I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 259

As a result, after Li Yan and this inexperienced classmate assigned a list of responsible areas, they opened the glass door and began to preside over the specific arrangements.

But in an instant, teachers from all over the world stood up from their seats and quickly gathered around like news reporters. They surrounded the two East University students who had just explained their work. Without any rules at all, Naturally, whoever makes the move faster will have the better control of the initiative.

"Wait a minute, everyone, report the names of the schools one by one, and we will arrange them according to the geographical location and facility conditions of the schools..." Li Yan and the others persuaded them one after another.

"Hold on, our school must also think about it!"

Suddenly, a female high school student wearing glasses also squeezed forward desperately, beckoning and calling.



As a result, in the crowded crowd, Li Yan, who was holding the list, saw this female high school student squeezing in, but it was the girl named Jun Sasada who came to Tokyo with Natsume last time.


"It turns out that Senior Natsume is an international student in the Department of Physics at the University of Tokyo, or a disciple of Dr. Ogura. That fellow Natsume didn't tell me this at all."

After finishing the basic negotiations, Li Yan reunited with Jun Sasada, Jun Sasada covered his forehead and said embarrassedly.When I first saw Li Yan, I thought it was just an ordinary student studying at a certain university in Tokyo. At this moment, I knew that Natsume didn't know when he became a master of science.

"I used to worry about Natsume for a while when I was in the university unified exam, which caused him a lot of trouble. However, he probably didn't know that my instructor was Professor Kenichi Ogura. This time it was my mentor who caught him as a coolie. of."

Li Yan explained.

"It turns out that, then, does our school hope to invite Professor Kenichi Ogura? I will come over here with the teacher to fight for it, but it is a bit shameful to say that the staffing rate of Natsume Middle School and I are a bit high (percent (Ninety students fail to enter the university), the principal has always felt that if there is a top physicist who is willing to give a lecture, the students’ enthusiasm for further studies will be slightly improved, but because of the remote location, the school’s popularity is too low , No other middle school is willing to cooperate with us at all, I am afraid that it will not be able to complete the tasks entrusted to me by the teachers."

Sasada Jun said with an awkward smile.

"Professors are not the kind of person who only gives opportunities to top students. He suddenly had a whim this time... No, he suddenly felt that he wanted to wake up the diminishing source of physics students, so he started this action. The junior and senior high schools are all abandoned, and there is only one left in the surrounding area. If there is really such a good publicity effect, you can consider letting the professor go over there and give a speech. I have to go to your school and do a field inspection. ,are you available now?"

Li Yan shook his head, denied Jun Sasada's worry factor, and asked.

"If you are free, please come to our school for a visit, senior." Jun Sasada said suddenly overjoyed.

In the afternoon, a tram stop in a countryside in Hitoyoshi City.

At this moment, the breeze swept across this green rice field. This is a rural area that has long been forgotten by young people and has various monster legends. Even the roads are a little bit dilapidated and can't compare with the big cities.

Natsume Takashi, Nishimura, and Kitamoto were waiting for Li Yan's arrival at the gate of the tram station. About half a month had passed since the last meeting, but unexpectedly this time Li Yan would visit their middle school as a professor and disciple.

While the classmates were still chatting, Takashi Natsume seemed a little quiet, while the teacher cat who looked like a lucky cat bulging in his backpack exuded a strong resentment.Staring at the door direction.

"Mr. Cat, although I promised to bring you out, please agree to me. Don't add trouble to the predecessors. Please don't forget about this." Takashi Natsume looked at Mrs. Cat with some worry and sighed as he reminded him.

"I see, as long as that guy withdraws his arrogant remarks for a year off, I don't plan to hold him accountable for the time being. However, I care about another thing." Teacher Mao Mi explained.

"Another thing?"

"So, Natsume, you didn't read the book he wrote at all. Recently, the monster has infighted for Li's novel. The heroine of that novel's biggest selling point is Xin Heng Ning Ning, she is strong. The person is beautiful, and the character is so distinctive, so it should be the heroine. But the other group of monsters led by Sanshio supports the good old man Akiyama Akiko, who is simply heresy, and can't understand this group of elm heads. Think of something."

Teacher Kitty explained with annoyance and dissatisfaction, while looking at Natsume and said, "So I plan to ask Li, who is the heroine, this is also very important."

"...Is that the case, but can't these be distinguished as long as you look at it, and the spoiler will affect the reading sense? I don't think it is necessary to cause disputes because of this." Natsume Takashi said with some surprise.

"You don't understand this. The so-called reading of stories is to study these. We monsters call this research "super learning"." Teacher Mao was a little disdainful, as if he was not speculative, and denied Xia Mei's opinion.

"..." Natsume Takashi had to smile, always feeling that the monsters seemed to be starting to lively. Isn't it a bad thing at all, it just a little annoys Senior.

Suddenly, a butterfly drifting leisurely attracted the attention of Teacher Cat. It was immediately sketched out with an instinctive desire. It stretched out its front foot to catch it, but did not catch it. As a result, it jumped from the bag. After getting down, he chased after the butterfly.

"Teacher Cat..." Natsume Takashi was taken aback for a moment, then stretched out his hand, intending to stop Madara.

"Natsume, what's the matter?" Nishimura noticed that there was something wrong with Natsume, and asked.

"No, nothing." Natsume Takashi had to give up, smiling.

I don't know how long he waited, but while waiting, a cold wind blew Xia Mei's body, his sixth sense consciousness immediately became alert, and he raised his head in amazement to look at the side where the wind was blowing.


A black shadow shrouded him, making Natsume feel bad.

As a result, a monster with huge eyes, a huge body and a disheveled hair flew out of the woods not far away, and a strong gale suddenly appeared.


Natsume suddenly thought to himself, but seeing the situation that his classmates could not notice at all, he immediately ran away, fleeing in the direction of the woods, and led the monster to other places, so as not to hurt him. friend.

As always, being chased by monsters, but always encountered during the period when Mr. Kitty was away, which made Natsume miserable.

But not far in front of running straight forward, there was a river. When he was a little worried about whether he could cross the river, suddenly, the monster rushed out of the woods on one side, using With dry hands, Natsume grabbed hard.


Natsume slammed into the tree suddenly.

"Quickly, quickly hand over the friend's account!!"

The monster stared at him grimly, and roared for something.

"Um..." Natsume Takashi was very painful and looked at the monster weakly. Because he could see the monster and there was a book called the friend's account on his body, he was always pursued by the monster.

At this moment, from the direction of the river, a jet of water suddenly sprayed directly on the eye of that monster, and the other party suddenly let down Takashi Natsume with pain.But before Natsume who fell to the ground had time to get up, the monster suddenly stretched out his hand, roared, and grabbed Natsume Takashi.

In front of the huge monster, a figure involuntarily leaped up and suddenly rushed to Xia Mei. The white coat was still so familiar and conspicuous, and he punched the huge monster.

With just one punch, it hit the monster's face like a divine punishment. The powerful force even deformed the opponent's body, and fell directly into the depths of the forest with a muffled sound. After that, it was silent.

Li Yan, standing in front of Natsume Takashi, panting, stared at the deep forest that swallowed monsters with cold eyes.

"What kind of monster is this... Natsume, are you okay?" Li Yan arrived in time. After the beating, he was a little hairy about the appearance of the monster. He turned his head and asked about the situation of Takashi Natsume.

"...Senior Lee?" Natsume Kishi asked, sitting on the ground in amazement.

"I just got off the car and heard your classmates say that you suddenly ran into the woods, and followed me with some worry. I didn't expect you to be in such a danger, now... it's probably all right." Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at it. The forest in front was still silent, feeling that the monster had been repelled by him, and said.

"So it's like this...Thank you for saving me, senior." Natsume Takashi said with a smile.

Li Yan stretched out his hand and pulled Natsume Takashi to his feet. Natsume also looked at the direction of the monster being beaten with some care. Although it is not clear how the other party was injured, the senior next to him was able to get a punch. Knocking down Teacher Cat, it certainly seems to hurt a lot.

"Let's go back, it's too dangerous here." Li Yan said to Natsume.

In the depths of the lush woods, Li Yan couldn't help but look in the direction of the river again. When he rushed over just now, perhaps Natsume could not see clearly, but Li Yan saw a jet of water suddenly shoot out from the river, as if something was helping. Natsume's escape is the same.

Just after Li Yan and Natsume left, the woods calmed down again. On the clear river, the girl with long blonde hair came out quietly from the water, watching their distant backs...

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