I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 230

Not far from the beach, there is a relatively spacious changing room for men and women. After the group found out, they began to divide the work and cooperate. Some people searched for unoccupied beach vacancies, while others began to change their swimwear.

In front of Ying Lili, a few European and American women wearing bold swimsuits passed by. The plump and reflective part of her suddenly made her look shocked, and she was astonished as a kitten.

"Huh? Teacher Baimu, why do you look a little unhappy?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who looked at her from the side, showed an evil smile and asked pretentiously.

"Ah, this is just your illusion, it's so noisy!" Ying Lili said angrily.

"...So you can wear a casual style. When you come to the beach, you don't have to go swimming in the sea." Li Yan looked in his eyes and narrowed his eyes to persuade him.

"Ahem, you worry too much. I am also a woman with the blood of the British Empire anyway. The beach culture originated from Europe. I am not willing to be looked down upon by the guy Xia Shizi."

Ying Lili glanced at Li Yan with a guilty expression, and whispered.

She immediately poked Li Yan with her hand, lowered her head slightly, revealing a confident smile of the last British glory, and then sneakily said: "I don't need to worry about me. In this team, I think Teacher Qianshou is the one The one who deserves the most care, I think she hasn't started as a junior high school student. So, Li, the otaku, I am not as weak as you think, so put away your unnecessary worry."

Facing Ying Li Li, who had fallen so low he was trying to find an advantage from junior high school students, Li Yan looked distressedly at the back of the girl who was queuing with an arrogant smile, and silently thought: "Ying Li Li..."

Under the bright and warm sunshine, accompanied by the sound of quiet sea waves, the soft and warm golden beach is somewhat reflective to attract the hearts of tourists. Sun umbrellas, blankets, sunglasses, and beauties from all over the world quietly enjoying the sun , This is the most basic and most beautiful view of the beach.

Li Yan, Lion Tong Guoguang and others found an open space near the edge, and started to take a place for the girls who went to change clothes. The workload was not too big. It was just Li Yan who came to the beach for the first time. Can't help but sit on the newly laid blanket, looking at the endless Pacific Ocean, and recalling the experience in the aquarium yesterday.

His relationship with Qianshou Cunzhen almost dropped to a freezing point. The other party did not accept his dissuasion, and decided to go on his own way.He couldn't say clearly whether Qianshoucunzheng's mind was right or wrong, so he directly chose to withdraw from the assistance. Now he doesn't know how to continue communicating with this middle school girl who has been taciturn.

"Thank you, teachers."

At this moment, the voice of Kagurazaka Ayame came through, and Li Yan and other boys watched. As a result, among the attention of tourists around, Miss Kagurazaka Ayame in a striped swimsuit and a purple swimsuit Shiba of Kasumigaoka, wearing a cyan swimsuit and wearing that white coat, Shiina Masaki walked out first, and the three girls wore scarves around their waists.

I have to admit that these three girls have very good figures. Their tall and straight chests have left a deep career line. The best figure belongs to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, almost comparable to the group of female tourists from Europe and the United States.

"The female members of our team are really amazing."

Even Kusanaru Longhui, who had always been calm, couldn't help but praise.

"Haha, right? Long Hui, I told you a long time ago, it will be very good, now you should believe it." Lion Tong Guoguang's eyes lit up and directly locked the editor Kagura On the side of Sakachangpu, his breathing accelerated, and he said in admiration.

"Ah, so don't look at your eyes randomly. If you are disliked by Kagurazaka-san, you deserve it." Kusanagi Ronghui looked at this companion who had a bad record with some annoyance, and said coldly.

Li Yan laughed as he listened to the two people talking.

"Thanks, everyone, you can go over and change your clothes." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a smile.

"Well, keep in touch at any time. If any gangsters come to harass, just call us directly." Kusanaru Longhui stood up and said to them.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at Li Yan, who was about to leave with them. She hummed a little and asked, "Teacher, don't you want to say anything?"


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's cheeks turned red, but he was full of confidence, waiting for Li Yan's words.

Li Yan quickly searched the massive social knowledge system in his mind. He always felt that he should know what the other party asked for, but after hesitating for a while, he suddenly thought of it.

"Ah... it's very beautiful, teacher Xia Shizi, she's just a model's figure." Li Yan smiled quickly, racing against time to praise.

"Count you smart." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled and said.

Obviously everyone knows that the evaluation will be like this, but the girl still hopes to hear the opposite sex directly praise.

However, the lion boy Kokuhikari who has been admiring around Kagurazaka Ayame seems a bit extreme. Kagurazaka Ayame doesn't dislike him, but he provokes Masamune Izumi and Ryuki Kusanaru to the side.

"By the way, where are Teacher Qianshou and Teacher Baimu?" Li Yan looked around and asked.

"They are in the back, so they are slower, probably coming here soon." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought for a while and replied.

"Isn't that Mr. Baimu over there?"

Lion Tong Guoguang looked around, only to see the particularly conspicuous girl with golden double ponytails walking towards this side, smiled and reminded.

Ying Lili is also wearing a scarf and wearing that red swimsuit and walked over. It seems that because of the British blood, the white and healthy skin almost blends the advantages of the East and the West, and her long golden hair is a little gleaming in the sun. Shining, she walked over without expression and said, "Huh, I've been looking for a long time, so you guys came here."

"Do you think it's so easy to find an open space? After all, the best place in the center has long been occupied by others. If someone left, there might not be any space to accommodate our group of people."

Li Yan squinted his eyes with dissatisfaction, and told a little bit about their hard experience.

"Yeah, it's been hard work." Ying Riri didn't care about his expression, smiled and waved, and said.

"Only Mr. Qianshou is left. I remember that Mr. Baimu and her are lined up. It shouldn't be too slow, right... Ah, isn't Mrs. Qianshou already here. Huh? It seems a little shy. The swimsuit she bought is conservative enough, are you not used to it?"

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at the locker room carefully, but with excellent eyesight, she noticed a figure in the crowd. At first she was a little relieved, and then she realized that the other party's reaction was a little wrong, and asked with some confusion.

Li Yan and the others, except for Ying Lili, who just happened to be here, all looked over, and their faces suddenly became shocked.

"what happened?"

Ying Lili asked curiously, planning to turn around to look, but she was immediately covered by Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes.

"I advise you not to watch it for now." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a calm face, looking at Ying Lili with some pity.

"what are you talking about??"

Ying Lili didn't quite understand the meaning of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and asked.

Not far away, Qianshoucun Zheng was wearing a dark swimsuit, he almost squeezed, his face flushed, and he covered his body and walked carefully.

However, people including Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who is a female, could not help being surprised. For the time being, her graceful figure was just a junior high school student who was in Qianshou Village. It has always been difficult to see how much her bust is, especially It was a few times when I wore a kimono and it looked plain and plain. As a result, this scene was developed in advance. At least Dcup's majestic posture is really a dark horse for the travel team.

"Miss Kagurazaka, why did you buy me a swimsuit of this style? You can't wear it at all?!" Chijumura pointed at Kagurazaka calamus and said angrily.

"This is the size you provided. It's a completely normal swimsuit. You don't need to be so shy. You should show such a good figure, Mr. Chiju." Kagurazaka Ayame said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'll show it to you, anyway, you will see it sooner or later."

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu realized that she could not help Yinglili for too long, she let go of her hand, closed her eyes, and said in a pitying tone.


Sawamura Ying Riri was there suddenly, her expression was almost blank, as if her brain had stopped working, she looked at the tall chest of the middle school student.

Li Yan saw it in his eyes, but was powerless. When he saw the Qianshou Village Zheng, he knew this truth.

That is... Ying Lili, even junior high school students can't win.

"The British Empire, like its blood, is declining day by day." Li Yan thought helplessly.

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