I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 233

"Right? Really? I also think that if I study there, I should make a lot of progress." Ying Lili laughed and confirmed happily.

"But, I...Although I have English descent, my English is a little bit difficult, and I am almost a typical Japanese in my heart. Although I have a goal, I suddenly want me to give up everything here over the past few years. I feel a little reluctant. , Although, although it is just a little bit reluctant..."

Ying Lili felt a lingering fear and told Li Yan about her inner worries.

"If it's for a dream, you shouldn't worry so much. Eiri, dream is one of the most important things in life, so try your best to pursue it. In Japan, a few years are just a few years away. If your friend is sincere, why worry about the estrangement of time and distance. Don’t worry, when you come back, nothing will change."

Li Yan encouraged her and said.

"...Well, okay, at least these things will be realized in a year, then you can tell me your promises, and now it's too early."

After listening to Li Yan's promise, Ying Lili's anxiety eased slightly, and after smiling, she pretended to be calm and said calmly.

Indeed, the current Ying Lili is just a sophomore in high school, and Li Yan is a freshman. When she went abroad for further studies before graduating from high school, Li Yan was a sophomore student. If it were the past four years of advanced studies, he would have already graduated. The whereabouts cannot be determined.

At 8:20 at night.

In the parking lot, Kagurazaka Ayame and others were quietly waiting for the last person who was missing. After finishing the last beach trip, Mrs. Chijumura was missing. Everyone called her, but It is always off, which has to make them a little worried.

Therefore, just ten minutes ago, Shitong Guoguang and Kusanaru Longhui went back to the store and the beach to look for Qianshou Village, but when they came back, they brought even more disturbing information.

"No, I can't find it anywhere. I asked the boss and the tourists, and they all said I didn't see such a girl." Kusanaru Longhui said to them with a worried expression.

"I have looked for places with a lot of people, and the remaining places are the inaccessible woods and roads, Kagurazaka-san, what should I do next?"

Shitong Guoguang also became a little worried and asked Kagurazaka Ayame for his opinion.

"If the disappearance does not exceed 24 hours, the police will not accept such disappearances. Don't panic, please think calmly at this time. You need to ask the tourists if they have seen Qianshou within two hours. The teacher’s trace, I remember that the law and order around here is pretty good. Teacher Qianshou is also a mature person. The bad guys should have a hard time getting close to the vigilant Teacher Qianshou... Now the only way to find someone is to ask if anyone is there. See where she ended up staying."

Kagurazaka Acorus thought quietly for a moment, then said analytically.


There was already a guess in Li Yan's mind. After Kusanaru and Longhui came back to confirm, the guess in his heart was even more lingering. Isn't that dim entrance to the torii gate the last place he saw Qianshou Village? ?

"The last time I saw Mr. Qianshou, it was at the ancient forest torii gate an hour ago. It shouldn't be a dangerous place. There are always tourists passing by, but I always feel a little weird over there... Do you know the situation of the shrine over there?" Li Yan asked.

"Ah, is there any place? I don't know." Kagurazaka Ayame looked at Li Yan in surprise and asked.

However, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu followed Li Yan's direction and suddenly remembered something, and said with a look of doubt: "Over there... over there, I seem to have heard some local people discuss it during dinner. "

"Is it true? What did the locals say, is the forest dangerous?" Li Yan asked.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa carried a solemn shrine and said, "You are right, it is dangerous. I heard that it was the refuge forest where the Okinawa people escaped from the U.S. military during World War II. As a result, most people did not come out of the forest again. They are all from the suicide sanctuary on Okinawa. It is said that several people disappear there every year, and it is a place where locals are afraid to enter."


Everyone's faces were blue.

I have to say that this kind of history is almost horrible. The woods not far from the beautiful beaches have such a terrible history.

"Yes... Is there such a thing?" Kagurazaka Ayame kept beating his brows, and asked with a wry smile.

"After all, it was only said by two old people while chatting, so I don’t know if it’s true or not, and the place we are going to is some distance away from the beach, so I think the woods over there should not be of concern to our pedestrians. I don’t want these dubious remarks to affect everyone’s travel mood. These remarks are only used as a reference even now, but... will Teacher Qianshou really go into the woods alone?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked suspiciously.

Everyone held their breath, and the atmosphere became heavier...


Li Yan also had to be speechless, and his face became increasingly worried.

The forest, the more familiar with this concept, the more in awe.He grew up in the mountains since he was a child. He has never believed in the rhetoric of humans conquering nature.The forest, no matter how many people enter, and the terrain is familiar, it may eventually be swallowed by darkness. The Okinawa locals who escaped from the US military and the few foreign tourists who disappeared in a year are typical examples... …

Moreover, Li Yan always felt that if Qianshou Village Zheng had a clear consciousness, he would not have entered the woods so hastily at night, but he was afraid that something might lure her into it, the more he thought about it. The more chill in my heart.

At night, in the ancient forest with five fingers out of sight, under the hazy moonlight, the dim fireflies in the forest are slowly flying...

Chapter 145 Tourism Projects, Mountains and Forests in Distress

be lost……

In the dark woods, Qianshou Village Zheng suddenly realized this serious problem.

"...Uh, what happened to me, it hurts...Where is this place?"

Qianshoucun Zheng blinked and thought blankly.Suddenly, a chill came from behind her, making Qianshoucunzhen feel a sense of fear that he had never felt before.

The hazy night, the endless sea of ​​trees.

The unknown, unknown location, deep in the mud-filled forest, the one climbed up from the bottom of the cliff and looked around in embarrassment.


At six thirty-five minutes before.

In front of the gate of the torii gate in a densely dense forest, this Qianshoucunzheng wearing a black school uniform, after leaving Li Yan, was in this woods and saw that the woods began to flicker constantly, faintly The glowing firefly swarms.

For children who grew up in Tokyo, this is almost a strange insect that has never been seen before. In the warm season of late April, you can see the firefly light that you can only hear in June. This girl who was a little confused in her heart became a little concerned.

I just saw the appearance of foreigners coming and going. It seems that this place is also a place to enter. Qianshou Cunzhen didn't think much about it. With a confused mood, he walked into the woods of this torii gate. See what kind of scenery there will be in this wood.

As a result, when he couldn't walk far, the beautiful scenery in front of him made Qianshoucun Zheng completely stunned.

On the faint mountain forest road, between the leaves and the shadows of the grass, there is a large flash of fireflies. They are flying like hope, hope, and tireless. The dreamy light is looming, they are like Children who like hide-and-seek are generally obscured by leaves but light up the darkness.

This scene is truly lovely, wonderful, dreamy and memorable.

As a young girl, Qianshou Cunzhen, why doesn't he like the beauty of nature?

But the fireflies gradually flew towards the depths of the woods, and Qianshoucunzheng gradually followed to the depths of the woods with curiosity and being attracted. When people's consciousness is always neglecting, they will think that the road of the forest. It will be very simple. The light of fireflies makes people with the mood of travel not feel too dark in the dark forest, but as the evening light gets darker and darker, the woods are completely plunged into darkness. Unconsciously, after walking with the fireflies for about ten minutes, the fireflies suddenly disappeared collectively towards a cliff, and suddenly the woods became dark.

Suddenly, with his fingers out of sight, Qianshoucun Zhengcai reluctantly planned to go back, but when he suddenly turned around, he felt a strange sense of sight. In a dark woods, after losing his previous reference, I don't know which direction I came from just now.

Realizing that something was wrong, Qianshou Village Zheng began to try to go back in the direction he thought he was coming from. As a result, he walked for a full half an hour while walking through the exact same sections of the woods, holding his mobile phone's lighting function and barely moving forward. How many times I fell down, I didn't go out of the woods. As a result, Qianshou Village Zheng realized that he... seemed to be caught in the legendary mountain disaster.

"Teacher Izumi!!"

"Ms. Uesugi!!"

Qianshoucunzheng shouted in fear, and then she didn't respond at all. She tried to take out her mobile phone to make a call, but found that her mobile phone had been offline since she went back, fearing that she had been away for half an hour. , Instead of going in the right direction, she walked further and further away from the original path in the dark woods.

Qianshoucunzhen, who had lost his sense of direction, became extremely frightened in the dark woods. It was already around 7:20. The girl who was afraid to move, suddenly heard a rustling sound from the grass. Suddenly, Qianshoucunzheng retreated immediately, but for an instant, after the bushes of grass behind her, there was a steep mountain wall, and she rolled down like this. Fortunately, this mountain wall was not very high. , Just fell into a dizzy head, his body was covered in scratches and mud, and he did not suffer much damage.

As a result, after the fall, I didn't even know where I was.

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