I am a master of light novels in Japan

I am a master of light novels in Japan Chapter 183

While Shiina Shiro was still greeting the others one by one, Li Yan kept silent, narrowed his eyes, and staggered Kasugaoka Shiyu's gaze with a guilty conscience.


Suddenly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu next to Li Yan coughed slightly. The rose-red eye pupils looked at Li Yan faintly, and realized that Li Yan was pretending to be stupid, and quietly twisted his thigh quietly. Li Yan, who was in a cold sweat, suddenly shook his whole body.

"Uh..." Li Yan looked helplessly at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who had something to say to him earlier.

"Explain a little bit, sir. Why suddenly, such an outstanding artist lady is looking for your partner? Now it happens that Yinglili doesn't know about it. If you do, how can you explain the current work situation to her? "

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked in a low voice.

"There is no way, I can only tell the truth. Although I am a little sorry to Yinglili, I think that after she understands the situation, I will tell her the truth. After all, her personality, if I show off my favor and keep a job opportunity, Or to explain anything, it’s like distrusting her ability. When the new book starts, two hardworking illustrators, she and Ms. Shiina, are able to distinguish the winner by their strength, I think this is the best solution. Let’s do it."

Facing Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's sharp gaze, Li Yan explained to her with some guilty conscience.I don’t know why, although I know that the relationship between Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sawamura Eriri should be relatively poor, but on many occasions, I seem to think that they are a very close friendship.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Li Yan's eyes with a hint of surprise on her snow-white delicate face, then smiled and said, "I thought you would be at a loss, but I still underestimated you, teacher. Just follow your thoughts. Go and deal with it, before you know it, you are already familiar with Ying Lili's personality."

After saying these words, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stopped asking anything, and began to melt into the joyous atmosphere of the party.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Kagurazaka Ayame, who had set a mobile alarm clock, immediately remembered something under the reminder of the ringtone. He picked up the remote control in his hand and turned on the TV and said, "Yes, it happened to be TV Tokyo on this day. The special program of "Finding the Truth in the Unreal" will be played. The first two days are the appearance time of Mr. Kusanaru. The next batch of the trailer is the turn of Mr. Uesugi... and the combination of that guy is on the stage, so I waited very well. I finally waited for a few days, just in time for this party. Let’s see how our Uesugi teacher behaved!"


Li Yan, who was still eating, was taken aback, staring dumbfounded at the TV in the center of the living room.At seven o'clock, TV Tokyo broadcasted a new special program of "Finding the Truth in the Unreal" on time. With the gloomy sound effects, group after group of light novel writers were shocked constantly switched, quite Feeling happy, if it hadn't been for Kagura Saka Ayame's reminder, he had almost forgotten about his TV appearance.

——Welcome to the audience to continue watching the special program "Finding the Truth in the Unreal", I am your host Miyamoto!

It was similar to the experience that night. After the camera was aimed at the host, it began to zoom in, bringing the masked and hooded Li Yan and the arrogant and natural-looking Yamada Ilfu into the camera.

At the beginning, I introduced Yamada Ilfu, and the special effects he did later were quite satisfactory. After making a close-up for Yamada Ilfu, I introduced her pen name and masterpiece.

But when I switched to Li Yan's lens, it was completely different. After the word "Old Thief" in the pen name of "Old Thief Uesugi" was painted two horizontally, it was changed to "Old Thief Uesugi" and added it. When Li Yan was on the camera, he inadvertently made close-ups that looked a little sneaky because of his nervousness.

"Stop it." Li Yan whispered with an embarrassed and complicated expression.

Suddenly, this paragraph caused all the people in the wing to laugh, and the whole wing was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

It seems that the cutting and special effects in the later stage made the entire original physical adventure seem very funny. Uesugi, who originally believed in the existence of ghosts, reacted indifferently, but with the opening scene, Yi Erfu Yamada, who triumphantly did not believe in the existence of ghosts, was taken. The follow-up of the reversal that was scared again and again seemed quite interesting. There were also terrible and terrifying experiences in the funny. In the back, the trembling and trembling Yamada Ilfu was said by Li Yan. The clip that made his face pale in fright under the persuasion of "The goods have not appeared" was also marked with the notorious special effect of [Old Thief].I have to say that among all the TV stations in Japan, TV Tokyo is the most playable.


In a group of smiling rooms, only Shiina’s white eyes seemed to look at the screen without blinking. As a result, in the reflection of her pupils, in the TV lens, what was captured in the depths of the gloomy woods Something that no one has caught...


After the banquet dispersed, everyone was sent to the station. Under the night, the rain and mist filled the air, and the air revealed a trace of confusion. The male writers such as Kusanaru Ryuji and other male writers were responsible for escorting Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Qianshoucun Zheng. The girls who were farther away went to the station safely, and the remaining Li Yan and Shiina Mashiro who lived near downtown Tokyo were directly picked up by Kagurazaka Ayame.

"The TV TOKYO program this time is pretty good. I think about it, maybe your sales will increase by at least 5% to 7% next month. You really deserve to be Uesugi. The performance is outstanding. Maybe Uesugi Teacher, you have the talent to participate in entertainment programs."

Kagurazaka Ayame, who was about to drive, turned his head and looked at Li Yan with a troubled look, and praised.

"This nasty show crew..."

Li Yan thought angrily.

"Huh, let's not mention the show for now, Miss Kagurazaka, I see Miss Shiina's luggage is still in the car, hasn't her place been properly arranged yet?"

He calmed down and asked.

The car was driving slowly on the narrow street. Kagurazaka Ayame smiled and replied as he drove, “Don’t underestimate my ability. If it’s not arranged, of course I will have limited accommodation. But Ms. Shiina When she came to Japan, her family had already arranged a place for her. The name seems to be Sakura Sho. I heard that it was Miss Shiina’s cousin who arranged for her acquaintance to take care of her. Let’s go to the one called Sakura Sho. The place is good."

"It turned out to be so."

Li Yan understood that the other party was of British-Japanese mixed blood, and as a result, he also had relatives in Japan. He thought that Shiina would be alone when he came here.

In fact, it happened to be his apartment building, and the neighbor in Room 605 on the roof moved out after living in less than a month.

Since Yinglili moved out of room 605 in Sawamura, it has been more than a year and has changed a neighbor in almost a month. It is said that residents here can always see two huge flying dragons soaring, and some The flying angel, the residents who were used to it, felt nothing, but the new residents were shocked.Among all the apartment buildings in the economic and prosperous Shinjuku accommodation area, the older apartment building where Li Yan lives has the lowest occupancy rate.

It seems that because the tenants are changed too frequently, the reputation of the housing agency has suffered, so this apartment building has also been suspended by the housing agency. Therefore, the landlord hopes to rely on the relationship between the old tenants and find a tenant to come over as compensation. After this month, the introducer’s rent can be immediately reduced by 15%.

Although Li Yan felt that if he really didn't have a place to live, it was not impossible to live in a safe apartment building over there, but since the other party has relatives living here, he wouldn't be bothered.

However, the location of Sakura Sho based on the GPS of a mobile phone is simply wrong. There are hundreds of buildings named Sakura Sho in the Tokyo area. Some are hotels, some are cake shops, and apartments also have red cherry blossoms and Tokyo Sakura. The name was confused, and Masaki did not get a clear address at all. In the end, Shiina still remembered that he would be placed in a residence near the high school affiliated to Suimei University of Arts and started from that school.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the car drove to a fork in the road, but I didn’t know which road to go to find Sakura Village.

"There are all residential streets. It seems that it is still a one-way street. It is too inefficient to find the location of Sakura Village. Since GPS does not locate the location of Sakura Village, I will ask the residents from this road. Edit Kagurazaka. Ms. Shiina drove there to take a look, and after finding the apartment building, they called each other."

Li Yan looked at the street carefully, brightly lit, and made this suggestion.

"That's okay, it's really you, I've been looking for so long, my eyes are a bit blurred, wait for the phone." Kagurazaka Ayame said to Li Yan with a smile.

After Li Yan got out of the car with an umbrella, the people on both sides began to move separately.

As a result, in the crowded streets, Li Yan quickly asked the location of Sakura Villa, and after hearing that it was a dormitory building for an exclusive school, Li Yan determined that this should be the apartment where Shiina Mashiro was going to live. After the building, after thanking me, I plan to call Kagurazaka Ayame.

"However, I heard that the student dormitory is for problem students. Brother, are you also a problem student?"

The 30-year-old office worker who showed him the way thought about it, and asked with an expression of chatter.

"Problem student's apartment?" Li Yan was taken aback, then stopped his mobile phone call, staring at this kind office worker.

As a result, after leaving a phone number for the passerby woman, Li Yan held an umbrella, and in the long drizzle, followed the instructions to a Japanese-style two-story apartment building and stopped to observe.

Listening to the explanation from the kind passer-by woman, it seems that the people admitted here are all problematic student concentration camps that are unwilling to accept in the general dormitory of the high school affiliated to Shuiming University of Arts.Li Yan is not a person who believes it is true. He is also a bad student in the legend. As a result, the rumors made him have no friends. He would not easily judge any other person with a stigma, so he came to see it. See the true and false, and then decide whether to let a girl like Shiina Masaki with a simple temperament live here.

Suddenly, at the bright doorway, a brown-haired, handsome high school boy came and walked not far in the rain holding a wet kitten.

"I'm going back soon, I'll wait a moment to clean it up for you." The handsome boy gave a gentle smile and whispered to the kitten in his arms.

Li Yan pretended to be playing with a mobile phone, quietly, but he secretly looked at this strange boy.


As a result, the editing system in consciousness rang again, letting Li Yan understand that the student should be an important person in the work.

"It looks like I picked up some kittens from some places and prepared to bring them back to raise them. Such students should be caring people. Therefore, seeing is believing. Most of the so-called problem students have been known for a long time. Innocent."

Li Yan thought quietly.

"I was also terrible today. I didn't receive Mr. Qianshi’s cousin, and I was given a severe training. However, the girl called Zhenbai looks just like you, with a lazy and lovely sense of sight. It looks quite suitable as a pet, isn't it cute?"

The brown-haired boy held up the kitten, and said terrible things with a look of longing, which made Li Yan show an expression of consternation.

Although it is not clear what this sentence means, it really seems that this sentence always makes people feel that this boy's thinking is very dangerous.

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