I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 247

Vignette smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hands behind his back and clenched tightly, responding to Li Yan's words.

"Thank you, Vignette..." Li Yan said with a smile.

In the silence of the night, Li Yan turned his head to look at the figure hiding in the woods, and asked: "Then...Satania, what do you mean? I am a person, not a big devil, so... Are you willing to admit that I am a senior you are proud of?"

Vignette was shocked and followed Li Yan's sight. She did not notice that she was being followed after she went out...


In the dark woods, finally, a small body moved quietly. She moved her steps, her nose was a little red, and her eyes flashed with tears in the moonlight, staring blankly at Li Yan.


Satania's speech was unclear, but tears were dripping down. It seemed that when he was eavesdropping, he was already in conflict and fear.It wasn't until the eavesdropping that she realized that Venette was correct.

She stared at Li Yan blankly. For a year, the person who raised her head and looked at her on a rainy day, and the person who accompanied her when she was crying, almost everyone scolded from beginning to end. She was an idiot, and only the one in front of her, who walked firmly in front of her and believed her over and over again, never mentioned her as a stupid senior, the ideal senior devil.

However, he is a human, not a demon...

Can human beings really be the predecessors of demons?

Chapter 152 "Confession" from Satania

"A bunch of emails from Kagurazaka-san?!" Li Yan took out his cell phone, originally just to see if the time on the phone can be compared to the time of the demon world, in the middle of the night, after the conversation tonight is over, He subconsciously took out his phone and took a look at it, but he didn't have time to read it, but he saw a bunch of emails from his editor.

"Wait a minute, Vinette, can you also receive signals from our human world in your world?" Li Yan asked curiously.

"Ah, this...yes, because we Mozu students have to go to various countries in the human world to study and inspect humans. In order to facilitate the communication between devil students and humans at any time, the communication network has basic coverage, but the signal is very weak... Senior, what's wrong? "

Weinet asked curiously.

"...No, it's okay." Li Yan understood why he could suddenly receive emails from Japan. After he clicked on the mailbox, the previous emails were always asking why Li Yan couldn't make calls. Then, more than a dozen e-mails were urging and reproaching. It was only in the last few e-mails that Li Yan was informed of that very important matter.

The email clearly mentioned that at 8:30 tomorrow morning, Dongyang Television specially invited him to attend a banquet held in a famous hotel in Chiyoda District that gathers today’s young idols in the entertainment industry. He secretly identified and decided in person. The candidate for the main role of the live-action film adapted from his novel made him understand why Kagurazaka Ayame was so anxious to contact him.

"..." Li Yan was silent for a moment, then took back his phone, looked at Vinnett next to him, and said: "Venette, I will trouble you to send me back to Tokyo at about seven o'clock tomorrow. This is a very important job that I need to handle. You should have mastered the magic that leads to the devil world immediately, so can I trouble you?"

"Ah, there is no problem with this, wait a minute, senior, you... how did you know that I would use space-time magic, you always feel as if you already knew it..." Weinet originally smiled and nodded and agreed. It wasn't a troublesome thing, but after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly looked at him with a suspicious and horrified expression, once again realized the contradiction that made her feel incredible, and asked.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. He looked at the expression of Vinette looking at the monster. He deliberately took back those words, but the words were like splashed water, and it was difficult to collect the water. If you rely on Vinette to open the "door", Can continue to tell the truth.

"Well...it's true, but I just found out this morning, but this time you don't have to be so surprised. It's not a matter of my ability. Gabriel fed me an illusion that seems to produce authenticity. Potion, maybe Gabriel made a mistake in putting the potion capacity, I was probably only awake in about three minutes after being confused, and then I saw everything you said and did in the room, not I deliberately kept it from you..."

Li Yan explained a little bit difficultly, but Winnett is not a fool. She still knows Gabriel’s abilities quite well. Although Gabriel is already a lazy angel at the moment, the top graduate of Tianji The basic skills have not been abandoned, not to mention the fact that Li Yan has given Li Yan the powder of the apple leaves of the heavens, and it is even more impossible to make a mistake.After all, the predecessor in front of her, after clearly explaining to her that she is a human identity, made her less and less believe in what he said. Perhaps it is possible that Satania had made a mistake by mistake. The final answer...

Facing the suspicious expression of the younger Vinet, Li Yan had no choice but to give up. He had already told the truth about what he understood. If the other party didn’t believe it, there would be no other way, although he was used by the younger generation as a demon to look at monsters. It is uncomfortable to stare at it, but this matter is not an important matter. As long as the relationship between the senior and the younger is not damaged, it doesn't matter.


It’s just that, often thinking about this, Li Yan’s heart hurts slightly, he can’t help but look again, that direction, the direction in which the girl has long since disappeared, and what remains is only unknown, confused and sad. color.

The moon was not yet full, and in the shadow of the distant peaks of the Mian Mian, Li Yan looked back at the direction where Satania was fleeing, and his eyes were hesitant. The rustling chants on the trees had already been swallowed by darkness. , Spring is coming, but everything seems to have not awakened from the cold and bleak state, leaving behind this eclipsed figure.

"Senior, that..."

Weinet noticed Li Yan's mind, and couldn't help but plan to persuade Li Yan with concern, and asked.

Satania stood there before, motionless, facing Li Yan's question, she unexpectedly did not answer Li Yan's words, but shook her head vigorously and fled away. Satania's heart seemed to be A great blow, the great demon that has been worshipping turned out to be really human in the end. The deeper the trap, the more painful the heart is. For Satania, who has longed for Li Yan, is suddenly rewritten, more or less than one. Vinette, who knew the truth from the beginning, was even more difficult to accept.

Li Yan shook his head and said, "It's okay, Vinnett. I can understand Satania's mood... Satania looks carefree, but her heart is still quite delicate, let her think about it a little bit, that As long as the child is willing to judge by herself, I respect her choice..."

He retracted his gaze, and currently, he can only choose to wait.

"By the way, Vignette, please help me keep secret about Gabriel’s affairs. In the last time in Hitoyoshi, I think Gabriel might have guessed that I might know her identity, but If you don’t want to tell the truth, just try to keep it as it is now, can you?

Li Yan remembered something, he looked at Weinet and reminded him.

"Well, I see, I can understand what the predecessors meant." Wei Nai nodded and agreed.

"During my absence, I will ask you first about Satania, Vinnett." Li Yan looked at Vinnett and said at last.

In this way, what Vinnett was worried about came to an end for the time being, but this time calling out the sincere dialogue of the predecessors has inadvertently turned into a bad situation, but just like the daytime principle, paper cannot contain fire. Sooner or later, there will be a burn through. Now, Vinnet can only choose to wait and see the changes, and at the right time, try to help repair the ties between Li Yan and Satania.

In the middle of the night, Vignette, who returned to the room, realized that Santania was already asleep in the bed and wrapped herself in the quilt tightly. Vignette looked hesitantly, and after changing into her pajamas, Climbed gently onto the bed.

The night was silent, and the wind from the windows blew into the room softly. The various gold and silver trophies that had been happily shown to Li Yan were slightly reflective in the light of the moonlight. Such a quiet night, but there is another An anxious atmosphere spreads in this little girl's room...

"Sata Meow, are you asleep..."

Vignette, who was sleeping next to him, asked quietly, breaking the tranquility here inadvertently.


Satania, who was hidden in the quilt, just exposed the red head and turned his back to Vinnett. It looked like a kitten shrank into a ball, motionless, and did not respond to Vinnett's voice. .

"Don't worry, senior is not angry. He said he would wait for your reply and let me take good care of you... Sata Meow, I know that you will not complain to senior, and trust your senior no matter what Are humans or demons really that important? Is the demon world’s identification with us really that important? We are the first and second-to-last students who graduated, I can understand... If we are identified by a senior demon, All grievances can be comforted, but...more importantly, the senior we agree with is Senior Li Yan, so that's enough, Sata Meow..."

Vignette turned her head, looked calmly at the starry sky outside the window, and said with a smile.


Satania stayed in the quilt and did not speak quietly, but kept looking at the quilt beside him without speaking.

"Tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning, Senior has to go back to the Human World in advance, Sata Meow, please take this opportunity."

Weinet closed his eyes and told Satania about Li Yan's schedule tomorrow.


Satania still did not move a point.

Just as Winnett said... she, who is the last one in the entire Demon Realm, is naturally living a somewhat difficult life as if she is not recognized by the entire Demon Realm. Since she was a child, she won the first noun by virtue of her sports skills. Because he is not good at thinking and other grades are too bad, he has been living in the difficult life of being called a fool.

Until that day, everything was changed. The demon-senior who was full of demon-like aura and was recognized and followed by Vinnet helped her block the attack of that Shiba Inu. For the first and only time, she was caught by the Demon World. The only powerful demon recognized her, and almost brought her aggrieved figure as a demon out of the darkness.

It’s just that, tonight, I heard clearly that the other party... is not a demon, but a very powerful human. Turning down, it’s just wishful thinking from beginning to end...

She didn't hate Li Yan, but she didn't know why, but her heart became confused, as if she didn't want to admit that she was ordinary, and finally chose to escape. Now, she doesn't know how to respond to Li Yan's promise next...


Satania closed her eyes, said the name silently in her heart, tightening her body a little bit...

In the early morning of the next day, I don’t know how long I thought or remembered last night. Satania, who was not good at thinking and judging, woke up suddenly from her sleep. She suddenly became curious, and she didn’t even know herself in her dim eyes. When did she fall asleep, but looking at the bright skyline by the window, what she instantly realized was that Senior was about to leave the Demon Realm!

"Ah, is it already morning?" Satanya asked, looking at Xiaobai's skyline in astonishment.

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