I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 170

At noon, just after everyone had lunch together, some TV station staff came over and exchanged a few words with Kagura Saka Ayame. An officer asked Li Yan, Qianshou Village and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. A well-known author offers an interview invitation.

At about 12:45, TV TOKYO, TV, and the Internet began to broadcast an interview column about light novel writers known to anime audiences. Because of the large number of people, the time will last about three hours, which is more than ten people. Everyone has fifteen minutes of discussion time.Contracted writers from several companies were drawn and arranged to wait in line in two interview rooms.

Because it is Kadokawa, Dengeki, Sanhe and these libraries that have a handy light novel writer, the list of twenty writers is basically a candidate after a long period of discussion by these companies.

After an excellent writer walked into the column back and forth, it seemed very fast to change people in 15 minutes. I heard that it would be played simultaneously at Station N. Li Yan and others picked up their phones and watched the authors in the room at Station N. The scene during the interview.

"Well, I always feel that being on TV for the first time makes people feel very nervous..."

Li Yan thought with trepidation.

It should be said that it is not his poor psychological quality, but that he is really not good at waiting on the spot like this, watching the barrage where some people laugh at the author's voice, and some people dislike the author's remarks, and even his looks are mocking, to maintain stability It’s not a simple matter to promote one's own books in a posture.

Li Yan had already put on a mask and hat, even sunglasses, and everyone around him could hear the rapid breathing from his mask.This kind of waiting is even more tense than when I used to test the car in the examination room.

"Ms. Uesugi."

Suddenly, Qianshoucun Zheng, who had been sitting quietly next to him, patted the back of his hand with his hand. He remained silent, and the kimono girl spoke coldly.

"Please don't be nervous. This is just a publicity meeting. It is not a key factor in determining the quality of your book. What's more, you are Uesugi teacher, the man who used to compete with Xia Shizi teacher, relax, just put When you say what you want to say, it’s just a normal conversation, it’s just a meeting."

Qianshoucun said with a smile.

The smooth palms were pressed on the backs of his hands, and a trace of warmth passed from the palms of his hands, almost as a model of Yamato Nadeshiko, younger than him, but the temperament appeared quite stable.

But Li Yan also noticed that the fingers on her left hand were wrapped in bandages, as if she had been injured all the time, which made him a little concerned.

"Thank you, Teacher Qianshou." Li Yan nodded, and began to feel a little more relaxed, thanking him with a smile.

"Well, it's just a matter of effort." Qianshou Village Zheng said.

Li Yan's mood really recovered a little. He seldom talked to Qianshoucunzheng, remembering that this young girl is almost the trump card of Sanhe Library, with a total sales volume of tens of millions of copies, and fractions far exceed those of their second-tier members. The excellent writing and the interesting plot hardly resemble a work that a student can write, and after several meetings, he seemed to want to get close to Masamune Izumi, which made him a little unclear.The overall evaluation is probably a person who is cold outside and warm inside.

"Next, Teacher Qianshou, are you ready?"

A TV station official walked out of the interview room and asked Qianshoucunzheng respectfully. He even used honorifics in his tone, which was clearly different from other authors who sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

"Yes." Qianshoucunzheng nodded and followed in.

Li Yan thought about it. He turned on the phone and watched the live interview. As a result, he was assigned to another interview room, Shiyu Kasumigaoka, the fairy Yamada that he hadn't seen before, and Qianshou Village Zheng who had just entered. Although they all wore masks and did not want to reveal their identities too much, they were elegant and energetic, and almost took the position of the host. They mastered the initiative of the interview, which made people feel quite admired. Barrage The evaluation is also quite good.

About fifteen minutes later, after Qianshou Village Zheng's interview ended, Li Yan's interview finally began.

"Hello, Uesugi-sensei, I am honored to be able to interview you."

"Hello, hello audience."

Sitting at the table in the interview room, in front of Li Yan, in addition to the two huge TV special cameras, there is also a laptop placed in front of him, on which is the synchronized N station video directly, the barrage above has not waited for him. At the beginning, a group of [MMP], [Old Thief] and [Volume Six] barrage began to wander away.(MMP is not in Chinese. The commentary is a symbol of curse words in Japan, but curse in Japan is really tasteless, so I use mmp to conceptualize it)

"Stop it, you guys..." Li Yan narrowed his eyes and stared at the video, thinking.

The host smiled and asked: "It seems that readers are quite interested in your sixth volume. Mr. Uesugi, you are a light novel writer who just debuted last year. Although the sales volume is not the first, you ranked the best in last year. The total sales reached the fifth place. This year, because of the publication of popular books, it was ranked ninth. In any case, it was quite an excellent result. Then, do you have a specific release date for the sixth volume?"

"Yes, probably in the middle of May." Li Yan thought for a while and replied.

——Eh, isn't Twitter saying that it will be published in April?!

——[Asshole, isn't this going to be postponed again?

——If I meet you next time, it will definitely not make you look good.

The barrage suddenly became dense, and Uesugi Yan's sixth volume was postponed again.

After all, before the release of the sixth volume, Li Yan considered that his free time would be much shorter after enrolling in school, so he postponed it again. Some of the previous words on Twitter were not officially released, but they evoked the strong expectations of fans. As a result, it takes one second to go from heaven to hell.

The host continued to ask: “As for a detail that many readers care about, it may involve spoilers. May I ask the new president of Hengning Ning will walk with the protagonist in the future. Teacher, you know that the popularity of the president is almost in the new animation The dark horse character of, has defeated many popular cute characters in one fell swoop, does the teacher plan to match up this sad couple?"

"Huh? Lovers, the two characters are not lovers, they just have a little encounter, I can only say so much."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then hesitated for a while, explaining.

The densely populated barrage can hardly see what readers are saying online, but the number of online viewers has soared from tens of thousands to 100,000 at the same time.

Kagurazaka Aryu, who has been watching outside, has covered his eyes and is afraid to watch it anymore. Although I think the effect of the show has exploded, there are a group of fans outside the interview room, and the old thief will go out later. I don't know how to get out.

"Please, guys, let's go over there to pick you up later." Kagurazaka Ayame said to the lion boy Kunomitsu and others who were also worried.

"Excuse me, "Super Academy War", as an excellent and passionate work, has been published to the fifth volume, and the animation has also progressed to the second season. The evaluation is quite good. Uesugi has previously revealed that he will write more than ten volumes. Now, tens of thousands of readers have petitioned to answer a question about how many volumes of "Super Academy War" will be."

The host also noticed that Uesugiyan’s interview column is almost the climax of the best-selling category. Not only the work is passionate, but even the interview can cause a craze, which is really incredible, so he asked again.

"There are ten volumes in total. After all, it is my first work. My writing experience is not enough. Therefore, the first work has spent all my thoughts. It has both gains and lessons. So I am very grateful to the readers for their love. Being able to write ten volumes has exceeded my expectations, and I will strive to write more than ten volumes in the next new book."

Li Yan spoke to the readers in front of the camera in a very sincere tone.

——God TM more than ten volumes, isn’t it ten volumes?

——Stop it, old thief!Shouldn't it be twelve volumes?

——[It's awful, awful.

"You mentioned that there will be a new book plan. Will your next new book also be a passionate subject?" The host asked in surprise, even the title changed.

"Yes, the new book outline will be written this year. It has been planned for a long time. I believe it will be a light novel that is not inferior to "Super Academy", and then I will ask the readers for their support.

Li Yan said with a smile, he can no longer see what the dense barrage is in front of the computer screen that is already stuck in a state, but probably many people support his new book, although he will scold him at first, but afterwards When other authors announced new books, they all blessed him, so he also considered publishing his new book plan to the public to see the effect of the reaction.

6:00 pm.

There are already a little bit of star in the sky, and in the darkness, there is a bustling sound that breaks the tranquility of this town.

Downstairs of the six-story apartment used for temporary interviews, a large flash of mobile phone flashes continuously, and hundreds of dead fans are angry at the writer at the door. For a while, the scene is almost out of control. Inside the human wall composed of security personnel, Li Yan was blindfolded by a suit and hurriedly passed through the street under the escort of Lion Tong Guoguang and Cao Nao Longhui.

"You still plan to write a new book, what do you plan to do with this book, what about the third academy battle, bastard?!"

"I'm telling you, Uesugiyan! Even if you write a new book, how beautiful it is, I have no other novels to read in the future, and I will never read your new book!!"


Ying Lili and Shi Yu were both watching outside, feeling helpless and frightened.Obviously he was just a novelist, and he turned out to be like a scandal star. I have to say that Uesugi Yan's strength cannot be underestimated.


This interview program almost reached its peak ratings during Uesugiyan's stage. When TV TOKYO jointly broadcasted it at station N, it attracted a lot of attention.

In Chiba, the sisters Yukoshita rarely watched TV programs in the living room together. As a result, Yang Nao burst into laughter, and Yukoshita's face turned pale, but in the screen, I always felt that the figure was a little familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere, but who it is, I'm not sure...

And in Hitoyoshi City, the many monsters who watched with Natsume almost became enthusiastic.

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