I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 258

As usual, Li Yan entrusted the spare key to Gabriel downstairs to take care of him. When Li Yan was out, he took into account the management of the room and the possibility of preventing all the keys from being lost. Li Yan has always done this in advance. The spare key is given to Gabriel’s habit first.

[Boom boom boom.

Standing under the dim corridor lights, Li Yan came to Room 405, knocked on the door, and asked: "Jia Baili, I'll put the spare key with you. Is it convenient now?"

"Wait a minute..." A very lazy voice came from the door.


As a result, it took only a few minutes to wait, but it was a long time before Jiabaili came to open the door, and Li Yan's brows tightened. After all, this lazy angel has been such a habit to open the door since he knew him. After a few minutes of the game, do you still remember that there is still this senior waiting outside the door?

Just when Li Yan was about to knock on the door again, the door suddenly opened. What appeared in front of him was the tousled long blond hair and petite body, a red sport that he must wear regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter. His blouse showed a pair of white and beautiful thighs, and the purple eyes were slightly raised, looking at Li Yan.

"Now, what are you doing?" Gabriel asked casually.

"Didn’t I tell you this morning? The spare key of my room is here for you. I will probably go to the field with my professor very early tomorrow. I will give you the key now so as not to disturb you early in the morning. rest."

Li Yan took out the key from his pocket and placed it directly in Gabriel's hand.I don’t know why, because what I can see in the night is not very clear, so after lowering my hand, I accidentally touched Gabriel’s palm directly. The warm and soft touch made Li Yan's heart throb. Are girls' hands so soft?I didn't notice it before.

"Ah... I remember, I'll keep it for you." Gabriel put it in a corner of the door casually, and said with a sloppy expression.

"You guy is totally uneasy...Well, is there anyone else in your room?" Li Yan worriedly watched his spare key disappear somewhere in the locker at the door, and suddenly heard the inside of the house. There were other girls' voices, so she asked curiously.

"Well, that guy Satania is in my house, and there is another one of my new school sisters, Tapliss. It will be so deep tomorrow night, and these two guys don’t plan to leave yet. I spent the night in my house. It's really annoying." Gabriel looked at the room and said with an expression of disgust in her eyes.

"School girl? Jia Baili, do you have any juniors?" Li Yan asked in shock.The meaning of this sentence is like directly reading the words that hurt each other like [You will have younger generations in a dead house]. Both felt quite harsh.

"What do you mean, do you look down on people? You are totally unqualified to complain about me like this?" Gabriel suddenly heard the meaning of the words, staring at him dissatisfied, and asked.

"Senior innocent, are there any guests?" a girl with a softer voice came from the room and asked.

"Wait a minute, I always feel that this voice...couldn't it be the senior who came here?" Satanya also recovered and asked.

From the room in the house, the heads of two young girls protruded out from the door, and the young girl with short blond hair who was suppressed by Satania below was quite delicate, and seemed very soft and kind. It was the junior mentioned by the innocent Jiabaili.

"Ah, it turned out to be a senior." Satanya said happily, holding a game console in his hand.

"Ah! This one...this one is the demon senior that the senior said? Although it is still a human, but the soul has already been predetermined by the hell?" This girl with short blond hair showed a wary look. Staring at this human being about to fall, asked.

"Uh, I always feel that I don't understand... I'm not a takeaway. I booked me to hell in advance. Isn't this the truth that the readers have been cursing me... Could collective resentment really make me go to hell? "Li Yan looked at them with bitter and helpless eyes, thinking sadly.

"Um... Well, when I first met, my name is Chisaki Tapliss Schugeber. I'm an innocent predecessor's school girl and I am very happy to know you."

Although her expression seemed a lot of reluctance, the young girl named Saples hesitated and walked out, bowed politely to Li Yan, and said politely.

"...It feels very polite, has a good personality, and seems to be very close to Gabriel... This time it is probably an angel. Having said that, I still can't believe that Gabriel has such a sensible junior... "

Li Yan thought secretly in his heart, and with unbelievable eyes, he secretly glanced at the Gabriel beside him that had collected most of the concepts of corruption.Gabriel seemed to be aware of Li Yan's gaze and the meaning of inclusion, and her eyes seemed to be disdainful and indifferent.

"My name is Li Yan, tentatively the seniors of Gabriel and Satania. I happen to live upstairs here, and I will ask you to take care of me in the future." Li Yan smiled and introduced himself.

When Tupliston's face changed, he looked at him vigilantly and thought: "Ah, I intend to take care of him and lure the innocent predecessors into depravity, but I'm not even planning to win over?"

"...Although I don't know what Tapulis classmates are thinking about, let me make it clear first. Your naive predecessor has nothing to do with me." Li Yan seemed to understand the mind of this young girl. Explained immediately.

It's already May, unknowingly, the students of Jiabaili have also been promoted from the first grade to the second grade of high school. At this time, there are younger generations. I have to say that some people feel that time flies.

"Senior, I heard from Gabriel that you are going out for a week, is this true?" Satanya asked curiously.

Suddenly, this sentence suddenly broke the calm atmosphere of the night, causing the other two people except Tapliss to be taken aback.

"..." Jia Baili's original lazy expression suddenly became energetic, and looked at Li Yan again.

"Well, rest assured this time, it's just an academic social practice activity. The destination is not yet known. I won't know which region high school to give a speech until after the meeting tomorrow, but this time I promise you, There will never be a problem."

Li Yan noticed the worried glances cast by their two younger generations, and smiled peacefully to comfort them.After all, Chiba and his party were seriously injured, and travel to Okinawa was also in danger.He also felt that he must know how to avoid risks, and when he said to them, he reminded himself carefully.


at night.


In the darkness, Li Yan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, suddenly a chill spread all over his body, panting.For some reason, he suddenly dreamed of returning to the time when he was lonely and unaccompanied. Finally, he was suddenly pierced into the heart with a dagger by that woman and lost his life. The blood in front of him was extremely scary. Woke up in a dream.

In May, the weather began to warm, and the cool wind blew in from the window. Li Yan's hair swayed slightly, making him gradually calm down.The moonlight shone on the bed through the window, like frost and snow. He never remembered that moonlight could be so bright.

Although I have lived here for more than a year, I dream about the past almost every now and then.When I woke up, the scene was like a dream at this moment. Perhaps, this world was not real, it was just a dream given to him by God.If so, he, who is deeply attached to this world, would no longer want to wake up.

"I don't know, where will I go tomorrow..."

Li Yan raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky, and the clouds were rolling, as if he was in a quiet urban forest, wondering where he would be tomorrow...

In the early morning of the next day, a group from the University of Tokyo began to board the Shinkansen train and began to travel to southern Japan.

Destination: Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu Island.

Under the joint application of a total of 23 senior high schools in Kumamoto Prefecture, Professor Kenichi Ogura decided that his first stop was the Kyushu Island area far away from Tokyo, and chose a middle school with the largest venue in the city center to give a lecture.This moment did not make Li Yan think that Kumamoto Prefecture, he had been to the area about twice before, originally thought he would go to another place he didn't know, but in the end he revisited the old place.

"Uh, what, have you been there twice?" Hagiura Suzu asked curiously.

"Yes, one time I went on a trip, one time to meet a friend, but I only visited Hitoyoshi City," said Li Yan, who was sitting by the window.

"Yeah, that's the case. The last time I heard that you have been to Okinawa, I have been there during school trips before, and I haven't been out much since then. Is it fun in Kumamoto Prefecture?" Hagiura Ling nodded slightly, then asked expectantly.

"It's very good. There are Kumamoto bears and Kumamoto Palace there. There are also a lot of local specialties. However, compared to Tokyo, there should be many ancient things. After all... it left me the deepest impression. The traffic police over there are really good driving skills..." Li Yan was in a relaxed mood and explained to Hagi-Mura Ling, but as he said, he suddenly felt that he had missed something and stopped the topic immediately.

"Huh? Why do you say that, have you ever seen them driving?" Hagiura Ling asked, looking at him puzzled.

"Yes... I saw it." Li Yan replied bitterly.

At that time, not only had he seen it, but he was also hit by a heavy police car driven by the other side in the driving position, almost driving his car into a blind spot on the edge of the mountain.

When Hagi Mura was about to continue chatting, a girl on the side came to talk, and attracted Hagi Mura’s attention.Li Yan looked at the time. It would take a few hours to get to Kumamoto. He could have arrived quickly by plane, but the professor still chose the Shinkansen travel method. It seems that he is also a fear of plane. Ill scientist.

In Kumamoto Prefecture, he fought twice in blood. It is where Natsume lives and where he meets monsters, leaving memories that he will never forget.

"Let's send some news to Natsume. The last time he came to Tokyo to visit me specially, he let him go back without a good hospitality. This time I hope to get together with him and his friends." Li Yan turned his head. Looking at the phone, he sent a text message to Takashi Natsume after thinking about it.

After several hours of driving, finally, under a clear sky, came to Kumamoto Prefecture.

Four students plus a professor moved into an apartment building arranged by the Kumamoto Prefecture Education Office. As a result, it seems that Kumamoto Prefecture’s high schools have long been waiting for it. Teachers have been sent over to negotiate specific lecture matters with the professor. It was crowded with teachers from all over the country who came to contact us. This made the four Dong University students stunned looking outside the glass door of the apartment. They always knew their tutors were very famous, but they didn’t know how to be famous. Let’s watch it now. When it arrives, it's almost exploding.

"Lee, you and Yamamoto are both boys. Let's take charge of the negotiation with the local high school teachers. You may have to run around and work hard for you. I will also prepare tomorrow's speech and the physics you will learn these days. To study courses, your courses these days should be in the conference room of this apartment. Remember, I am not interested in the quality of the middle school. The point is whether their students have the ambition to study physics, so that’s enough Now." Professor Kenichi Ogura walked out from the official of the Education Department and said to them both with a serious expression.

"Okay." Li Yan nodded with the male classmate.

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