I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 235

"Wait a minute, how did you get here? Didn't you fall down?" Li Yan asked in astonishment, thinking of something.

"...It seems... so." Qianshoucunzheng hesitated, but finally told Li Yan.

"Don't move, let me check, is it okay to fall down from such a high place?"

Li Yan put down the flashlight worriedly and asked Qianshou Village Zheng to sit down. He started to carefully press the ribs of Qianshou Village Zheng with his hands, which shocked Qianshou Village Zheng immediately, but he always felt that such an inspection was very important. She could only endure Li Yan to squeeze.

After a person falls from a high altitude, he may not be aware of whether he has a problem, but there may be fractures or even dislocations of organs. Li Yan knows these basics well. He carefully checked the ribs, back bones, and head. And after the limbs, check whether there is bruises on the body, and the result is unscathed except for bruises.

Li Yan understood, it might be because he didn’t fall directly, but rolled down. In addition, it has rained heavily these days, and the soil in the forest is not hard. With this soft grass as a buffer, just let Qianshou Village suffered some minor injuries.

"You are really lucky, Teacher Qianshou..."

Li Yan touched the grass and said with lingering fear.Otherwise, even if it rolls down, it will not be lightly hurt.However, during this period of time, it was always reported that the rain in Okinawa made the mountain landslides. On the contrary, it was a blessing to protect the village of Qianshou.

Qianshou, Qianshou, this kind of pen name is really right.

Qianshou Village Zheng didn't understand Li Yan's meaning, but she understood that she fell down just now. She fell accurately and was not seriously injured. She didn't know how to react, so she smiled, and then she looked around. Asked: "Ms. Uesugi, what about the others, did you come here alone?"

"...Yes, we searched separately, and then I found here alone."

Li Yan hesitated, and smiled and said to Qianshou Village Zheng.

He had to lie.

Search and rescue operations cannot be carried out at night.Kagurazaka calamus still reported to the police. The police sent a search team to support, but they repeatedly asked Kagurazaka and other foreign tourists willing to participate in the search not to enter the forest, because even the search teams The team members were missing more than ten years ago. The area is very strange. Almost the whole area is too similar. There are many ground that will collapse. It has always been used by some insiders as a place for courage test, although it is really dangerous. All areas of the country are sealed off, but respecting local customs, that piece of torii woods has always been open, so the courage test is generally only held in safe areas.

However, Li Yan has fought hard to the death with ghost monsters several times. He is afraid that the Qianshou Village Zheng will be brought by bewilderment. Such a ghost incident can't be solved by waiting more than ten hours for the search team to come and search. He was born in an area on the border of China's forest. He has been listening to his grandfather's warning not to approach the forest since he was a child. He has also witnessed the fact that the search team has been unable to find people entering and leaving the scene for decades.

Human beings cannot conquer nature. It is only the gift of nature to come out. Human power is so small, so no matter how many people who have no forest experience, they may be ruined in this ancient forest.

Therefore, he secretly left his faith and came here.Relying on my knowledge of the mountains and forests, as well as the tracking skills of reading books and inquiries, especially it took a lot of effort to use the [editing system] in my consciousness to zoom in to a half-axis of 100 meters. The so-called search was exhausted. This one missing person.

If there are many people searching for her in this forest, Qianshou Village Zheng should feel relieved a lot. In fact, the situation has basically not changed. He walked halfway, and the red rope for marking is not enough. He keeps walking. The choice between the past and going back is like a test choice between life and death... He finally chose the former with a heart.

——Mr. Qianshou, she is only the second grade of junior high school. I don’t want her to lose her life in the forest alone. I have been taken care of by her. She is a very good child, so I think I have the ability and ways. I found her, so don’t worry, wait for me to come back.

Belief is the way to write down the last paragraph.

"I don’t know if Mr. Qianshou is blessed by gods. It’s a blessing in disguise, because I didn’t dare to walk easily after rolling down the hillside, and waited quietly for me to come over. Generally, in this situation, it may be falling off a cliff or being swept by the river. It's over...Walking at night is the biggest mistake in mountain distress, but many people don't know this...Next, it's my turn..."

He took out his phone silently, and it turned out that the phone was not only offline, but...even the compass was scurrying, and he didn't know how to find a way to confirm the direction.


He moved away from the hillside that might be landslide, and distributed the food in his backpack to Qianshou Cunzheng in a clearing. He put the spare warm clothes on her somewhat frozen body, and watched Qianshoucunzheng eating the food. Li Yan, who had a reassuring expression at the time, could not help but secretly clenched his fists, who had already soaked with cold sweat on his palms, and raised his head to look at the vast sea of ​​dark trees.

"I have always thought that humans cannot conquer nature... But now, even if it is nature, I have to conquer it. We must live out..."

Li Yan raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes unusually firm.

He, so small, constantly zoomed in, zoomed in, zoomed in again...Almost the entire ancient forest was on the left, the dim flashlight gleamed like a fallen leaf in the vast sea of ​​strong wind trees , Struggling hard...

Chapter 146

In a dark woods, a bright light was looking for the mountain road to climb up. In the case of extremely poor visibility, Li Yan and Qianshoucunzheng took a safe search method and walked up.

However, after almost walking for a while, they found that they were not as lucky as they had imagined. They soon encountered another higher fault zone and came to a dead end.

When trying to climb up, I found that although the lowest section of the mountain wall at a height of six or seven meters has a certain slope, it is quite smooth, and there is no assist point for Li Yan to climb back. This is the so-called rolling. It's easy to get down, but it's hard to climb up.Going along the left, the slope is getting higher and higher for a few hundred meters, and I can't find the green vines and tall enough trees on the side of the mountain.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that Okinawa is in the seismic zone like Japan, I am afraid that there are many faults of this kind around, walking in this ancient forest with dense grass and dense woods at night, I am afraid not Don't step on the air." Li Yan thought with fear.

"We have to go back to the original place and analyze the surrounding terrain." Li Yan picked up a notebook in his pocket and drew the route he had just walked, and said calmly.

"...Okay." Qianshou Village Zheng nodded and said.

"The magnetic field here is very strange, the compass cannot work, and the signal is basically out of it. This is almost like a closed island. Teacher Qianshou, if you have a good study in geography class, you should know a concept called self-drawn map, contour height. The line must be drawn well. It doesn’t matter if it is not exquisite, but the difference in terrain is recorded with contour lines. Record the high and low parts and the route map that you are walking. In fact, it will help to a certain extent not to walk at night. On the way back."

Li Yan explained to Qianshoucunzheng.

"... Contour?" Qianshou Village Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly heard a geographical term, and asked in surprise.

"I have drawn a rough map of the trend here all the way, although it's just the terrain that I can see when I walked through it, and it's just a good record of the terrain I have traveled, marking out the more obvious coordinates around. Point to avoid the danger of turning around in the dark woods. Take notes carefully all the way. If you get to a dead end, remember to return to the original coordinate position you know and start looking for a road in other directions. Find out the roads around you so that you won’t be too busy walking in the dark."

Li Yan further explained.

In other words, Li Yan never staggered his original direction from beginning to end, recorded the direction of his entrance, and showed his forward rotation along the way. It is estimated that others would have been dizzy after seeing this record, but Li Yan was very clear. How can you go back if you want to reverse it.

In fact, this is somewhat similar to the recording method of walking a maze.

"Although I don't understand, I always feel that Uesugi's teacher is very powerful." Qianshou Cunzhen looked at Li Yan with a silly look, and thought.

The two of them returned to the original position, where Li Yan had already piled up a stone tower. After calculating the number of stones and determining that this was the [47] sign, Li Yan took a note and began to explore the other side. .

However, the road on the right is not the same. The mountain wall is high and low, and it is difficult to find a way to climb it. However, the road has always been normal. After walking for a period of time without encountering a fault cliff, I entered smoothly Another flat forest area.

According to the road map recorded by Li Yan, their direction should be a roundabout way back to the direction of the forest entrance. Although it is not clear whether it will be a dead end to continue walking, it is lucky to follow the right direction.

However, Qianshou Cunzheng, who was bumpy all the way, couldn't help but squat down and sat on the ground painfully.

"What's wrong?" Li Yan realised something was wrong and asked immediately.

"...Foot...it seems to have been twisted." Qianshoucunzheng's face became pale with pain, and finally he said his injury.

"Why didn't you say earlier that if you have a sprained foot, you should not continue to tolerate it. If the injury gets worse, it can only be more dangerous."

Li Yan leaned down and checked Qianshoucun Zheng's ankle. It was really bruised, but he didn't check it, although an ankle injury was not a big deal.

He leaned down with his back to Qianshoucun Zheng and said, "I'll carry you. If you really can't walk, we can only wait for dawn, and then we will look for the way out."

"Ah... okay." Qianshou Village Zheng seemed to understand Li Yan's attitude, and became a little nervous, and no longer refused to lie on Li Yan's back, but unexpectedly found that although Li Yan looked thin and thin The tall and ordinary type, but the shoulders are wider than expected, and it feels stronger than his father.

Li Yan’s stamina is almost exhausted, especially the use of his [editing system] power to find people requires stamina. He has never used an editing system for so long, but fortunately, he recovered after a slight repair in the middle. With a little vitality, carrying Qianshou Village Zheng on his back, he continued walking.

This piece of woods was filled with mist, and the searchlight hung on the chest did not illuminate too far away. In the cold mountain wind, the rustling of leaves made people feel too quiet.

Too quiet is not a good thing.

Li Yan was engrossed in memorizing his own directionality. If there is sunshine tomorrow, he can set the direction directly with the watch, and the chances of successfully getting out of danger are higher.

I walked to the middle of the woods, and suddenly, a large swarm of fireflies with a faint luster poured in from the uphill side, like a spark of jewel-like sparks in the darkness, among the hazy woods, Countless fireflies danced in the grass and woods, like a dreamlike scene.

"What's going on..." Li Yan asked in surprise as he looked at the sea of ​​fireflies that filled him and Qianshou Village.

The firefly walking under his feet seemed to interfere with his sense of direction, although it was not very obvious.

"Ms. Uesugi, I just saw this group of fireflies. I thought it would be one of the wonders here. So I walked into this woods and finally lost my way. It's April... Are fireflies infested..."

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