I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 198

In the bright sunshine, Sawamura Sayuri's pretty cheeks showed a slight smile.

"Thank you, Uesugi-sensei, it was so hard today. It made people feel so happy to play." Sayuri Sawamura smiled and said thanks.

When she came back to her senses, she seemed a little sad, but she still smiled like a spring breeze. She stretched out Qianqian's hand to take the squid skewers. She didn't care about the shrimp meat that Li Yan was worried about, but it was fragrant and fresh. The squid held it in his hand, but he didn't take a bite, as if he had something on his mind.

While sitting next to Sayuri, Li Yan happened to be able to smell the fragrance from the girl’s body, which seemed to testify to the ancient saying that beautiful women were beautiful and delicious. He still couldn’t understand why Sayuri Sawamura was so similar to Yinglili. , Even if you look at this profile, it's only the hair color that is different.

It seems that she has no appetite. Sayuri Sawamura did not move. Suddenly, if she thought about something, she asked, "Well, Uesugi-sensei, although you are only a freshman, you already make people feel that you are doing something. Very calm and thoughtful. I have one thing that I don’t really understand today, and it’s also about the thing that curses the shrine that you care about. If you tell me what I want to ask this time, I will think about it. The essential truth tells you, can you agree to this willful request of me?"

When Li Yan was eating with gusto, unexpectedly, he was surprised to hear that his purpose of coming here for a busy morning suddenly made new progress.

Before he knew it, he seemed to be a little immersed in the relaxation stage. Although he still remembered the important things, he also enjoyed the long-lost leisure. When asked this time, he immediately refreshed and looked at Wei Wei with curiosity. And the smiling Sawamura Sayuri.

"What's the matter? As long as I know, I will try my best to tell you." Li Yan said.

"is it……"

Sayuri Sawamura habitually took out her fan. It seems that holding the fan can help her improve her concentration. She recovered from the trance. At this moment, she has only one person to help her make up her mind. Up.

Although the international student next to her is only a few years older than Ying Lili, her mind and courage far surpass too many people, and she almost always says "The illustrator has a pair of eyes that see through all secrets." ]'S self-confidence has been a bit hit.If he were in her position, how would he treat such a thing...

The breeze was blowing on the woman’s green silk. After the charming face was silent, she finally broke the short silence and asked: "Uesugi-sensei, have you ever been in a relationship... Even if you haven’t talked about it, have you ever liked it? A person, a girl who made you think that you can grow old together, if there is, if she betrayed you one day and played with your emotions, did you choose to forgive her, or to avenge her with strong hatred? So... how can we overcome the hatred of betrayal?"


This seemed to be like seeing through his previous experience, and as soon as he asked, he asked about the past experience that Li Yan was least willing to answer.

He was dumbfounded, it seemed that he was really unwilling to answer such a question. Although Sayuri seemed to be just assuming his situation, but unfortunately, he did have such an experience, the darkness that he did not want to say all his life.

"Miss Sawamura, this question..."

After a long silence, Li Yan looked at Sayuri Sawamura, wanting to discuss more about the problem, but when he turned his head to look around, he saw that he was already powerless and lowered his head. His expression was so sad that he seemed to have completely lost the lustre of the previous light. Sayuri Mura, he was suffocated for a while, Sayuri Sawamura, who didn't smile, seemed to be quietly waiting for his answer.

It seems that Li Yan also realizes that his answer can determine the future of many people...

It also seemed that this was a difficult choice, so difficult that even the clever Sayuri gave all the decision-making power to Li Yan, and he also became embarrassed and hesitant.

After being betrayed by the most trusted person, how would he choose...

It seems that whether it is the real world or the plot of the novel, it is the best choice to encourage and ignite a bright light of hope to deal with the difficult situation.

However, in the face of dangerous and distorted human nature, these things are just distorted words...

"If I were betrayed so mercilessly, of course... I would break with her."

Li Yan secretly took a breath, and hesitated a little, and said to Sayuri.

Sayuri Sawamura was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Li Yan, she seemed to have heard some answers that made her even more uneasy.

"...Why?" Sayuri Sawamura asked curiously.

"...People always imagine the ending of things so beautifully too early, so that in the constant variables behind, the soul is exhausted, overwhelmed, and struggling to support it. It seems that hope is getting more and more vague, and the result will be gone. To the other extreme. Blindly close to the worst result, and ultimately, because of the most beautiful fantasy at the beginning, ruin other good results that can be achieved."

Li Yan looked at Sayuri Sawamura with focused and serious eyes, and said, “So, don’t try to work hard with the best result. This way you will miss too much truth that has been deceived. The best way is Draw a clear line with people who are irrational, and use the most feasible method to achieve the most satisfactory results, even if you are incompatible with the other party. Only by doing this can it be possible to save more people."


Sawamura Sayuri's hands clenched tightly, her breathing accelerated a little, her body shook slightly, and her eyes dimmed even more.

However, she understood that it seemed that Li Yan's words were correct, because the other answer she was looking forward to had already been implemented by her, and it turned out to be where it is now...

Her heart gradually became clear, as if she understood that she could no longer escape everything, and the corners of her mouth gradually returned to a smile again, although so helpless, it was also so sad.

"Ms. Uesugi, then... do you still like that person?" Sayuri Sawamura asked with a smile with tears.


Li Yan was silent, but did not answer for a while.

"Ms. Uesugi, I'm sorry, let you answer this difficult question. I already understand my decision. Thank you for staying with me... now is the time to separate."

Sayuri Sawamura didn’t ask, and didn’t seem to need to ask. She went on to say: “You can rest assured that such a thing has not been affected by Ying Lili for the time being. She has always been safe. The cursed is a man, a The ugly man who abandoned the girl of the ugly time, and the woman of the girl of the ugly time is my best friend...I have always hoped to persuade each other, but it seems impossible. I spent so much time and spent all my wealth. After buying witchcraft, no one knows who she will want to kill next... Uesugi-sensei, the person you are worried about has been all right, so please don't interfere in this matter anymore, please take good care of it in the future Please protect Yinglili..."

Li Yan's answer is undoubtedly a very cruel method.But unfortunately, Sayuri Sawamura understood this. Li Yan's method was the correct method, and the only one, the last feasible method to solve the intersection she was at.

Standing up, like the breeze around her, with black hair fluttering and a kimono like a butterfly, she did not say goodbye, quietly moving in the direction where she came, and went back alone.

Li Yan did not say anything about the investigation, but it was already known to Sawamura Sayuri, so Sawamura Sayuri had to confess some details of the matter. The man named Spencer, and Sayuri, seemed to have been there. Seeking to resolve the irreconcilable contradiction between Spencer and the ugly girl, it is also because there seems to be some connection that made Sayuri know about the thrilling events of last night...

So that night, Sayuri let the other person pass without saying a word, and the other party didn't seem to mean to hurt Sayuri. The two turned out to be in a harmonious relationship as if the water did not violate the river...

But in the end, Li Yan did not find the possibility of Sayuri Sawamura lying, but there is probably a high probability that Yinglili is safe, so Li Yan also feels a little relieved, he watched Sayuri Sawamura, in the light of the cloud and the vague Under the sky, she had entered the black Bentley and left here.

"Next, Sawamura...what's her plan?" Li Yan thought puzzled.

At this moment, all of a sudden, the river lanterns floating on the lake quietly follow the water to the central torii gate of the lake, seeming to be dropped from a lake farther away, the dazzling river The light seemed to remind Li Yan of all that Sayuri did that night.

Following the direction of the river lantern, he walked for about ten minutes, and arrived at a lakeside ritual platform. There is a shrine serving the gods in the forest park. This park is also built based on it. , In a beautiful place, the faithful men and women put down the river lamps by the river, praying for the good weather or miss, a peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly, he realized something.

[Boom boom boom!!

Suddenly, Li Yan's phone rang.He was taken aback for a moment, took out his cell phone and looked at it, only to see a call from [Kagurazaka].

"Hey, Ms. Kagurazaka, what's the matter?" Li Yan asked curiously.

——Oh, Li Yan, I have something to find Shiina, can I ask her to answer the phone?

Kagurazaka Ayame said.

"Um, Ms. Kagurazaka, why did you call Shiina for calling me? I didn't go out with Shiina." Li Yan asked curiously.

——[It's strange, I just got through for a while, Shiina said that you were called to a village in the suburbs of Tokyo. The name sounds pretty far away, maybe you have to take the subway, so I turned off the phone afterwards.I really have more important work to give to her, so after waiting for almost an hour, I called again, and the work was done, but Shiina’s call still couldn’t be answered. According to this time, she shouldn’t have arrived. Is it right by your side?Is it that far?


Suddenly, Li Yan directly felt a chilly feeling behind him. It was impossible to call her, let alone let her go to a far away place, but he felt strange. If so, the one he asked for The guardian should inform him.

"What about Miss Thor, did Miss Thor go with them?" Li Yan asked.

——[Oh, are you asking Miss Thor from 506? No, I heard that there was a small fire in her dormitory and she was still cleaning the kitchen. What happened...]

It seems that the other party is also prepared.

"...I won't say it for now, Ms. Kagurazaka, tell me the name of that country, and I'm going over there!" Li Yan gave a slight shock, and said immediately without daring to neglect.

He took out his mobile phone and tried to make a call, but after a few calls, there was a rustle, and he didn't know what was going on.

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