I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 138

The teacher he dreams of is like this...

In the long chase, the feet were sunken in the white snow, and the blood fell drop by drop on the white snowdrift...

On a snowy seashore, Li Yan finally caught up to Nobuo Kamiya and punched Nobuo Kamiya's face with a vicious punch, almost deforming the other's face, flew out, and fell on the snow without moving. .

Finally, the industry fox who was able to escape after thirty years, Nobuo Kamiya, stood motionless in front of him.

Twenty minutes later, Xuexiayangna, who originally came out to look for Li Yan, received the call and received Hiratsuka from the damaged luxury car. He chased him along the road and watched on the beach. To the final battlefield.

Kamiya Nobuo and his subordinate Kimura, who were tightly bound together, sat groggy on the snow, while Li Yan sat not far away and waited quietly.

As if in a trance, he heard someone call his name. When he looked back, Yukoshita Yono and Hiratsuka Shizuka rushed towards him in the white snow margin in the distance.

Finally, everything is over.


Li Yan covered the gunshot wound on his abdomen, his eyes were pale, and finally his eyes went dark before falling down...

Chapter 95 Literary Girl Under Snow

In the early morning of winter, a cloud of snow and fog permeated the sky and the earth, but compared to the wind and snow of last night, it has gradually subsided, everything is silent, and there is a trace of light in the east horizon, Chiba covered by ice and snow The county ushered in a brand new day after Blizzard.

The originally dark room, suddenly, a faint ray of sunlight also began to shine through the window, the darkness was broken, a trace of warmth sprinkled on that bed, the hair was slightly blown by the warm wind, and the sleeping youth also Gradually, he woke up and opened his eyes.

"...Heating? It's weird. My room should have no money for heating. The heating has been cut off long ago..."

Li Yan looked at the radiator not far away, thinking.

Soon, after his consciousness became clear, he realized that he was not in his small dormitory in Tokyo, but the surrounding environment seemed to be in the nursing room of the hospital.


Li Yan was silent for a moment, thinking carefully about what had happened, his consciousness suddenly remembered the sneaking, chasing in the night, and the crisp shot of the gun, which immediately made him fully awake.

He worked so hard last night and finally overcame the gangster who had hurt his student, and he was shot on the roof of the car, eventually bleeding too much, lacking physical strength and losing consciousness.

He tried to get up, but the pain in his abdomen suddenly made him unbearable, and finally gave up and got up and lay quietly on the bed.

"Is it shot in the abdomen? Fortunately, it didn't hurt the vital parts. Because the body is also bulletproof, after passing through the weakest roof, the bullet that came over did not penetrate the body..."

Li Yanjing thought quietly, fortunately for his luck, otherwise he would not be able to withstand the power of bullets no matter how strong he is.

I guess I was also waiting for Hiratsuka at the beach. Once my spirit relaxed, I lost consciousness and was sent to the hospital by them.In this series of calms and waves, although the road was bumpy, but in the end I won what I wanted to protect.It seems that because I have lost too much, I don't want the people around me to repeat the same mistakes as him...including myself, I no longer want to lose any precious encounters.

At least in my heart at this moment, I have a slight expectation for life, which I did not have in my previous life.

However, he yearned for a quiet life over and over again, and finally came to a new place, but once again such ups and downs... He was lying in a dim room, deeply wondering whether he really was a god. People like Lone Star shouldn’t get too close to anyone easily...


Li Yan closed his eyes and sighed softly. Maybe it was true.

Just when he was thinking about it quietly, suddenly, a slight noise came from the door, and a gap was suddenly opened in the closed door.

Li Yan turned his face and looked at it. As a result, outside the bright corridor, a little girl in a medical suit leaned in quietly to see what was going on inside. Her long black hair was caressed by wind Then, a few strands of hair came out, and when he saw Li Yan, his delicate and white face suddenly stopped moving.

The expressions of both people were shocked.

With bandages on their foreheads, Tsurumi Liumi and Li Yan looked at each other, as if they had never expected that they would meet like this.

"Teacher Li Yan..." Tsurumi Liumei looked at Li Yan in shock and asked.

"Liumei, uh, why did you come here?!" Li Yan was also taken aback for a while and asked.

"My room is next door..."

Tsurumi Liumi stood by the door blankly and said softly.

At nine o'clock last night, while her parents were away, she inadvertently saw Xuexia Yangna passing by the door of the room and other people hurrying past a bed frame. Yangna even noticed Tsurumi Rumi's curious eyes revealed a meaningful bitter smile, followed by a lady he didn't know, and several nurses into the recuperation room next door.

However, it was only for a moment. Among the gaps in the crowd, the face of the person lying on the bed looked like a person.

Tsurumi Rumi might think that this is just a little similar, but after a night of thinking, she still came over in the early morning to take a look.The teacher who promised to meet her tomorrow, but in this way, met her.


When the warm wind blew the little girl indoors, her expression was melancholy and uneasy. She looked at Li Yan and asked, "Teacher, why are you here?"

"Um, uh... Teacher... was hit by a car and flew a few meters away, only a few ribs were broken, so I was hospitalized."

Li Yan immediately couldn't find any excuse to persuade Tsurumi to stay in the United States, and in a hurry, he inadvertently told a lie.He tried to get up again, this time he got up really successfully, enduring the pain from the wound, he showed embarrassment and explained.

However, looking at Tsurumi Liu's more worried expression, Li Yan always felt that the broken ribs used to describe minor injuries in his words caused more counter-effects.


Tsurumi Liumi walked into the room and looked at the bedside of the hospital bed. She felt that Li Yan's lies were really easy to see through the labels that said "Abdominal Gunshot Wounds".

And seeing her at this moment, Li Yan did not have any unexpected reaction, as if he had known that she was hospitalized. From the gunshot wound and the bruises on her body, plus his reaction and lies, he could roughly guess. Then, her teacher had come back before and did some things that shouldn't be done.

I always felt that her teacher would indeed do this, but yesterday it was a blizzard... There are always some factors that make her feel what kind of dangerous things he has gone through.

Her heart was extremely sad and worried, but she was a child, and the teacher in front of her who was trying to hide something, she couldn't directly break the "truth" that the teacher wanted her to understand.

"Understood, teacher, pay attention to safety next time." Tsurumi Liumi lowered his head, his complexion followed Li Yan's rhythm and said.

"okay, I get it."

Li Yan leaned on the pillow and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had finally concealed it, and said with a smile.

"Does the wound on the forehead still hurt?" Li Yan asked concerned about Tsurumi Liumei's forehead.

"...It doesn't hurt anymore. I have all the physical examinations and I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Tsurumi Rumi used to put his hands behind his waist and said quietly and calmly.

"That's good, but for the teacher, it may take a few days to rest. When the teacher is discharged from the hospital, I will give you some mathematics, physics and chemistry knowledge that you will learn next. Sorry, maybe there is One counseling was temporarily handed over to other teachers." Li Yan said with a smile.

"It's too early for the next counseling, teacher."

Obviously, Tsurumi Liu was not interested in listening, and said, “Anyway, as long as you get the test scores to the top five next time, the teacher’s task will be completed, right, so the tutoring can be discussed later.”

The relaxed tone and the expression of impatientness made Li Yan look at Tsurumi Rumi in surprise. He always felt that his future appearance, talent and grades were similar to Yukoshita Yukino. I was afraid it was even her bad. The personality will be similar, which is bad.

"Then, how about the teacher's exam?" Tsurumi Liumei asked curiously, sitting beside Li Yan's bed.


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