I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 171

"Li, this guy should never forgive him for doing such an excessive thing!"

Teacher Cat shouted angrily.

"It's okay to beat Bian...no, it's even harder if you get hurt." A huge horsehead monster returned to his senses and said.

"Well, maybe people are really busy." A woman in a kimono explained that she was deserted.

"Isn't the super-powered human spirit particularly good? Would you like to feed the author some tea with the characteristics of our clan so that you can avoid sleeping for a month..."

A little monster suggested.

The hustle and bustle of floor vibrations continued from the roof of the building, attracting the attention of the Fujiwara couple. Fujiwara Tower worriedly asked, "Did something happen up there?"

"No, nothing, Aunt Tazi!" Natsume Takashi immediately went downstairs, smiling awkwardly, and explained.

"That's right, hehe, if you are young, you have to be calm. It's so cute that Takashi watching TV shows lively." Fujiwara Tazi said with a smile covering his mouth.

"No, Aunt Tazi, you misunderstood!"

"Yes, yes, you continue to watch TV, remember not to watch it too late." Aunt Tazi said with a smile, and walked away.


Takashi Natsume reluctantly covered his forehead and looked at the room and the corridors of Uesugi fans who had been developed by Mr. Kitty. He really felt that the next time his predecessor would come to play in Hitoyoshi, I was afraid that he would really not be able to go back.


In a wooden house, Yan Moai, who had watched the program from the computer, quietly watched Uesugiyan’s speech, and ignored the fact that the mother-in-law next door had been urging the hell communication. She remained silent until three minutes passed. Stand up, ready to go.

"Miss, you... are you okay?" Yimuren asked cautiously.

"It's okay, I haven't finished it yet."

Yan Moai didn't respond, turned around, and answered coldly.

"I haven't finished reading yet... Doesn't that mean you are watching?" The bone girl whispered.

"Don't disobey Miss." Turn into the road, coughing a few times, said.


Until, on the edge of a distant street in London, England, it was daytime at this moment.

——[Yes, the new book outline will be written this year. It has been planned for a long time. I believe it will be a light novel that will not lose to "Super Academy"...]

A blonde girl was also standing quietly outside a window, watching a TV Tokyo program broadcast from a Japanese sushi restaurant. The flashing light reflected on her snow-white delicate face, and the scroll she held in her hands was slightly Tightened a bit.

"new book……"

She seemed to be attracted by Uesugi Yan's new book.

Chapter 114 Super Writer vs Rookie Dark Horse

It's ten o'clock at night.

In the middle of the night, the woods at night were too calm, and the sound of the wind that had originally existed suddenly disappeared. The bright moon shuttled among the dark clouds, sprinkling strands of moonlight on the ground, but disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The cold wind blows on every writer who decides to participate in the courage test conference, and they look at the seal that has been opened in front of them with different expressions, welcoming them on the dark stairs.

"Uh, it feels more exciting than watching a horror movie..."

Li Yan looked up with a bewildered look and looked at the stairs that moonlight and light couldn't get through, thinking sadly.

The scenery at night is almost ten times more gloomy than during the day. The real horror atmosphere is not deliberately set up some scary scenes, but very natural, so that creatures like this can feel gloomy by instinct.The bright lights can't make it bright, and that is the real darkness.

Approximately 50% of the writers who decided to participate in this activity are females. The percentage of females is higher than that of males. However, the percentage of males to females among the authors who come over is 7 to 3, almost mocking Heisei Men of the age are the same.

However, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu chose to give up.She deeply understood what Li Yan knew. After seeing Lion Tong Guoguang, Cao Nalong and He Hequan Zhengzong decided to participate, if things were not right, Li Yan could at least save the three of them alone.She would do her best not to mess with Li Yan.

Among the group of people present, not only did these three Li Yan's partners decide to participate, but even the girl named Yamada Fairy also stood on the occasion. It seemed that after hearing that Masamune Izumi was about to participate, she had been showing no interest. Qianshoucunzheng also participated in this courage test meeting and appeared in the crowd.

"Welcome to participate in this courage test meeting. The road map for our activities today has been sent to your hands before. The route is not very long. There is a shrine that has fallen into disrepair. I heard that this shrine was used to worship. And the suppression was established here by the villagers who sacrificed the souls of the children of the mountain god. It is also a very famous place of curse in the legend. It has a strong curse effect, so it is quite dangerous."

The director of the TV station's production team told them in a gloomy voice.

Everyone's faces turned pale. Needless to say, the director of TV TOKYO is indeed a talented person, who can even tell stories and is capable of vivid and versatile.

This is a sacred place for cursing. It is rumored that many shrines in Japan can be used as areas for cursing others. This is unbelievable for foreigners like Li Yan. He has always believed that gods are absolutely just and advocate the existence of light.But the Shinto customs here in Japan are almost closer to primitive beliefs, and they worship pure power.

The most well-known method is the ritual of the [Daughter of Ugly Time], which is the ritual of nailing the villain, which is common in comics and serials. Choosing to hold the courage test conference at this time is really a strong malicious.

"That's it. There are many legendary supernatural events here. You need to try them out. After all, you are all the best in the creative field. These experiences will definitely inspire everyone's inspiration. It is undoubtedly a rare experience. Experience. So, the rule is this, everyone walks according to the map route in the hand, starting from here, and then passing a waterfall, where you can watch for three minutes. Then, you will go to a deserted place Open that one in the oil lamp cabinet. The last thing is to go to the shrine, get the sign prepared by our staff, and walk back. After returning, the challenge is successful!"

The director stood in front of them and explained vividly the specific roadmap and tasks of this event.

However, a group of writers standing in front of him showed worried and hesitant expressions. Look at me and I look at you. They all regretted participating in this gallbladder test event. Li Yan also realized that this route seemed a bit long. , Instinct told him that it would be quite dangerous, and felt it was necessary to stand up and put forward different opinions.

"For adventurers who have completed the mission, our production team will give away 200,000 yuan as a reward. Thank you!"

The director added a sentence, deliberately raising the voice of [200,000] and shouted.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!"

After hearing this number, writers including Li Yan suddenly clenched their fists and uttered an uplifting voice. The melancholy and worried expression just now disappeared.

"Then, let's start the lottery. There will be two papers with the same number. After the lottery is drawn in turn, please open them together and find a partner for each other. It's hard work."

The director asked the two officers to take out two opaque cardboard boxes and said to everyone, placing the cardboard boxes in two places, and dividing the team into two parts to start the draw.

Seeing that Masamune Izumi went to the box on the right to draw lots, she quickly realized the possible rules and immediately moved forward to the box on the left. Li Yan was pushed to the left by the crowd, and the little man of the Yamada fairy was also The crowd pushed to the right, and almost everyone's team was disrupted.

"Huh? The fifteenth?"

When Li Yan drew lots, he got a number, the 15th.

In the chaotic crowd, it may not be easy to find fifteen.

Suddenly, when Li Yan was searching, he heard a voice.

"On the fifteenth, is there any author who got the fifteenth?"

Amidst the noise of the crowd, there was a man's voice shouting the 15th. Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looked over, and saw that Izumi Masamune was looking for the 15th author.

"It's a coincidence. If it is authentic, it will be much better. I am also worried that I will form a team with some troublesome people. As long as there are a few of them, it will be like adding wings."

Li Yan suddenly relaxed and thought.

But just as I was preparing for the past round, I suddenly saw Qianshoucun Zheng standing there hesitating. She had already drawn the serial number, but after hearing the words of Izumi Masamune, she was a little lost and stood in the vast crowd. Among.

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