I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 178

At 8:10 in the morning, the door of room 505 was shining with ray of sunlight.

Suddenly, the door was knocked outside. Li Yan was lying on the desk and opened his eyes in a daze. Only then did he find that he accidentally slept on the desk all night. He stood up and suddenly felt sore. The painful electric shock felt all over his body, making him suddenly unable to move due to the pain.

I didn't dare to be lazy last night. I spent a lot of time studying the knowledge of spirituality and demonization. As a result, I slept on the table for one night, which affected the blood circulation and muscles.

The door finally opened. Li Yanhei, his eyes rimmed, his head dazzled and looked outside, only to see Gabriel who was in almost the same condition as him.

"Huh? Is there anything to do with me, Gabriel?" Li Yan asked, looking at Gabriel with some curiosity.After all, it is quite a rare event that Gabriel would come and knock on the door.

"It's already morning, aren't you afraid of being late?" Gabriel asked, squinting.

"Late, what's late? Isn't it Saturday today..." Li Yan scratched his hair and replied sleepily.

However, suddenly, Li Yan remembered something, he blinked and stared at Gabriel blankly.

After a short week of shooting activities for writers in March, finally, a new moment has come.

On March 27, the University of Tokyo, the first day of school.

A cold wind blew in from outside the door, blowing away the table of information about the curse of the shrine, as well as the customs and history of the area. Li Yan hurriedly returned to the room and went to the washing room to brush his teeth and wash his face. Put stationery and computers into your school bag.

"Yes, today is your school day. Didn't you tell me that you haven't seen you get up until now. Don't be late on the first day of school, then that's it."

Gabriel yawned and went back downstairs in her red tracksuit that she hadn't washed for a long time.

"...Wait a minute, why did Gabriel know that I was still asleep and didn't go out?"

Li Yan, who was still cleaning up, suddenly realized something terrible, but he didn't care about it for the time being. After the preparations were made in a hurry, he rushed out in a hurry.

Chapter 117 The Proud Student at the Entrance Ceremony

In the early morning, the originally clear sky gradually had some dark clouds, and it seemed that the spring rain was endless. When the opening ceremony of this day was held, I did not forget to patronize.

A slightly damaged bicycle was parked in the parking lot at the entrance of the university. After the freshman who came in the dust locked his bicycle, slices of cherry blossoms flew down in front of him, and he lifted it. Started, looking at the dazzling cherry blossoms among the green trees.


Li Yan looked at the refreshing scenery, and all kinds of freshmen passed by him one after another. On the first day of school, he felt a little hopeful and a little bit confused.

"Unexpectedly, one day I will come to this university to study." Li Yan stood quietly in this strange campus, thinking with emotion.

He looked around with his sleep-deprived eyes and was surrounded by falling cherry blossoms. It should be said that as long as it is a Japanese university, almost all cherry blossom trees will be planted. It is still a bit cold in March, just when school starts. When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the cherry blossoms flying in the cold wind are as poignant and elegant as snow, welcoming a new group of students.

Because of his special identity in the creation, Li Yan applied for off-campus residence on the grounds of part-time work when he enrolled, so when he enrolled in the university, he did not bring his luggage, but came to the school easily with a schoolbag.

Li Yan has always been looking forward to meeting like-minded friends in his new university life. He was not a lonely person in the previous world, but there are not many people who can be called friends in the university. The new beginning naturally wants to make up for this regret.

Although there have been many things that make people worry about recently, as a human being, taking one step is always the most basic way of life. Although there is still an anxious mood that echoes with Sayuri Sawamura that night. , But I also need to continue to work hard to live my current life well.

While walking towards the freshman registration area with schoolbags, suddenly, not far away, there was a row full of students holding posters and flags, enthusiastically greeting the freshmen passing by with their luggage.

"Welcome to the younger brothers and sisters, if you are interested, you can watch our volleyball club. There are many good seniors and sisters waiting for your arrival!"

"Karate club, learn to protect yourself and the people around you, not only knowledge, but sometimes also requires our physical strength, you are welcome to join the University of Tokyo karate club, you can also consult if you are interested!"

"Everyone who likes music can come to the light music department, hoping to create better and elegant music with the younger students..."

"International chess……"

Passing a long and narrow campus road, a group of senior club students seem to have already occupied both sides of this long road, and they are very enthusiastic about recruiting the next generation of members of the student club. People look a little overwhelmed.

After all, at the beginning of the new semester, it is once again a critical moment related to the expansion and inheritance of the club. I have to say that joining the club is also an ideal platform for making friends, and it can also further enhance some of your talents.

"Why, you are here."

Suddenly, when Li Yan was still watching these clubs, she was greeted by the girl on the side. Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and looked over, but she saw a senior girl she didn't know. She looked at him with a smile. , Seems to be the predecessor of Dash Club.

"I originally planned to call you, but when I thought that the direction we are coming to the school is a little far apart, I plan to act with you after seeing you at school..."

Obviously, the senior sister of the Dashing Club who was watching him did not speak at all, but she seemed to be ventriloquist. Talking to him about it made Li Yan stunned. Although she didn't know this senior, but so His talent is really amazing, and he deserves to be the versatile University of Tokyo.


"Hey!! Didn't you find me at all just now? You have been watching what the senior sister of the Dash Club is doing, my old lady is here!!"

Suddenly, standing next to this sprint club senior, Hagiura Ling, who was only as tall as Li Yan's abdomen, jumped up angrily, and jumped up like a kitten to face Li Yan's. Scratched his face frantically.

After an apology, Hagiura Suzu reluctantly forgave Li Yan. After all, the students who stayed at the University of Tokyo during the four years of the private Sakurasai Academy were only two of them.As a result, before the entrance ceremony, the two freshmen walked around like other freshmen to take a look at the university campus where they will live for the next four years.

"Hagi Village, do you have plans to join a sprint club?"

Li Yan, whose cheeks were scratched with blood stains, asked with hot cheeks, frowning.

"I didn't think about it clearly, but I was persuaded by my senior sister when I was passing by. Hehe, don't underestimate me. In addition to being good at learning, the best thing in sports is sprinting. I always take the first place in the school sports meeting. , But you guys probably wouldn't care about these at that time..."

Hagiura Bell arrogantly supported her waist and said confidently.

"No, I do have some impressions. Although I still like the two-dimensional things, I also seem to pay attention to the external reality. Sure enough, when I enter the university, it is a club. The university club will be better than the high school club. Much more powerful. After all, it is closer to society and closer to a formal organization. It is not easy to deal with a group of people with superb intelligence and mature thinking."

Li Yan turned his head to look at the booths of the Astronomy Club and Robot Hobby Club, and said thoughtfully.

"Uh, don't let me see those waving machines, I am completely shadowed... You, Li, what club do you plan to join? I always think it is more likely that you will join an animation club. After all, I have also liked anime. ."

Hagiura Ling raised her head curiously and asked.

"...No, after all, animation is just a hobby. It would be better if you can join a more comprehensive society... If you are an anime club, I don't know how to draw. It is enough to be able to contact in the future..."

Li Yan looked a bit helpless, he said with a faint smile.

He is a little helpless, maybe if he can, he really hopes to participate in anime club, programming club, astronomy club... to enrich himself, but now, he has a burden on his shoulders that ordinary people can’t bear. He has no such time to go. enjoy.In desperation, he could only carry on the next step and learn as much as possible about the incredible events surrounding him. Next time, if he encounters a difficult problem again, he can deal with it effectively.

When passing by a corner of the campus library, suddenly, a young girl shouted not far away: "Xuedi Li, good morning."

Li Yan recovered from the conversation with Hagi-Mura Bell, and looked over. As a result, in front of the library street, the one wearing dark warm clothes seemed to wear a jumpsuit and hat, holding Toko Amano of the book smiled slightly, looked at him, and said.

"Senior Sister, good morning." Li Yan saw this literary girl, and his eyes immediately shook and said politely.

"Is she your senior sister?"

Hagi Suzu looked at this dreamlike elegant girl in amazement, her appearance was like Yamato Nadeshiko, her fair skin revealed a healthy blood color, her jet-black bangs draped over her snow-white forehead, her long tresses With her shoulders hanging down to her waist, she is a rare beauty.

But I don't know why, in Hagiura Ling's heart, there is always a sense of vigilance that seems familiar.

"Well, why are you still bringing your kids to the opening ceremony? Is it a neighbor's child?" Tooko Amano asked with a smile.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Hagi's bell suddenly exploded, and both horsetails jumped up.Li Yan on the side suddenly had a bad idea, but some of it was too late.

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