I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 240

"Sorry, senior."

After seeing that Li Yan seemed to have been recruited, Vignette folded her hands and apologized apologetically.

"Okay, let's start to act." Gabriel reminded, who was watching.

"Ah! Um... I understand." Weinet took down the tea cup Li Yan was holding. She still looked at Li Yan, who was motionless, with some doubts. She shook her hand in front of him without blinking. For a moment, it seems that he has fallen into the illusion.

"Gabriel, is he really caught in the illusion you designed?" Weinet asked in surprise.

"That’s right, you think I’m joking? There are many apple trees planted in the heavens. After soaking the leaves made from the leaves of the apple trees over there, angels, humans and demons will fall into it. In the illusion designed by the other party, generally these things are strictly restricted by the heavens, but we angels are allowed to educate and predict the use of humans who have gone astray. I only have one bag. Now he should have hallucinated that he is riding with everyone. , Happily went to the airport."

Gabriel scratched her hair and said with an indifferent expression.

"Why do I think that your heavenly realm is abusing psychotropic drugs? It is always dangerous." Weinet looked at Gabriel suspiciously and said.

However, there is no other way.In order to conceal the secrets of the demon world, and not to break the dream that Satania had longed for in her heart, Gabriel proposed this method to temporarily bring Li Yan into the illusion, and then directly open the door to the heaven and the demon in the room. The gate brought him to the intersection of the heaven and the devil without knowing it, in order to realize the plan of concealing the sky and crossing the sea.

"Vinette, I, I'm back..."

At this moment, Satania took a backpack and ran back out of breath.

"Welcome back, then, without further ado, I opened the [door]."

Vinnett took out a spell card printed with a six-pointed star array, and pasted it on the door of a bathroom room. Suddenly, after the door glowed with a golden light, a ray of light shrouded the door, looming.

This kind of spell can be regarded as a more general space-time magic, but it is quite different from the heavens. Vinette is proficient in basic magic, but Satania behind her does not, and Gabriel, who is negligent in learning, seems It's not going to happen anymore.

"Okay, got it through."

Vignette smiled, and immediately began to support Li Yan who was sitting there motionless with one hand, and said to Satania who was watching curiously: "Satania, you also come to help, we will bring the senior in... "

"Huh? Why do you want to hold Senior? What happened to Senior?" Satanya asked with a face of ignorance.

"Senior was drunk with tea and will wake up later. We are in a hurry, idiot, please help him out quickly." Gabriel said lazily, and Shun picked up the two gift bags.

La Fei'er has helped open the door. Just when Winnett and Satania were carefully supporting the expressionless Li Yan to the door of the alien world, Gabriel behind him was watching from behind and suddenly realized that Li Yan's feet seemed to follow, and she was a little confused.

She remembered that humans or angels who fell into the illusion would not move at all. They clearly set a three-hour illusion time for the other party. If the reality wakes up without her hint, it should not wake up temporarily. There is still a very weak consciousness in the body...

Behind the door is a green hills, blue sea, and endless blue sky.

This is the bifurcation leading to heaven and hell. It is almost the same as the human world. If there is, there are floating islands in the sky, but today it happens to be a cloudy climate, which is barely visible to people on the ground. Some islands are located.

"Um... I always think it's really difficult to hide from the senior."

Vignette sighed helplessly when he saw the scene in front of him.Although after entering the Demon Realm, there will be no such scenery, but when you think about it carefully, there are too many things different from the Human Realm.

"I'm back, sure enough, the feeling here is quite reassuring." Rafael said with a smile.

"What is your peace of mind? There is no ghost place, not even a vending machine. It's really bad." Gabriel said unceremoniously about his hometown and the hometown of others.

"I said Gabriel, I'm all back, at least don't be open-mouthed." Weinett took a look at the angel girl with dazzling hair but somehow dressed in formal clothes.

"Don't talk nonsense, how do you wake up senior? It still feels like a god who doesn't guard him. Will you get drunk after drinking tea?" Satania had been anxious to wake up Li Yan, but it didn't work, so she asked excitedly they.

"How can you wake up when you bring Li to the Demon Realm? If you look at it here, no matter how you look at it, it will reveal flaws." Gabriel took out A4 paper filled with Hebrew and handed it to him. Said Winnett.

"What is this?" Weinet asked curiously.

"This is the spell to unlock the Apple fantasy." Gabriel said.

Vignette looked at the spell on the paper curiously, and finally chanted it for about a minute, but did not finish it.

"It's so long! Does it take so long for your spells to chant?!" Weinet asked in astonishment.

"Do you think it's good to be an angel student? The longest spell singing takes half an hour. This one is too short!" Gabriel also shouted angrily.

"...Don't you Tianjie think about redesigning the spell?" Weinet sighed, put the paper away, and put it in his pocket.

As a result, Winnett and Satania supported Li Yan and headed towards the Demon Realm, leaving Gabriel and La Fei'er on this bifurcation.

Gabriel with disheveled hair puts his hands in his pockets, quietly looking at the figure that is somewhat tall for her, there seems to be a feeling in his heart, if he is sober, he will definitely turn his head and tell her in this bifurcation. A word of [Take care of yourself].

"Well, Gabriel, it looks like you really want to enter the demon world?"

Rafael on the side smiled and asked.

"Impossible, can't I be stupid with Satania?" Gabriel said.

After all, once, Satania simply made an angel halo and tried to enter the heaven. That time seemed to have suffered a lot.

"How can you know if you don't try it, the angels have always had stricter checks, but on the demon world, it seems that a friend of mine has been fooled and passed the check several times."

La Feier said with a smile covering her mouth.

"...Wait a minute, how do I think that the friend you are talking about is yourself, right?" Gabriel looked at La Fei'er next to him with some horror and frowned.

"Ha ha ha..." La Fei'er smiled without saying a word.


On the other hand, two demon girls helped Li Yan to the entrance, and they met a middle-aged demon who was responsible for the temporary return of the students from abroad.

"Everyone, the information is complete. There are three people in the entry application form, namely, Winnett, Satania, and Li Yan from the Eastern Devil."

This middle-aged demon looked at the information and after identifying the visitor, he entered the information into the computer.

Satania's expression was very natural, and she waited quietly for permission to enter the barrier, but Vinnett was trembling and his face turned blue. I always felt that this barrier would not be passed anyway. If I was refused entry, She could only send Li Yan back immediately.

However, Li Yan was still in the illusion at the moment, and the forced experience in it turned into an obstacle for a while. Weinet thought for a while and felt that after returning, he could forcefully explain that he had just had a dream. Up.

While Vinette was still thinking about countermeasures, suddenly, the proof of permission to enter the boundary had been issued.

"Huh?" Weinet was taken aback, received three permission to enter the world, but did not respond for a while.

"You can pass by, and welcome to visit us, Li Yan, please spend the two days of vacation friendly and well." This middle-aged demon with a strict working attitude said a polite spoken word of international standards. .

"Why? Why did it really pass? There is definitely a problem, right?!" Weinet's eyes opened wide, looking at the permission to enter, her heart was completely shocked, she stared blankly and watched standing there motionless Li Yan, thought.

However, Weinet felt that she would accept it when she saw it. She hurriedly supported Li Yan with Satania and went to the demon world. She noticed that she hadn't returned for a while, and the demon world seemed to have begun to use humans following the sky. Her computer is dealing with trivial things. She thinks that the reason for the mistake is that the staff mistakenly believe that other demon materials with the same name belong to Li Yan, otherwise it is really difficult to explain this inexplicable entry permit.

Vignette breathed a sigh of relief, feeling very lucky. In any situation, as long as he leaves the country on time, there will be no more troubles.But when she left, the staff was still processing the immigration personnel's data. On the computer screen, the picture with Li Yan's head was printed on the page with the origin, no bad records, and the identity as [High-Order Demon] Still clearly visible...

After untold hardships, after finally entering the country, facing a peaceful town, Vignette finally began to take out the A4 paper for cursing, preparing to relieve Li Yan's illusion.

However, it took more than a minute for the big idea, but I haven't finished reading it yet.

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