I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 188

Li Yan didn't know why. When he was talking about underwear and underwear to a girl, he really felt a full embarrassment. After all, he had been in contact with girls for one or two years since he was a child. Seeing Shiina's really white face, she still couldn't refuse this basic request and said, "After all, it's in a hurry. I'll help you buy a new one."

As a result, Li Yan did quickly and easily bought the new underwear from the convenience store, but from the packaging, you can see the style. The all-colored boxer briefs made Shiina really white bow his head and open it. Look, his face is a little reluctant.

"This is not cute at all."

"I think it looks pretty. You know it after you put it on. Keep warm, skin care, and anti-static. After you put it on, remember to brush your teeth and wash your face. The time is almost up. Please do it as soon as possible."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't agree with Shiina's words, so he urged by the way and said.

Finally, it is not clear whether Shiina Zhenbai really wore the underwear that Li Yan bought. She finally made her clothes basically neat and tidy, and her hair was still a little dazzled. Wearing her white hooded coat, this outfit is similar to Li Yan. The dress style is somewhat similar.

"Uesugi, how to find inspiration from life?"

Shiina asked, while walking.


Li Yan originally thought she would be a little dissatisfied with his tough posture, but the result was still the same as before. She did not have any emotions, but cared about Uesugi Yan's inspiration.

"Let’s take this action as an example. In essence, we are indeed investigating something that makes me feel a little dangerous... By the way, doesn’t your country have a famous detective novel called "Holmes"? Try to substitute you and me into the story of that book and use classic novel plots to generate new inspiration. This is also a very common way for our writers to find inspiration. I am Sherlock Holmes and you are Watson. During such a journey, find the adventurous feeling of the streets of England."

Li Yan explained.

This method is the most common way for cartoonists and novelists to find inspiration. It is commonly known as "collecting materials", and it is also the simplest and most effective "game" for stimulating the depths of the brain.


Shiina was a little confused, but he didn't have any questions.

When we arrived at the public parking space downstairs together, a black Toyota logo modified sports car was parked in a parking space.

In less than half a year, the black Toyota Supra, which had been severely damaged twice in a row, was taken to a repair shop at the expense of Yukoshita Yono for half a month, and then it was put on the card with Shizuka Hiratsuka. , Became a legally insured car.

It’s just heard that during maintenance, in order to inspect the overall car body, a young maintenance worker tried to drive it. As a result, he almost hit a telephone pole. The performance of the car was almost completely restored. The maintenance worker was also a skilled driver. As a result, It is impossible to explain what is going on.

"Last night I deliberately ran over and drove it back. Although I haven't got my driver's license yet, generally, if there is no violation, it will not be detected by the traffic police. Just drive it better."

Li Yan looked at the Toyota Supra like a new car and thought to himself.

"Miss Shiina, please get in the car. After taking you to a special and cheap breakfast shop for breakfast, we will go to a mountain town. Then I will ask you to help find that person."

Li Yan took out the car key and said to Shiina Zhenbai.

Shiina's eyes were still a little sleepy, sitting in the passenger seat.

The car restarted. The moment Li Yan held the steering wheel, he seemed to be able to feel the feeling of this car being active again. He silently prayed for some gains from this journey back and forth, and drove the car out of the park. field.

However, in the doorway of the apartment building, the blonde girl with two ponytails stood quietly on one side, watching the car gradually leave her sight, silently, it seemed that she was not happy...

Chapter 122 Miss Watson, We Are In Trouble

The green hills are continuous, and the woods after the rain are filled with water clouds. The crisp woods seem to drip water. This road leads to the small town I visited a few days ago. It is said that this road can quickly reach Kanagawa In the southern part of the county, but the road is remote, there are only two or three small towns in the middle.

Li Yan has driven his black Supra for more than two hours. After leaving Tokyo, he constantly feels like he is climbing a mountain, and now he is immersed in a world of green mountains and green waters.

Shiina Mashiro, who was sitting next to him, had already fallen asleep. It seemed that he didn’t go to bed very late last night. Although Li Yan had promised to get up early, he could fall asleep as soon as he touched his seat before and after breakfast. It took all my energy and effort to draw comics.

Li Yan, who lacked sleep, was also a little tired. He saw his mobile phone prompting a small town in front of him, so he decided to take a short break in the middle of the journey, drink a sip of water before rushing to that cursed holy place.

The vehicle drove into a fork in the road, and it quickly came to a small town, more so in the countryside, where the young crops planted in spring were swaying in the wind, and there was a convenience at the intersection of the village. The shop seems to be specialized in the business of side-track tourists like Li Yan's. Several Tokyo and Kanagawa cars have already parked there to rest.


As soon as the vehicle stopped, the sleeping kitten...no, the girl opened her eyes dimly, and as a result, there was an emerald green rice field before her eyes.

"Are you up? Would you like to go to the convenience store and have some drinks together? I'll treat you well."

Li Yan realized that he was really white when he woke up, and the words in the front were relatively calm, but the word "inviting" at the back was unusually hesitated and whispered.

Shiina, who had some tousled hair, followed Li Yan out of the car listlessly and walked to the convenience store.

It seems that the girl is so beautiful, even in a remote town, the other tourists drinking water and eating bread are surprised to see the expressionless Shiina really white behind Li Yan. It seems that Japan loves blonde hair, even women. I also stared at her long hair that was a little messy but so soft and beautiful.

"Shiina's body has too many advantages to be spied on... The fact that one person can come to Sanwa without accident is a good embodiment of Japanese law and order, the habit of laziness, lack of self-reliance in life, if I go to university, How can she keep her safe from school... and I don’t believe that she can live under the protection of others for the rest of her life. It’s terrible... Anyway, take it step by step and make progress today. After a short step, try to ask her to do something else, hoping that she can be alone, so that she can be regarded as my assistant Watson."

For Li Yan, the reaction of the people around him is not a good omen. It proves that Zhenbai is too easy to be paid attention to, and it is possible to be targeted by some alternative people. He holds a bit of hope and silently holds that Zhenbai can I changed my expectations a little bit and opened the door and went into the convenience store.

However, the counter and refrigerator were filled with a dazzling array of goods. After Li Yan bought a few bottles of water and snacks, he planned to carry the basket to the checkout, but suddenly he heard a popping sound. He was taken aback and replied. I glanced over, and saw Shiina who took it upon himself to take apart a Baumkuchen in the bakery counter, and seemed to enjoy it, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, first use the skin of the Baumkuchen. Tear it off slowly and eat bit by bit.This way of eating is exactly the same as his childhood habits.


Li Yan stared blankly at Shiina's true whiteness, and the shop owner and the people around him also looked at this girl who was eating deliciously with some surprise. In such an embarrassing atmosphere, he almost treated the goddess just now as a weird person.

Convenience stores in Eastern countries almost always do not allow unsettled merchandise without settlement, but Li Yan also knows that she is really British. Maybe she hasn’t been to such a convenience store before, so he had no choice. I walked over, put a few more Baumkuchens in, and when Zhenbai finished eating, he went to the cashier with Shiina.

"I'm sorry, my friend came back from abroad, and the way of consumption is a little different. I will pay double the price of this cake to the store manager, which is considered a gift. Is this okay?"

Li Yan took out his skinny wallet and asked.

Shiina really didn't understand what was going on. She watched Li Yan discussing with the clerk. It seemed that the clerk had forgiven them. Everything was going on in her eyes.

Until after coming out, Shiina's voice was dull and asked: "...Holmes, did I do something wrong?"

"Um...no, it's not the same thing at all. You didn't do anything wrong. I originally planned to explain it to you in the car alone. All the convenience stores here need to be settled at the cashier first. We can just open the package and eat it. This is a kind of courtesy to the store manager, and the bags have barcodes to be scanned and settled. After all, there are rules in society. Miss Shiina just doesn’t understand the rules. Next time, Miss Shiina, you Just remember."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then he explained. In fact, he also wanted to complain about people in Japan who always make a lot of fuss. They take these things too important. Although etiquette is very important, after all, the customs are different. It's a bit of a problem if you don't understand a set that is so sacred.But by reminding her from the side, naturally she will be able to understand what she will do in the future.

"...Call me Watson."

Shiina Mashiro said suddenly.

"...Uh, sorry, I will remember it next time."

Li Yan suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He almost forgot that there was such a setting. As a result, Shiina Zhenbai was still earnestly taking the role of Watson. It was really not easy.

After resting for a while, Li Yan finally regained his energy. He once again drove Shiina to the small town lost in the high mountains. Finally, at about 11 o'clock, he arrived just like the last time. In this small town.

After the excitement of the previous few days, this small town suddenly returned to calm, empty streets, the town is also dominated by middle-aged and elderly people, young people seem to go to the city to work and live, but occasionally some tourists stop for sightseeing. It made Li Yan wonder whether it would be a business opportunity brought by the effects of the previous program.

"At a glance, it is still such a quiet and comfortable town, but it turned out to be next to a cursed holy place."

Li Yan got out of the car, thinking.

When I asked the residents here about cursing the sacred place early in the morning, it seems that the residents here were also satellite towns that were attached to Tokyo and Kanagawa in the 1960s and 1970s, so there is no information about that shrine at all. , So when investigating such a supernatural type of incident, almost all of the world was hiding the truth from him, and it was difficult to move.

After simply having lunch with Shiina Mashiro, Li Yan, who had insufficient funds in his pocket, hoped to act as soon as possible. At noon, when the yang energy was at its peak, he gave a bag of salt to Shiina Mashiro as a protector. For the sake of the body, once again start to go to that deep mountain...

Under the rain dripping woods, on a bumpy road, Li Yan led Shiina Masaki towards the deep mountain with a shrine. The road was naturally difficult to walk, but Li Yan still wanted Zhenbai to experience life. As a result, now the shoes and socks are all covered with mud, really white has been looking at her feet.

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