I am a master of light novels in Japan

I am a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 239

In the washing room, Vinette angrily blamed Satania, who was still wiping her face with a Gabriel towel, but suddenly, she seemed to have found the problem, and for a while she didn’t know how to continue to blame Satania. .

"What are you talking about, Vinette, you've been weird since just now?" Satanya asked without understanding what Vinette was nervous about.

"You, why did you suddenly invite seniors who are humans to the Demon Realm? You don't know whether our Demon Realm or the Heaven Realm over Gabriel does not allow humans to intrude, right?" Weinet had a headache. Asked excitedly in a low voice.

"Well, I know." Satania nodded ignorantly.

"Why do you want to invite Senior to be a guest in the Demon Realm?!" Weinet didn't even understand what Satania was thinking, and the little face flushed and asked.

"That's why it's very strange for you to ask, Senior is a big demon, not a human at all, why are you confused now, there is no problem at all when the demons go back to the devil world?"

Satania looked at Vinette with a puzzled face, as if looking at her eyes, as if looking at a fool.

"Senior Li is not a demon, he is a human, why haven't you noticed this problem?!" Weinet asked, crying without tears.

"Huh? Humans? Impossible. Vignette, I ask you, have you ever seen a human with a human that stuns our angels and demons when angry?" Satania narrowed her eyes and smiled arrogantly. Asked.

"..." All of a sudden, Vinette was speechless.

Because there really doesn't seem to be...

"Have you ever seen a human being who can walk and run without any pain after a week of rest after being shot?" Satanya continued to ask triumphantly.

"..." Vinette didn't know how to answer.

"Have you seen the human beings who have no mercy when they kill the Shiba Inu who often hinders me?" Satanya finally said righteously that she was most sure and most afraid of Li Yan's proof questioned Vinette.

"This...maybe there are a lot of people in the world." Weinet lowered his head and sighed.

"Besides, Senior confessed that he is the great devil, so you are very strange. Today is Saturday. I plan to let Senior not only eat at my house, but also take him to the places around my house to have a good stroll. It was already planned."

Satania said with a expectant smile.

"..." Vignette looked at Satania and hoped from the heart that Li Yan would be a guest at her home. It is rare to see that Satania would be so enthusiastic and admired for someone. She suddenly felt a little bit Can't bear to expose Satania's misunderstanding dream.

"...Satania is not to blame for this. In fact, I also think that sometimes that guy really doesn't look like a human being."

Gabriel who walked in whispered frankly to Winnett.

After all, she saw the other party in a group of hell ghouls like no one. She didn't think that ordinary humans could do this, but sometimes she felt that he was so fragile, not a human, what is it? ...

"In short, regardless of the senior's identity, you can't bring Senior Li into the demon world anyway. It's also called the hell of the West. How can humans go there?" Vennette whispered.

"If there are human beings who break in by mistake and say that it is heaven, others will believe it," Gabriel said casually.

"All of them are so unreliable, I figured out a solution myself." Vennette said sternly, out of anger.

"Ahem, Satania, although I know you are looking forward to the senior's visit to your house, but I really want to see that Senior, he seems to be very troubled." Vinette walked to Satania's side. Said it can be regarded as the actual words.

"Eh... yes, do you?!" Satania was shocked, looked at her and asked.

"Really, it seems to be inconvenient. After all, seniors have a lot of things to do, go to school and work part-time. I think he shouldn’t have time to go to the Demon World. You suddenly invite him, and he is not. There is no answer, it should be very troublesome, is this really good? I always think it would be more appropriate to invite him next time, right?"

Vignette folded her hands and continued to persuade Satania with a gentle smile.

"... It makes sense... Let me tell Senior, if it bothers Senior, I am also very upset." Satania seemed to have a blank mind. She always felt that Vinnett made a lot of sense. Taking into account the feelings of the predecessors, inviting him so enthusiastically, maybe it really makes him dilemma.


Vignette finally breathed a sigh of relief. She showed a pure smile like white snow. Although she was really suspected of lying, she could only commit crimes for the sake of Satania and Senior Li in exchange for peace. Up.

However, when Satania walked to the door with hesitation, suddenly, Li Yan also walked to a short distance in front of the door. He saw Satania with a slightly apologetic face, and made a silent decision. Determined, looked at Satania with a fearful smile and said: "Satania, I checked my timetable. There is no problem at all. I don’t know if it will disturb your parents and family, anytime. Set off (ascend to heaven)."

With that calm expression, everyone could see that this Satania control was ready to go through fire and water for his junior at any time.

Satania was stunned there, Gabriel and Winnett behind him were also dumbfounded.

"Really, really, that's great, senior!" Satania said with joy.

"What's the matter, why did the senior suddenly become active..." Weinet looked at the scene suspiciously. She suddenly realized something. She saw La Fei'er sitting in the living room with a grinning smile. She suddenly understood that she couldn't see. On the battlefield, there is a terrible guy there.

"...La Fei'er, are you a demon?!" Weinet covered her face and thought annoyed.

It seems that this time Satania’s invitation meeting is imperative.

Chapter 148 The Devil's Family Mobilization

A ray of sunlight shone on the quiet commercial street.

Wearing a white coat, Li Yan walked down the street and bought cigarettes, red wine, and some delicious cakes in Tokyo as a meeting gift to Satania's parents at noon.

"Although I don't know what Satania likes, let's send it with the most popular gift first. Whether it is the world or the heaven, it must be correct to give a small gift when you meet. As an expression of Satania's friend... …"

As Li Yan walked, he was thinking about very sensible questions.

At the beginning, Li Yan didn’t intend to meet Satania’s parents suddenly. On the one hand, taking care of the lovely younger generations is almost the responsibility of the seniors. There is nothing to be thankful for. Besides, they have been taking care of them all the time. himself.On the other hand, when he was hesitant, La Feier on the side began to consciously or unconsciously talk about how Satania expected him to be a guest at her home, how he hoped to become a socially based person like him, big hats. Withholding it, there is no room for him to choose.

"Huh... I actually... I really don't want to go to the world that is not inhabited by human beings now. I obviously came alive. If I go there, I always feel that I am more and more striving to live in the world. Far……"

Li Yan raised his head, carrying two bags of items, looking at the sky with some confusion and anxiety, and was dazed by the gentle spring breeze in the street.

When I returned to the apartment building, I just entered Room 405 and smelled the fragrance of tea. Li Yan's eyes flashed and he was stunned. He didn't know how many days he hadn't smelled such a strong tea fragrance. It was simply It is the mysterious power from the East.

"Senior, you are back. You must be thirsty. I made tea for you. It's still a bit hot. You can drink it later."

Indoors, Winnett brought a cup of black tea and put it on the table. After seeing Li Yan, he said with a smile.

"Very fragrant tea. Although the tea fragrance is faint, you can still smell this mellow sweet fragrance. Vignette, who bought the good tea? It's not bad, I thought you girls I don’t like tea very much.”

Li Yan said with a smile, he put his gift aside and sat in front of the teacup.

Tea is a must-have item for daily drinking in Eastern countries. In ancient and modern times, tea is considered to be a product with all four beauty in color, fragrance, taste and shape. This is in line with the spirit of Chinese philosophy of truth, goodness and beauty, the pursuit of self-transcendence and predicament stand up.The tea ceremony emphasizes the spirit of "harmony, tranquility, cleanliness, and frugality", combining people's understanding of the world and life.The taste is sweet and aromatic, just like the ups and downs of life, and has a refreshing effect, which is Li Yan's favorite.

However, the westernization of life in Japan is also quite serious. Although there is a development of tea ceremony culture, matcha is quite different from ordinary tea, and the audience seems to be decreasing.Young people love coffee and juice more, but good tea is expensive. When Li Yan stayed up late to create, he consumed a lot of inferior tea stalks he bought from the landlord. He hadn't drank good tea for a while.

Just as Li Yan waited for the water temperature to pass, Vignette had already taken out the milk and honey, and planned to add it into the teacup. Li Yan was immediately surprised and stopped.

"Vinette, wait a minute, what are you doing?" Li Yan asked.

"Huh? Add milk and honey, the tea is so bitter, it doesn't taste good if you don't add it." Vennette said with a smile.

"No, no, no, that's why you Western girls don't understand. Tea is not drunk like this. The more original tea is the better. The sweet taste is better than buying Pepsi." Li Yan explained. .

"That's it..." Weinet said, looking at her cup of tea with honey.Almost all people in Europe have such a habit of drinking tea. It seems that the cultures of each other have big differences in tea.

"Yes, you can try to drink tea in the future. After drinking it for a long time, you will know that the original flavor of the tea is actually very good..." Li Yan picked up the teacup and took a sip while talking.

However, as soon as he drank it, Li Yan suddenly fell into a trance, and sat motionless, still maintaining the posture of drinking tea.

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