I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 232

Li Yan's expression softened slightly, and he responded to Qianshoucunzheng's determination. He recalled something and asked: "Yes, now the editor asked me to take the fireworks to the beach. Everyone was waiting there. , Do you want to come with me?"

"No need for the time being. After all, this is my serious confession. It is still a bit embarrassing to see Mr. Izumi again. I want to relax. Please call me when I go back. Thank you. "

Qianshoucun Zheng shook his head, hesitated, and said.

Li Yan felt that Qianshoucun Zheng made sense, so he nodded and said, "Okay, but please don't go too far. We will go back in about half an hour."

As he was about to leave, a cold wind blew out from the torii gate, causing Li Yan's eyes to shake, and he looked at the deep ancient forest in astonishment.

I don't know why, the cold wind just hit his bones, making him even more uncomfortable.

However, when Li Yan was observing the forest, a few more blond men and women walked out of the torii, talking and laughing. It seemed that there was something interesting on it. All of a sudden, Li Yanxuan Suddenly, his heart felt relieved a lot, maybe he was worried.

"What kind of shrine will it be built in..." Li Yan thought silently.


It was getting late at the moment.

Qianshou Cunzheng, who was meditating here alone, just planned to leave. Suddenly, at the moment he got up, there were fireflies flying in the darkness of the forest with a faint lustre, making Qianshoucunzheng a little concerned.

"At this time, are there fireflies?"

Qianshoucunzheng looked at it curiously and thought to himself.

"The bucket is here."

On the golden beach blown by the sea breeze, a group of tourists from Japan formed a circle, talking and laughing at the bright fireworks.

Yinglili, Mabai, Shido Kokumitsu and others have already been waiting here, talking and laughing, holding grilled squid or hot dogs, waiting for Kagurazaka Iris to find a bucket to put out the fireworks.

As a result, Kagurazaka Ayame carried two empty iron buckets, and came to the beach with Kasumigaoka Shiwa who was looking for with her partner. Soon, a group of people from Sanwa Bunko Company started to light fireworks and watched together. The beautiful firelight that can't be seen in the city.

"Isn't this the ordinary fireworks that I used to play in the countryside when I was young? Is it fun?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, watching the rustling fireworks in his hand, frowning.

Such an event is indeed a very new thing for Japan with mature urbanization. After all, there are generally only some festivals in cities where there are fireworks shows, and the types of fireworks in Japan are very single, and there are only fireworks for summer festivals. It is a round shape, but it is a very memorable memory for Japanese residents.

[Ding Dong.

Suddenly, Li Yan's mobile phone heard a message prompting sound. He picked up the mobile phone and saw a message from [Sawamura Sayuri].

Since the last fire accident, he has almost never contacted Sayuri Sawamura. It is said that she has been busy with work. It seems that after the construction of the mansion, the studio represented by it has been working hard to take orders. Seeing Sayuri's mood and publicity about what design contract he has signed in a certain place.

——Sawamura Sayuri: Hello, I heard that the teacher has traveled to Okinawa. Tomorrow is Monday. Are you coming back to Tokyo?

From this line of words, I can see that Sawamura Sayuri seems to be very relaxed and in a good mood. Li Yan put down the fireworks and began to type. After answering the truth, he asked Sawamura Sayuri why she was in a good mood.

——Sawamura Sayuri: Smart, really worthy of being a student of East University.I am in the downtown area of ​​Aomori and I have just finished an important character illustration design, which is my biggest income this year. I plan to go home overnight.

——Sawamura Sayuri: Did you have fun with Yingli Lijiang and others?

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. It turned out that he was so happy to make money. He congratulated him with the same feeling, and also answered that Ying Lili was in a good mood by his side.

——Uesugiyan: I bought you a souvenir. I really thank you these days. You will probably receive it tomorrow.

After a while, Sayuri responded.

——Sawamura Sayuri: It’s okay, each other, Uesugi-sensei is my benefactor, I have been thinking about what I should give you as a gift, but there is no satisfactory gift.By the way, the so-called mood is for sharing, especially when you are happy.I'm still here at the company. Let me show you a photo of the contract signed with me. Then, please have a good meal.

As a result, in the noisy beach, in the dark night, Li Yan was taken aback for a while, looking at the luminous screen, and within a minute or so, a photo was transferred to his conversation frame.

This is a photo taken in a company's conference room. The bright conference room seems to be empty, and Sawamura Sayuri is wearing that gorgeous kimono, rarely with long hair, which is more than usual. A bit of mature charm and beauty, she showed a bright smile, holding the contract in one hand, and shot the niconiconi's popular posture to the camera. There is a cuteness and beauty directly from the screen, the whole photo There was almost an indescribable dazzling brilliance, making Li Yan dumbfounded, and his heart throbbed violently.

"Um... it's incredible." Li Yan looked in his eyes in astonishment, and thought.

He admits that since childhood, he has never seen such a beautiful beauty. It seems that Sayuri is still very unconscious, happy just for happiness...

However, Li Yan noticed something wrong with the photo. After zooming in several times, it seemed that a splash of blood was seen in the photo. Just as Li Yan couldn't figure out the situation, Sayuri sent another message.

——[Sawamura Sayuri: I don’t know why, my assistant Kimura has a nosebleed. Maybe she’s too busy recently. I want to take her back to rest. I’ll just talk about it here and talk about it another day. I wish you a happy trip.


Li Yan looked at the last short message with a complicated expression, without any thoughts in his mind.

"What are you doing while standing? It will be boring if you don't have fun together." Sawamura Ying Riri's eyes seemed to be angry, she squatted on the beach, raised her head and said to Li Yan.

"...Well, okay." Li Yan immediately recovered from the screen of the phone. He then put the phone back in his pocket and returned to the team.

Under the sea breeze, the people of Sanwa Bunko were watching the fireworks burning in their hands on the dark, noisy beach.

And Li Yan looked at the burning fireworks in his hand, and felt a little bit emotional. The so-called origination and death, the richness and the dispersion, are beyond human control. At this moment, he can stand here and have fun with a group of friends. I dare not think about it, what he wants to do now is to take this short time with heart.

After the fireworks show ended, on the dark beach and a bright starry sky, listening to the sound of the waves, Li Yan sat where he stayed during the day and looked at this wonderful scenery.

"Huh, why do you look so uncomfortable? Everyone is eating. Don't you want to eat a little? Only after you go back, you can enjoy the food in the dining hall."

Suddenly, it was still the blonde-haired girl who quickly handed a bunch of hot dogs in her hand to Li Yan. Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. After looking at it, he saw that he could only rely on the dim moonlight. Beautiful face.

Ying Lili, found him again.

"This day is about to pass. Although it is only two days, the impact on me is not small and I have gained a lot. In this elite team, it is very friendly and warm, but it continues to be competitive and confused. , It’s an amazing creative team. A year ago, everyone should have been strangers fighting on their own."

Ying Lili sat directly on the dry beach, thoughtfully, raised her head and looked at a galaxy, and said with a faint smile.

"Huh? Impact... I always feel that Yinglili, you have gained a lot in the past two days, can you tell me about it?" Li Yan was surprised to hear Yinglili's emotional rhetoric and asked curiously.


Ying Lili hesitated a little bit. She looked at the team, and everyone was chatting about other things there, which seemed to be some arrangements for tomorrow.

Drinks and snacks are all placed over there, Kasumigaoka Shiyu temporarily punched his inspiration into the computer, and Shiina Mashiro had forgotten everything under the offensive of the Baumkuchen.

"Well, since you have asked so, I can tell you a little bit, but don't tell others... I have thought a lot in the past two days. I deeply like the art of painting. It seems that painting is already I have become an inseparable part of my life. Whether it is fanzine or traditional art paintings, I will give enthusiasm to create. But after all, I have been very confused during this period of time. Although I know what my favorite job is, there are At that time, I also feel abnormally powerless. I am Eri Sawamura and Eri Kashiwagi. It seems that these two identities are going to tear my life and soul apart and give me a headache..."

Sawamura Ying Riri raised her head and looked at the clear starry sky. Her azure pupils could not see the direction in front of her eyes, some looked forward to it, but also a little uneasy, and she smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

She is Sawamura Hideri, a beautiful girl who is recognized in the school as an outstanding student with a talent for drawing.But secretly, she is Kashiwagi Hideri again, frantically creating ergonomic books. These two extreme images sometimes make her unclear. Now she is Sawamura Hideri or Kashiwagi Hideri...

"Recently, you also know that I have been forced to be in a hurry recently. Although my works have been selected to be exhibited in the city, and I have won awards. However, painting is very talented and requires unremitting efforts. It is better than me. Talented people and people who work harder than me are everywhere. The experience of these two days has made me realize that the training of Japanese fan clubs is only limited after all. My own abilities are gradually on the brakes... So, I never I strongly hope to receive more rigorous and professional training..."

Shiina's white paintings flashed in front of him, and there were bits and pieces of that moment, the extinguished hope, and the renewed fighting spirit...

She looked at Li Yan and said quietly and firmly: "So, I plan to study abroad in the future, to Europe, Britain, Germany, France, and Austria are all countries where masters of painting were born. Let me become a master of painting. It can be stronger."

Li Yan listened quietly. After all, he looked at her confidently and said: "I don't know how to say it, I should say... It's really you, Ying Lili. Your ideal is really amazing. Go to Europe for your dream. If you study abroad over there, I believe you will learn a stronger level of drawing there."

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