I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 177

Sayuri Sawamura stretched out her hand and felt the wet drizzle. Her black hair was covered with rainwater, and she smiled and said, "It's already late now, and if we don't get out of this deep mountain earlier, it's similar to this loose soil. It’s probably dangerous to go down the mountain rashly... Uesugi, give me your hand, I'll take you down the mountain."

"?" Li Yan was slightly taken aback.

However, that small and soft hand had already clenched his palm without hesitation. In the drizzle, among the wet woods, the girl held his hand in this way and started step by step. On the road down the mountain, the pace was a bit fast, and it seemed that there was some eagerness to leave this mountain.

The long black hair dampened by the rain kept swaying, and the cold rain dripped on her pretty cheeks. She never looked back, nor did she let go of her hand holding Li Yan, and walked through the woods with rustling ears. At that time, the darkness in front of you must also take every step carefully.

As the whole world was silent, only the two of them existed, wandering alone in the darkness, the two did not exchange a few words, and quickly left this dark and cold place on the dark road.


Soon, it only took about ten minutes, and you could see the bright lights of that small town in front of him. Li Yan looked at the small town not far away in surprise, which was more convenient than the road discovered by the film crew. It seems that Sayuri Sawamura is quite familiar with this place.

At this moment, both of them are completely drenched, and Sawamura Sayuri’s pace has also begun to slow down. She took Li Yan’s hand and walked, gradually, in the light of the town on the edge of the highway, let go Li Yan's hand.

"I'm back, Uesugi."

Sayuri Sawamura, who turned her back to him, said softly.

This release made Li Yan feel that suddenly, he was farther and farther away from the mysterious and unpredictable Sayuri, and his eyes became increasingly disturbed and troubled.

So, Sayuri Sawamura...what did she do in that cursed place?

The rustle of rain beat his state of mind.

"...So why are you so familiar with the topography of that mountain, Miss Sawamura?"

Li Yan was silent for a while, and finally, in the vast water affairs, he still asked his uneasy doubts.

"I told you, this is a secret. Mr. Uesugi, are you not a top student of the University of Tokyo? You should answer this question by yourself... It’s just my advice to you, don’t have too strong curiosity, this time you can’t get involved. Things, otherwise, you still have to be careful of your own personal safety."

Sawamura Sayuri's voice with Li Yan's back turned to the back, and she started to become a little cold, and said with some warning.

"..." Li Yan looked at her in silence.

"This is my advice, no matter what, don't interfere with my family affairs, please."

She was immersed in the darkness, showing a smile, whispered.

At this moment, the sky in the distance shone with thunder lights, taking care of the two figures facing each other in the rain. At this time, a Bentley car started to drive out from the parking lot in the distance, gradually getting closer and closer. , The car lights shone on both of them.

Li Yan saw Sayuri Sawamura's assistants coming over, thought for a moment, and said, "Thank you for taking me out today... Ying Lili is in the apartment, are you going to see her?"

"No need, after all, if you meet here, I am afraid that it will cause her to think like the last time. For her words, I still ask your sincere friends and trouble you."

Sayuri Sawamura shook her head gently, smiled faintly, and replied with her head down.

"Miss, are you okay?!"

The female assistant got out of the car immediately and said to Sayuri Sawamura.

"...Miss Sawamura, I thought we were friends. Although I don’t have much contact, you have helped me a lot. Sometimes mystery is not an act of being kind to friends. The horrible curse incident at Yamagami Shrine may involve Yingli. Li, she is my most important and important friend. I will not sit idly by. No matter who the opponent is, I will not forgive her..."

Li Yan whispered coldly to Sayuri Sawamura.

Sayuri Sawamura was silent. On the cheeks slapped by the rain, the black pupils of Xiao Ran under the bangs gradually shifted along the trail of his walking, but she stopped talking.

With that said, Li Yan did not express any emotions, closed his eyes and passed by Sayuri Sawamura, but after nodding to the female assistant who rushed over, he walked towards that town with a sad mood.

Sawamura Sayuri turned her head to look at Li Yan's back. She raised her head silently and sadly again and looked at the rain falling from the sky in the misty sky. She always felt that looking like this could find the answer in her heart.

"Miss, don't freeze."

An umbrella was propped on her head, the female assistant reminded in a low voice.

"...Well, I'm fine, let's go back today." Sawamura Sayuri lowered her head, but after all she raised her head and said with a smile.

Sitting on the back seat, Sawamura Sayuri, who dries her cheeks a little, puts a towel on her hair, still dripping with drops of water all over her body, she raised her head and watched the dark clouds surging outside the window, silently from herself In the pocket of his sleeve, he took out small hammers and nails, and... the cursed scarecrow with the full name of a man.

It seems that in my mind, I thought of an ancient Chinese poem: The mountain and rain are coming and the wind is full...

"I... I really have nothing."

She looked at the nailed scarecrow for a long time, closed her eyes, lowered her head and muttered to herself quietly.


Three days later, in an apartment building in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Room 505 is still brightly lit.

Print out information about the local customs, historical documents, geographical environment and so on from the Internet, then buy encyclopedias of Japanese genre, and introduce books on strange stories, and then from Kasumigaoka Shiba, Sawamura Eiriri, Kagura When Sakachangpu and others collected information about the Zecun family, Li Yan began to study endlessly.

Three days ago, after the filming show of Cursed the Holy Land finally ended, after receiving the 200,000 due for the performance, Li Yan seemed to be the same as usual, with a calm attitude, and followed the noisy group again. A luxury bus returned to Tokyo.

However, when the bus passed through that inconspicuous mountain once again, Li Yan looked deeply at the bottomless place, if something was wrong.Almost the strange things last night are still vivid.

In the evening, Li Yan, who was soggy, went back to the hotel in despair. When he went upstairs to get clean clothes, he saw three women who fell asleep on the table.Knowing their concern, Li Yan's cold heart warmed up a little. Originally, he wanted to wake up his three sleeping colleagues, but when he stepped forward, he saw the works of the writers that Ying Lili had already painted. Group painting.

In the painting, everyone was smiling happily. On the road in the small town surrounded by green mountains and rivers, Ying Lili still grasped his shoulder in the painting with one hand, as if swearing that they were the only partners.

Seeing here, Li Yan couldn't help but look deeply at the sleeping Yinglili, and Yinglili lying on the table in front of him, sleeping soundly. His original blond hair suddenly made Li Yan misunderstand and turn into black hair. In the meantime, after carefully looking at it, he once again recovered his golden and supple hair...In the chaotic mood, Li Yan finally silently decided to use his best to solve the mystery of everything that happened in the cursed holy place, to prevent Jean He was vaguely disturbed by what might happen.

However, the supernatural event of the ugly girl last night, after calling the police, soon ended in no way.Perhaps it is not surprising that nearby residents have participated in cursing activities, and the police will not over-investigate cases of superstition.However, after that incident, Irf Yamada, who had experienced a night of terror, barely dared to sleep alone after returning that night. After discussing nothing with Li Yan the next day, he had already carefully considered other places. Buying a house, dare not live in a big house alone.


Li Yan looked at the analysis chart he had made, always feeling that he used statistics and logic to study the whole incident, but suddenly felt more and more fascinated, so that his investigation of the incident did not make any progress.

"Anyway, there is almost a small amount of useful information in hand, that is, I know that Ying Lili's father is a British diplomat and his surname is also Spencer, but it undoubtedly split my guess into two halves, making things worse. To make it more complicated, the best way is to reduce the options, not to increase, which is bad..."

Li Yan looked at the analysis graph with tired eyes, and finally had to admit that when the whole world was hiding from him, he also wanted to hide it from the whole world. A person with no investigative experience would have to find out the truth. How difficult, not to mention the unreasonable spiritual events.

Now all the clues are disconnected, and the most likely guess is that it is the contention of the wealthy family, so that they will secretly use extraordinary means to eradicate the top successors...

For a moment, in my mind, I once again remembered the black-haired kimono girl who was in the dark rain with her back facing a dim light and resentful eyes...

"Why is she there, who is Spence referring to..."

Li Yan thought melancholy, and sighed.

As the night darkened, Li Yan's spirit, who was struggling to find the truth, began to become unclear. He couldn't help but lie down on the table and rest for a while, but for a moment, his consciousness flashed again as he was experimenting. The room was blown into flesh and blood. At the last moment when his consciousness disappeared, the corner of the woman's sneer faintly lying in his ear, he opened his eyes for an instant.


After a long time, his eyes with dark circles appeared again, and his sleepy and unwilling eyes stared at the bulb of the lamp.

"I am such a useless guy, is there really a way to stop them..."


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