I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 129

A cold wind blew in through the corridor, Li Yan's hair was also swayed by the night wind, and his clothes trembled.The slight noise was not a sound from a window, but more like a sound from the school floor. There must be someone on the second floor.

"...Where is the person?"

Li Yan secretly thought.

Finally, he walked between the corridors on the second floor, step by step, began to walk towards the direction of Yukino under Yukia.

Suddenly, in a dark corridor, the light in a room suddenly turned on, and there was a movement inside. Immediately, Li Yan looked at the light as if he was inviting people in this corridor to pass. .

Or, the group of people looking for Xuexia has started to turn on the lights to find people. The possibility is not small.

Li Yan hesitated for a moment and watched quietly. The situation couldn't wait. He followed the darkness of the corridor step by step to the bright room.As he approached, Li Yan discovered that this room turned out to be a utility room, and there were no windows to use for prying.

The only way to figure out who is inside is to open the door.

Li Yan thought for a while, and finally, he stretched out his hand to unscrew the doorknob, and suddenly rushed in to preempt the people inside.

However, in the bright and dazzling room, there is no one at all, but there is a strong smell of smoke.


Suddenly, Li Yan heard the sound of someone spitting out a cigarette.

This Tokyo immediately made Li Yan understand that the other party was hiding behind the door and led him in.For an instant, Li Yan pulled away, and subconsciously turned his head back and looked at the person under the door, only to see the figure in the black bartender suit just now, and then the light was turned off.

The lit cigarette was thrown over, and Li Yan immediately shot it off.

Suddenly, the whole room was filled with solemnity.


Immediately, the rough shout of a young girl broke the silence of this room.

A thorny cold wind swept, Li Yan immediately subconsciously blocked it with both hands. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and Li Yan's whole body suddenly shook. This powerful sweep of his legs was heavy Hit Li Yan's wrist, Li Yan let out a dark snort, as if he was hit by a car, he fell to one side, as if flying, and suddenly hit the storage cabinet on one side, the whole cabinet. All were overturned by this force.

In the darkness, a piece of debris and objects made a loud noise, scattered on the ground.

"Is this leg strength... still a master? It turned out to be a woman here."

Li Yan still blocked this leg strictly, only to feel his arm numb.Amid the choking scent of sawdust, he exposed his chilling eyes, looking at the shadow of a figure so close to him in this dark room.

The cold light of the opponent's eyes seemed to put him to death.

Li Yan stared at the other person's eyes, why not the same.

Suddenly, in the pitch-black room where you can't see your fingers, the two figures suddenly fought together like a violent storm. If they were fighting, it would be better to fight between you and me.

Inside the warehouse, the window was suddenly smashed with a punch.

Suddenly, the tables in the warehouse were kicked to the point of splashing.

There was a loud noise in the corridor of the originally quiet main teaching building. The sound was very noisy, and it seemed so terrifying in the dark night.

On the contrary, they seemed to be fighting each other on the line of life and death, and they didn't even have a word. They focused all their attention on the sound and the changes in the airflow.

Li Yan clearly tried out the traditional karate and aikido moves used by the opponent. On the contrary, for him who is proficient in killing fist, although the opponent is not low in rank, he is not his opponent.

Obviously, Li Yan has the absolute upper hand, and the gap in martial arts is too obvious.Finally, in the darkness, Li Yan seized the opportunity at the moment of his attack, and suddenly penetrated into the opponent's abdomen, quickly hugged the muscular female thug in the air, and hugged it heavily on the board. Go up, after taking advantage of the whole body to suppress the opponent, one hand locked the opponent's throat.

The outcome is finally known.

The other party did not dare to act rashly, and was also aware of the other party's point. After fighting like a storm in the riddled warehouse, finally returned to a trace of calm.


The broken window revealed a strong cold wind, quietly blowing the two people after the fight.

"Say, where is Yuukishita?"

Li Yan coldly pinched the long-haired woman's neck, staring at her with murderous eyes, and asked.

"...Ha, ha."

The other party was panting constantly. The fight just now almost exhausted her energy. She gritted her teeth. After the fierce fight, her face was covered with scars and blood, filled with a hazy cold night, but she showed a hint of arrogance. With a smile, he looked at Li Yan tiredly, and said with a mocking look: "Don't dream, bastard... You will never find her..."


Li Yan's eyes grew colder, he grabbed the sawdust and pointed it at the young girl's shoulder to pierce it down.

However, at this moment, suddenly, the broken wooden warehouse door was opened again, and the light shone in. Li Yan, who held up the sharp sawdust, looked over, but suddenly his face changed drastically.

Under the moonlight, the young girl with long black hair and student clothes looked at them two with a look of surprise and fright. She was a little speechless and stood at the door.

"Teacher, what are you doing?" Xuexia Xuena looked melancholy, looked at the girl pinched by Li Yan, and looked at Li Yan, who was covered with wood dust.

Li Yanxuan's heart in the air finally calmed down a little, so it seemed that Xuexia Xuena was not hurt.

"Don't worry, Second Miss, I came to rescue you, and now I have subdued the underworld person who was looking for you. Fortunately, you are fine. Come here as soon as possible. Are there any comrades of this guy outside?" Li Yan There was joy on his face, but he didn't take it lightly, letting Xue Nao lean against him, in case there were any underworld people here.

"...Mr. Li, I didn't call you teacher, so what happened, can you let go of Hiratsuka teacher first?" Yukino Yukino looked at Li Yan with a complicated expression and said hurriedly.


A gust of cold wind blows on Li Yan, who is dumbfounded. He looks at the female staff under his body with the same expression as him and with a beautiful face, and then looks at him with cold sweat once again in puzzlement and has turned around. Yukino Yukino hurried to get the medical kit.

Li Yan, who was lonely still holding down the other party, had as much pain as his expression at the moment.

Chapter 90

At 7:55 in the evening, in the academic office on the second floor.

In the heated academic office, bright pink greenhouse flower pots are placed next to the desk, swaying gently in the cold wind when the door opens.


A comfortable girl sigh broke the tranquility of this office. This beautiful woman dressed in tattered staff costumes and a white robe outside received the simple wound care of Yukino Yukino. With band-aids on her face and bandages on her forehead, her injuries are considered serious.

However, after lighting up a cigarette, she took a deep breath of nicotine, as if she was alive, she smiled and said, "Well, smoking a cigarette can relieve the pain the most."

"Please don't laugh, Hiratsuka-sensei, and if it weren't for you to become like this, I really don't want you to smoke in such a situation."

Yukino Yukino couldn't bear the smell of cigarettes either, she couldn't help coughing a few times, and said with an unhappy face.

"You are really unsympathetic. I am obviously a wounded now. I should be considerate of the teacher who fought bravely for the comfort of the students. This is the scene where the cute students should be realized. This time I lost quite well. It's miserable, right..."

This beautiful woman with the surname Hiratsuka smiled, looking at Li Yan who was sitting quietly not far away without a word and asked, "Well, what's your name?"


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