I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 257

There is a thorn in the front of the dream.

She was envious of Shiina Mashiro having such an outstanding senior to help her guide. Sure enough, after seeing all that just now, she also changed the definition of pursuing dreams a little bit. The predicament she faced has always seemed quite heavy, but here, Around her are partners who work harder, leaving her no room for complaint.

There was still a room in the female dormitory in Yinghuazhuang Apartment. After a complicated psychological struggle, she decided to stay here.The purpose of staying here is gradually no longer purely for real whiteness, but for my own dream...

At night, under the guidance of a newsletter, Li Yan came to the western-style restaurant not far from home, and saw Yingli Sawamura, who was wearing a mask and sitting silently in the restaurant. pear.

That young girl only learned of her victory from the draft in the afternoon, that is, when Li Yan was comforting really white, she sent him a line message and asked him to come here for a little gathering. See the generous treat.

"Here, here!"

Ying Lili, who seemed strangely restrained today, immediately raised his hand after seeing Li Yan coming in from the door and whispered to Li Yan.

"Ying Lili, why did you come to Tokyo today? Will there be classes tomorrow morning? Will it be too late to go back tonight?" Li Yan saw Ying Lili, so he walked over, showing confusion. Asked with a look.

"You fellow, don't always care about my studies, and you should also know the purpose of my coming here, okay, sit down, but I have never eaten or drank a drop of water until now." He glanced at him and said sternly.

As a result, after the steak and juice were delivered, Ying Lili kept her head down, somewhat taciturn. The glass walls of the restaurant were filled with the hazy and transparent night rain. After Ying Lili took a bite of beef, she finally took it with her. Concerned, asked: "Well, how about Shiina?"

"... Shiina's words were a little frustrated at first. After all, she has been a favorite of heaven since she was a child. For the first time she lost to someone else in the painting she was best at. There was still a strong sense of frustration. This is a rare opportunity for her to grow up, and now she has completely recovered her fighting spirit, so there is no need to worry about her anymore."

Li Yan froze for a moment at first, looking at this Ying Li Li, whose eyes were so tangled, but Ying Li Li seemed to turn her head and look away, pretending to just ask casually, Li Yan, who already knew her. Naturally, she told the truth to this girl who was cold outside and hot inside.

"Oh...huh, this would be great. It's really Shiina. It's great to be able to recover from the beginning." Ying Riri breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion.

"If you are worried about her, you can actually talk to her for a while. It's really white. I still understand it better. You are both painters and the competition is fair. So communicate in person and make the competition official. Let's draw a rest." Li Yan looked at Ying Lili quietly, and he made such a suggestion.

"Um... I said you don't care about our affairs. I am not as entangled as you said. Do you know how much effort I have spent to win this competition... Although I am true at the moment I can understand Shiina’s feelings, but we must distinguish between the winner and the loser. However, I can also see that Shiina has really used all his strength. It is both an honor and an honor to be treated like this by such a world-class talented painter. A huge pressure. It doesn’t matter if she is depressed for a day. After all, we are the strong creators and the most fragile dream chasers. I destroyed her dreams with my own hands, only temporarily, but I also Understanding that the meeting of two dream chasers is one thing, what I can do is not to lose to her next time, this is my greatest respect for her as a creator."

Ying Lili’s delicate and white cheeks turned red, and she immediately denied Li Yan’s proposal, but then, as a painter Hideri Kashiwagi, she also expressed with emotion that she felt uneasy about True White, out of her strong opponents The anxiety is also out of empathy for similar people who are also striving to pursue their dreams.

Ying Lili's high blue eyes were a little joyful, but also a little depressed and uneasy, quietly looking at the white porcelain plate.


Li Yan also fell silent for a while. Ying Lili understood very well and enjoyed the fun of creators. It should be said that being a creator who creates content that I like is very happy in itself.

"Ying Lili, why did you decide to draw comics and illustrations?" Li Yan asked.

"Huh? You asked so suddenly. How can I answer your deep question for a while... I have a good talent for drawing since I was a child, and I have been learning drawing when I was in elementary school. It should be said that it is entirely my own interest. Right."

Ying Lili sucked the juice and said easily.

"Ying Lili, you have always had a good family and environment... I really envy you that you can choose your own path at the beginning." Li Yan listened to Ying Lili's original intention of learning painting and said with a smile.

But faintly, Li Yan always felt that Ying Lili seemed to have something hidden and did not tell him. The two have worked together for many years and have already known each other. Once Ying Lili tells a lie, she may leave half of the truth. At that time, his eyes would always unconsciously see elsewhere, and his fingers were used to moving, but he could also understand that everyone would have a past that he didn't want others to know.

In May, the spring rain is pattering, and the night scene is quiet and so charming. At night in Tokyo, the streets are wandering in dark clothes and crowds of rushing to work.The world is so big, and how many people can stay by your side silently?

Ying Lili understands this truth even more.

She is Sawamura Hideri and Kashiwagi Hideri. It seems that the two identities are gradually inseparable. So no matter how she looks at it, only half of her is accepted by others. People who can accept her in all, except for her family, are probably now There is only one partner in front of him.

Therefore, under the threat of even him being snatched away, Ying Lili really fought back once, and now she really won, but she felt like she was in a dream, and she was deeply moved for a while.

"Otaku Li, after going through this period, I finally understand that you are so important in my heart, I definitely... don't want to give you to others."

Ying Lili looked at the scenery outside the glass wall, and suddenly couldn't help telling Li Yan her little luck.


When Li Yan heard this, he suddenly thought he had heard it wrong, staring at Ying Lili blankly, unable to speak for a moment.


Ying Lili also noticed that this sentence seemed not only numb, but also particularly ambiguous. She immediately saw a hot breath rushing from her heart, flushed her face and hurriedly explained, "Wait, Wait a minute. I didn’t say anything just now, you didn’t hear it, you guys always give me trouble, you are a trouble maker, I mean... There is no other author at the moment, I think it’s necessary to cooperate. I just barely cooperated with this guy like you. In the end, this lady has to work so hard..."

"Eriri, thank you. As you said, I did add a lot of trouble to you. It must be very hard to be my partner. But maybe this is the way to truly call each other partners. Shiina is good, okay? With you, you are all excellent partners in my career. However, it is true that only you can better understand the novels I have written and the mood to portray them. If you cooperate in the future, please take a lot of care."

How Li Yan didn't understand the meaning of Ying Lili's sentence, which made Ying Lili take it so seriously, his mood not only warmed up, and smiled in response to Ying Lili's heart.

"...It's fine if you understand, cough cough." Ying Lili coughed a little, calming down her complex and shy mood a little, and said.

"I got wet by the drizzle on the road, so I went to the bathroom and wiped my face a little bit." Li Yan noticed that his hair was chilly, so he drew a few tissues from the table and stood up and said.

"Well, that's good, I'll be back early, the house..."

Ying Lili originally confided the term "Otaku Lee", but she realized in her heart whether it is really appropriate to keep giving others a nickname.When she was in junior high school, she was called by her classmates as "the jade girl of Shimamura Middle School" because she had a cold every month. She wanted to call Li Yan "Jun of Yan" or " Uesugi], but when the words came to the lips, he couldn't shout for a while.

"Yan...Yan..." Ying Lili always felt that she had changed her previous name, inexplicably embarrassed, and she couldn't tell.

"What's the matter, are you in a hurry to go to the toilet?" Li Yan understood something, and asked briefly in front of a guest in a restaurant.

"Hurry up and disappear in front of my eyes, Otaku Lee." Ying Lili said, staring at him angrily.

The night of this day is destined to be an extraordinary night.Whether it's Shiina Shiro or Sawamura Eriri, they seem to have forgotten what they are betting on in this game. After that, they just win for the sake of winning, and they all prove themselves in the things they like. The original intention of creation is all A simple and complex willingness and opportunity, but gradually, all creators will finally classify their moods into one category: creation makes people feel happy, has been integrated into life, and is inseparable.

In the pattering night rain, the eyes of Ying Riri who quietly waited for Li Yan in the restaurant, and the white eyes of Shiina who focused on creating and fulfilling the mission in the one yuan apartment, all together, looking at the wet sky, dreaming, having Start, but no end...

Volume 6 Under the Cherry Blossoms, Your Name Chapter 158 Preface: The Long-cherished Wish of a Mermaid

The night was getting darker, the sky of the city also looked very deep and dark, and the lights on the street seemed a little dizzy.The night sky in Tokyo is not beautiful. The galaxy in the sky has already been filled with lights on the ground to compete for its due brilliance. The residential area of ​​Shinjuku is also somewhat peaceful.

That one yuan apartment immersed in the night.

The bedroom of Room 505 is bright, and a figure of a person is coming and going in the window, as if preparing something.

All the necessities of life have been stored in the suitcase, including enough clothes, toothbrushes, towels, computers, water glasses, and a stack of professional textbooks from the University of Tokyo.Although it is time for the parade, it is said that professional lessons are still required in temporary classrooms every day.

Li Yan was wearing a thin shirt. At this moment, the night outside the window became more intense. When it was time to rest, he finally settled in order to avoid missing any items.

"Okay, it's almost like that." After Li Yan checked the correctness, he immediately zipped up the luggage, and sat on the bed with a sigh of relief and calmed down.

High schools in various counties responded enthusiastically to the promotion of Professor Kenichi Ogura, who is well-known in the world, and they strongly invited this university professor to give a publicity speech.

Being able to accompany Japan’s national treasure-level physicists while accepting his guidance, for the science students of many outstanding universities in Japan, it can only be said that they can’t find this opportunity in their dreams, but Li Yan still seems a little "active". After all, as a common tutor in his university, it would be the same after studying for a long time. If he can do this for a while, he would rather be able to write a little more novels and lead his university life in an orderly manner.

Compared with the high expectations given by his university mentor, he is still a little uncertain. He is not a genius with more than 180 intelligence like Hagi Suzu. Now everything he has is exchanged bit by bit with sweat and blood. He didn't have much desire for the future, and quietly praying that it was not easy to live a plain but ordinary life in the future. He couldn't even think about opening up the future for mankind.Dreams need to know how to choose. When there are too many burdens behind, dreaming of such an unreachable goal is a luxury.

It was almost late at night, the downstairs was still the passionate game BGM, and the upstairs was the screams of Aoyama Qikai to prevent Shiina from moving or something, almost living in this apartment. Never feel deserted.

"...Almost forgot, take this with you."

Li Yan looked out the window and quietly listened to these movements. He inadvertently saw the two photo frames placed on the bedside table. This was the last time he participated in the high school sports meeting where Gabriel and others were studying. A group photo of six people including Machiko is also included.The other is a painting, which is a group photo of all the members of Sanhe Library that Yinglili drew without any problems, and was well preserved by Li Yan.

These memory-like objects are all placed in the house, the candy painted by Conna, and the burnt game discs are stored in a locked drawer on the bedside table like collectibles. He has nothing since he was a child, but With these alone, I always feel that I am starting to get richer.

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