I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 184

"Ah, I'm thinking about it again, no, it's all caused by the teacher. But I heard that she will be sent back by other people. It's so late, I don't know if it will arrive..."

This delicate boy whispered to himself, smiled and walked towards the apartment building with the wild cat, but Li Yan, who didn't care about pretending to wait for the bus, walked into the door of the apartment building.

"...It's better to observe a little more carefully."

With a very complicated mood, Li Yan turned around again, looking at this place called Sakura Village in the long drizzle...

Chapter 120 Decision, Sakura Village and Mystery Apartment

A ray of light reflected on the car window, and it also flickered in the eyes of the girl who was as clear as water.

Shiina was really white sitting in the back seat and looked out the window blankly. Although she could speak Japanese, she was not familiar with Japan. She couldn't help but say that her mood at the moment was like going out to travel. Look at her body. What kind of country is the hometown of ordinary blood?

After signing the non-disclosure agreement, she seemed to have information about Uesugiyan. The writer who wrote an interesting story turned out to be an overseas student, but this gave her a sense of intimacy. Her golden hair and nationality are destined to her. Not a Japanese, coming here as a foreigner, is it also studying abroad, and there is also a feeling of worry.

But after recalling Li Yan's performance, her uneasy mood seemed to have weakened a little bit. After all, he had already shown to her that she might be accepted by the Japanese comics industry.

"Miss Kagurazaka..."

Suddenly, Shiina Mashiro, who looked at the car window alone and thought, asked, "May I ask about Uesugi?"

"Huh? Yes, after all, you are already one of his working partners in essence, what are you going to ask him... that, why don't you tell me what you think of Uesugi first, let me see if you already understand Where is he?"

"...Yes." Shiina thought for a while and nodded.

"He is an imaginative person, serious in handling things, good-looking, good-sounding, and interesting. I like it very much."

Shiina Mashiro expressed his opinion, and he has to say that even if he doesn't have a perfect score, he still has a 90-point mark.

Kagurazaka Ayame smiled and said: "Very positive reviews, it seems that the first impression of the old thief will be pretty good, but then you will probably find that you need to add a little bit more, such as a death I don’t know how to rely on others at all, I’m stingy in spending money, I’m slow to go wrong, and... that guy is a fan, he’s actually not happy..."

When I met Li Yan for the first time, the one who was unsmiling, seemed to treat his manuscript as a bargaining chip to save something. He was nervous and stammered. He seemed to have just escaped from any experience and was lifeless. Li Yan is almost like two people...


Shiina Mashiro listened quietly.

"Sakura Village, Sakura Village... Strange, this street seems to have no place called Sakura Village."

Kagurazaka Ayame drove the car and watched as he drove. As a result, he didn't see a place similar to an apartment, all of which were ordinary houses, and started nagging quietly.

"Mr. Uesugi, what kind of place does he live in?"

It seems that after hearing the name of the place where Kagurazaka Ayame had been chanting Sakura-so, Shiina Masashi, who had a keen interest in Li Yan, asked again, wondering what kind of creative environment such a writer would live in.

She has always lived in a British mansion, where the yard is full of beautiful lavender and orchids. The clear water runs through the garden because of the beautiful garden designed by her grandfather. She spent her childhood, so she has a very sensitive judgment on color.

"Hmm...I remember that the apartment also has a name. It seems to be called...One...One thing, forget it, anyway, it is a rather shabby apartment building. I heard that the occupancy rate is not even half, and it is often haunted there. …However, Uesugi-sensei and his illustrator Kashiwa Mu-chan are very comfortable living there, but I think it’s pretty good."

Kagurazaka Ayame said with a smile.

Shiina Mashiro listened quietly, haunted, and Li Yan and Kashiwagi Eiri (pen name) lived there. After she nodded quietly, she stopped talking.


on the other hand.

In the dark night, the continuous spring rain showered down the world, like a mist that permeated the streets, accompanied by the cold wind, and the humidity gently slapped the figure on the street.

Li Yan was standing around the door. Although it was easy for others to notice him, he still hoped to observe this residence. Naturally, the closer the better.

Although Shiina Mashiro met him for the first time, regardless of whether this painter is a big fan of him, he came back from the UK to design illustrations for him. Even if it was a relationship he knew, he couldn't bear to see her. Live in an apartment full of questions of right and wrong.

But he was also curious about a question, that is, there is clearly only one doorway to such a Japanese-style student apartment, but why Zhenbai also lives here, whether he made a mistake on the male dormitory, and the female dormitory is in another place, anyway, he did not I have seen schools in China and Japan willing to mix male and female students in an apartment.

However, this seemed to give him a realistic slap on the spot. Just when Li Yan was thinking about this problem, the one holding the kitten came back to the door of the apartment. As soon as he opened the door, he ran into a man with short blond hair. Female student.

"Wow, you are back, my dear!"

Standing in the frenzied wind and rain, Li Yan not only suffered some kind of invisible harm, but also seemed to break his most basic belief in the school.

"Ah, Misaki-senpai, don't make a fuss." The boy said helplessly at the beautiful girl.

"Do you want to eat first, take a bath first, or... eat, eat, me first?"

This young girl ignored the opponent's protest, and asked with a teasing tone at the door looking like a good wife.

"Anyway, let me take a bath first. Don't play. I'll catch a cold later. Take care of this child." The delicate brown-haired teenager lifted up the wet kitten and prepared to pass it. To his senior sister.

"Hey, you brought the kitten back again. Since you ignore the elder sister, my charming elder sister, it's really wooden, the younger brother... After you take a shower, let's play games together."

The girl said with a smile.

"Anyway, I'm going to take a shower first. By the way, hasn't Senior Ren yet returned?"

"Who knows, maybe I fell asleep in the arms of that older woman again."

Suddenly, a mature woman's voice came from inside and said to the boy.

"Uh, why don't you take care of him..."

"This is someone else's lower body business. As a teacher, I can't control everything."

After listening to all the conversations, Li Yan was weakly supporting the wall at the door, with a look of envy, jealousy and disgust converging on his face, staring blankly at the closed door.

"No, she is definitely not allowed to live in, even I feel quite uncomfortable, there is simply Longtan Tiger Den." Li Yan secretly thought.

In any case, it is really envious to be able to leave single in high school, free and comfortable with girls’ youthful daily life, but I always feel that the dialogue between them has seriously stepped on the bottom line of ethics. What is meant by a girl who looks like a pet? "Eating" Senior Sister, what happened to that Senior Ren sleeping in the arms of an older woman at the moment... Anyway, the students living here are indeed terrible, and it is really a mixed-gender apartment.

It would be safer to go to his residence in this way. Although there are indeed angels and evil dragons living there, the residents who are quite kind at heart seem to be much better than the student dormitories here.

However, just now when the word Misaki mentioned the word "feminine and moving", what Li Yan suddenly remembered in his heart was the delicate and inviolable girl who was wearing a kimono, calm as the moon, standing quietly and looking sacred and inviolable. , It seems she can be worthy of this word.And the student in front of him really didn't let him understand this concept.

Li Yan walked to a corner and his hair was wet by the drizzle. He took out his cell phone, lowered his head and prepared to call Kagurazaka Ayame.

As the lights of the car passing by, the phone in Li Yan's ear kept ringing the alert tone of the call, but he never heard the answer from Kagurazaka.

——Hey, this is Kagurazaka.

About a minute later, I finally got through to Kagurazaka Ayame. Li Yan asked, "Miss Kagurazaka, it's me. Are you still driving and where are you now? I want to tell you something."

——Oh, it’s Mr. Uesugi, I also want to tell you something. After getting off the car and inquiring with a store manager, I have found Sakura Village, and I’m rushing over. Where are you now on the selected street?


Li Yan was taken aback, a flash of lightning flashed in the distant sky, illuminating his stunned face soaked in rain.

——Now you have reached the door, you can find a place to hide from the rain, I will send Miss Shiina in, and then practice again.

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