I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 191

"..." Li Yan suddenly felt that this British girl seemed to have answered exactly the same as him, and she understood it at first glance.

"Got home."

Shiina Masashi spoke to Li Yan lightly.

"Um...yes, it's already here. Sorry, I was driving a bit hurriedly. There were some bumps along the way. It didn't prevent you from writing down your own story ideas, right?" Li Yan felt that this young girl didn't see it sometimes in the window The figure of the headless knight swaying on the side, if so, he simply stopped mentioning it. After all, such a terrifying ghost attacked, and an ordinary person would not sleep well tonight.

"You are not to blame, after all, there are headless ghosts chasing us." Shiina Zhenbai looked at Li Yan calmly and said.

"Don't you know all about it?!"

Li Yan complained in surprise.

In a sense, Shiina's reaction was even more frightening than meeting the headless horseman. It seems that nothing in this world can scare her to the general level. It is the first time for Li Yan, who has experienced many battles. Seeing the headless horseman was so frightened, she turned a blind eye to it, and she shouldn't be called Shiina really white, but should be called Shiina calmly.

In short, it is better to return home safely than anything else.Li Yan got out of the car and opened the car door for Shiina Shiro. Their clothes and hair were stained with mud and weeds. The two who looked so embarrassed were just about to drag their bodies back to the apartment building.

Shiina Mashiro hugged her picture album, and after returning home, he dyed the scene drawn on that day. The white hat was still on her head, so cute that she seemed immature and ignorant.Those paintings are used as the basis for Li Yan's further research. This is a way to record cases in the 19th century when photos were not popular. It seems that the unparalleled discernment of the true white pair of eyes can better capture what the photo cannot capture. Something, I have to say, she can really become the proud assistant "Watson" of a famous detective.

Li Yan secretly felt that if Shiina really earnestly studied manga and illustration, in time, it might not be a problem to surpass Eiriri. Perhaps Eiriri’s talent for drawing can only be regarded as outstanding, while Shiina’s true white talent can be described as unparalleled. At that time, Ying Lili really lost to her in the ability to work in illustration, how would he deal with such a crisis of trust...

"are you back?"

Suddenly, in the apartment building, a girl suddenly asked inside the door.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look around. As a result, Sawamura Hideri, who was wearing a cyan coat, leaned quietly against the wall, looking at them with a somewhat impatient expression.

"Um... Ying Lili, why are you... why are you here?"

Li Yan was a little surprised at once, looked at her and asked.

"I used to submit papers to the company. Recently, the company plans to print the characters of "Super Academy War" into posters and sell them, so light novels are really profitable. Posters, figures, and subsequent product designs have to be completed one by one. , I'm too busy, cough cough cough..."

When Eiri Sawamura was speaking, she couldn't help but coughed a few times. She was still having a fever yesterday. Today she had the energy to rush to deliver the paper on time. Li Yan couldn't help but look at her with some helplessness and worry, and said: "As for working so hard for work?"

"You don't have the right to say that I'm desperately Saburo... and I don't want to lose my job during the period of my break." Eri Sawamura blushed and whispered impatiently. stand up.

"...Do you know everything?" Li Yan asked in a daze.


Eiri Sawamura stood up straight, and her spirit seemed to return to the level of concentration immediately. She looked at the genius painter who wore an obviously unsuitable coat and hat, and was rumored to be a genius painter whose paintings could be collected by the British Royal. The girl Shiina is really white, and Shiina who has a calm face turned her head and looked at her quietly, staring at each other.

The night was so quiet, and the roaring wind outside the door was clearly transmitted in this quiet apartment building lobby... It seemed that the air was a little bit colder.

However, Li Yan stood between these two girls, but for some reason, he felt dry and dry, but his forehead was a little nervous and sweating...

In the world, there are not many similar people, and there may be only one person in this life.

The same painter, the same British-Japanese mixed blood, the same exposure to the world of the second dimension, even the age is the same...

"Well, excuse me, my name is Sawamura Hideri, the illustrator in charge of this guy's work. I want to talk to him about something a little bit today. Can I lend him to me temporarily? I'll pay him back later. What about you?"

Sawamura Ying Riri smiled, leaning her hands behind her, and asked politely.


In a convenience store on the street, Li Yan looked distressedly at the pile of coins left in his wallet. After there were no more paper money, he silently put it away, took a few cans of hot milk out of the store, and put a can of milk. Delivered to Ying Lili.

"You are so poor, I am embarrassed to see your distressed expression."

Sawamura Ying Riri had a smirk, completely different from the meaning of the words. He drank the milk unceremoniously, glanced at him, and joked.

"I just paid the rent, tuition, books and miscellaneous fees...Do you think these fees will be cheaper?"

Li Yan reluctantly calculated expenses with Ying Lili, and asked rhetorically.

It seems that life in Tokyo, no matter how high the income is, seems a bit more than enough. Li Yan has left a lot of living expenses for himself, but he still seems stretched.

"Tsk tsk, you're really worthless. At any rate, you are also a guy with hundreds of thousands of book fans. You can count household money with your partner. Even so, if your manuscript fees are now accumulated, you can buy a house in Tokyo with full money. Oh. But I also know that you are in trouble too..."

Ying Lili, who was holding the hot yogurt, suddenly remembered something, squinted, looked at Li Yan suspiciously, and asked: "There may be a lot of gossip. I originally planned to talk to you before going to the company, but I saw you. I went out with the new painter, huhu~~ I heard that you met yesterday, you guys are already familiar with taking girls out to play, what's the matter, what's the trick?"

"...I just took her to get acquainted with the roads of Tokyo. She had just come from England. That's all."

Li Yan hesitated and explained.

Ying Lili hummed twice, looked at him in disbelief, and said, "Is that so? I always think you are lying completely, but it is understandable. After all, the other party is a beauty and a fan of your book. I came here to be an illustrator for you. Such courage is really admirable. It is normal for you to entertain and please me. If you are open to your knowledge, I would be very pleased, but I always find this kind of thing a bit difficult. Cough cough cough..."


Li Yan looked at Ying Lili, who turned around and coughed quietly. Although Ying Lili didn't seem to want to pursue his going out with Zhenbai, at first he thought that Ying Lili had already noticed that he was investigating Spencer's house. After coming over, he soon realized that it was not the case, and his mood improved a lot.

If it weren't for the last moment, he didn't want to tell Yinglili about cursing the holy land. Yinglili's concentration was not enough. Maybe she was recklessly stunned, which would put her in a more dangerous situation.

What's more...he didn't want to see Ying Riri feeling sad for her family before the water came out.The family is broken, and he seems to know the kind of pain better than anyone.

"Um, I obviously feel that the fever has subsided, why is it suddenly a little dizzy... That, otaku Li, I actually plan to go back this afternoon, but after all I thought about it..."

Ying Riri raised her head and looked at the cloudless night sky, her white and smooth cheeks flushed slightly, and she smiled and said, "I still want to tell you, I won't lose, I know you and Shiina The promise made, you guy actually let me fight against a world-class genius without authorization. This is a pit friend, isn't it, but... I know that you understand me and I will not accept favors. In that case, let me down Before a new book, I will also diligently improve my painting skills. At that time, we will still be partners, right?"

She looked at Li Yan with a smile, so confident, without any pressure, but with high morale.

Li Yan was stunned for a while, then showed a gentle smile.

This is Ying Lili who refuses to admit defeat.

People who work hard in the art industry that he likes can only look at them, and can't make any favoritism. This is the most basic respect.

"Moreover, I heard from the Kagurazaka editor. Even if the other party is a world-class painter, it seems that he has only been exposed to Japanese manga for a few months. Hehe, so the situation is not that bad. Even if it is talented, manga The industry is not just relying on talent to paint. I have studied comics for more than ten years under the guidance of my mother. Painting skills, artistic conception, and techniques are absolutely dominant, even if the other party is a world-class painter. , I also have an absolute certainty that I will win, a novice is a novice, and I will win."

Eri Sawamura continued the analysis smugly, and finally said with a combative and disdainful expression.


Li Yan squinted and looked at Ying Lili next to him. Why should Ying Lili always set up a Flag for his game at the critical moment of the game?

But looking at Ying Lili, who was smiling and moaning around him, Li Yan's mood gradually became heavier.


If Sayuri Sawamura is really dealing with her...

Or maybe there are outsiders dealing with her family...

How should he protect, the smile of his first friend in life, how can he prevent her from repeating his mistakes?

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