I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 252


Ying Lili's stomach made a noise again, Ying Lili turned her face away pretendingly, and said flickeringly: "Well, what's the strange noise around."


Li Yan looked at her helplessly, and asked blankly: "I haven't eaten breakfast yet, there are many restaurants around here, do you want to go eat something?"

"Um... well, okay." Ying Lili felt that her illusion had been seen through, and she was immediately embarrassed and troubled, but after all she was her old partner, she reluctantly replied in a low voice.

A Chinese restaurant.

Sitting in this exotic place, Yinglili looked around with her cheeks. It should be said that she seldom goes to Chinese restaurants and is full of curiosity about this restaurant.

"I don't know if it's enough, I ordered soy milk, fried noodles, and steamed dumplings for two people..." Li Yan looked at the menu and read to Yinglili.

"Hey, I feel that the portion is a lot. Do I need so much for breakfast?" Ying Lili was surprised and stopped Li Yan from reading.

"These are not too many, there are still three hours to eat at noon," Li Yan explained.

Li Yan’s financial situation has improved recently. Not long ago, news came from his home that the loans that needed to be paid off recently had been basically cleared, and the family also allowed him not to send money home in the near future, so this is why Let Li Yan suddenly become prosperous, and it's no problem to improve the food with friends today.


Suddenly, while Ying Lili was still talking to Li Yan, a flash of fire suddenly attracted her attention. Unable to help, she looked into the glass kitchen of the Chinese restaurant, the Chinese chef At this moment, I was frying in an iron pan, and the surging flame kept burning in the pan, which made people breathtaking.

The cooking... can be so wonderful?!

For a moment, a shock and electric current deeply stimulated Ying Lili's heart. She stared at the kitchen blankly, smelling the scent that made people feel awkward, and her stomach became more hungry, and she was full of longing. Curiosity, as if opening the door to a new world, appeared before Ying Lili.

The chef turned around, and at that moment, Ying Lili imagined that Li Yan was the chef. In the kitchen, she looked at her with that sharp eye and holding a slice of delicious dishes. Domineering (that is, the steam from the kitchen) is lingering around him, making people feel invincible.

In an instant, Ying Lili realized that in addition to X desire, human desire also has appetite...

When Li Yan was trying to figure out whether he should pack a portion of barbecued pork for Jiabaili to supplement his body, suddenly, a powerful hand grabbed Li Yan's shoulder, he raised his head and saw his eyes glow The breath of Ying Lili looked at him with joy.

"I have a new idea, this time I can definitely combine my painting skills and themes together!!"

Chapter 155

"First of all, the materials prepared are the complete knowledge of Japanese cuisine, the complete knowledge of Chinese cuisine, the complete knowledge of Indian cuisine, the complete works of French cuisine, the complete works of Italian cuisine, and various reference books for dealing with game and fish. It should be possible to establish a true and comprehensive theoretical system for my new comic book."

Sawamura Hideri took out the series of books from her schoolbag, put them on the table, showing a high-spirited smile, and introduced them to Li Yan.

Before, Li Yan and Ying Lili went to the bookstore for shopping, and saw that she suddenly bought cooking books like this. At first, I thought that this high school girl suddenly had the intention to study cooking, but soon At that time, through the spirit of her brows, she realized that the new inspiration that this book painter Miss Hideri Kashiwagi had found was actually a cooking theme!

"It turns out that the theme of cooking, although this type of comics is said to be not too much, said that there are not too many, such as the very old pioneering work "Chinese Little O's House", and the more famous comic "Gourmet Captive X", it should be The influence and rendering power are still quite selling points, but it is not a small challenge to draw the mind and new heights. How to draw the passion for cooking, professionalism and the joy of cooking is really a test of the skills of a cartoonist. Ying Lili finally picked a very interesting subject."

Li Yan quietly looked at the one in front of him wearing a dress, sat down in the corner of the seat dedicated to her in the living room of his room, unfolded the first page of the drawing, and poured all his creative passion and the most perfect inner story here. Among the white drawing paper, I can't help but admire the partner who can capture this kind of inspiration.

"Li, the otaku, please, do you have coffee or lemonade? After staying up late last night, I was a little tired."

Ying Lili wiped her eyes, put her hands together at Li Yan who had just sat down, and asked with some embarrassment.

"There is no coffee or lemon, but there are a lot of tea leaves. I'll add a little honey to remove the bitterness and astringency. Is this okay?" Li Yan reacted and asked.

"Yeah, yes, thank you." While waiting for Li Yan's answer, Ying Lili returned her eyes to the drawing, conceived of the main characters' appearance, height and other related settings, and answered with a smile. After that, he never paid attention to the outside world.

This is the working attitude of Ying Lili, almost the unified state of all creators. In the eyes of outsiders, sometimes it looks like a kind of self-isolation, sometimes it looks like a state of madness in self-talking. , Anyway, laymen can never understand what the creators need at this moment, and the unity regards them as an abnormal kind of people.

"I don’t know how Shiina’s work is progressing. Although I have set the direction a long time ago, I have been working overtime to improve the work, but I heard from Aoyama-san saying that she has caught a cold because of overwork. Can I keep up with the progress...Well, why I am getting nervous, do the two of them really need to work so hard for the illustration of a work?"

When Li Yan was preparing the tea and hot water, he also began to consider the situation on Shiina's side. As a result, he was very concerned about the situation on both sides. No matter which side is trying to win, he can't bear to watch the people who work hard. Either party will endure that tragic failure.

When he had boiled the water and made the tea with honey with only tea stalks, he opened the kitchen door and prepared to bring it to Yinglili. By the way, he asked: "Yinglili, at noon, would you like to stay here for dinner? , I bought some vegetables, enough for three people..."

"Please, please give me more of the love in your heart..."

Suddenly, in the living room, Ying Lili came with a deep ambiguity, like a whisper full of affection. That sentence seemed to render Li Yan's dormitory room pink, making Li Yan stand immediately. There, she looked at Ying Riri holding her hands tightly.

"The pain and pleasure like the thorns of a rose, I can't forget it in my heart...More, more do some very powerful things to me..."

"The soft body is as if it can't be controlled...Human, it's really a creature that is easy to fall...It melts together in that hot atmosphere..."

Ying Lili raised her head, feeling like a poet, her eyes full of poetry, she calmly looked at the empty ceiling of his home, and read the words that made people listen to infinite reverie, and prayed to God for passion and inspiration in the plot. .


Li Yan was holding two cups of tea and squinted at the young girl who seemed to be looking for some inspiration. For some reason, he always felt that this person was a bit dangerous.

"Hey, you made the tea. What were you talking about? Sorry, I didn't hear it." Ying Lili realized that Li Yan had come out from the kitchen door with two cups of tea, and she returned to her usual appearance. Asked.

"Lunch...no, no, no, I don't want to ask this question for the time being. I think there is a question that is more urgent. What are you doing, what are you talking about, is your creation okay?" Li Yan was a little worried. I walked over, looked at the figures drawn by Ying Lili, and asked curiously.

"Hmph, of course there is no problem, wait a minute, did you hear what I said just now?!" Ying Lili blushed suddenly and asked in astonishment.

"Of course I heard, that's why I asked what plot you are thinking about?" Li Yan set the tea and asked.

"Don't worry, it's not a weird plot. I just personally imagined what kind of emotions would erupt if conquered by food." Ying Lili sullen her face and coughed a few times to conceal that she is always in the room. Creative habits, said.

It should be said that although some adult magazines and ergonomic manga and other works have been specially purchased online as reference for drawing books, many young girls’ physical movements and inner captures are still done by herself in the mirror. After all, she is 16 years old. The law is strictly restricted from access to 18 banned lily films.Therefore, the shortcomings of creative experience can only be remedied by her own brain.

"Wait, being conquered by food... Isn't it just delicious taste? Why are the lines so bad?!" Li Yan always felt that some logical thinking was difficult to operate, and asked.

"So, Li Yan, you always lock yourself in the world of light novels. You don't know how the book painter will go ashore to retain the original fans while retaining some ergonomic elements into the normal story. Skill. Well, this is a huge difference between writing and comics. The way of expressing comics will always be more intuitive and profound than light novels. Now I will tell you about my comics thinking."

Ying Lili took out her drawing again and gave it to Li Yan. In a short time, unexpectedly, the first character, the protagonist of the story, was completely drawn.

When Li Yan took over the draft, he was attracted by Ying Lili’s excellent style of painting for the first time. It should be said that Ying Lili’s painting style is truly outstanding. I heard that the painting skills of eros cartoonists are actually the slightest. Not to lose to a professional artist who made his official debut. This time I seriously confirmed that this is true. What is even more unexpected is that Ying Lili, who has been painting lilies, chose the male lead this time.

"The age is defined in the first year of high school, and the face is a delicate type. It has always been a high-spirited personality. There is a strong willpower that will not admit defeat. The best dish is the stir-fry. In the famous international cuisine college, no matter what country. The color of the dishes in his hands will be cleverly changed by him to stir-fry, so that the taste becomes more unique." Ying Lili explained with a smile, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth showed the long-lost teeth.

"Hey, yes, it feels quite distinctive." Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then said with appreciation.

Next, Li Yan opened the second persona, and the one who came into view was a handsome and mature young man with handsome long hair, wearing a suit and an air of arrogance and disdain, and asked: "This Bit?"

"This man, code-named J, is a high school student with high IQ and a man who calls himself [God]. Because he is so good, everything he should have is easy to get, so he always feels that he has no pursuit in his life. , I feel boring, but I am still a little interested in cooking. In an accidental incident, I got a "Hell Cooking" notebook left by the mysterious eating cult. So I have been obsessed with the most extreme road of pure pursuit of food, even Poisonous foods are used as food materials, so they have committed food safety crimes in many countries and have always been the subject of investigation and wanted by the United Nations police."

Ying Lili looked at the sketch in Li Yan's hand, and then began to talk about the role of this character, and said.

But when Li Yan listened to these explanations, he always felt a sense of sight, which was very similar to the setting of an anime he had seen in his previous life, but in his memory, he realized that in this parallel world, he actually The work I knew was not created.

After all, the world he lives in is a parallel world that is extremely close to the parallel world he knew before he traveled, but some details are still biased, not just the experience of Li Yan’s childhood, personality growth, and intelligence in this world. There are very different talents, including the experience of his parents that they have been in love and marriage normally, doting their own children, and that many cultural works and well-known authors and cartoonists have not been born, including the suspense. Li Yan himself defines this phenomenon as "rebalancing the world".

The world is absolutely real, that is, it needs to be real, after these originally illusory characters suddenly become real, and some real people and things will be hidden simultaneously to keep the world in a natural order.Li Yan sometimes wonders whether many things that have actually happened in his world are also treated as illusory stories in this world. He even thinks that he may be just a novel in another world. Characters, this is really terrifying thinking.

"Otaku Li, what are you in a daze? There's more below."

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