I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 130

Li Yan was slightly startled and raised his head. At first, he planned to keep silent, hoping to make the people present to forget what happened just now, but he did not expect that the female teacher he defeated would ignore the previous suspicion and calmly follow. He talked.

"My name is Li Yan and I am an international student. I am currently working as a part-time tutor with Miss Xuexia's sister." Li Yan whispered with a bitter smile.

Li Yan’s injury was much better than that of this high school teacher. Basically it was just scratches and bruises. However, his arm also had a wound cut by debris in the dark. It was well coated with disinfectant. Gauze bandage.

In any case, Li Yan is very ashamed of this female teacher at the moment, but fortunately the opponent's resistance to fight is quite good, even if he took his attack to break through the defense, it turned out to be only a bruise on the back, not hurting the vitals .

"Well, that's the case, it's no wonder I haven't seen your moves, but it's really unexpected that you are acting as a tutor. With such skill, you should be more than enough to serve as the private bodyguard of this group of giants..."

Shizuka Shizuka smiled, and the band-aids on her white cheeks wrinkled slightly, and said, "My name is Shizuka Shizuka, and I am a first-year Chinese teacher in this school. Please advise."

"Huh, great. Although the two of you are beaten up like this, fortunately you have not suffered more serious injuries. Now that you two teachers are here, I think the underworld people should not dare to come to the school to make trouble. Right."

Yukino looked at the two of them being able to talk peacefully, and was a little relieved. While talking, she recalled the dilapidated scene of the warehouse. The level of the fight had reached that level, which still made her feel lingering.

"Anyway, I'll return the medical kit, Mr. Li, and Mr. Hiratsuka, please don't mess around for the time being, I will see if it is necessary to go to the hospital for further treatment later."

After Xuexia Xuena packed the medical box, she picked it up, looked at the two of them, and then went out again after a warning.

Shizuka Hiratsuka beckoned, smiled and sent away Yukino Yukoshita.

After the police arrived at the school, the school was finally confirmed as a safe area.Back in the hutong, Xuexiaxuenai's experience was basically the same as Li Yan guessed. On the way out of school, he encountered suspicious people blocking him, but with Xuexiaxuenai's excellent agility, he quickly escaped the encirclement. After meeting Shizuka Hiratsuka at the school gate, he completely got rid of the group.

Inside the school, Shizuka Hiratsuka thought about the same preventive measures as Li Yan had guessed. While waiting for the police, Shizuka Hiratsuka took the opportunity to sneak into the school, so he turned off the lights and ambushed. To protect under the snow.But unexpectedly, two strangers, who insisted on protecting the same person, made a desperate fight in the warehouse, almost causing tragedy.

"That... sorry, Hiratsuka-sensei."

Suddenly, Li Yan, who was sitting not far away, looked at Hiratsuka with a strong apology after waiting for Yukoshita to leave.


Hiratsuka still had a cigarette in her mouth, she was taken aback for a moment, looked at Li Yan puzzledly, and asked, "Why should I apologize?"

"...I caused all your injuries now. When I was fighting in the warehouse, I dealt you cruelly and even used a dangerous method of hug and fall. As a result, I beat you under the protection snow like this. Everything is just a misunderstanding, but I feel that I still bear the main responsibility. I haven't judged your identity more rationally. After all... my ability to do things is not stable enough."

Li Yan looked at her guiltily and said.

After Hiratsuka finished listening, she looked a little dazed at first, and then her face was like an unfolded peony, and a smile was written on her face, overflowing with satisfying joy, and said: "It's basically a matter of not hurting anyone. It’s impossible to do it. It’s like this in life originally, and it will hurt others inadvertently. This is an unsolvable process, so don’t take it to heart. Besides, you and I have the same starting point, both for ourselves The younger generations and students fought hard to fight, behind them are the fragile. We are also very fragile, but at that time we became stronger, so I won’t regret kicking you in the first place, because next time I met With such a low probability of misunderstanding, I still choose a conservative way of fighting. No one can afford it. The consequences of failing to protect others are not right or wrong."


Li Yan was silent for a while, a little surprised by Hiratsuka's remarks. Yukino's teacher was really amazing.

"However, in the process of fighting with you, I also felt Li Jun, your sincerity to Xuexia, you really gave everything to protect her, facing people who may be underworld, whether male or female, All used fierce moves, but thankfully, you haven't used murder fist against me for the time being, and you can see that you can still control your mind very well at that time. However, I am also worried a little, so as to protect my side. Human you, if one day you really encounter a more dangerous situation, will you lose control and really break the bottom line. In such an era, any blood-stained behavior is illegal, whether it is China or Japan. There is a theory that the heart that is out of control is called "the demon". I haven't reached that level yet, but Li Jun, I hope you don't care about everything easily... Sorry, these are some of my superficial suggestions. Can you listen to it?"

Hiratsuka smiled, looked at Li Yan, and asked.

These words were tantamount to what Li Yan was worried about. He also felt that the heart demon is not a special existence. Once a person has the right to live and kill, it is easy to skip the inner conscience and make a hasty decision. , The final result is a huge difference, it is too late to regret.This is the demons of people.

Li Yan thinks that his heart is strong enough to control his abilities, but at every critical moment, he also deeply feels that people can easily go to extremes.

"Thank you, Hiratsuka-sensei, I will remember your reminder deeply."

Li Yan said.

However, outside the door, Yukino Yukino, who had returned from the police and the health care room, quietly listened to the conversation between them. She leaned against the cold wall, and her heart was suddenly moved.

That person actually came for her.

Although Mr. Hiratsuka also paid a huge price for causing her misunderstanding, which made her grateful, a certain senior who was hit by a car from her sister's side was also fighting for her, even if it was cold. The heart has to be complicated.

Xuexia Xuena raised his head and looked at the sky quietly. At this moment, the sky is gradually falling down with white snowflakes. The night sky is so beautiful that danger and beauty are often at the same time. This is the reason...


The sky was filled with crystal clear snowflakes. Snow under the snow wrapped in a scarf followed Li Yan to leave the main teaching building, while Shizuka continued to work at the school. According to her, the damage to the warehouse was reported to be caused by rats As for how the school traces that is a matter of the school, it is estimated that no better explanation can be found.

"After the police recorded the transcript, didn't they send you back by the way?"

Li Yan looked at Xuexia Xuena curiously and asked.

"Yes, I told the police, you just need to send me back. After all, according to the information you have now, no matter how you look at it, your combat effectiveness is stronger than ten police officers, so letting you send me back is the safest choice. ."

Yukino Yukoshita said with a natural face and said straightforwardly about her judgment.


Li Yan squinted and looked at Xuexia Yangnai's younger sister. He always felt that neither of them were fuel-efficient lamps, and they were quite difficult to get along with.

"Mr. Li, does my sister know about this?" Xuexia Xuenai looked at Li Yan and asked.

"Well, it was after she called me to tell me that you didn't go back at seven o'clock, that made me alert. Your sister wanted to drive over to find you by herself. I now let her wait in a safe place. you."

Li Yan said.

"……is it?"

After Xuexiaxuena listened to it, if there was something on his mind, he responded in a low voice.

At this moment, the sky was gray and the little snow fell gently. Li Yan borrowed a white coat from Jing Shiratsuka. Although it was very thin, it made Li Yan a little warmer.

"Although it is presumptuous to ask, Mr. Li..."

Xuexiaxuena thought for a while, and finally asked Li Yan again what she couldn't understand.

"Huh?" Li Yan looked curiously at Xuexiaxue Nao who was hesitant to speak.

"This time the kidnapping incident, if it is an ordinary person, even if it is a kind person, you will choose to stay away because you are afraid that your life will be destroyed and your life will be threatened. This is a very common but smart approach. Why on earth would you Taking such a big risk to come here to save me, although I understand that you have mastered very powerful fighting skills, wouldn’t it be as dangerous if the opponent has a gun... People are selfish, so I really want to understand What is the value of your doing this? It is very impolite to ask a benefactor who saved me, but I am really looking for the answer from you. Can you tell me?"

Xuexia Xuenao stopped, looked at Li Yan calmly, and asked.

With long black hair, dancing with the night breeze, the beautiful girl standing in the wind and snow has such bright and energetic eyes. She asked incomprehensibly and stared incomprehensibly, not like sarcasm or It was a questioning, but simply seeking Li Yan's answer.

"...You ask, I don't know how to tell you specifically."

Li Yan hesitated slightly, feeling that he could not respond to some worry-free, talented and intelligent, but always thinking about the problems of some capitalist girls with life philosophy.

However, Li Yan summed up his purpose a little, and said: "I just think that if you don't do this, it's wrong."

"I am just an ordinary person. Although I have been talented in fighting since I was a child, this is also a helpless move. Not only does it lack the warmth of the family, but even the friendship does not know what kind of experience it is. I and you It’s not the same, you and Miss Yangna are at least living in a healthy family, and in my case, everything lives for yourself... But the colder the place, the better you know the warmth. So I cherish the people who treat me sincerely now and do things within their power."

The look on Li Yan’s face was bitter and a bit of a smile, but every sentence was as full of vicissitudes as the snow at this moment, and said: "The clever way you just mentioned is only for me. It’s just a way. Smart people use smart ways to protect themselves, but if the starting point in their heart is incompatible with actual actions, sooner or later they will fall into confusion. Since the world is indifferent to you, why don’t you change this Distorted world, let it become more in line with your requirements, if you even give up and follow the trend, then in the end even yourself will hate yourself, we are such creatures, we can only change the world to us in adversity View, I, to reverse the surrounding form, is also a way to change a world."


Xuexia Xuenai looked at Li Yan in surprise, changing the world?!This kind of thinking is almost equivalent to idiotic talking about dreams, even if she has so much capital in her hands, she would not say such things indiscriminately.

However, if she hadn't seen his performance in the past few days with her own eyes, perhaps she would have only smiled, but now in her impression, she can't deny Li Yan's idea, and she always feels that he is not a person who thinks of life. Joking man.

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