I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 190

After strolling down a mountain, going down to the mountain and returning to the town, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Yan found a restaurant with a good environment and had a good dinner there. After letting his exhausted assistant take a break, at 7 o'clock in the evening, night fell in this world of green mountains, and Li Yan started driving. Zhenbai went back to Tokyo.

At this moment, the dark mountain road is completely unlit by any street lights.

In the vast night sky, the bright moon shuttles among the dark clouds, the cold and humid air makes the visibility exceptionally clear, and the dark road twists and turns in the endless forest area.

"Sure enough, the detective game is not so easy to play. The gains are indeed there, but it has developed in a bad direction... What should I do next? When I ask Sayuri, I really have to ask in the form of questioning. A result? What did she do there, why did she protect the woman who cursed her family..."

Li Yan thought secretly.

He looked at Zhen Bai who was silent. She started to record her inspiration in her notebook under the lights in the car. She seemed to have begun to have a keen interest in some subjects.

"...There are still some gains."

Li Yan changed his mind, and having fun in hardship was his long way to relieve boredom. There was always a way to overcome some difficulties, and it is no exception now.

[Boom boom boom...]

Suddenly, behind the car, there was a roar of motorcycles.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looked in the rearview mirror, and found that more than a dozen motorcycles were driving towards him at a very fast speed, which made Li Yan wonder that there were motorcycle hobby clubs on this road. It's a bit dangerous. If there is an accident, it is impossible to seek rescue for dozens of kilometers...

He gave up the car to let the motorcyclist pass first, but gradually, after getting closer, Li Yan could see clearly, there seemed to be something wrong.

"..." Li Yan saw clearly, and suddenly, a cold behind his back.

At night, it was bleak and cold. On the highway in the woods, a car suddenly accelerated and got rid of the group of motorcycles that were close.

"What's the matter, Mr. Holmes?"

Shiina Zhenbai realized that Li Yan had suddenly increased the speed to 100 per hour, and asked.

"...Watson, we seem to be in trouble." Li Yan's face turned pale and said to Shiina Zhenbai.

Now it feels like it’s not the time to play and substitute. The group of motorcycle riders behind them, dressed in different clothes, but all have no heads, exuding a gloomy resentment, biting at the rear of Li Yan's car, and chasing them closely...

Obviously, this is not a motorcycle club, but a hell apostle who takes human heads.

Someone is going to seal their mouths.

Chapter 123

A piece of fallen leaf flew over the empty highway, and under such a quiet moonlight, the forest was silent and unconscious of time.

Suddenly, a strong air current blew up the leaves and turned them in the air. Then, they were cut in half for an instant. A black sports car was followed closely by a group of motorcycles, and suddenly Broke the silence here.

[Boom boom boom——!!

On the road in the middle of the bleak night woods, there are several lights flashing, and the beauty of mechanical domineering is fully displayed at this moment. The black Toyota Supra's tachometer continues to soar, and the smooth body exudes seductive light under the light behind it. luster.

The headless horseman has always been the most common spiritual legend around the world. According to the legend, because he lost his head in an accident and could not die, his grievance was quite strong. When the night appeared, he specially attacked passing vehicles to take others. First level.

Li Yan has only seen such things in books and comics, but when he really ran into it for the first time, I had to say that even he was completely shocked by this group of hell apostles who suddenly appeared to demand his and Zhenbai’s lives. Live, but after about half an hour of the rapid chase, he couldn’t get rid of this group of desperadoes at all, so Li Yan didn’t think of any countermeasures to kill them. If it’s a close collision, would Too dangerous...

"Oops, it feels very difficult... Why did this bunch of things come out all of a sudden... No, did anyone find out what we are investigating? How could she have such a great ability to drive such a group of headless knights to hunt us down? ?"

Li Yan’s forehead was covered in cold sweat. While operating the steering wheel, he did not forget to look at the group of mobster-like motorcycles behind the car. He thought of the one who warned him not to interfere in the rain. Women's words.

I feel that I have provoke a tricky opponent...

"what happened?"

It seemed that something was wrong, Shiina asked curiously while leaning on his seat while typing on the computer.

"Um...probably because...a group of motorcyclists who don't seem to mess with it."

Li Yan showed a somewhat embarrassed smile, and glanced at her calm expression. He didn't know if he should explain to his assistant Watson Girl clearly, but if ordinary people saw such a scene, maybe Really will be frightened.

"Well, come on."

Shiina nodded, then continued to lower his head, and continued to record his precious inspiration in the computer.


Although Li Yan hoped that Zhen Bai could not be frightened, he didn't know why his too calm reaction made him feel uncomfortable. He was obviously a person in a car, but how did he feel like he was fighting alone.

Whoosh whoosh!!

After hearing the weird sound, from the woods in the distance, cut branches constantly pierced towards Li Yan and Zhen Bai's head. After Li Yan's sharp eyes caught the danger, he immediately adjusted the steering wheel to the brakes. Operate together and successfully dodge in a thrilling manner.

At this moment, suddenly, a motorcycle suddenly fell from the sky, relying on the strong rear wheel to shave Li Yan's head in the car suddenly, Li Yan raised his head and his eyes shook, and the brakes instantly changed the direction slightly. Avoiding this rapid attack, the ground behind the car was broken by the wheel with a deep crack, as amazing as a sharp blade.

Suddenly, it seemed that the temperature of the steering wheel in Li Yan's hands rose immediately. He was surprised to feel the anger of this black Toyota Supra passed from the steering wheel in his hands.

Under the dark night sky, everything was dark, but for a moment, the original black Toyota Supra began to emit a strong black suffocation, which wrapped the four sides except for the car windows, like a black tornado on the road. Mercedes-Benz, finally, the black evil spirit gradually turned red, like the flames of hell, starting to break through the darkness, showing the true face of the cursed car like a king.


Li Yan looked at the dark red suffocation outside the car, it seemed that his car also felt the anger in his heart, so he finally understood what to do.

His car is not an ordinary racing car, it seems that the temper is not small.

"I have this intention. As expected, just like me, the experience of escaping blindly will definitely not come for the second time...Since the other party intends to take your life, not only will I kill them today, but I also intend to take their bodies. Don’t pinch off another piece!"

Li Yan's eyes were cold for a moment, he touched his steering wheel, and thought quietly.

The Toyota Supra, which had fled quickly, suddenly flashed the brake lights on the rear lights, and suddenly began to slow down, borrowing the curve and hitting the rear of the car against a group of headless horsemen on the side, that wave rolled up The moment the black smoky wheels rubbed against the ground, the car body had already slammed into the cliffs with several connected cars, and a piece of mechanical fragments flew away, as if it touched the black arrogance of the group of cars. It’s about to burn the headless knight...

In the secluded forest, accompanied by fierce road chase, the sound of collision, the sound of braking, and the roar of motorcycles, it has been echoing under the night sky, fighting endlessly...


Around ten o'clock at night, the streets of Shinjuku, Tokyo.

It seems that this place is still as peaceful and daily as before. Drunk office workers walked along this street talking and laughing, while the school girls returned to this living area leisurely with large bags and small bags, pressing their mobile phones.The unscathed black Toyota sports car gradually drove into the parking lot in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and there was almost no scratches except for some dust and some motor oil from some motorcycles.

"I'm back." Li Yan said to himself as if he couldn't believe it.

Li Yan returned to the apartment downstairs unharmed and then loosened his grip on the steering wheel. His palms were almost sweaty, and he lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

After calculating the number of headless knights that came after it, until the forest section 20 kilometers away from Tokyo, all the troubles were finally eliminated. He was almost numb until Li Yan recovered. At that time, the lights and popularity of Tokyo flooded his eyes, which made him understand that he and Zhenbai were temporarily out of danger.

"By the way, Miss Shiina, you are not scared, are you?" Li Yan recalled something, looked at Shiina's situation, and asked worriedly.

Before Li Yan’s eyes, Shiina Shiro just finished her work. She closed her notebook with a calm face. When she heard Li Yan’s question, she looked at Li Yan curiously, not understanding what he was asking. .

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