I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 236

Qianshoucunzheng asked with his back.


Li Yan was silent for a while, and said: "From my opinion, it probably has something to do with the climate. Generally, fireflies can be seen in May and June. Insects are extremely easily disturbed by magnetic fields and light. The magnetic field in this place is indeed It’s very strange, so it creates a weird phenomenon of a large number of insects. In Japan, fireflies are often described as guides, attracting children who don’t know the danger to the deep forest at night."

Although fireflies are beautiful creatures in Japan, they are also regarded as ghost creatures that lead people astray. Like reversible butterflies, they make people feel beautiful, but they are also so awe-inspiring.

Li Yan said so, but he was uneasy about the beautiful scenery in his consciousness. He ignored the alluring light and continued to walk straight in the direction he believed. Finally, he separated from the group of fireflies , Constantly looking for a way out.

However, just when they thought there would be a harvest, the fog gradually dissipated, and Li Yan and Qianshoucun Zheng faced a solid and towering barbed wire fence.

"Isn't this the border of the woods?!" Li Yan looked at him blankly and asked with some surprise.

"...Then what shall we do next?" Qianshoucun Zheng asked curiously.

"Anyway, let’s take a break first. This location is pretty good. Even if you rest here, it’s easier to be found by the search team. I don’t know what’s going on over the barbed wire fence. If it’s safer, I’ll take you to climb. It used to be better than being stuck in the woods."

Li Yan's mood improved a bit and said to Qianshoucunzheng behind him.

At the beginning, Li Yan estimated the time and distance. The distance between the location of the Qianshou Village Conquest and the entrance of the forest should not be too far, and the difficulty of going back would not be too high.Moreover, the presence of barbed wire here shows that someone has entered the forest from this side of the border. Naturally, it means that they can come in from this side. It is also possible to turn over this barbed wire and escape from the virgin forest from here. A crowded place.

It's just a coincidence that why he went in the right direction but met that group of fireflies.

"Sure enough, it's a bit uncomfortable here, isn't I too much heart..." Li Yan looked at the woods in front of him and thought quietly.

"That, Uesugi-sensei, sure enough...I've caused a lot of trouble to everyone this time?" Chishou Cun asked, sitting on the grass with an expression of anxiety.

"There is no trouble at all. No one would have expected such a mysterious phenomenon on Okinawa. I encountered it for the first time. I would probably go in and take a look like you. So I don’t need to blame yourself, but I don’t need to blame myself in the future. It’s too close to the uninhabited forest. We humans have been driven out of the forest."

Li Yan sat aside, leaning on the barbed wire, in the pale flashlight, looking at Qianshou Cunzheng and said.

As the night got deeper and deeper, the tide coming from the sea slowly infiltrated the air, giving this lush woods a sentimental atmosphere.The smell of weeds filled the wind. For a while, when Li Yan was resting, the woods became quieter and quieter. It always felt so quiet, which would make Qianshou Village Zheng feel scared.

"By the way, Mr. Qianshou, although it is a bit inappropriate to talk about these now, I still want to persuade you that you should not be emotional about the novel. I heard about the short story genre organized by Sanwa Bunku. ] Competition, instead of spending your novel energy on fighting spirit, it is better to write the current novel with all your strength to return readers’ expectations..."

Li Yan persuaded him.

He is a novelist, and he is most concerned about the topic of fiction.Although he is regarded as the most diligent writer in the industry, he is also the most dishonest author. When he said this, he recalled the scene that night when dozens of readers angrily scolded him and the front and back doors were blocked by the police. As he talked about the dilemma, even he himself was too guilty to talk about it.

"This... In my case, the decision to participate at the beginning was not just for grudges, but for I really hope that I can let Mr. Izumi see my determination. But this time I encountered such a thing, I was also reflecting on whether my previous practice was is correct……"

Qianshoucunzheng's eyes were a little confused, and he said: "My personality is like this...I am not interested in anything. The opportunity to write a novel is nothing more than that no one writes the novel I want to read. The novel seems to have become The only way for me to vent my feelings, whether it’s happy or sad, is to release my emotions in the novel. Recently, it seems that my inspiration has also dried up because of Mr. Izumi... The number of times I did not complete the first draft as agreed is increasing. Therefore, I hope that through this competition, I will inspire my own fighting spirit and also show my intentions for Teacher Izumi..."

She raised her right hand, looked at the bandaged fingers, and said calmly: "Now only the nails of the thumb are not removed. Once the nails of the thumb are also removed, probably... Can't write novels for a long time."


When Li Yan heard it, he seemed to think that he had heard something wrong. He pulled out his fingernails. What the hell was this?!Hearing this kind of explanation, it hurts so much that even his own fingernails began to feel uncomfortable.

"Wait a minute, you said you didn't finish writing the first draft overdue, just..."

"Ah...Ah. It's really scary, Uesugi-sensei, sorry, I shouldn't have told you..."

"The point is not this...what's the matter with you, why do you abuse your body in this way, your literary and youthful illness is a bit too serious, right?!"

Li Yan rubbed Qianshoucunzheng's fingers carefully. Sure enough, the fingers were a little limp and there were no nails at all. He felt pain inexplicably. The so-called ancient torture pain was mostly nothing more than this.However, it seems that the nail bed is still there, and if the nails are handled well, they can grow back.

"Obviously, I look so soft and cute, how can I be so cruel to myself? If I change to me and punish myself by pulling out my hair, I will have to pull out my own hair..." Li Yan looked at this literary girl with some fear. Secretly thought.

"Fortunately, at least the foundation is still there, and it can grow back... But it is not a respectable behavior to abuse yourself, Mr. Qianshou, you write a novel to write a novel, but you put this artistic matter on the grounds of self-abuse, It is undoubtedly that you have lost the original intention of writing novels. Everyone writes novels to share the story with everyone and bring you the joy of reading, but your approach is completely contrary." Li Yan released her hand and said unceremoniously .


In this gloomy forest, Qianshoucun Zheng was said that, and then he seemed to want to refute, but Li Yan's eyes were fixed on her, but she didn't know how to refute his statement.

Art, for what exactly was originally created.

Even many masters of art cannot find their original ideals in the end. Scientists, masters of art, and philosophers often go to the abyss and create results that astound the world, but they burn themselves instantly. Become a sacrifice of results.Qianshou Village Zheng is undoubtedly this type of person, perhaps it is such a person who is too emotional, and it is easy to be confused by some beautiful illusions.

"Look at me. Although the current sales volume is not as good as one-tenth of your work, I have always enjoyed the joy of writing. Although the midway creation process is full of frustrations and difficulties, I just like to write stories and love to write I’d like to write a story I’ve imagined to share with everyone. I do write business novels for the sake of making money, but I enjoy it, and maybe I will write it down in the future. No matter how I write it, I just think it’s fun to do so, and I won’t write it. Seen as something too noble."

A gust of night breeze blew the two of them. When Li Yan said these words seriously, his eyes seemed to flash, making Qianshou Cunzhen see that this old Uesugi thief was full of passion and relaxed feelings about the novel. .

"..." Qianshou Village Zheng fell silent, watching Li Yan talking about his ideas.

Different from the style of her father, Meiyuan Rintaro, who is a writer, the so-called happy and unresponsible method of writing novels... does it really exist?

"So, after we get out, Teacher Qianshou, please try to deliberately delay the change, let your body and mind relax, feel the unprecedented relaxation, ignore all readers' dissatisfaction, and seriously self-exile, as long as you understand this way Let go of yourself and you will be able to understand my writing philosophy at once."

In the whirring woods, Li Yan's bangs swayed slightly, and he looked at Qianshou Village Zheng with his firm and faithful eyes, and said.

Qianshoucunzheng looked at his conceptual expression with a complex expression, and thought distressedly: "I always feel that this is just a delay, why Uesugi-san, you have to sublimate it to the ideal level of writing..."

Li Yan looked at the phone for the time, and probably felt that he was about to rest. He was about to move. Suddenly, a few eyes fell on him, and a chill suddenly struck him, and immediately, Li Yan Frowning, picked up the flashlight and shot it behind him.

In front of him, in the dark woods, a few ghostly younger girls are spying on his side...

Finally, it appeared.

Eleven thirty at night.

Li Yan holding a flashlight, walking in a dark forest.

The surrounding area is terrible, and there is always something behind him that makes him speed up his steps...

Suddenly, when I reached the edge of a hillside, the soil around me suddenly loosened. In an instant, a large landslide was covered by Li Yan with lightning speed. Li Yan picked up the flashlight and raised his head. He looked over, but it was too late to escape. He showed a look of shock, let out a scream, and was buried in the dark mud with a bang!


Ying Lili suddenly got up from a table, her forehead was almost frightened with cold sweat, panting for air, and staring at her with blank eyes.

"What's wrong with you, Sawamura classmate?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who was waiting on the side was startled, looking at her in surprise, and asked worriedly.

"..." Sawamura Ying Riri trembled. Her heart was thankful that it was just a dream, but when she returned to reality, she still only saw the envelope left by Li Yan, the person who ventured into the forest alone. , I didn't come back for almost two hours, and I clearly said that I would do what I could...

"That guy, is that stupid...A man who did such a stupid thing without saying a word, what? Who he thinks he is? What does he think he is? What a person is capable of finding Teacher Qianshou, this idiot, there is a dead forest. what……"

Ying Lili lowered her head, gritted her teeth, and whispered in pain.

"...You are too tired, Zecun. Don't think about it, he has entered, we can only trust Uesugi teacher." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Zecun's state with some care and persuaded her.

"I can't imagine what would happen to me when there is no otaku Li here... That guy has never listened to my persuasion. I have already said that even if I am missing, I don't want him to take risks. How many blood has it been, this...is this still the life of ordinary people..."

Ying Lili covered her forehead, closed her eyes tightly, and said worriedly.

For a moment, Li Yan secretly drank with her on the rooftop, chatting about ideals together, and co-designing illustrations together. After quarreling, it turned out that it was raining and clearing when we met... Every bit of memory filled her mind. , Ying Lili stood up, and under the worried gaze of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, she walked toward the door of the restaurant.

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