I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 273

By the way, it would be great if there were no readers who urged the update yet...


Complaining helplessly, Li Yan finally fell into a daze in front of Zazhou...

I don't know how long it was, Li Yan opened his eyes and didn't dream at all. However, when he opened his eyes, he thought he was sleeping on the bed in his room at first.

"Are you awake?" Suddenly, a girl's voice asked.

"...Uh, Miss Sasara?!" Li Yan turned his head to look, and saw that Sasara was beside him, looking at him worriedly.

"Great, Master Li Yan, it's great to be able to wake up..." After realizing that Li Yan had really woken up, Ziezhou suddenly relaxed and said with a smile.


Li Yan just said something, but all of a sudden, he realized that there was no pain in his whole body. He tried to get up and inspected his wounds. The result was not only a cut on the chest, but even the fractured part. He also recovered, and immediately made him feel whether he really had a dream?

"Don't worry, I helped you recover your wound. It used mermaid medicine. Now, this is the medicine made by mermaid. It just ran out." The mermaid girl knew what Li Yan was shocked and took out one from her arms. The small medicine jar said with a smile.

"...It turned out to be like this." Li Yan said with a smile suddenly in a daze.

"That's it... I'm sorry, Li Yan, and other monsters... Sure enough, I still pose a danger to you. I guessed that this one is a lie, but I still choose to try it, hoping that I can find it. One way...the result is still not great." Saizhou lowered his head and said to Li Yan apologizing.

Her beautiful face also looked very weak. The mermaid was a genie among the monsters. Now she has lost most of her demon power, her face is pale, but there is no danger to her life.


Li Yan sat on the empty ground, before he had time to answer anything, Natsume Takashi's voice came from behind him.


Both Li Yan and Sasaya looked over, and as a result, Takashi Natsume, Tanuma Yao, and the multi-track Tou who rushed over all ran towards him.

"Natsume, Tanuma... and multiple tracks..." Li Yan was a little surprised, looking at them, and said.

"Senior, are you okay?" Natsume Takashi knelt down, looking at him nervously and asked.

"The whole body is blood. Are you injured?" Multitrack suddenly covered his mouth in surprise, and asked in surprise.

"Anyway, let's take you to the hospital first!" Tianmao was about to help Li Yan up and said worriedly.

"No, Ms. Sasashu applied medicine to me, and the wound healed quickly. Originally, I thought I would really be unable to get up. Now, apart from feeling very weak, there is no discomfort... By the way, youkai What about them, how are they?"

Li Yan sat on the ground, shook his head, and then asked, worried about spotting them.

"...Is it really all right?" Natsume Takashi asked with some surprise.

As a result, the three of them looked at Li Yan's whole body and found that there were really no scars, some of which were just blood stains. They all looked at Sasha Zhou. As a result, the three of them immediately felt uncomfortable. They turned their heads and coughed a few times without paying attention to them. personal.

"That's it, this is great. Teacher Cat, most of them are injured there, but they are also worried about your safety. We probably understand everything, sorry, we didn't rush over in time..." Guizhi said apologetically.

"I didn't let them over."

At this time, Chang Jingsi came behind them and said coldly.

"...Thank you." Li Yan looked at this person's face and looked very similar to the young man called Chang Sanwu. He was a bit disgusted at first, but then he understood that this person was doing the right thing. , He didn't mean to say thank you.

"No, I'm the one to thank you. It should be said that you are my savior. The branch headed by my cousin seems to really intend to kill me. If I deal with it, I am afraid that I will not be able to do this for you. , Was killed long ago."

Chang Jingsi looked at Li Yan with a smile, and then looked at the one who was lifted up by his tribe, the one who was beaten by Li Yan and bleeds with blood and motionless Chang Sanwu, and said: "I will deal with this person again. And, it seems to have added trouble to Natsume-kun... I heard that his family was seriously injured, and modern medicine cannot immediately recover Natsume’s mother’s injury. I have a very precious secret medicine here, and I believe it will definitely be there. Helping."

Said Chang Jingsi, took out a wooden box from his arms and said with a sullen smile.

"Master, what are you doing? This medicine is to prevent the monsters from stealing the secret medicine behind your eyes. If you send it out like this..." A cadre of the Clan Clan cadres stopped his move. .

"Shut up, if it weren't for them, even if we had any medicine that didn't work, this gift should be taken by Natsume-kun. And I will never be taken by that monster, and I won't use this medicine. "Chang Jingsi turned around and glared at him suddenly, and said coldly.He threw the pill box to Natsume Takashi, turned and left.

"...Thank you, Mr. Chang." Natsume Takashi received this box of medicines. Although it is not clear what kind of medicine is hidden in it, he still thanked him.

"I said that I don’t need to thank you. I’m the one who thanked me. This is the secret medicine of the Chang Clan... The guy Chang Sanwu is not completely lying. We do have such secret medicine that can be brought back to life. , But generally it takes a lot of sacrifices for the family to collect this type of medicine. Generally, it can only be taken by the person in charge. I hope my aunt will recover soon."

Chang Jingsi looked at Natsume Takashi, then at Li Yan and the mermaid, and finally left with the Chang clan.

In the battle with Shura, it took about a morning. After Li Yan put on the new clothes that Natsume gave, he secretly threw the blood-stained clothes into the incinerator. It seemed that nothing happened.

Hitoyoshi City was thought to have experienced a mid-level earthquake disaster that day, and caused landslides in some forests, so it was not treated as a thing.

However, the group including Li Yan were reprimanded by the teacher for skipping class.

It seems that the Chang family tried their best to repay the help of Li Yan and others, and invited quite famous doctors and nursing staff to take care of the Fujiwara Tower. After secretly giving Fujiwara Tower the secret medicine of the Demon Master Clan, they escaped the dangerous period smoothly. Ren has also woken up and is recovering well. It seems that it is also because he is getting better too quickly. The talents of the Clan Clan specifically used his network to block the news of the tower and only revealed it to the Natsume family.

"In short, if the doctor said that if you take proper treatment, she will be discharged from the hospital soon. It is indeed the famous doctor invited by Natsume's friend. It is really amazing. Suddenly, the tower is completely recovered and it makes me completely relieved. Up."

At night, before the dinner table, Shigeru Fujiwara said to Li Yan and Takashi Natsume that his mood improved a lot and Natsume also felt a lot more at ease.

"Well, Aunt Tazi will be back soon."

Natsume Takashi said to him with a gentle smile.

At this time of celebration, Li Yan was invited by the Fujiwara family again to stay overnight. Because he helped a lot when he was in the hospital, Fujiwara intends to treat him well before returning to Tokyo tomorrow.

Strictly speaking, Li Yan and others also felt that this time they really need to be celebrated.

In the middle of the night, Li Yan attended another special banquet.

After a large area of ​​war, the scarred and bandaged monsters began to hold a banquet celebrating the defeat of Shura. Multitrack, Takashi Natsume, Takashi Tanuma, and Li Yan were all invited over. Although the monsters were still wounded, they were overflowing. In a lively and joyous atmosphere.

"Idiot, your wounds are dozens of centimeters long, and you still drink alcohol secretly!" Bing scolded the cat teacher who was drinking with joy while holding the pipe.

"Huh, what is this? Such a wound doesn't need any medicine at all, as long as I lick it is enough." Teacher Cat said disdainfully.

"Mr. Uesugi is really brave. We are all teachers' fans. We have been fascinated by you for a long time. Humans who can write such interesting stories must be very strong. I will buy ten books for a monster in the next volume. Your Excellency. By the way, I am a supporter of Akiko Akiyama. I think only idiots and stupid cats think that the president is the heroine. Teacher, can you tell me what you mean?"

San Xiao looked at Li Yan and whispered to the news.

"This...inconvenient spoiler." Li Yan whispered embarrassedly.

"So where is the seventh volume written, we are willing to provide a safe and comfortable place for the teacher to concentrate on writing..." San Xiao and a group of other monsters around Li Yan asked.

"So the sincere prayer at the moment I lost consciousness can't be fulfilled at all..." Li Yan squinted and didn't dare to say a word, thinking in distress.

The little girl monster with long brown hair has been with Natsume, Li Yan, and Teacher Cat. The surrounding monsters gradually became familiar to Li Yan, but when he thinks about the days when this group of people may be urging them, he feels a headache.

"Natsume... Lee... that, that, okay."

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