I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 251

"So, I finally understand. I know the name Shiina Mashiro. It is a well-known mixed-race genius in the world of painters in the United Kingdom. His paintings were collected by the British Royal at a young age, and he took a photo with the last British Prime Minister. Yes, Eiriri has encountered an incredible opponent this time. Although Eiriri has an advantage in the creation of the second element, the genius Shiina Mashiro should desperately absorb that master after becoming someone’s assistant. Can’t underestimate his artistic inspiration."

Sawamura Sayuri looked at Li Yan with a smile, and said.

Li Yan was speechless, looked at Sayuri, and explained: "...between Ying Riri and Shiina, I am neutral."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to blame you. Your approach is correct. The creator has to prove his abilities through his own choices and efforts. This is especially true in the gambling game. This time, Ying Lili has a low chance of winning. Look at her. This is the flustered situation. Uesugi-kun, I will not intervene in this matter. Sometimes the experience of a fiasco is more than a victory, but..."

Sawamura Sayuri’s snow-white cheeks were slightly drunk, and her eyes were as gleaming as black gems. Yingying smiled and said, "Since the white genius of Shiina also decided the manga material under your influence, then you should accompany you a little more Ying Lili is the true neutrality, this is the true justice among the knights. Let's take a look at her again, that's it."

Li Yan was stunned for a moment. When he was awakened like this, he suddenly realized that it was true. Ying Riri has always been fighting alone, but Shiina was stimulated by inspiration during those few days of dangerous experience, which made her wholehearted. The comic works drawn to the end, it seems that he still interfered in the competition between the two unconsciously.

"...I understand, Ms. Sawamura, I will go to find Ying Lili these days." Li Yan responded.

"No, you can do it today." Sayuri shook her head and said slowly.

"Huh?" Li Yan was there for a moment, looking at Sayuri Sawamura.

"Yes, she also came to Tokyo today. I think she is probably nearby to collect the scenery now. You can find it soon. Then I will wait a little longer for her here. I really look forward to it. The result of next month's victory."

Sawamura Sayuri suddenly blinked her left eye at him, her face calm and slightly smiling, looked at him, and said.

After all, the difference in strength is really too big. If it takes a few months now, Ying Riri may still have a certain chance of defeating Shiina Zhenbai, who has a genius blood on him, but even if it is delayed for a few days, even if it has been Her proud Sayuri was also a little restless.After all, she had seen the oil painting of that genius with her own eyes. It was really shocking. The talent of painting is universal.At present, she can only quietly watch who can win in the end.

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo is the most prosperous commercial area in Tokyo. It is also an urban scenic area that serves as a backdrop for many animation companies and manga artists. At nine o'clock, there is a huge fountain in the center of a plaza surrounded by green trees.

The morning was so peaceful, in the breeze, the young girl with long golden hair was sitting in a corner of the square, her eyes like sapphires quietly looked at the scenery ahead, and she put the drawing board on her knees. Paint intently.

For a while, he frowned and thought, and for a while, he smiled again. His eyes were as calm as the sea, and his appearance was beautiful and beautiful, like a pearl faint. If there is a breath of scroll between the brows, the quiet temperament is elegant like a princess, attracting people passing by Attention.

At least in the eyes of outsiders, Ying Riri is a perfect beautiful girl.

Li Yan stared at Sawamura Eiri with keen eyes. When he saw the beautiful scenery of the fountain painted on the knee of the beautiful girl, he began to draw two caressing each other on the fountain. Teenage girl.

It seems that the expression that I can't bear to accept...

"Stop it, whether it is the content inside the painting or the reality outside, this is a crime, Ying Lili!" Li Yan said with staring eyes.

"Eh? Otaku Li, why are you, you, you here?!" Sawamura Ying Riri was taken aback, then dumb, put away her paintings, and asked excitedly.

"...Just passing by, what you are doing here, shouldn't it be for your new work? How do you draw the book and draw it out?" Li Yan frowned at Ying Lili and explained casually. Fan said, and at the same time deeply worried about the future of this friend in front of him.


Ying Riri coughed a few times, stood up, and after putting away the drawing board, she stood and looked at him with her chest in her arms, and glanced at him. She always felt that the other party seemed to be lying, but she didn’t even think about these things for the time being, and said, “That, Um, I actually... haven't figured out what I want to draw, can I not participate in a plot like this?"

"Of course, after all, it is a formal comic contest, not a book competition, book painter." Li Yan squinted at her and said.

"Uh...that's it, ah, ah, boring, boring, and sure enough, such a subject can't be contested." Ying Lili became frantic and yelled.

"...So, what do you think of the story in general? It's okay for me to listen to it a little bit." Li Yan looked at her annoyed expression, and said with a light sigh.

"Really, really? Well, it’s not what I asked you to listen to. You have to remember it. And...what I said, otaku Li, don’t laugh at me, otherwise I will never talk to you next time. I said, can you?" Ying Lili turned her head away, her face was a little embarrassed, and said sternly.

"So, what is the content of the story you thought of?" Li Yan ignored Ying Lili's cover-up attitude and continued to ask.

"Well, the first story is... In the countryside of Japan, there was a girl who came from the country and met a wild child from the village by chance. After playing together, the two Xiaowu guessed the marriage contract and ended up when the girl entered When I was in high school for the girls’ school, I once again encountered that wild child, only to realize that that person was actually a girl and a standard big beauty. This is how the story unfolded."

Eiri Sawamura's cheeks were a little red, and she began to explain.

"...Isn't this the story about the theme of lily, but it sounds interesting, this is indeed Yinglili." Li Yan listened, although he didn't have a big deal with the theme of lily, but he always thought it should be interesting At the beginning, he said with a gentle smile.

However, although the subject matter is okay, I always feel that the strength of the subject matter is not enough to defeat Shiina's popular subject. Even if it is painted well, the passionate subject often has a better chance of defeating the lily subject. It is only possible if it is a normal harem subject. It will be evenly matched.

"Yeah, right? Then they reproduced their previous promise. However, the heroine still rejects Lily's love. Then the story unfolds. The offensive type of Aoi who comes to find true love is in the empty classroom after school. In the warehouse, in the girls’ toilets, and even in the other’s dormitory, secretly step by step her hot body defeated the heroine’s defense line..."

Ying Lili showed an innocent smile and continued to explain the unfolding part of the story to Li Yan.

Li Yan listened to the details of Ying Lili's design, soft kisses, caressing, winding, posture behind... In his mind, it seemed that he could really think of the ambiguous interactive scene of two young girls in an unmanned classroom. 'S girl has put her head to the bottom of the girl's skirt...

"Slow, wait!!"

However, the "car" that Ying Lili drove was a bit too fast, and Li Yan was stunned. He immediately stretched out his hand and made a gesture of stopping.He looked at Ying Lili in astonishment and shouted.

"What's wrong, I was just talking about the important point." Ying Lili frowned.

"What's the point, I always feel that the mosaic lens will appear next. Although it may be very interesting as a book, but Ying Lili, if you have no chance of official publication, this is a book at all. It's not a serious story at all!"

"Ah...Isn't it possible to have a plot with this limit?"

"No, there is already a precedent. Even if you don't paint the sensitive part, you just cut it in half. Do you have any other stories?"

Li Yan looked weakly at Ying Lili, who was muttering and critical of the publishing industry, and asked.

Ying Lili thought for a while, and continued: "There is, there is. This is a story about a dream, and there will never be a story of 18 prohibitions."

"That's good, what's the subject matter?" Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Ying Lili expectantly again.

"It's a daily story about the love between rich sisters." Ying Lili said happily.

"Although I do feel that there are no eighteen prohibitions, why the direct rise from Lily's love to unruly love? This nature is to a certain extent more sensitive than the book..."

As soon as Li Yan heard this, the daily playful love relationship between Sayuri Sawamura and Yinglili flashed in his mind, and he trembled and couldn't help but vomit.

"What? Isn't this kind of subject matter okay? The words that are clearly painted are made by God!"

"Although you can barely participate in the competition, there will definitely not be too many audiences. Although sensitive subjects can poke the preferences of a certain group, there is no precedent for huge success in the industry after all, and there are many people in Japan who paint like this. So it is quite difficult to stand out."

Li Yan said directly.

"Then what do I want to draw? That's all the plot I can think of." Yingli Liyi said to Li Yan righteously.

"No, no, the first thing you should do is to review why the stories you can think of are full of mosaic stories." Li Yan felt a headache and said.

"I don't want to, my head feels dizzy, it is really difficult to win Shiina is really white, that guy's growth rate is really amazing, when I was traveling in Okinawa, I read her constantly revised drawings, and each one is more than one. Zhang must have emotions and the story is very interesting, although after watching it, I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep...The supernatural detective of the second element and many other outstanding characters appeared on the scene. What is going on with this guy? A bug."

Ying Lili looked at Li Yan with annoying eyes and talked.

"Is it that powerful?" Li Yan asked in astonishment.

"After all, she also blocked everything. In order to become the illustrator of the old thief, she has always worked hard..."

Ying Riri sighed and had to admit Shiina Shiro's amazing effort, but when she was speaking, suddenly, Ying Riri's stomach made a gurgling sound.

"Ah?!" Ying Lili suddenly became alert, and immediately covered her belly, looking at Li Yan with a flushed face.

It should be said that it is simply being hungry. For Li Yan, this is a normal thing, but in Japan, it is a ugly expression for the girls who grew up in Japanese culture, although he can't understand it. .

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