys, so I want to go in."

"...Go in, but?"

Yukoshita Yonoi was taken aback for a moment. She looked at the iron gate that was locked quite firmly. In this case, do you have to call someone at the school to open the door? If you call the police now, will you have time to get from suspicious people? Rescue Yukino?

While Xuexiayangnai was thinking about countermeasures, suddenly, Li Yan handed his suit through the car window to the ignorant Xuexiayangnai. Xuexiayang didn't quite understand why he wanted it. She took off her coat in a cold place, but the scene immediately changed her face.

Li Yan clapped his hands, and then ran for about five meters, and then jumped with his feet suddenly. There was a three-meter-high wall, and he held his hands easily. In less than two seconds, Li Yan again After a few climbs, I went up.


Xuexiayangna's eyes opened a little wide, and she was stunned when she saw in the car.

It turns out that human physical ability can do this?

"Okay, I'm going in, Miss, you are waiting for my news on a busier section. Don't act rashly when you are not sure about safety. That group of people might also be staring at you."

Under the cold night sky, Li Yan squatted on the wall and said to Xuexia Yangnai.

This aura is filled with mystery and intrepidity, if it is said that the only remaining Shangren in the present age, perhaps many people will believe it.

"...Although I don't understand it very well, I understand. But, Li, is this really okay? The other party may have weapons. It is not a rational way to push you into danger..."

Xuexia Yangna raised his head to look at Li Yan, showing a trace of worry, and asked.

"It's okay, after all, this is also a helpless move. If it succeeds, Miss, you can ask me to take a day off tomorrow, so that's it." Li Yan showed a gentle smile and looked at Xuexia Yangnai. , Said.


Xuexiayangnai didn’t know why. At this moment, she, like the first time I met Li Yan, that touched emotion, such an incredible person, separated from the world she knew well, as if accidentally broke into a She didn't know and couldn't use her excellent other world. She was just an ordinary person in front of him. This made her unwilling, but she felt a sense of security.


Xuexiayangna thought this sentence in his heart, and smiled.

"I know, I will personally take you back when the time comes, but only one day, Mr. Assistant."

Xuexiayangna looked at Li Yan from a high place with a sunny smile and said.

Li Yan looked at Xuexia Yangnai again, and after nodding, he immediately jumped into the campus. On a cold snowy night, only the sound of his running footsteps could be heard, and he gradually left.

Xuexiayang closed the car window. At this moment, the strong girl lowered her head slightly, revealing a bitter smile.

"I'll wait for you to come back, and Xue Na..."


Chiba City Sobu Senior High School is a public school. Although its facilities cannot be compared with the private academies he attended, it can be regarded as a key middle school with everything it needs. It is vast and has many teaching buildings. This is undoubtedly for those who have just entered. It's just a maze.

But this is a good thing. If he feels like this when he comes in, then people in the underworld will probably not be able to find Yukino under Xuexia for a while.

"Amount, amount, amount..."

Li Yan hugged his body tightly, his cold nose was running out, and he looked around with a blue face.

After taking off his expensive suit, Li Yan realized why he didn't throw the suit in first, and then climbed the wall to come in. The cold weather at this moment was even colder in such an open place, but he thought that fighting might occur. Still decided not to wear that last expensive suit.

More importantly, he felt that he showed his skills like this just now, and he should have left a strong impression on Yukoshita Yono. If she suddenly dropped her suit on the wall, it would be really too much.

"Well, first of all, let me think about how I would choose the escape route if I were the second young lady, Yukino."

Li Yan walked to the front of the teaching building, raised his head, looked at the towering black paint floor, and thought quietly.

Li Yan had contact with Xuexiaxuena twice, but after two times, he also had a certain impression of this female high school student. Not only is Xuexue smart, but also good at sports skills, so he can easily throw away the people behind when he runs. , But that body doesn’t look like a student with endurance. After all, the safest place should be considered as two places, one is the academic office with the teacher on duty, and the other is the classroom with locks. This is the closest and safest hiding place in the school.

"It should be like this. If it were me, I would choose these places that can resist the enemy to hide, instead of running farther and easily revealing my position."

Standing in front of the teaching building, Li Yan raised his head and looked at this dark and quiet teaching building. There was another thing that made Li Yan feel suspicious. That was why all the lights were turned off, and at least there was a teacher on duty.

Or, Yukino turned off the light to make it easier to hide, then...

Follow the gang who broke in.

"God, can you hear me? I hope that sister Xuexia will be fine."

Li Yan raised his head and stood in the cold wind and white snow, looking at the main teaching building quietly with a face like frost, closing his eyes and couldn't help praying again in his heart.

The last time he prayed, a miracle really happened. Although he was greedy, this time he once again chose to believe in the God who heard his prayer, and silently read a sentence.

But when he opened his eyes again, there was a faint gleam of stars in his pupils in the night, and the dim light dazzled the pupils. The editing system had not been activated, and he was opened again. Let’s confirm Yukino’s hiding place.

As a result, in the middle of the second floor, the system in consciousness finally issued a [BEEP] prompt.

[Work: "My Youth Love Story really has a problem"

Evaluation: S

Suggestion: It is full of realistic works in Japanese society, and has been ranked number one in light novels for three consecutive years.

"……found it."

There was a hint of surprise in Li Yan's heart. His guess was not wrong, otherwise the scanning time was wasted, and the success or failure may only be in these few minutes.

Sometimes, Li Yan really feels that such a system is not called a system in vain. At least when it is critical, a lot of time can be gained.

"Thanks, partner."

Li Yan said silently and shut down the system again.A new character has only one chance for an accurate scan. He shuts down the system and waits for the opportunity just in case it is not needed.

He stretched out his hand and pushed open the glass door of the main teaching building and entered the building. The facade of the building where moonlight could not penetrate, the figure in the white shirt also gradually disappeared into the darkness.


According to rumors, the more lively and crowded the place during the day, when at night, the gloomy atmosphere prevails, gloomy and terrible, the cold wind blows the dead branches outside the window and shakes, and the atmosphere becomes more depressive in the deserted atmosphere.

The quiet street of the school building has windows on one side and a row of classrooms on the other.

Moonlight shines through the windows, so that the corridor can still see a faint light, allowing people to see this quiet corridor without people.

Between the first floor, whether it was the teaching room, the classrooms, or even the men’s and women’s toilets, Li Yan went to see roughly, and found no trace of the underworld personnel. He dared not neglect, he strolled silently. In the school corridor, he began to come to the top of the stairs and walked to the second floor.

Just when he was about to go up to the second floor, when the moonlight entered the corridor on the second floor of this floor, suddenly, a slight noise aroused Li Yan's alertness, and he walked up the last step. Wei Wei retracted it, leaned over and leaned out, looking at the corridor.


The sound of the wind from the windows made the surrounding windows a little rattle, but such a slight noise was even more quiet and terrifying.

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