I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 187

"Fortunately, it is a normal work." Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and thought.

For some reason, the moment he picked it up just now, he recalled that he had accidentally picked up a scrap of Ying Lili on the balcony. As a result, the picture in front of him was a girl lying on the legs of another girl. During the intense scenes, he still has a complicated psychological shadow.

However, looking at such a scene, Li Yan also understood that Shiina Shirai seemed to have been staying up late to paint last night. A world-class talented painter suddenly drew comics. He always felt that it was a pity for him, but drawing comics does not mean that the other party will give up. He has no right to interfere with personal interests when he studies oil painting.

It was 7:50 in the morning, and it was just as the sun was shining through the windows.

The streets in the early morning, after a day of rain, some water mist in the morning, the quiet streets are as deserted and beautiful as paintings.


When Li Yan packed the papers, he saw that there was no one on the bed. He searched in this small apartment room, and in a pile of cardboard boxes, there was a girl who seemed to be like a kitten wrapped around. The quilt, rolled up and slept in the middle of the carton, if it hadn't been for showing his head slightly, there would be no way to find it so quickly.But it seems that I slept soundly, and it does not seem to affect sleep because the board is too hard.

Because of the lack of a table, I borrowed a cardboard box as a table, and placed a laptop with the drawing software turned on. After Shiina Mashiro hit the cardboard box lightly, the computer screen turned on again.

"Why don't you sleep in bed, you have to sleep there..." Li Yan thought puzzled.

He still put these scraps away, put it aside, looked at her with a somewhat worried look, and said: "Last night, he said he should go to that mountain earlier. Miss Shiina, it's time to get up. It's seven and fifty-two."


But, it seems to have heard it, the bewildered eyes opened again, and after looking at Li Yan's face, she looked a little uncomfortable. She wrapped the quilt in her nose, and a hot girly fragrance smelled. It emanated from the slight movement of the quilt and continued to fall asleep.

"Although I don't want to say that this kind of action and sense of sight are really like a pet cat... But people are humans, how could they be raised as pets." Li Yan realized that Shiina Zhenbai completely ignored him, and still did the same. After sleeping, I sighed helplessly, thinking in silence.

However, Li Yan also seemed to have some understanding of Shiina’s true white habits. He again whispered: "Well, Miss Shiina, the plan for a day is in the morning. Breakfast is very important, isn’t it? The so-called creator’s inspiration is the easiest time for inspiration It is two hours after getting up in the morning, so in order to draw interesting works, you need to master the skills of capturing inspiration. Are you really going to try this method?


It seemed that after hearing such a sentence, Shiina Masashi reopened his sleepy eyes and made a compromise.

"Sorry, I disturbed you a little bit today. We must arrive before noon. After breakfast, we can continue to sleep in my car." Li Yan looked at her apologetically.

"The clothes... bring them here..."

Shiina Mabai lay between the cardboard boxes, opened her eyes in a daze, looked at him, and whispered to Li Yan.

"...Clothes, what clothes?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. He didn't quite understand why Shiina Zhenbai said to give her the clothes, but he turned around and looked at the pile of things behind, but he saw Shiina Zhenbai's white coat, skirt, and socks at the door of the bathroom. ,bra……

As a result, a fresh breeze blows, and a pile of buried paintings is blown away, revealing a pair of cute girls' underwear. For some reason, Li Yan suddenly recalled the poem "The wind blows the grass and sees the cows and sheep".

A steaming breath blew onto his body, and a figure in front of Li Yan stood up. He turned his head blankly again and looked at Shiina, who had already risen up and stood up, was really white. As the girl's smooth body slipped down, she almost didn't feel ashamed. The quiet girl waited for Li Yan to pick her clothes. In the sun, her flawless skin was so white and smooth, like a goddess. Exhibited in front of you.


By the way, the place where Li Yan was squatting was not quite right. He remembered that it was one of the parts that Ying Lili was not good at painting...

"That... that that..."

A drop of cold sweat flowed from Li Yan's forehead. He fell back on the ground and slowly backed away. He raised his head blankly and looked at Shiina really white, who didn't understand the situation. Suddenly, his left eyelid jumped with his heart.

What should be done at this time, Li Yan's mind is blank, don't know how to explain, he grew up so old, but for the first time to look at the body of a girl, in a certain sense, his certain first The second time was taken away by Zhen Bai, at a loss.

"Actually, I didn't see anything..."

He scrambled to reopen the door with a panic on his face, rushed out, and slammed the door shut.He is really a minor, and he has just passed his birthday. If he is caught on the spot, wouldn't he have to go to jail?

"What did I do, what did I do..."

Li Yan held on to the wall with horror on his face, leaned down and gasped, looking at the floor with a panic face as if he was a murderer.Although it would be an extremely happy thing for others, for Li Yan, after being troubled, having been to the police station, and seeing the smiles of those policemen, he really didn't dare to step past Lei Chi.As a result, he didn't actually know what happened.

It felt like a crime anyway, and I didn't dare to recall it.

The door behind him was opened again, Shiina Masashi looked out from the crack of the door, and asked curiously: "Clothes?"

"Um, aren't the clothes already in the room? Also, Ms. Shiina, I didn't mean to see it. Why can you appear naked and open in front of me..."

Li Yan turned his head and looked at it again. The result seemed to be because I was still afraid of the cold. Shiina really white wrapped himself in a quilt, but the spring was still looming. Li Yan covered his forehead and his cheeks were hot. I don't understand the meaning of this young girl who has returned from Britain.

Although she is a British girl, she also knows that naked riding is even promoted in the UK, but Shiina Mashiro, who has been calm and snowy, probably did not do so because of her nude advocacy.

"Huh?" Shiina didn't quite understand, and looked at him quietly.


Li Yan pondered for a while, seeming to understand something, and asked in surprise: "You don't...you always want others to take care of you like this, do you even need others to help you dress?"

"Rita will help me," Shiina said.

Although I don’t know who Rita is, Li Yan met such a real "little emperor" for the first time. He once saw in the newspapers that a student studying at Tsinghua and Peking University could not even wash clothes. The mother served and was finally expelled from school because of this incident, but I did not expect that there are more children in the UK who don't even know how to wear clothes.

"Why do you need someone to help you even when you put on your clothes?" Li Yan suddenly felt anxious in his heart and asked.

Shiina looked at Li Yan without understanding.

"Miss Shiina, sorry, I don’t know how well your parents took care of you, how rich your family is, but you live on my side, and Miss Kagurazaka entrusted you to me. I think I should do The predecessors of the company have a little right to control your life and habits. Let’s not talk about other things. First, I will emphasize that your body is not allowed to be seen by any man except your husband. You grow up After that, friends of the opposite sex and blood relatives are not qualified to see. Secondly, please wash your clothes and wear them yourself. Don't expect me to help you complete these... If you can't do this, then please go back to Sakura Zhuang, go back to England, you are not suitable for here..."

Suddenly, Li Yan's voice fell cold, turning his head and staring at Shiina's pure white eyes unceremoniously, and said with a warning breath.

No one has ever spoken to her like this.


Those slightly fierce eyes pierced like a sharp sword. Almost even Shiina could see his serious dissatisfaction and disappointment, making her look surprised.

"Although you don't know much about your life experience, Ms. Shiina, you are already a high school student. I think this is a good thing for you. Have you read my book, the protagonist, without parents, has taken care of himself since he was a child. It is because he is constantly feeling life in this way, so even if he does not have many outstanding talents, he still has what he has learned in life. Ability takes priority over the geniuses who do not understand the philosophy of life. The same is true for us creators. All inspiration comes from In life, life and inspiration are inseparable from the two. I promised you to help you draw interesting comics, but I didn’t think if you could stick to it, in order to draw your favorite comics, Miss Shiina, would you dare Taste the bitterness and bitterness in an independent life?"

Although Li Yan felt that his previous words were a bit too much, he himself has lived independently since he was a child, and he deeply understands that if he does not correct her living habits, it will harm her sooner or later. There is never a need for someone who cannot take care of himself in the world. No human being has the ability to take care of human beings who don’t understand life at all. Even if the other person is a genius, this is a rule laid down by the laws of nature.

Li Yan was not in the mood to take care of her like this. He waited silently for Shiina's response, as if he was taking a gamble, hoping for a truly white answer.

Shiina Mashiro quietly looked at Li Yan's back and opened his small mouth slightly in surprise. On the morning of March, the sky was not bright, and a gust of wind was blowing in the unmanned corridor, leaving only the two of them.

As a result, Zhenbai said nothing, she was silent for a while, and finally closed the door.

"...So what is your answer?"

Li Yan squinted his eyes and turned his head secretly, thinking with some guilty conscience that he was so passionate about what he said.

However, no matter how you look at it, if such a girl is treated by ordinary people, she will be very gentle and plan to feed her. Just like the student said, she has a pet style at first glance, and she doesn't speak much. He doesn't have many expressions, and leads a worry-free life.However, he also feels that Shiina Masai should not be just such a girl. Since he can come to the UK alone to find him and fight for the job of an illustrator, the scrapped drafts in that place prove that Masai is not good at Japanese manga, at least not. Being proficient in pastime paintings of this type of story, but still persisting in painting well, shows that she is not a girl without her own opinions.

It's just that everything is just speculation. It is not clear whether his bet will be lost...

Just as Li Yan was waiting at the door, suddenly the door opened again, and Zhen Bai, who had already put on his clothes and skirt, walked out and said blankly: "Uesugi, underwear, I can't find new... …"

"Is that right……"

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