I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 139

Li Yan was sweating profusely, thinking that in the end, he still failed to pass the exam. In the end, he had already lost the qualification to study with Tsurumi in the U.S. Even if he had good grades at school, it was not an excuse for not being admitted to university.

"It should be a good university. The teacher worked hard." Li Yan said with a guilty conscience.

Although it’s a social university, a university at home, an otaku polytechnic, etc...

"Really, that's fine." Tsurumi Liumi smiled, looking at Li Yan and said.

That sweet smile, clearly a primary school student, exudes an indescribable sense of maturity. It should be said that it is the sense of sight that makes people feel very beautiful.

"When the teacher goes to university, I will study hard and will not let the teacher down. Before that, I still have a lot of things that I don't understand and need to be taught by the teacher. Please give me more advice in the future, Teacher Li Yan."

Tsurumi Liumei stood up and bowed very politely, with the most complicated emotions in his life, neither crying nor laughing, even sadness, happiness, feelings and confession, but no longer looking back, quiet Leave here quietly.

"Get a good rest after you go back."

Li Yan cared about her wounds, nagging behind her, saying that if the people around him watched it, this is not straightforward and handsome at all, but like a nagging uncle.


Tsurumi Rumi turned his back to his head, but his eyes couldn't help getting wet.

She has always hoped that one day, she can find a similar person who is in the same situation as her, but when she finds it, she finds that the two of them are already extreme in different worlds... But for the first time, she hopes to abandon such a world. Myself, go to the world of that mentor, go on well...


At noon, the weather finally began to improve, and the snow and wind outside the window had subsided.

On the bed not far from the window, Li Yan was watching quietly with a book. Now his mobile phone is damaged, he has failed the exam, and is seriously injured. The only thing he can entertain is reading.

These books were lent to him by Xuexia Yangnai when he came to visit him in the morning. They are all novels, but they are all masterpieces from Europe and America. Many of them have just won the Nobel Prize in Literature, including those written by a Chinese writer. The... a story written too deeply, he has a bit of disgust.

However, the final news of the successful raid on Kamiya House last night was also passed from Yukoshita Yono, because a large number of weapons, criminal accounts, and evidence of crimes investigated by the police have been found from Kamiya's house. Criminal lawsuits were filed against the financial lending company of the Kamiya group and involved illegal actions by many companies. The parties involved were further arrested. Her father began to use the long-standing network and rights in Chiba to further fight back, although only It's just started, but the result is clear at a glance.

This case did not involve him. It seems that the Xuexia family had hidden the police investigation.Although he is a prefectural councillor, he is, after all, a celebrity who has been in Chiba Prefecture for generations, and his influence is not limited to that of a prefectural councillor.

There is also news that his black Toyota Supra was towed for repair and licensing. It seems to be seriously damaged, but it did not damage key parts. Although repairs cost a lot of money, such things are returned as rewards. Li Yan.

"Why don't you lie down? If it hits the wound, it will recover very slowly."

While Li Yan was reading a book, a deserted voice came from the door, interrupting his thoughts.He looked up, and his expression suddenly changed. The girl in the Zongwu High School uniform standing at the door, wrapped in the blue scarf, looked at him calmly and said.

"Second Miss?!"

Li Yan looked at her in amazement. He didn't expect this girl to come to see him too.

Xuexia Xuena showed a distressed expression, always feeling that Li Yan always called her sister the eldest, why did she call her second lady again? She was really worried that one day she would accept such a name calmly. Then I will lose some premonition.

"Okay, I won't force you. After all, I will not be able to stand it even if I lie down for a day. Is the pain of the wound better?" Yukino Yukino spoke while taking off her scarf, closing the door, and looking at Li Yan. .

"It's better. After all, the bullet has lost most of its kinetic energy. If the clothes were thicker at the time, the injury would have been lighter."

Li Yan smiled and said.

"...From what your words sound very relaxed, really scary remarks, are you a berserker?" Yukino Yukino sat in a chair, sighed slightly, and couldn't help but utter a grievance.

"Aren't you going to school this afternoon, can you really stay here?" Li Yan asked.

"Don't worry about it, it's just a half-day vacation. The afternoon is also a physical education class, and there is no pressure." Yukino Yukino replied.

Then the words of the two people stopped like this. Although I have met Yukino Yukoshita several times before, it is not that he has many topics to talk with her. It should be said that Yukoshita Yukino is really interested in very few topics. So few, so if two people live in the same room for several hours without saying a word, they always feel bored.

"..." Li Yan was silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

However, the girl opposite said a terrible topic.

"If you want to go to the toilet, you can tell me, if you want the urinal, I will pour it for you. You are welcome."

Xuexiaxuena took out a book from her schoolbag, remembered something, raised her head and said calmly and naturally to Li Yan.


Li Yan opened his mouth in astonishment. He had never thought that a realistic and perfect beautiful girl would say such shocking words without changing his face.

"No, it's the abdomen that hurts, it won't affect walking."

Li Yan hurriedly stopped and explained.

"...Is that right? Then I can help you to the toilet, anyway, it will be fine."

Yukino Yukino continued to look calm, and after finishing speaking, he took out a novel with a black cover and read it.

"..." Li Yan looked at this high school girl helplessly, but she was willing to do so, and she was also very concerned about him, and could not make a radical rebuttal attitude. In short, he would just find a way to solve his own affairs.

Just as Li Yan planned to continue reading the dull novels, he suddenly realized that Yukino also seemed to have brought the novel over. Suddenly, he also had a hint of inspiration. He was originally Uesugi who had become a master of light novels. Yan, using novel topics to solve communication problems couldn't be more appropriate.

"Second Miss, what type of novel are you reading, can you lend me some books?" Li Yan asked.

"No way."


Li Yan's topic stopped, Xuexia Xuenai didn't raise her head at all, and answered a cold sentence.

So he was really afraid that his personality after studying in the United States would follow this rich second lady, not cute at all.

"Ahem, the book your sister lent me is too deep. I am a bit uncomfortable. I don’t know why she also lent me the book in German. I have never studied German. I still have some knowledge of light novels. Interested..."

Li Yan coughed a few times to dissolve the embarrassing atmosphere, and then forced to continue the topic, and said to Yukino under Xuexia, in fact, he really hoped that Yukino under Xuexia would lend him some books.

"...Huh, okay, but what I read is a bad book. I only read a certain part of the plot when I am slightly interested in it. I don’t know if it suits your taste. As a reader, tastes are always changing, so I Never lend a book to others, so as not to hear different opinions from others and get busy."

Xuexiaxue lowered her head and searched her schoolbag, and said to Li Yan.

It always makes sense, but such an understanding will only lead to the result that it is difficult to get along with others.

Four books were searched out, all with book covers. Although the habit of wrapping book covers was once popular in China, Li Yan used some newspapers and posters to make bark bags when he was a child, but nowadays people have given up the trouble. However, it is still quite popular here in Japan.

In the noon sun, Xuexia Xuena dragged out his hands and handed the four books to Li Yan, looking down at him blankly. The clean and straight clothes and the beautiful body of a beautiful girl are as elegant and beautiful as a beautiful queen. , Said: "After reading, please don't tell me the plot, I want to read the complete set of books with my own understanding...Although it is a bad book."

Naturally, Li Yan was not interested in discussing the plot with Xuexiaxuena. After all, she was right about this point. If she didn't like it, she wouldn't say it. It is most important to pass the time now.

But when Li Yan opened the first page with a smile on his face, when he saw the title and catalog, his face was taken aback, and then he turned blue.

-"Super Academy War, Volume One".


After a while of silence.

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