I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 229

In densely crowded places, Li Yan once again separated from other partners. After all, there are too many exhibition areas to stop and watch. There are tourists taking out cameras and mobile phones to take pictures. In the dimly-lit tunnels, everyone followed up. A very difficult thing.

Several huge whale sharks swam above his head. Just when Li Yan was taking pictures, a girl who was alone finally found him. She saw him holding his mobile phone high and seemed to be happily taking pictures. , Showing a sweet smile.

"Teacher, I finally found you."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stalked behind him and whispered in his ear, the warm and fragrant breath blew into his ears, and a tingling numb was transmitted to Li Yan's body.

"Ahhh!" Li Yan's eyes widened, and he made a sound of astonishment. He flashed away, staring at this uninvited Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu in a daze.

"Sure enough, you can't stand being talked so close, teacher." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a smile.

"Teacher Xia Shizi, please don't do this again next time, I don't think anyone can stand it." Li Yan covered one of his ears and said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, if I remember, I wouldn't do it."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu smiled, stood beside him, raised her head and looked at the deep seabed. There are more than ten meters of glass to look up into the unknown world. She asked, "Teacher, do you like aquariums? "

"Ah...probably, I used to be very poor, so I didn't have any money to go to the aquarium. At the beginning, I was not interested in the ocean. Now, I always feel that I can understand the mood of ocean lovers. It's an extraordinary world. , Isn't it?" Li Yan said with a smile.

"Well, if I viewed it this way before, I probably felt the same, but after returning from Hitoyoshi City, I discovered that there is another world in this world that is more disturbing and mysterious than the aquarium. "

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded, but Li Yan was taken aback by what she said, and she looked at this girl who had never mentioned that thing in surprise.

She suddenly mentioned it.

"The deep ocean is sacred and unknown. I have never thought about the unknown of the world so much, but after Hitoyoshi City, I was thinking about the world I live in is not similar to this deep ocean. Are you in?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's eyes quietly looked at the deep sea in front of her. She looked at Li Yan again and asked intently: "Teacher, if you were in this deep ocean, what kind of creature would you be? Is it a creature I don't know?"

These words are obviously asking about Li Yan's origin.That past will not be an illusion in any case. The person who was clearly killed suddenly turned and became an overseas student writing light novels. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu waited for a year for Li Yan to take the initiative to tell She, but she didn't realize until just now that Li Yan probably won't tell her again for the rest of his life.

"...If it's a metaphor, I should be like the creature on that side."

Li Yan thoughtfully, he stretched out his hand, pointed to the intensively moving tuna there, and said.

"I am like a kind of tuna that was born and left alone. I have been struggling to find my own group in the vast ocean, but I don’t know why, no fish have been willing to accept me. The tuna are circling against foreign enemies. At the same time, I was ruled out. I don’t know how long it took. When I almost forgot that I was a tuna, I woke up from the coral reef. When I was eager to find a partner again, I finally found scattered pieces. My friends, but even if our few fish are persistent, simple maneuvers can't resist the attack of sharks...so I chose to be a tuna who dares to fight against sharks, and I have always been very grateful for my friends who are willing to accept me. We...Xia Shizi, don't you think it looks like me?"

In the dark aquarium, Li Yan turned his head, looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and asked with a smile.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was attracted by this smile, and the answer was very cunning, without explaining anything, but she seemed to have answered her question well.

"Really a good analogy, protect yourself, teacher." She smiled and said quietly and from the heart.

She bowed slightly, turned and left. She was still unable to fight the shark's tuna for the time being. If there were sharks looking for prey around him, she would swim with it and move with it. That's all she can do now... …


I don't know how long it took. Li Yan felt that the time was almost up. When he was alone, he began to look for other people. As a result, in the vast crowd, he once again encountered Qianshou Village Zheng in school uniform.

"Ms. Uesugi." Qianshoucun Zheng looked at him quietly and said.

"Ms. Qianshou, have you seriously considered what I told you on the line?" Li Yan asked.

"...Are you serious?" Qianshou Village Zheng asked seriously.


At the end of the first day of the tour, in the deep blue deep sea, under the various types of sharks, manta rays, and colorful fishes swimming, Li Yan and Qianshou Village are like two black The shadows are normal, looking at each other.

"I won't help you anymore. You don't understand Izumi Masamune at all. For this kind of love, I don't have any obligation to push you to the emotional whirlpool where you don't even know yourself. This is my decision."

Li Yan looked at her sharply and said.

Chapter 143 The Girl's Beach Story

Sunday, the last day of Okinawa trip.

In the morning, after the group went to the American Village in Okinawa, basically the sights of Okinawa that Kagurazaka Ayame thought were worth visiting.So now rush to the last tourist destination, which is the final attraction of real tourism.When the weather is warm enough, Kagurazaka Ayame drove this rental van to the most beautiful place to relax.

What I look forward to most is of course the quality beaches of Okinawa.

"Hehe, guys, I will spend about a whole day on the beach today, because not only can you play on the beach from noon to afternoon, you can also buy fireworks to set off at night, mid-April Basically, Okinawa’s beaches are full in the latter part of the day, so this time we will go to a relatively remote beach. I hope there will be fewer tourists there."

Kagurazaka Ayame drove the car and introduced with a smile.

"Well... the remote beach, you won't be able to buy anything over there, what about our meal?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked with some doubts.

"No, there are no shortage of beaches, beach food shops, beach stalls. The most important thing is that there are fewer tourists. I specially brought beach balls and a few watermelons to play games. I have long looked forward to playing these classic games on the beach with my friends."

Kagurazaka Ayame replied expectantly.

Li Yan sat in the last row of the van, feeling a happy atmosphere in the car. It seemed that Kagurazaka Ayame was in a good mood. Under the warmth of these days, under the comfort of shopping, and surrounded by the ocean , Once again, workaholics who have not had a vacation for several months are enjoying the scarce holiday time wantonly.The rest of the people in the car are also happy, tropical-style island vacation, no matter who it is, will be moisturized long-exhausted soul.

"Uh, beach, beach..."

However, there is a young girl beside her who is a little out of touch with the atmosphere at the moment. Ying Riri's expression is a little worried and embarrassing, as if she is worried about something. In a crowded car, she sits by the window and keeps looking out the window. That look is a ghost in his heart.


I don’t know why, Li Yan can guess why Ying Lili is so sad. When he was in Chiba County, he also saw Ying Lili keep this expression, but when he saw Yukoshita, he immediately became confident. I’ve spent a lot of time, and I’m probably in a mood similar to that of the trip in Chiba Prefecture.

When Li Yan was inadvertently observing the condition of Yinglili, the car drove through the beautiful coastal road section and began to enter a continuous seaside ancient forest zone. A subtropical dense forest is almost invisible to people. It is dark. one slice.

"This kind of Gu Lin is a bit chilling." Li Yan thought silently.

It took a full half an hour just to pass through this ancient forest. After passing through this ancient forest on the seashore, I finally came to the legendary high-quality beach with few tourists.

As a result, traffic jams started...

A long line of rental vehicles or local Okinawa vehicles drove into the parking lot little by little. On both sides of the road were many blonde foreign tourists. On the side of the road, you saw a golden beach. It doesn't look very big, but surrounded by a lush forest, the blue water is constantly washing the coast. I have to say that the scenery here is no less than any leisure beach recommended by the Okinawa Travel Guide.

A group of people who got off the car came to the top of this beach with their backpacks. At a glance, the densely packed beaches of tourists suddenly broke the beautiful holiday that Kagurazaka Ayame had longed for.

"A lot of people..."

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at the golden beach, the crowd of tourists in swimsuits, suddenly said in a daze.

"So, is this a remote beach?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was also a little surprised, and asked again for confirmation.

Of course, the long-awaited leisurely beach scenery can only exist in anime. As early as March, when the weather was just getting warmer, some people couldn't bear to come to play on the beaches of Okinawa. At this moment, in mid-to-late April, There are more and more beach lovers who have been expelled from the cold for several months as if they were returning home. This beach has always been relatively far away, so few people would come here before, but under repeated publicity in the tourism forum, Became this scene.

"It seems there is no way. If there are so many people here, Kagurazaka-san, your beach volleyball and watermelon games seem to be unavailable." Izumi Masamune said with a bitter smile.

"But the beach with too few people is not fun. Now that I'm here, as long as it doesn't affect swimming and sunbathing, it's enough," said Kusanaru Longhui.

"Woo..." Kagurazaka Ayame lowered his head helplessly while holding the beach ball, and screamed speechlessly.

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