I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 189

As a result, it was originally only the shoe-dirty journey. After this section of the road came down, Li Yan looked clean, but Shiina Zhenbai, who fell several times, was covered in mud all over.

"...I always feel that you lack basic exercise."

Li Yan squinted and asked worriedly.

Shiina was silent and looked at her clothes.

"Okay, you have worked hard today, so... Shii... No, Miss Watson, if you think you are a manga character, how do you feel about the experience of walking in this deep mountain trail just now? Will it be fun?" Li Yan asked calmly suddenly.


Shiina Mashiro was taken aback for a moment, and when asked this way, she could see that she did not have any deep impression.

"It's ok to just draw and walk over..." Zhenbai said.

"In this case, I will ask you what you do... Almost every part of life can be used as the material of a novel, it depends on how to render and how to write it. The same is true for comics. Realistically no one wants to read your work, you You have to use exaggerated, lyrical, or impression-like pictures to describe this story."

Li Yan looked helplessly at Shiina Zhenbai and began to tell his storytelling skills.

It seems that an oil painting only needs to integrate all the artistic conceptions and thoughts into one picture, but comics are also called comic strips. Naturally, each picture cannot be an abstract artistic conception, but it does not mean that the comics will not use one intentionally. The exquisite conceptual style paintings deepen the impression, as are the novel paragraphs.

"For example, you are the protagonist of a comic. You can set it as a girl who lacks exercise walking alone in the dark woods, and then stumbles in the forest lit by the first sunny sun. She has a reason to rush over. It seems that you are not good at coping with such roads. The potholes of water reflect your tired figure, but your face is still cautious. Finally, after she passed through the scary woods that made people worry, all the sun shone on her face, suddenly In between, I felt a warmth, it seems, this is a new life, this is like defeating myself once... This is the plot I conceived. The protagonist is very clumsy, strong, and... cute."

Li Yan looked at Shiina Zhenbai, told Zhenbai a plot he had conceived, smiled and said.

He also has to admit that the pure and natural look of Zhenbai, although embarrassing, is really cute...


Under the uniform breeze, the long-haired Shiina Zhenbai raised his head and looked at Li Yan's hearty and gentle smile. He seemed to be distracted, and it seemed that he really understood the artistic conception Li Yan was talking about in a moment.

Li Yan stood in the mountain breeze. He raised his head and looked at the dark mountain that looked a little gloomy. He raised his head and stared deeply. He was silent for a while, and said: "Next, I have to experience what is terror... I, don't get lost, there is really something unclean in this mountain... Watson, let's go, the truth is still waiting for us."

He came here to save people.

The only person who can recognize the daughter of Ugly Time is Shina Shiina next to him. He intends to try his luck to see if he will encounter a suspicious person. After all, people who hold such a curse are likely to wander in the mountains.In addition, he also plans to conduct a field inspection to find clues from the pile of scarecrows.


It gets colder as you go deeper, and almost the mountain wind seems a bit biting.

It was obviously daytime, but when I entered the mountain, the light became darker.

Li Yan gave Shiina Shibai the white coat on his body to keep warm, but Shiina Shibai held the wet clothes in his hands. He himself suggested a warm vest and a shirt to protect against the cold of the mountains. .

Shanhan is like a human heart.

Li Yan compared the printed color drawings.

Comparing the position where the girl of the ugly time stood in the picture, when she pushed aside the dense green grass to look for some clues, as a result, under the dense woods and grass, we found an even more ancient stone slab debris, and this piece of grass Wax was everywhere in the dark place, scarecrows that had been wet by rain, rusty iron nails scattered everywhere...

After conducting investigations in all three places, Li Yan's consciousness connected the three locations at the foot of the mountain, between the mountains, and the top of the mountain in a line, which turned out to be the true ancient staircase leading to the shrine.

"...If you curse the ugly time, it is probably the best time to curse by the wizards between 1:00 and 2:20, so I have been patiently waiting for us to disappear into this place where we can see the three candles above her head. When we boarded the shrine, we couldn’t wait to start the curse ritual, but we still heard the sound of beating..."

Li Yan squatted on the ground and said to Shiina Zhenbai.

He rubbed the wax water with his fingers and found that it was still going on these days, completely cooling his mind.

If an ordinary person knew that someone had cursed his best friend, he would probably laugh, and would not believe it.However, Li Yan, who had personally experienced the curse incident, was hanging in his heart...

He has investigated, although the "daughter of ugly time" is defined as superstition, there are indeed cases of successful curses. Since there are successful cases, it is a big problem.

The woman who has always cursed Spencer is true, and has been continuing the oldest ladder, constantly cursing, this sense of persistence and resentment has really shaken his understanding of human nature.

Sha Sha Sha...

The surrounding woods were swaying in the cold wind, looking down like a devil at the two intruders in white clothes. The misty woods and their clothes were a little wet, letting the cold brought by the cold wind penetrate deeply. In the hearts of those present.

"Why... do such a thing?"

While listening to Li Yan analyzing the scarecrow, the nails and the traces of wax, Shiina asked incomprehensibly.

"Resentment is the saddest emotion of a person. You can't get any return. If you simply send the other person into hell, everything in front of you is just darkness, and life becomes boring..."

As Li Yan was talking, suddenly, in his memory, the girl in kimono standing among the lantern lanterns hung up the lantern, the poignant woman who was soaked in the black rain but was smiling slightly... He was actually sure. Sayuri will not be the daughter of the ugly time, because her body shape and voice are completely wrong, but she always felt that Sawamura Sayuri was staying in this specially cursed place at the time, holding a religious ceremony that he couldn’t find, and his selfish desire Washed away the suspicion for Sayuri Sawamura, but for the moment, Sayuri that night did not have any rebuttal. There was hatred in her eyes, and she had to make Sayuri, who he thought might be too smart, make her. When "wedding dress", but there always seems to be something that is not logical...

Shiina Mashiro looked at Li Yan quietly. Suddenly, she caught something in her visual range. When she raised her head and looked at it, suddenly, in a dark green forest, there seemed to be a face looking at him. Here.

It seems that the face she drew with a pencil last night is generally...

Sha Sha Sha... As if the lens had snowflakes, the suspicious fuzzy face suddenly disappeared.


Shiina Shinairo was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't quite understand what happened, but he didn't pay much attention to it.


After that, the two people went up to that shrine, and a cold breath filled the dilapidated shrine. Zhenbai squatted in a corner, and began to order Li Yan to show her suspicious things. At that time, the suspicious things that ordinary cameras could not find were captured by her eyes with zero vision. Li Yan painted all the way, but Li Yan didn't know how many valuable paintings he cheated on a world famous painter along the way Sketch painting.

Unfortunately, they did not find the daughter of Chou Shi during the day.

It was the first time for Li Yan to enter the shrine, and it was empty, and nothing existed.

"Ha..." Shiina breathed out, warming her hands.

Shiina Masashi, who is a "Watson", wrapped her body tightly, and she suddenly felt a little bit colder. In the wet and cold mountains of mist, the sky became a little bit more every night, and it was a bit colder, but at this moment This chill is not a matter of temperature.

"Let's bear it, Shii... Watson, I will turn on the heating for you after I go back, and there is one last place." Li Yan sensed the coldness of his assistant, he stretched out his hands and put the hat of the real white coat on her and said.

After visiting the whole mountain and forest, after basically familiar with the terrain, Li Yan suddenly noticed one of the most critical things. He and Zhen Bai wandered through the jungle with scarecrows everywhere, and through the vast grass. , A dim light appeared before his eyes again.

A gust of breeze was blowing towards him, just like last night. Once again, Li Yan came to the place where he met Sayuri Sawamura.

The lantern is still there, but Zhu Yangai.

Li Yan understood one thing...

That is, Sayuri Sawamura, really lied, and it seems that she does have a relationship with that ugly woman who is an acquaintance...

Because when chasing that girl of ugly time to the lower half of the road, she had already staggered the only old road that still leads down the mountain. This downhill forest area has dead ends on both sides, and the left side is a steep mountain wall. On the right, the turbulent river flowing down from the waterfall cuts off other paths. The only way down the mountain is through the clearing where Sayuri is located...

"...It seems that I'm going to talk to Sayuri."

Li Yan looked sadly at the lantern swaying in the wind, and thought to himself.


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