I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 185

"Wait a minute..." Li Yan immediately knew that it was not good. As a result, Kagurazaka Acorus's car had already drove into the apartment's yard, parked in this drizzle of darkness, and it was obvious. He turned off the phone, took out the umbrella to the other side, and picked up Shiina Mashiro who came out of the car.

Li Yan inexplicably remembered the concept of relativity, absolute movement, relative stillness, and while he was still observing and thinking, he actually gave Kagura Sakayama on the other side time to find it.

And Sakura Village seems to have seen the car parked at the door. At this moment, a group of people came out, the wet brown-haired teenager, and the lively girl named Misaki. , And a mature woman who seemed to be in her twenties to thirty years old came out from the door of the apartment.

"Hello, I brought Miss Shiina here. I am sorry to have you wait too long."

Kagurazaka iris, holding the umbrella, bowed slightly and said in a polite greeting.

"No, no, since visiting your company is the purpose of her coming to Japan, of course it is reasonable, but it is to let this student of mine wait for a day at the station for nothing, hehe." The mature woman showed hearty Smiled, said.

It seems that as long as men, no, it should be said that both men and women will be attracted by this blonde girl in the rain at night.

Illuminated by the dim car lights, the one wore a suit inside and a white British-style coat outside. Her eyes were somewhat blocked by the slender golden bangs, and her blurred and quiet eyes quietly greeted her. A group of people, with their snow-white and smooth complexion slightly moist, are like beautiful girls from a British oil painting, standing quietly beside Kagurazaka Acorus.

"Cousin." Shiina Mashiro whispered.

"It's been a long time, really white." The woman said with a smile.

Under the shining of the car lights, the female teacher stretched out her hand, as if in the fog, there was a lonely breath in the air.

This seems to have reached a point where it is difficult to choose.

Li Yan stood at the door of the street, looking anxiously, knowing that Shiina was under the control of her cousin. It is the most legal and reasonable to live in the apartment building arranged by the school, but from the observation just now, it is not at all. As a teacher with a sense of responsibility as an adult, other students seem to have some uneasy interests and tendencies.

If he didn't pay any attention, it seemed as if Shiina was completely defenseless and jumped into the fire pit.

However, he, an outsider, has no right to take Shiina away from the other's family after some observations...

At this moment, Li Yan saw that Shiina standing in the long night rain was really white, and his eyes hesitated slightly. It seemed that the anxiety under the fence was an anxiety that was not familiar to this senior At this moment, after Li Yan realized his true white mood, he finally made the decision and walked out of the fence.

"Please wait..."

Li Yan said, but it seemed that at the same time, Shiina Zhenbai also spoke.

"I'm here to tell you, I don't live in this place, I decided to live elsewhere."

Shiina said blankly to her cousin, Sakura Sou's management teacher.

Li Yan, who appeared domineeringly, was taken aback for a moment and did not go on. He looked at Shiina really white in astonishment like everyone.

"...But, it's really white, so I can explain to your parents..." The female teacher froze for a long time and said hesitantly.

"My parents, I would say, I want to learn manga. Grandpa told me that a painter must find a suitable place to live in." Shiina Masashi explained calmly.

"...We are also very suitable for creation here." The brown-haired boy who has not spoken much hesitated, but explained.

"You are?" Shiina asked, looking at them for nothing.

"My name is Kanda Sorata, and I'm a second-year general student." This young boy named Kanda Sorata introduced himself with a smile.

"My name is Misaki Ueikusaki, I am a third-year art student, Cancancan, I heard that you are the same age as your younger brother, so you should be my schoolgirl, cute schoolgirl!" Umekusa Misaki smiled brightly Said.

"Hello," Shiina Masashi said with a slight bow.

"So here is also very suitable for you to create. Although the people are strangers, there are also many talents here. For example, Kanda is very good at designing game plots, and Shang Jingcao is a genius who has made several anime. There is also an IT genius, a screenwriter genius who doesn’t know where he went. It should be said that living here will be of great help to you."

After listening to Shiina Shiro, he looked blankly at the roommates over there, and then suddenly looked back at Li Yan, who was confused and could not keep up with the rhythm, but turned out to ignore Sakura Shuang’s classmates and kept watching. Looking at the senior sister, said: "I plan to live in another place."

"...Why did it seem that the two sides had just decided the winner?" Kagurazaka Ayame, who was watching the play, thought curiously, as expected, the talented and excellent roommate is still not as good as the terrifying old thief.

"Did you really plan that way?"

The female teacher's face became cold and asked.


"Well, I will give you two choices. Either you live with my sister who will protect you, or you just live outside with a social person who just knows nothing, and you choose one yourself..."

"Yes, then goodbye." Shiina said with a bow.

This teacher named Chihiro Chihiro Chihiro Chihiro was cold, but before she could finish her words, Shiina Mashiro had turned around and left with Kagurazaka Ayame with a tax evading expression, leaving nothing to say, her figure alone. Spirited Away.

In the end, a passionate Li Yan followed Masaki Shiina with the same complicated expression, and greeted Sakura Shuang with a wry smile, and then ran away.

"...Sister with no conscience," Chihiro Chihiro said angrily.


Kanda Sora smiled too much, but understood completely, after all, if he hadn't only lived here, he had already planned to move out.


Yiyuan Apartment, only then did Kagurazaka Changpu really see the name of this apartment Li Yan.

An apartment building located in the bustling Shinjuku area, although it is dilapidated, but the security system is in place. Although it is cold in winter and warm in summer, it also provides heating. Although there is no elevator, it has only nine floors in total. Just like the name, it is considered yes. It can't be in an ordinary apartment building.

Shiina Mashiro seems to have changed her mind in the middle of the journey. She has never been independent, and occasionally she bursts out with amazing action. For example, she came to Japan to study manga without telling her parents. For example, she completely ignored her cousin’s face. Moved directly to live here.It seems that the environment where Li Yan lives is more conducive to her learning comics environment.

"Miss Kagurazaka, although I have decided, is this really good? We moved her here without her cousin's consent..."

Li Yan, who was carrying his belongings, whispered to Kagurazaka Ayame.

"Well, although the approach is a bit wrong, I thought at first that it should be Miss Shiina's choice. Where she thinks she can improve herself, of course I have to support it as an editor. And after hearing what you said about the apartment It’s really thrilling. Don’t worry. If her cousin wants to pick her up next time, she can just go to Miss Shiina’s parents and the court to make a ruling. A cousin who can indulge students in chaos, I don’t necessarily have a sense of responsibility. Take care of Shiina."

Kagurazaka Ayame said with a smile.

Li Yan smiled. It seems that this time, Kagurazaka Acorus has a great protective power, and even mentioned the court. After listening to Li Yan's words, she seems to have a more uneasy feeling than Li Yan, although she can't explain it. There will be danger there, but the probability of danger is too great.The editor also seems to treat his contracted writers as his subordinates and try his best to take care of it... Although he wants to describe it as his younger siblings, it may seem a bit exaggerated.

Shina Shiina held the umbrella and watched quietly as Li Yan was moving her belongings. She raised her head and looked at the old apartment, which was not very tall. This is her new home.

There are not many items dragged from the UK. With some necessary supplies purchased, they are basically emptied in one round trip. Next, the bed, quilt, cabinet and other household items are ordered in the furniture company. Naturally They do not need to be responsible.

"Oh, room 605... I seem to remember the number of the room where Kashiwagi once lived."

After moving the items to the sixth floor, Kagurazaka Ayame thought of something inadvertently and blurted out, but she suddenly realized something and did not dare to look at Li, who had already suspected the culprit who introduced the house to Eiri. Yan's hatred, he immediately smiled and said with an awkward smile: "Then, I won't bother you anymore. I still have some work in my hands. I will ask Uesugi-sensei for the rest of the matter, so goodbye."

"I had long suspected that a traitor must have betrayed my residence, otherwise Ying Lili would have lived on the roof of my building so by chance."

Li Yan looked at Kagurazaka calamus who was leaving in a hurry, sighed and thought.

In room 605, except for a suitcase and a few cardboard suitcases, that is, a temporarily made bed, everything else was empty. This was once the place where Ying Lili lived. When Li Yan came in, he still missed something in his heart. sense.


Shiina Masashi stood silently behind Li Yan. She didn't seem to know what to do next. Although she firmly stated that she wanted to live alone, she seemed to live independently on the first day, cluelessly. Look at her things.

"In short, it's a bit late at night today, and I still have time to sort it out tomorrow. After all, I heard that your high school will officially start classes on April 1, and there is still a lot of time to arrange your own residence."

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