I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 197

As a last resort, he walked towards the rotisserie under a heavy pressure. It seemed that he was one step away from the truth, and he couldn't give up.

Sayuri Sawamura quietly looked at that person's back, her wide kimono sleeves draped on the chair, and she quietly looked at the lake again, thinking about how she would explain her to Li Yan next. thing……

Putting aside the dangerous things such as "The Ugly Girl" and other curses, she used to be just because she was fun to say that she was Ying Lili’s mother, but now, she suddenly didn’t want to tell Li Yan about this. It seems that he wants Li Yan to treat her as Sayuri Sawamura more than... Ying Lili's mother.

While thinking, there was a plop from behind. She turned around curiously and saw a balloon rising into the sky, and a six or seven-year-old girl in thick clothes was slipped and fell on the lawn. On the ground, the girl with red eyes and tears stared blankly at the balloons in the sky, and tears flowed down suddenly.


The girl sat on the grass, not knowing whether it was distressed by the balloon or the wound was painful, and began to cry.

"what happened?"

The girl's cry attracted an adult. She wiped her tears, and finally saw a beautiful girl squatting down, smiling slightly, looking at her gently and asking.

"The balloon just bought..." the little girl said.

"So, I understand, but don't be sad. The balloon just flew away freely. Maybe this is the game it likes. I have more interesting pictures for you. As a thank you for its freedom. ,May I?"

Sayuri Sawamura stretched out her hand to touch the teary little girl, and asked with a smile.

I don't know why, the little girl in front of me, just like the former Yinglili, the former Yinglili seemed to be clumsy. She fell over while catching a dragonfly on her lawn. This is how she enlightened.

Sayuri Sawamura took out the picture book she carried with him from the bag, carefully flipped through some unsuitable paintings for children. After turning to a new page, she began to draw a cute cartoon balloon on the snow-white paper with a paintbrush. People, fill in the words thank you.

This peculiar technique makes the little girl who has never seen it look so strange, there are tears in her eyes, but her attention is completely drawn to another world. When the painting is completed, the white paper gently Tear it off and hand it to the little girl.

"So cute!" The little girl smiled happily and wiped her eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment, and continue to play well." Sayuri Sawamura smiled and touched the little girl's head, and said.

"Xiao An, don't run too far."

At this time, it seemed that the child's parents finally found the child and called out gently not far away.

After Sayuri and the middle-aged couple noticed each other, they bowed to each other, and she watched the little girl ran back happily, seeming to remember the good times she had once again.


At that moment, there was a complete family of three in front of her. The parents were taking care of the child, and the child was telling something happily, in a happy atmosphere.However, she seemed a little familiar, but suddenly realized that she had never experienced such a family life after the birth of the child.

Her heart seemed to be sad, her eyes were hazy, standing alone on the lawn, silently bowing her head...


Room 605.

The cleaning work is still going on. Qingshan Qihai has moved the luggage to this single apartment of more than 30 square meters. She sleeps in the living room and Zhenbai sleeps in the bedroom. Although it is a little crowded, it makes people feel that it is slightly crowded. Will be alone.

"Okay, done." After Qingshan Qihai put his belongings away, he looked at the basically tidy living room, breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled satisfied.

However, when sorting out the living room where she was in charge of this part, she also found various tips posted by Li Yan to Zhenbai. She always felt that Li Yan had spent too much time on Zhenbai’s self-reliance, and it would be better to help directly. Quickly solve the problem, why do you have to let a girl who has no common sense of life learn from the beginning...

Suddenly, Aoyama Qikai heard a "poof" in the washroom. She looked at it, and a splash of water flew out from the door of the washroom. She turned pale and shouted, "Shiina, what have you done?!"

As soon as she entered, a dash of water was directly poured on her face.


After a mess of chaos, Aoyama Nanami finally turned on the faucet. She and Shiina Mashiro stood wet in the bathroom, embarrassed, Aoyama Qikai looked helplessly at the ignorant Mashiro, and said, "Huh, I'm finally going I understand...why the teacher has been worried about your independent living, Shiina, you just have to take a good look here. Then I will finish it."

She wiped her face with a towel, and wiped Zhen Bai again. After finding that the white clothes were soaked, the round cup fully proved the benefits of the British blood, making Qi Hai blush, and she was really feasting her eyes.

Shiina Masashi shook her head. She didn't seem to have any apologies, or any compromise or embarrassment. With her wet hair dripping with water, she continued to look at the prompts and started cleaning.

"Holmes... want me to do it myself."

Shiina Mashiro whispered.

"..." Suddenly, Qikai Aoyama was startled by Shiina's obsession.

She recalled what the college student said to her again, in which one sentence [I believe she will gradually improve to the point where you can’t recognize it] where the confidence came from...

Aoyama Qikai didn't hate people who worked hard, and smiled, but just after smiling, the water from the water pipe sprayed on her face again.

"But when will the cleaning be completed?"

Aoyama Qikai wiped his face with a towel, thinking.

At last it was almost ten o'clock, Shiina really completed the cleaning task. Although it was not very clean, it was still reasonable. The two of them began to change their clothes in the living room.Thanks to Qi Hai for helping her find the clothes stuffed in the cardboard box, she was able to get rid of the clothes she had worn for two consecutive days.


Suddenly, Shiina's white phone rang. She looked at the phone on the desk and picked it up to answer.

——Hey, Shiina, this is Li Yan.Are you still in the dormitory?

"Yeah." Shiina nodded and said with Nanami's wet hair still being wiped dry.

—— [Sorry, I just went to investigate the case by myself, but I found that it’s really not possible without you. Can you go to the subway? I’m on the edge of a relatively remote field and want you to help me record some suspicious things , Almost able to solve the case.

"……it is good."

Shiina Mashiro said.

Immediately afterwards, when Qi Hai listened to the whispered dialogue in Zhen Bai's ear, she was curious and felt that there was a rustling sound.

"Seven Seas, I want to go to the subway, I can't take it, you take me there."

Shiina Mashiro turned off the phone, she turned and looked at Nanami, and said.

"...Uh, is that the case?" Qingshan Qihai was taken aback. It was the first time she saw someone who was a high school student who could not take the subway yet.

Shiina Masashi put on the generous "Watson overalls" and was going to help Li Yan who was in trouble.

Chapter 127 The strange game on the line (1)

At ten o'clock, in a cheerful atmosphere in the forest park, Li Yan bought two skewers of squid for a few hundred yen and returned from the stall in the direction of Sayuri.

The squid at the stall seems to be relatively cheap. The pile of coins in the wallet can be carried, but it is unable to carry a bunch of fresh shrimps. Almost all the money is spent. Li Yan can only do this for Sayuri. Up.

Under the clear sky, the park was filled with the noise of children playing. When Li Yan returned to the seat with the squid skewers, she noticed Sayuri Sawamura sitting quietly on the wooden chair. She lowered her head and closed her eyes. He seemed to be closing his eyes and restoring his mind, letting the bangs be gently moved by the wind.

"Miss Zecun, I have bought it back. You have one and I have one."

Li Yan actually didn't eat breakfast. He already felt hungry and unbearable. He was a little nervous and wanted to eat something. He sat next to Sayuri and turned his head to talk to her.


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