I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 246

Li Yan returned to his senses. He looked at Satania's longing fist expression, and he was speechless for a while.

"Well, senior, Aunt and Uncle Hu Taoze, it's getting late, do you think you want to go back first..." Weinet immediately interrupted forcibly, and she asked with a wry smile.

"That's right, it's almost six o'clock, everyone, let's go back together." Satania's mother said gently.

Everyone moved on.

"Huh, finally..." Vinnett sighed in relief, but then she looked at the back of Li Yan who was still walking in front of her with some worry, and finally understood the truth that paper cannot hold fire. What kind of words did she use to explain clearly to this senior who seemed to understand everything...

At night, the night of the Demon Realm gradually became dense, and countless stars emerged from the night, and the tide of the night rolled in the quiet streets, as if there was an atmosphere of loneliness.

At ten o'clock, Hu Taoze's family was going to rest on time.

Tactfully declined the arrangement of Hu Taoze’s father, Li Yan directly chose to sleep in the living room. At this moment, the living room was quiet and quiet. In the dark, a figure of a young girl walked down the stairs and saw the living room sleeping on the sofa. That ball of quilt was slightly taken aback, thoughtful.

With a melancholy expression, Vignette walked behind Li Yan in her pajamas and whispered, "Senior, sorry."

"Senior, sorry, I really shouldn't have kept you from hiding... However, when I saw it just now, I always felt that Senior, you had already expected our identity. Devil or something, not a terrible race, right? Senior?"

Seeing Li Yan sleeping peacefully, Vignette breathed a sigh of relief. She felt like Li Yan did not show any abnormal reaction, and said to Li Yan an apology.

"It's okay, it's okay. Seniors can understand things like this. Go back to bed early, Vinnett." Li Yan replied in a low voice from the quilt.


Vignette understood the emotions of the other party and couldn't help but walked to the front. Under the moonlight, she looked at Li Yan with disappointment. Her eyes looked at the back of the sofa with extreme complexity, and she hugged herself tightly. She gave up. The expression of thinking.

It seems that it is not what she imagined, it seems that the seniors have an extreme view of their identity...

Chapter 151 The Devil's Human Senior

The night is already deep.

The beautiful European town, the quiet sky, only a few stars, glowing with pale light, shining tiredly.The streets are so quiet, there are only street lights illuminating this cursed world, and occasionally a few cold winds blow by, and the branches can’t help creaking. In this vast world, the outline of the world is So clear, surrounded by mountains and forests.

Two figures walking on this deserted street.

The darkness of the night could not hide the appearance of that young man. Wearing that white coat, he once again looked at this area. This is not a place to be favored by people. It is not a paradise of legends, but of Western myths and legends. Magic domain.

Devil, legend is a symbol of evil, a fallen existence, described in the Bible as the enemy of God and mankind, but it is such an existence that really appeared in front of his eyes, and on the contrary, he has always believed in the two most The lovely and sensible younger generations, Satania and Vinette, are both demons...

When he slept on the sofa, he himself thought about how he would face Satania and Vinette in the future. He never thought that friends who lived with angels like Gabriel would have demons. , But no matter how you think about it, the two younger generations with smiles like angels in your mind are still completely out of touch with the demons...

If it is said that he is in the Demon Realm, Li Yan is still a little uneasy. After all, human beings should not enter the world of a clan who has been extolled the incarnation of evil through the ages, but what is more clear is how the younger generations view him Human, no, it should be said to be precise, I always feel that he has figured out their identities, but the younger generation does not seem to understand his identity.

This is where he fears the most...

As a result, all of a sudden, while he was still sorting out the relationship between juniors, demons, angels, etc., Vinnett suddenly let him out, thus breaking the process of his continued thinking.

After following Vinette for a while, I reached a lakeside in the town. Under the shining of the hazy moonlight, this lake immersed in the dark night rippled, so graceful and graceful.On the way, Vinnett was also taciturn, with a serious expression and a little hesitation, seemingly worried, Li Yan guessed that, probably, the other party intends to explain the devil and the devil to him.

"...So, what happened in the Demon Realm, is this really the Demon Realm?" Li Yan looked at this beautiful moonlight scene, wondering.

"That one!!"

Standing on the edge of the lake, Vignette suddenly turned around, summoned all the courage in his heart, and bowed and apologized to Li Yan with a nervous expression on his face.


Li Yan was slightly startled and looked at Weinett with some surprises, but turned his head down. This serious Weinett gave him a standard apology and bow at the beginning. He asked curiously: "That... Knight, why are you apologizing?"

"...Senior, I think...you know, I, Satania, and everyone living here are all demons. I'm really sorry...Although we are demons, we are in the old demonic era. It’s already a thing of the past. Now the demons are very disciplined to do bad things within the limits, and there will be no threat to the visiting seniors. I can guarantee this... and I also I didn't really intend to deceive you. I kept lying to you along the way. That... I'm really sorry... I'm officially speaking about my identity now. I am a student from the Demon World, senior... I am actually a demon.

Vignette lowered her head slightly, with a strong apologetic expression, and said shyly.

"...I see, Vignette, I also understand your intentions. I am still very confident about you and Satania, so you don't need to apologize at all." Li Yan understood and smiled slightly. Said.

"Senior...Didn't you already feel very uncomfortable after discovering the truth here?" Weinet looked at him with worried eyes.

"Worry? Ah...it seems to be the case, but I am not afraid of or rejecting you and Satania, and I do feel very uncomfortable with the devil world. After all, I was once in an illusion world similar to purgatory. Li almost died and encountered a lot of incredible things. His mind has been overshadowed. Even if he gets used to it, he always feels a little uneasy. But I am not worried about this, Vinette..."

Li Yan looked at Weinett. By the silvery lake, those eyes seemed to have neglected the barriers between races. When cherishing his own life, he experienced Gabriel, Lianhua, and the cat teacher. After Yan Moai and other existences that the very conscious can recognize, it seems that they have begun to accept the residents of this world who do exist, and the devil is not unacceptable.

Naturally, he didn't believe in demons, but he deeply believed in Vinnett, and Satania in front of him, nothing more.

"What I worry about is, as a human being, do you and Satania really want to admit to a senior like me? Especially Satania..." Li Yan said what he was worried about.

"Huh?" Weinet was taken aback and looked at Li Yan, not understanding what he meant.

"When I was sleeping, I reorganized the experience I knew with you, and I found my own omissions, which unknowingly contributed to a deep misunderstanding between me and Satania, but here is the problem. Vignette, I used to think that the great demon in Satania’s mouth just represents a very powerful social man, who knows that Satania has always believed that I am a demon, and the relationship between me and Satania The trip was established because of a misunderstanding. Satania’s sustenance for me is like I learned to be a great demon, but I am just a human being. From the very beginning, I personally admitted to Vinette that I was a demon. I deceived Satania... Strictly speaking, I lied to Satania. Isn't that true?"

Standing in the night breeze, Li Yan asked with his hair dazzled and worried.

"This one……"

Vignette was stunned for a moment and thought about it carefully. It was indeed the case. From beginning to end, Satania had longed for becoming a great devil. Although it was considered a second-degree illness, it was indeed Santania's dream. .

In fact, Li Yan’s misunderstanding of Satania should be said to be a misjudgment caused by being too close to the answer. The editing system was shown in Satan’s body or Vinette’s body in an instant. The name of the work "The Fall of Gabriel", only the name, and the introduction tells the story of the life of a lazy angel, just like the name and introduction of a book. After the identity, he agreed that all the girls who had hints were preconceived and believed that they were all of Gabriel's kind. As a result, no matter how many times Satania talked about the topic of demons and demons, he did not take it seriously, and the result was grossly wrong.

Vignette was unable to react for a while. It seemed that the things she was worried about did not happen, but she also began to worry about whether Satania, who had a brain, really knew the truth of this misunderstanding, would have something to Li Yan. Changed, however, something was wrong in her consciousness.

"Well, senior... Although the question is a bit abrupt, how do I feel that you knew that we are not humans anymore..." Winnett asked with a bitter smile, a little skeptical, but in her heart she felt that their disguise had always been Keep it well, if it is really exposed, the Devildom School has already issued a ticket, so I feel that I am asking too strange.

However, this question immediately hit Li Yan's heart. He was silent for a while, and looked at the honest and steady Winnett before him. The other party mustered up the courage to confess everything to him. It seems that if he continues to cover up, he is a little sorry. Vignette of character smiled and asked, "Ah...did you finally find out?"


"Sorry, Winnett, I also have a lot of secrets in my heart. You are my juniors. I should have said frankly like you, but sure enough, even I didn’t have a clear understanding of the experience, and I couldn’t judge and follow. After you say it, whether it is appropriate and whether it will have any bad consequences for you, but it is indeed the same as what you said, I actually knew from a very early time that you are not human.

Standing in the moonlight, Li Yan looked at Venette with a gentle and slightly sad expression, and said: "The thing that Gabriel and Raphael are angels, I also knew from the beginning, but I misjudged Venette. Especially the identities of you and Satania, it is clear that you and Satania are more like angels than the two of them, so what's the matter..."


Vignette looked at Li Yan with a look of consternation. He always felt a sense of horror in his pores. Today, after seeing Li Yan knowing this is the Demon Realm, he didn’t react much. He thought it was pretending to be calm, but everything seemed to be controlled by him. In general, their identity judgments are not wrong for the time being, but they are right about the identities of Gabriel and La Feier. In the end, what method did Li Yan use to avoid being wiped by the heavens when he knew Gabriel’s identity? To remember...

Maybe, her senior was really not as simple as she thought...

"However, I was a bit confused before, how to face angels, or you who are now demons, but after experiencing many things, my confusion gradually disappeared, at least on my side."

Li Yan stood quietly on the grass by the lake, despite being blown by the cold wind, that figure, like a lone soul wandering in the night, was ethereal, somewhat mysterious, safe, and with the familiar warmth, seemed to be talking to himself Normally, I asked quietly: "Gabriel, Satania, Vinette, Raphael, you are all my most important descendants, angels or demons, I will use my hands, Even this life that has been blessed by the gods once guards you, and works hard to become your predecessors. To me, you are you, since the first time you were willing to call me a predecessor, since the senior, sincerely When I treat me, I will ask for nothing, fearless... I will not care about your identity, then, you, I am a human being, would you still admit that I am your predecessor?"

He looked at Winnett and asked from the bottom of his heart.

Standing in the night breeze wearing student clothes, Vignette was deeply attracted by the figure immersed in the darkness, his uniform and skirt swayed slightly.The faint words were spoken from the words of the predecessor who was sometimes harsh and sometimes easy-going. Like each other, he dug out his sincerity and dedicated it to the angels and demons, asking for the response of the other party...

"I... I am of course the same. Senior, there is no racial barrier. Sure enough, Senior Li is Senior Li, and that's the case for me."

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